村上 しほり 大場 修 砂本 文彦 玉田 浩之 角 哲 長田 城治
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.739, pp.2441-2450, 2017 (Released:2017-09-30)

This paper aims to clarify the GHQ military disposition which changed rapidly and nationwide location of Dependent Housing (army family house) and the numerical transformation process in the occupied Japan by the U.S. document. Soon after Japanese people had begun to convert the building stock which was left after WWII, occupation forces were stationed in each place and began the requisition. The occupation forces requisitioned the building which was judged to be available locally in the short term and they rehabilitate it and used. D.H. was built approximately 12,000 houses, and about 70% was built newly in Japan. The construction of D.H. was hurried, and because material was short, it was often supplied in black markets. And, by grasp of the numerical transformation process of D.H., the different requisition situation and situation of distribution became clear in each district. 9 districts where there were dependents more than 200 households as of June 1, 1948 are as follows in decreasing order. Tokyo, Yokohama area, Tachikawa, Osaka area, Kobe, Johnson, Yokota, Nagoya area, Kyoto. It's that there was the large-scale new construction enlargement is more than 50 in there having been enlargement in 8 districts in 12 districts belonging to the 5th Air Force, 5 districts (Nagoya, Tachikawa, Johnson, Itazuke, Itami) of those to understand from the numerical changes from June 1948 to October 1950. Enlargement was not seen in the district that belonged to the 11th AirBorn Division (Sapporo, Hachinohe, Jinmachi), the 1st Cavarly Division (Asaka, Nagai, Ota, Omiya), BCOF (Etajima, Miho, Hofu, Fukuyama), Navy (Totsuka), the 5thA/F (Kisarazu, Chitose, Kanoya) and the 24th Infantry Division (Kumamoto, Beppu). From the number of new construction and rehabilitation and the numerical transformation, it was inferred that the situation peculiar to the occupied area had an influence on the judgment of the requisition and the D.H. construction. Procurement demands of the occupation forces disturbed inflection of building stock of the city space attacked by the war damage. It's the fact that we can't overlook in thinking about after the war of each city. The requisition house rebuilt as a general tendency became the derequisition earlier than new construction. The new D.H. has many examples removed with the return of the requisition, and there are many still uncertain points because there is little number of the existence. In this study, it was clarified that correlation of military unit deployment and D.H. of the occupation forces by the cross-reference of records of the both Japan and the United States. The result of this study will make the base that pushes forward the study on history of city and building in each occupied area.
角 幸博 石本 正明 角 哲 原 朋教
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.13, no.25, pp.287-290, 2007-06-20 (Released:2008-08-01)

This report is the result of investigation of existing lighthouses in southern Sakhalin which were built during the Japanese period (1905∼1945). In southern Sakhalin, ten lighthouses including one beacon light were built during the Japanese period. Seven lighthouses were exist, six of them were in operation. These lighthouses are Lopatina (former Kenushi, 1918), Tonin (former Airo, 1935), Aniva (former Nakashiretoko, 1939), Lamanon (former Chirai, 1940), Slepikovsky (former Konotoro, 1943) and beacon light of the Rock of Danger (former Nijyouiwa, 1926). All of them were constructed by reinforced concrete. Moreover, houses for lighthouse keeper built in Japanese period are used now. We hope that these modern heritages for Japan and Russia will be preserved.
辻原 万規彦 角 哲 青井 哲人
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.23, no.53, pp.303-308, 2017 (Released:2017-02-20)

The existence of the fire insurance maps for the area under the Japanese mandate before World War II had not been previously confirmed. However the fire insurance maps for Karafuto (Sakhalin), Taiwan and Asahikawa, Hokkaido, before World War II were newly discovered at the Chiyoda City’s Hibiya Library & Museum. In addition, these over 380 maps were scanned and digitalized, to compare with various other similar maps in order to identify the characteristics of these fire insurance maps. These fire insurance maps contribute to our deep understanding of the urban history for these areas and cities.
角 哲 大場 修 砂本 文彦 玉田 浩之 村上 しほり 長田 城治
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.86, no.780, pp.617-627, 2021 (Released:2021-02-28)

