no.60, 2013-01-15
肥田野 直
東京大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:04957849)
no.18, pp.p49-82, 1978

Department of Educational Psychology Relationships between social desirability (SD) scale values based on different assessment procedures were studied as follows : 1) The social desirability of 526 items from the MMPI Tokyo University Revised Edition were rated on the Heineman 5-point scale by subjects consisting of 100 male and 125 female university students. They were first asked to rate the degree to which the yes (true) response to each item was favorable on the 5-point scale. The most favorable rating was scored 1 and least favorable scored 5. Then subjects were asked to rate the no (false) response to the same item on the same scale. The mean scores of each subjects group was used as the S-D scale value for each item. It was found that the S-D scale value of "yes" response and that of "no" response were almost complementary. Descrepancies between the scale values of the "yes" response and those of the "no" response were found with some items. Most of them had high S-D scale values on the "yes" response, but did not have very low S-D scale values on the "no" response; that is, they were judged as desirable on both "yes" and "no" response conditions. On the other hand, a few items which had low S-D scale values on the "yes" response were found not to have very high scale value on "no" response. Less descrepancies were found in female subjects than in male subjects. 2) The subjects consisted of 195 male and 67 female university students who were asked to rate the social desirability of 500 items from TPI on the Edwards 9-point scale. According to this scale the most desirable rating was given 9 points. Correlations between two sets of the S-D scale value on the "yes" response to 263 items which were common to both the MMPI Tokyo University Revised Edition and the TPI were sought : Correlation coefficients were found to be -.947 for male and -.938 for female subjects respectively. The negative efficients were due to the rating scales which had reversed directions. Those high correlation coefficients suggested the stability of the S-D scale values of the same items put in different personality inventories. 3) The S-D scale values of items from the TPI obtained from 262 subjects, males and females combined, were analysed by means of principal component factor analysis. The highest factor loading found in the correlation matrix between subjects was.936, and the next highest was.017. The fact that there was only one dominant factor suggested that the subjects were homogeneous in terms of social desirability rating. However, among 10 factors extracted from correlation matrix between items the highest loading was only.262, the rest of the loadings were much lower. This indicates that the subjects' criteria for desirability rating varied from item to item. 4) Percentages of "yes" response (probability of endorsement) and percentages to "no" response were obtained in normal adult sujbects (300 male and 300 female) with items from MMPT Tokyo University Revised Edition administered under regular instruction. Correlations between those percentages and the S-D scale values were obtained. Coefficients were higher with "no" response than with "yes" response in both male and female subjects; that is, -.668 with "yes" response and -.702 with "no" response in males and -.594 with "yes" response and -.625 with "no" response in females. When subjects were asked to fake themselves desirable, the correlation became much higher ; coefficient was -.517 with regular instruction and -.946 with faking instruction in "yes" responses, and -.536 with regular instruction and -.940 with faking instruction in "no" responses. In this experiment 125 female students were administered the MMPI Tokyo University Revised Edition two times with 2 weeks interval. In the first time the inventory was administered with regular instruction and in the next time it was given with the instruction to fake.
宇佐美 慧 名越 斉子 肥田野 直 菊池 けい子 服部 由起子 松田 祥子 斉藤 佐和子
一般社団法人 日本教育心理学会
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.59, no.3, pp.278-294, 2011 (Released:2012-03-27)

発達障害・知的障害のある子どもたちに対して適切な支援を行う上で, 社会適応上必要なスキルを安定的かつ多面的に測定する検査の開発が求められている。そこで, 本研究では, 社会適応スキル検査の作成を試みた。まず予備調査では, 項目内容や採点法の適否等に関する検討を行い, また定型発達群(N=959)の標本をもとに各項目の困難度, 内的整合性の検討を行った。その結果を踏まえて, 本調査では, 特別な教育的ニーズのある群(N=560)と定型発達群(N=2,027)の標本をもとに, 各項目の内的整合性の再評価や因子分析モデルに基づく妥当性検証を行った。その結果, 検査の下位スキルとして設定した「言語スキル」, 「日常生活スキル」, 「社会生活スキル」, 「対人関係スキル」において実用上十分な内的整合性が認められ, また一因子性の観点から下位項目の因子的妥当性も確認された。また, 実用上の観点から, パーセンタイルに基づく社会適応スキル指数の算出や, 水平線表示を利用した個人内評価の方法についても検討を行った。最後に, 本検査を適用したADHDの子どもの一事例を通して本検査の臨床的有用性を考察した。
肥田野 直
教育心理学研究 (ISSN:00215015)
vol.2, no.3, pp.41-58, 67-68, 1954

低照度下における横組みのローマ字および「かな」の活字の可読閾を測定して結果, 次の諸点が明らかにされた。(1)1音節を表わす場合と単語を表わす場合の何れにおいてもローマ字大文字の可読閾は小文字や「かな」の可読閾に比較して低い。(2)ローマ字小文字は母音を表わす場合は「かな」より可読閾が高いが, 母音以外の音節を表わす場合は「かな」よりも低い。また, 有意味単語を表わす場合は「ひらがな」よりは高いが「かたかな」と同程度の可読閾が得られ, 無意味音節を表わす場合は「ひらがな」と同程度で「かたかな」よりは低い可読閾が得られる。(3)単独の文字として呈示された場合は「ひらがな」も「かたかな」も可読閾においてほぼ等しい。単語して呈示される場合は前者の可読閾が方が低い。しかし, 外来語系統の単語では両者の差がない。(4)単独の文字として呈示された場合, 濁点・半濁点の存在は「かな」の可読閾を著しく高くする。特に「バ」行と「パ」行の「かな」の識別が困難である。しかし有意味単語においてはその影響が殆んどみられない。一方無意味音節においては単独に呈示された文字の場合と同様な影響がみられる。(5)ローマ字小文字は単独に呈示される場合よりも2字以上組み合わせて呈示した場合の方が可読閾が低い。この場合を除いては, ローマ字でも「かな」でも文字数と可読閾との間に一義的関係は認められない。(6)実験に用いられた5種類の音節に関する限り訓令式ローマ字と標準式ローマ字の可読閾に差はみとめられない。(7)単語の意味の有無によって「かな」の可読閾が異なるが, ローマ字の可読閾には殆んど影響がない。(8)ローマ字で表わされた国語の単語と英語の単語の可読閾に差は認められない。ただし, 固有名詞のようにローマ字の形で目に触れる機械の多い単語は一般的な国語の単語よりもローマ字の可読閾が低い。