豊島 亮 羽深 久夫
札幌市立大学研究論文集 = SCU journal of Design & Nursing (ISSN:18819427)
vol.9, no.1, pp.31-42, 2015-06-30

本研究は,これまで研究の行われていない20 世紀初頭のラ・ショー=ド=フォンにおけるスイスのフランス語圏のアール・ヌーヴォーの作品を対象とし「ART NOUVEAU 2005~2006」の公式サイトから各作品の写真資料,作者名,制作年代,所蔵場所等に着目してモチーフについて検討を行ったものである.ラ・ショー=ド=フォンでは,2005年から2006 年にかけて博物館のコレクションや,壁画など市内のアール・ヌーヴォーの作品101 点を巡るイベントが行われ,それらは「応用美術」「階段装飾」等と11 の種類に分けられて紹介されている.また,写真資料から主に用いられているモチーフは,植物16種類,動物8種類に分類出来ることが明らかになった.
町田 和樹 金子 晋也 羽深 久夫
札幌市立大学研究論文集 = SCU journal of Design & Nursing (ISSN:18819427)
vol.11, no.1, pp.93-99, 2017-07-18

本研究は,ニューヨーク マンハッタン島を研究対象地として,都市的な文脈から高層建築のあり方を捉え直すことを目的とする.研究方法は,マンハッタンにおける高層建築61事例を選定し,そのボリュームの形態や表層の特徴を整理することにより, 4 つの形態のパターンを得た.さらに, これらのパターンを地図上にプロットし,高層建築の形態とその建設された地域との関係性を明らかにした.最後に,複数の高層建築が形態や表層の操作により,一体的でまとまりのある空間が作り出されている事例を検証することで,その構成を明らかにしている.
長沢 麻未 角 哲 小澤 丈夫 羽深 久夫
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.81, no.729, pp.2507-2516, 2016 (Released:2016-11-30)

This paper describes about the development process and methods of “Fuzoku-nojo”, the farms of Sapporo Agricultural School, and their roles played in the development of the adjacent regions. Since the establishment of Kaitakushi in 1870, the farmlands in Hokkaido were developed by governmental immigration division system. On the other, Sapporo Agricultural School established its own eight farms for the technical experiment and training for the young engineers by 1896. Both of the architectural and regional planning characteristics of innovative trials in such school farms and their influence to the adjacent areas have not been studied sufficiently so far. The authors describe that the rural areas adjacent to those school farms are distinguished from the other standardized development areas.
堀田 里佳 羽深 久夫
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.737, pp.1661-1671, 2017 (Released:2017-07-30)

Nowadays, zoos are expected to make an important contribution to the conservation of biodiversity through species preservation involving the breeding of rare animals, and facilities capable of raising animals are required to take their living environment into account. Apes in particular have advance intelligence, and thus are susceptible to stress in their living environment. One after another, Japanese zoos are introducing towers in their facilities for arboreal apes (chimpanzees, and orangutans) for environmental enrichment. Though many towers have been built, research studies have not been conducted to find out how the animals are using the facilities from the perspective of architecture and landscape. The purpose of this study is to identify the spatial utilization during the behavior of chimpanzees on trees in zoos from an architectural perspective and design tower configurations in consideration of behavioral characteristics. We selected the outdoor tower of the chimpanzee facility at Sapporo Maruyama Zoo for this study; one of the tallest and largest facilities in Japan and one with a large breeding population. We divided the shape and materials of the tower into constituent elements such as columns, beams, ladders, decks, pipes, and ropes, and a conducted a behavior analysis focusing on the tower elements frequently used by the chimpanzees in their tree-borne behavior. We recorded arboreal behavior dividing it into locations on trees of mainly static behavior of relatively long duration and instantaneous and dynamic behavior of relatively short duration. The on-tree rate was 81.5%, which was close to the 81.1% rate of the Kyoto University Primate Research Institute and the 83.7%rate in the wild at Bossou. The frequency of arboreal behavior was 3.72 times/minute, a value that can be expected to attract the attention of zoo visitors. We found that chimpanzees preferred higher locations where visitors could not look down on them, and they simultaneously used a combination of locations that can support their torsos with a stable posture and members of graspable size located slightly above them when maintaining their posture on trees. The results showed that chimpanzees travel back and forth 20 m between the trees and the ground, and prevent falling by grasping branches. This matched the behavioral characteristics of wild semi-arboreal ape chimpanzees and was a major factor in chimpanzee selection of locations on the tower. Moreover, we found that during arboreal behavior, the chimpanzees use members that support their torsos and members of graspable size, and the distance between the elements was within their height range. Adults preferred firm members for gripping rather than unstable components like long swaying ropes, while children and infants frequently used continuous members such as nets and trusses, revealing that which elements were used differed depending on age. Taking into account these behavior characteristics, the conditions required for tower configuration are the providing of various spots on a tower combining members to support torsos with a stable posture and peripheral elements of shapes and sizes for grasping. Both elements can be provided by setting up a steel truss structure using pipes of graspable sizes, enabling a structure with a very effective configuration. Usage based on individual size and athletic ability is enabled if the horizontal distance between members such as beams is less than the height of adults, and if members are arranged at an incline. Paying attention to creating locations on trees receiving shade, arranging them at heights in relation to visitors and other details, as well as adding ropes and nets for children, are also necessary.
喜田 信代 羽深 久夫 篠野 志郎
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.75, no.650, pp.947-954, 2010-04-30 (Released:2010-06-14)

The church of Imamura was constructed by the local master-builder, Yosuke TETSUKAWA, around 1913. This paper aims to clarify its management and the execution scheme of constructing the church of Imamura, by verifying comprehensively the various records, written by Yosuke at the construction site. As a result, it is presumed that Yosuke prepared to make architectural drawings for construction in advance and then estimated the proper amount of the building material by using the relevant drawings. Based on there evidences, Yosuke is highly presumed as a local contractor to have established the modern construction system for undertaking its project in the church of Imamura.