The purpose of this article is to clarify the construction process and features of Camp Crawford in Makomanai, Sapporo. It was named after Joseph Ury Crawford, advisor and U.S. railway engineer of the Hokkaido development commission (Kaitakushi). Upon the occupation of Japan, the general headquarters (GHQ) set the 9th corps, 8th army’s headquarters in Sapporo, chosen primarily because of Hokkaido’s location. Several notable cities in Japan were war damaged, hence had little facility stocks. Sapporo, on the other hand, was intact and had enough supplies. These were essential aspects in establishing the headquarters in Sapporo. GHQ ordered the Japanese government to construct 20,000 dependent housings (DH) in March 1946. This proved difficult because building materials were scarce, so some construction projects were stopped. However, deemed by the government as essential in the Cold War due to its strategic location, Camp Crawford’s construction continued and was erected quickly in Sapporo. GHQ appropriated the land of the Hokkaido Animal Husbandry Experimental Station Makomanai as the site. It was located south of Sapporo’s city center, about 4-6 kilometers away, upstream of Toyohira river. Jozankei railways was at the eastern side. These proved valuable to maintaining good living conditions and sanitation. Also, beneficial for swift construction. Private contractors organized a special union to construct the new camp. The union received the contract as a single unit. This approach was outstanding at that time since it can be recognized as the initial stages of a joint venture (JV) agreement. The JV was definitively established during the 1950’s in Japan. Construction was delayed but eventually completed as supply of building materials for this particular camp was a priority. 8th army head Eichelberger evaluated it as “too expensive.” Consider though, that the camp had several facilities and covered a vast plot of land. Also, the land area for one DH was the largest among all camps in Japan. The DH and troop housing (TH) were developed concurrently, a unique feature here since, typically in GHQ’s camps across Japan, these would be built separately. This camp’s site plan was influenced by topography and old facilities. TH and DH areas were situated in the eastern part of the site where it was dry and higher than the west. The service facilities were on the west amidst gently rolling terrain. TH was on the upper section of the site’s eastern part, laid out on a grid using the old farm road. Below it, the DH was arranged on curved roads, following GHQ standard. Several facilities were added, making the camp almost a small city. TH area had, among others, an office, PX, bakery, church, theater, clubs, library, gym, sports grounds, and golf link. DH area had detached and row houses using GHQ standards, except for the roof material. Instead, the roof was finished with sheet iron, characteristic of the cold region, and contributing to high costs. However, the GHQ used existing facilities and new buildings were simple. The camp was generally using excellent specifications when compared to Japanese buildings at that time. After derequisition, late 1950's, the site was transformed to the Japan Self-Defense Force Base and a prefectural residential area, Makomanai Danchi. The DH area was once used as Olympic village, the golf link for stadiums. Camp Crawford is the foundation of present residential suburbs.
角 哲 角 幸博 池上 重康
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.72, no.619, pp.165-172, 2007-09-30 (Released:2017-02-25)

In this paper, we examine the residential area of Oji Paper Co. Ltd. Tomakomai factory. The residential area had located around the factory. Officers area located near the main office, and the welfare buildings had a high amenity for officers. Worker's area located around officers. Officers area didn't expand but got number of residence increased. Almost all the houses made from wood, and served out by the company until WWII. The structure of the houses changed into concrete blocks or RC. after the war. Many welfare buildings were there in this company town, buildings for officers, like club-house, were built led to workers before 1933. After that, the welfare buildings were served for all employees without difference of class after 1933.
大矢 通弘 角 哲也 嘉門 雅史
公益社団法人 地盤工学会
地盤工学研究発表会 発表講演集 第39回地盤工学研究発表会
pp.659-660, 2004-03-05 (Released:2007-01-18)

角 哲 角 幸博 石本 正明
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.69, no.577, pp.173-179, 2004

This paper examines nine company's residential areas of Oji Paper Co. Ltd. in KARAFUTO (present southern Sakhalin). About each area, it carried out under explanation with the viewpoint of development circumstances, site planning, housing, and welfare buildings. Those company's residential areas are classified as an urbanized type and a remote district type. However it had same components and construction in domestics, because both had the purpose of recruiting employees in KARAFUTO where was developed on large scale after 1905. It had gradually changed into intentional site planning and improved habitability, especially in Showa era. As measureres against fire prevention of dwellings, massive firewalls and R.C. apartment houses were constructed. Housings and welfare buildings provided city-amenities for employees in KARAFUTO.
角 哲 角 幸博 石本 正明
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.69, no.577, pp.173-179, 2004-03-30 (Released:2017-02-09)

