宮田 哲郎 松峯 敬夫 石田 孝雄 福留 厚 袖山 元秀 小山 広人
Japan Surgical Association
日本臨床外科医学会雑誌 (ISSN:03869776)
vol.44, no.8, pp.1087-1091, 1983-08-25 (Released:2009-02-10)

吉永 圭吾 小山 広人 松尾 聡 福留 厚 松峯 敬夫
Japan Surgical Association
日本臨床外科医学会雑誌 (ISSN:03869776)
vol.44, no.10, pp.1232-1236, 1983-10-25 (Released:2009-02-10)

脾嚢胞は比較的稀な疾患とされているが,著者らは最近,上腹部腫瘤を主訴とした68歳女性の巨大仮性脾嚢胞を経験した.重量は5,100gあり,その内容は黄色透明で,血清とほぼ同一の成分であった.従来本疾患は,特有な症状や検査所見に乏しい為,術前診断が困難とされてきたが,超音波検査及びCTスキャンにより容易に脾嚢胞と診断しえた.脾嚢胞は病理組織学的に真性,仮性に大別されるが,著者らが集計した自験例を含む236例では真性119例,仮性105例,分類不明12例となり,真性嚢胞がやや多かった.脾嚢胞は女性にやや多くみられ, 10歳台, 20歳台にピークがある.超音波, CTスキャン,血管造影などの検査により,以前ほど診断は困難でなくなってきている.治療は一般に脾摘出術が行われており,その手術成績,予後は共におおむね良好である.
福留 厚
昭和医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00374342)
vol.37, no.5, pp.425-435, 1977

Fot the determination of lactose by galactose-oxidase peroxidase (GOP) method, it is necessary to measure the amount of galactose liberated after the hydrolysis of lactose.<BR>(1) Hydrolysis of lactose-Lactose was hydrolyzed with 0.2% H<SUB>2</SUB>SO<SUB>4</SUB>or with living cells of <I>Escherichia coli</I>3-MT (a mutbile-type variant which decomposes lactose but not galactose) . By H<SUB>2</SUB>SO<SUB>4</SUB>method, the calculated dose of galactose was liberated after 2 hours. By MT method, free galactose increased rapidly after 2 hours and reached maximum after 3 hours. The volume of lactose solution was diluted to 1: 4 in the procedures of acid hydrolysis and neutralization, but not in MT method.<BR>(2) Determination of galactose liberated from lactose after hydrolysis- (i) Free galactose in the H<SUB>2</SUB>SO<SUB>4</SUB>hydrolysate of standard solution of lactose was measured by GOP or a cup-plate method using M (galactose-sensitive mutant of enteric bacteria) as the test organism. The amount of galactose was measurable in the range of 25-200&gamma;/2 ml in the case of GOP method, and 1.25-10&gamma;/0.1 ml in the case of M-cup method. (ii) Galactose in the MT hydrolysate was measured by GOP or M-cup method. The amount of galactose could be estimated in the range of 25-100 &gamma;/2 ml by GOP method, but the volume of MT hydrolysate was diluted to 1: 8 because of the necessity of deproteinizing. On the contrary, the amount of 1.25-10&gamma;/0.1 ml could be estimated by M-cup method without the need of deproteinizing.<BR>(3) Determination of lactose in the biological material- (i) Free galactose in the H<SUB>2</SUB>SO<SUB>4</SUB> hydrolysate of milk was measured by GOP or M-cup method. Although deproteinizing of the hydrolysate was necessary, the determination of galactose in the range of 25-100&gamma;/2 ml was possible by GOP method. By M-cup method, 1.25-10&gamma;/0.1 ml of galactose could be determined without the need of deproteinizing. (ii) The amount of galactose in the MT hydrolysate of milk was measured by GOP or M-cup method. While the estimation of 25-100&gamma;/2 ml of galactose was possible by GOP method after deproteinizing, 1.25-10 &gamma;/0.1 ml of galactose could be estimated by M-cup method without deproteinizing.<BR>From these experimental results, the combination of MT hydrolysis and M-cup method proved to be most sensitive for the determination of lactose in the biological material.