柿野 亘 竹内 基 伊藤 寿茂 成田 勝 中村 咲蓮 塩練 元輝 杉山 真言 岡田 あゆみ 筏井 宏実 眞家 永光 馬場 光久
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.54, pp.23-35, 2023-02-28 (Released:2023-03-07)

In recent years, the classification system of Unionoida (Margaritiferidae, Unionidae) has undergone major changes from conventional methods by shell morphology, due to breakthroughs in approaches based on molecular phylogenetic analysis. We compared the classification system trends of the Margaritiferidae and Unionidae distributed in Japan, and pointed out that there is a time lag to the classification determinations of the latter. Although the scientific names have been changed, the existence, distribution, and ecological information (ex. host fish for glochidia) of two Japanese margaritiferids have been established, and conservation measures and regulations based on the Red List and laws can be expected. On the other hand, the Unionidae consisted of 3 subfamilies, 11 genera and 15 species has increased to 2 subfamilies, 13 genera and 26 species (excluding alien species) by the new classification system reported in 2020. Therefore, information on the distribution and ecology of many new species must be elucidated. A new classification system will be assumed the further revision, especially for the genus Sinanodonta, and the risk of some local populations extinction increase before clarifying the actual situation of species. We are now proceeding to clarify the early life stage of some Unionoida mussels (ex. parasitic stage, salinity tolerance), but insufficient knowledge of the life cycle of Unionoida has prevented the establishment of complete ex-situ conservation methods. Conversion project of numerous reservoirs are that the most important habitats for Unionidae species pressing forward in Japan. In light of this situation, it is hoped that the new classification system that can serve as a basis for on-site conservation will spread throughout as soon as possible to realize comprehensive conservation.
片野 修 馬場 吉弘 大原 均 河村 功一 佐藤 正人 熊谷 雅之 竹内 基 伊藤 正一 富樫 繁春 井上 信夫
一般社団法人 日本魚類学会
魚類学雑誌 (ISSN:00215090)
vol.61, no.2, pp.97-103, 2014-11-05 (Released:2016-12-25)

The distribution of Nipponocypris temminckii was investigated in 24 rivers in Nagano, Niigata, Yamagata, Akita, Iwate, and Aomori Prefectures, the species being collected at seven study sites. Amongst non-benthic fishes, N. temminckii was exclusively dominant in two rivers. Supplementary records of the species in Nagano, Niigata, Akita and Iwate Prefectures were also described. Rivers in which investigations had been conducted over two or three years showed an increasing proportion of N. temminckii, indicating successful colonization of the species.
酒井 治己 栗原 善宏 古内 友樹 岡田 あゆみ 竹内 基 柿野 亘 須田 友輔 後藤 晃
The Malacological Society of Japan
Venus (Journal of the Malacological Society of Japan) (ISSN:13482955)
vol.80, no.3-4, pp.47-66, 2022-08-26 (Released:2022-08-26)

カムチャツカ・サハリン・千島・日本列島地域から記載されたカワシンジュガイ属 Margaritifera 担名タクサのタイプ標本を調査した結果,この地域を通して2種の存在が確認され,それぞれカワシンジュガイMargaritifera laevis(Haas, 1910)及びコガタカワシンジュガイM. kurilensis(Zatravkin & Starobogatov, 1984)に同定された。前種は前閉殻筋痕上縁が丸く擬主歯が比較的小さいこと,一方後種は前閉殻筋痕上縁が角張っており擬主歯が比較的大きく頑丈なことによって特徴づけられる。コガタカワシンジュガイにしばしば適用されてきたM. middendorffi (Rosén, 1926)は M. laevisの新参異名であると判断された。また,M. middendorffi の新参異名とされてきた M. togakushiensis Kondo & Kobayashi, 2005 は,M. kurilensis の新参異名と判断された。