This paper examines nine company's residential areas of Oji Paper Co. Ltd. in KARAFUTO (present southern Sakhalin). About each area, it carried out under explanation with the viewpoint of development circumstances, site planning, housing, and welfare buildings. Those company's residential areas are classified as an urbanized type and a remote district type. However it had same components and construction in domestics, because both had the purpose of recruiting employees in KARAFUTO where was developed on large scale after 1905. It had gradually changed into intentional site planning and improved habitability, especially in Showa era. As measureres against fire prevention of dwellings, massive firewalls and R.C. apartment houses were constructed. Housings and welfare buildings provided city-amenities for employees in KARAFUTO.
大矢 通弘 角 哲也 嘉門 雅史
Japan Society of Dam Engineers
ダム工学 (ISSN:09173145)
vol.13, no.2, pp.90-106, 2003-06-15 (Released:2010-06-28)

ダム堆砂を浚渫や掘削などにより排除し, その土砂をリサイクルすることを考える. ダム堆砂のリサイクルにとってコストが大きな制約条件の一つであるが, これまでコストに関する分析例は少なく, あっても骨材利用に関するものに限定されていた. 本文では, 環境利用も含めたダム堆砂リサイクルのコスト分析を行った. そして, 近年研究が進んでいるPFIやリスク・マネジメントの考え方をダム堆砂リサイクルに初めて適用することにより, ダム堆砂リサイクルの事業可能性を明らかにした. その中で, 貯水池土砂管理の視点に基づいた, 官民合同プロジェクトとしてのダム堆砂リサイクル事業の新たな事業枠組みを提案した.
佐藤 凌 小澤 丈夫 角 哲
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.82, no.734, pp.1115-1123, 2017 (Released:2017-04-30)

This paper is to describe the development process of architectural sheet metal technology and to clarify how to use sheet metal in modern detached houses designed by architects in Hokkaido. In Hokkaido, architects should pay special attention to the details of exterior because frost damage and deterioration due to the large temperature difference between inside and outside of the building are very serious. Consequently, houses in Hokkaido have developed in harsh climatic conditions, differentiated from traditional japanese houses in other regions over the years. For instance roof tile is not applicable to avoid the snow slide from the roof and it is indispensable to take air tightness, weatherability and insulation under cold climate into account. While there are various materials nowadays, sheet metal is the most relevant material in Hokkaido by such reasons, as well as the advantage in low cost and lightweight. This paper assumes that sheet metal technology has made its own development inevitably in Hokkaido responding to the specific climate conditions ahead of other regions in the modern period after World War II. The authors know that early works by Akihisa Endo, Fujio Adachi and Naoaki Ogaki reported about houses in Hokkaido before 1970's focusing on remarkable plan types, space configurations, roof shape and so on. On the other hand this paper examines charasteristics of the exterior since 1980's, the period that the progress was made in the insulation technology. Sanko Metal Industrial Co., Ltd., a major steel manufacturer in Japan, appeared in 1949. Sanko lead sheet metal industry then advanced to Hokkaido in 1950. It promoted mechanization of sheet metal production by "taking full responsibility for construction process". As a result, some sheet metal companies including Sanko associated voluntary organizations and created a total production and construction system and made contribution to the modernization of sheet metal technology corresponding to the social situation. In this paper, the authors report three major notable issues as follows: (1) While there were some independent craftsman unions in major cities, for instance, Sapporo, Otaru, Muroran and so on, they need to organize an integrated system which dominates such local unions to cooperate with each other. Two features were required, such as a hierarchical and cooperation system among several companies of production, construction and sale. Kitasanyukai established in 1960 is the most characteristic union. It contributed to achieve stable supply of sheet metal in Hokkaido. (2) To prevent rain leaking due to the heavy snow, it is inevitable that sheet metal technology was well-developed in Hokkaido. Densification of the city is another cause for the spread of sheet metal technology since the snow slide from the roof cause troubles with neighbors and damage the windows, walls and so on. Corresponding to such circumstance, Sanko invented molding machine for long metal plate roof. Since then, various sheet metal methods, which make possible to design pitched roofs even in densely populated area, was made, such as Snow Stopper Roof produced by Makita Co., Ltd.. (3) Houses with pitched roof, one of the main feature of the original landscape in Hokkaido, increased since the range of choices of roof shape and roofing method extended. Moreover, architects managed and improved to use sheet metal in each parts of exterior and started taking advantage of various light reflection and so on. Finally the authors concluded that sheet metal technology and craftmanship as well as craftmans unions in Hokkaido took a leading role after World War II.
角 幸博 石本 正明 角 哲 原 朋教
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.13, no.25, pp.287-290, 2007-06-20

This report is the result of investigation of existing lighthouses in southern Sakhalin which were built during the Japanese period (1905〜1945). In southern Sakhalin, ten lighthouses including one beacon light were built during the Japanese period. Seven lighthouses were exist, six of them were in operation. These lighthouses are Lopatina (former Kenushi, 1918), Tonin (former Airo, 1935), Aniva (former Nakashiretoko, 1939), Lamanon (former Chirai, 1940), Slepikovsky (former Konotoro, 1943) and beacon light of the Rock of Danger (former Nijyouiwa, 1926). All of them were constructed by reinforced concrete. Moreover, houses for lighthouse keeper built in Japanese period are used now. We hope that these modern heritages for Japan and Russia will be preserved.
角 幸博 石本 正明 井澗 裕 松本 浩二 角 哲
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.8, no.15, pp.335-338, 2002-06-20 (Released:2017-04-14)

This report is the result of investigation of buildings which remain on the east and west parts in Southern Sakhalin during the Japanese colonial period (1905-45) in 2000 and 2001. We point out that there are about 260 buildings in existence and explain on the main 8 constructions during the Japanese colonial period. We report on the main facilities of six old paper mills, the hospital of the Karafuto garrison, the Toyohara carbonization factory which was first government-managed factory in Japanese colonial period, Oji paper company houses and Hoan-den shrines etc.
角 哲 越澤 明
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.80, no.713, pp.1707-1715, 2015 (Released:2015-08-18)
1 3

This paper examines influence of reconstruction plans for downtown's formation after great fires by focusing fireproof buildings belt's construction process in Odate city, Akita prefecture. Before the great fire in 1953, city and prefecture governments couldn't progress their legal city planning. But fireproof buildings belt, built by a reconstruction plan in 1954, actually protected the great fire in 1956. As a result, citizen's consciousness for fire prevention changed and national, prefecture and city government could promote their plan. It is present basis of Odate city's downtown. Reconstruction planning were useful for re-development of the downtown of Odate city.
春名 攻 北角 哲 五十嵐 善一
Japan Society of Civil Engineers
建設マネジメント研究論文集 (ISSN:18848311)
vol.2, pp.139-148, 1994

會澤 拓磨 小澤 丈夫 角 哲 山縣 彩
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.83, no.744, pp.365-374, 2018 (Released:2018-02-28)

This paper aims to grasp the background of the formulation of Gestaltungsplan (hereafter GP) and its planning process by the city of Zurich, and to clarify the features of GP to be referred as a method of contemporary urban design. GP is one of the urban planning methods used for developing buildings and urban space since 1980 in Zurich, Switzerland and it is a comprehensive urban design method which regulates building volumes, arrangements, uses and infrastructures and so on. Currently in the city, the department named "Amt für Städtebau"(Urban Planning Bureau, hereafter AfS) is in charge of services such as management of urban design and planning. GP is formulated by AfS for effective utilization of land including regulations concerning on the three dimensional form of the building. Apart from GP, AfS operates the plan for the whole city called "Bau- und Zonenordnung" (hereafter BZO). BZO includes regulations that are the foundation for determining land use and architectural forms. With the GP being formulated, you can overwrite the contents of the BZO in the planning site and plan beyond the provisions of BZO individually. Since the city established GP in 1980, the city authority has run 83 cases throughout the city by May 2015, and the GP plays a major role in the urban development activities. In addition, the urban design method established by GP in Zurich city attracts attention as a superior system in which local governments, especially the city have great authority and operate. The authors came up with the following conclusions. When AfS started to operate the GP in Zurich city, there was a situation in which urban environment was worsening because of densification due to population increase in the city and reduction of construction space. We clarified that GP is a spatial planning method that decides comprehensively the three-dimensional arrangement of buildings, architectual form and scale and land use. We also clarified that GP is custom-made for each planning site. As a management system that enables such urban space design, we clarify the following three points in the planning process system. In the planning phase, the application of the landowner is the starting point of formulation of GP. As for the plan, AfS cooperates with landowners, designers and multi-disciplinary experts including construction and urban experts, and they establish agreements with each other. Finally, regarding the design, since the planning contents of GP has legal force, it determines the role of the designer, and it leads to the realization of excellent buildings. This system which executes planning and design by establishing agreements in order to achive a superior urban space in a feature of the GP management system. Buildings and urban spaces realisation based on GP are not only beneficial to the landowner but also they are successful in creating excellent urban landscapes and public interest. By GP, the city respects the context of existing cities and practices high-quality urban design coordinated by each department of the city. By referring to the concept of GP system, we can get useful knowledge in orienting towards the formation of excellent urban spaces.
辻原 万規彦 角 哲
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.86, no.785, pp.1998-2009, 2021-07-30 (Released:2021-07-30)

When we examine the relationship of the governing process by the Empire of Japan with their construction activities in the area under Japanese administration,it is important for us to examine the state and the role of Japanese administration office buildings. Karafuto Prefecture, commonly known as South Sakhalin, was officially established by the Empire of Japan in 1907 after the Russo-Japanese War. In this study, we focus on the headquarter buildings of the Karafuto Agency in Toyohara, presently Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, Sakhalin Oblast (Prefecture), Russian Federation. The drawings included in the official documents of the Karafuto Agency owned by the Archives of Hokkaido were listed and scanned. Most of these drawings, 48 in total, have not had previous references. These drawings and documents made it possible for us to examine the overview of the headquarter buildings of the Karafuto Agency in Toyohara. Before the conflagration in 1942, this headquarters of the Karafuto Agency consisted of several buildings: the two-storied main building (including the old wooden building, the new reinforced concrete annex, and the old reinforced concrete annex), the two-storied old wooden annex, the two-storied new wooden annex (including the new wing and the temporary wing), some storehouses, and other small buildings. The Room names or roles in these buildings were also identified by using some drawings. The construction periods of each building were roughly estimated by several drawings and documents. There is a possibility that Mr. Yasushi TAMURA, “Gishi”, chief engineer of the Karafuto Agency, planned the two-storied old wooden main building with reference to the standardized layout for the division headquarter building in the Imperial Japanese Army in the Meiji era. However, the conflagration in 1942 destroyed the two-storied old wooden main building constructed in 1907 and some small buildings. After the conflagration in 1942, at the same site they planned a two-storied reinforced concrete new headquarter building with its basement, which was formed in an inverted m-shape. However, practically, because of the lack of Japanese governmental budget they constructed only the east part of this building: the front entrance part, one-storied north wing with the basement, two-storied main part with the basement, and two-storied east wing with the basement in 1945. There is a possibility that Mr. Yoshio KAIZUKA, “Gishi”, chief engineer of the Karafuto Agency, planned this new headquarter building with reference to the typical layout for the prefectural office buildings in Japan in the Showa era. Furthermore, there is a high possibility that the existing building, which are found out at present at the same site, is part of this new headquarter building that was planned and constructed after the conflagration. Because some drawings for old main building of Karafuto Agency constructed in 1907, some drawings for the old annex and the new annex, and some elevation drawings for the new headquarter building were not confirmed, our confirmation of these materials is our future issue.
角 哲 中江 研 中野 茂夫 小山 雄資 平井 直樹
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.79, no.701, pp.1673-1681, 2014-07-30 (Released:2014-09-30)
1 2

This paper examines land selection process for new factory and development of worker's settlement by Nippon Steel Co.Ltd. in the 1930's from 3 scales, region, city and settlements. It was first time for Nippon Steel to construction of factory at a place near big cities. That location was a general tendency of at that time. Japanese government and Hyogo Prefecture restricted development by Nippon Steel aiming at realization of ideal city planning. The plan of urban development of Hyogo prefecture and Nippon Steel were differed greatly. Nippon Steel acquired the company residence sites as a factory, and constructed company houses.