花里 俊廣
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.85, no.770, pp.955-965, 2020 (Released:2020-04-30)

In 1887, Karuizawa was developed by British and American missionaries who were working in Japan, as a place for forming friendships extending beyond Protestant beliefs. In the prewar period, around 1930, Karuizawa became the most popular summer resort in Japan thanks to its cool and pleasant climate. Around that time, many Japanese noblemen and celebrities also built holiday homes there; however, the most highly prized locations had already been bought by foreign missionaries. This made Karuizawa an exotic place that accommodated many foreign nationals during the summer. This study examines the foreign residents living in holiday homes during wartime in Karuizawa and reveals that, for a short period of time, the colony of foreign residents functioned as a meaningful community. The following are summaries of each section:  The first section includes the background and objectives of the study and a review of previous studies.  The second section compares the ownership of the holiday homes owned by foreign nationals before and after the war to help understand the changes that occurred and the holiday home area. Because of the war, the original owners were replaced with new ones. Most prewar holiday homes had a balcony on the first floor that made it easier to meet other residents. We consider that this open structure helped build a community.  The third section describes changes as regards the residents. We evaluated the approximate number of foreign residents and revealed that prewar residents were mostly British or American missionaries; in contrast, postwar residents were generally evacuees from neutral countries. Differences between the living styles of Westerners and Japanese meant that the new residents tended again to be Westerners. The number of foreign nationals living in Karuizawa peaked in the summer. Their oral histories suggest that a community was established that helped them to survive.  The fourth section describes diplomatic cables with the message “Immunité (do not bomb) Karuizawa,” sent from the Swiss Legation in Japan by the Swiss Minister, Camille Gorgé. Although he described the community as being a colony of Swiss in cables to the United States asking Karuizawa to be spared, he highly valued the community, which comprised many nationalities including Germans. This means that although he did not know Karuizawa well, he thought that its status should be maintained.  The fifth section summarizes the results of the first to fourth sections.  In addition, the final years of the war saw various events in Karuizawa, including the preparation of the Imperial Villa (Omiya Palace) as a place of evacuation for the Empress Dowager Teimei, and a visit by Foreign Minister Togo to former Prime Minister Konoe. The above reveal Karuizawa to be a very fascinating place.
花里 俊廣 佐々木 誠 木川 剛志
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.76, no.668, pp.1771-1780, 2011-10-30 (Released:2012-01-25)

In this paper, we would like to clarify the way of differentiation among the dwelling unit plans by their spatial configuration in super-highrise condominiums developed in Tokyo Metropolitan Area. In the former part, through the interview to the architects, we illustrate their understanding toward the livingroom-connected type, which is used as relatively compact units, and corridor-connected type, which is used as larger and more privacy-secured units, is structured. In the latter part, we analyze that the variation among the livingroom-connected, intermediate and corridor-connected type is used for the ordering of unit plans, and that the order of the three unit plan types form an axis of values. We also point out that there are a few patterns of strategic unit arrangement in an apartment building and discuss that the architects use the axis to fulfill the various request from their clients.
朴 鍾来 花里 俊廣
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.70, no.593, pp.57-63, 2005
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In order to verify the validity of the hands-on exhibition in science museums, this study undertakes visitor tracking research, and clarifies the influence of the exhibit method affected on the visitors' behavior. We categorized the exhibit method into three types, i.e., experience type, participatory type and viewing type, and compared them from behavioral aspect. The first two types can be called as hands-on exhibit method and the last hands-off. As the result of the survey on 452 exhibitions and 5560 visitors' behavior, we found that the average consumed time per exhibition of the experience type is 69.5 seconds, that of participatory type 90.1 seconds, and that of view type 39.8 seconds. We also analyzed that the number of behavior per exhibition of the experience type is highest and that of the participatory type the second. Moreover, based on the result of the behavioral data, the length of expected stay time is calculated according to the ratio of the exhibit methods, and it compared with the observed stay time. Calculation of expected stay time was proved to be within allowable error range, and confirmed that it can simulate expected stay time in other exhibition plans of science museums.
花里 俊廣 佐々木 誠 温井 達也
一般財団法人 住総研
住総研研究論文集 (ISSN:21878188)
vol.38, pp.89-100, 2012 (Released:2017-08-10)

何 昕 花里 俊廣
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.78, no.687, pp.969-978, 2013-05-30 (Released:2013-06-10)
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Through the comparison between Chinese and Japanese condominium laws, this study clarifies characteristics of comparted ownership system and space management in modern China. The findings are as follows.1. The Chinese condominium law consists of simplified Real Right Law as the superior law, and some auxiliary laws. In China, land is granted for a fixed term, generally 70 years for residential use.2. In China, the division between exclusive space and common space are not clear. The method of calculating exclusive area is different from that of Japanese law, and difficult to do it.3. Although the Chinese housing management system based on Japanese Condominium Law, the whole business of management has been consigned to the property company, the role of strata council is forced to retreat as a management entity, and there are fewer rules of management bylaw but much more rules about repair reserve fund.
花里 俊廣
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.676, pp.1283-1292, 2012

This paper aims to clarify the social activities by the foreign people of Karuizawa in the summer of 1930. First, we investigate several archival data of the years 1911, 1919, 1930 and 1939 in order to situate the summer retreat area in Karuizawa around the year 1930. Through the investigation of these data, we would be able to find out that, while substantial number of villas owned by forigners have been existed, the ones owned by Japanese have increased rapidly and have started to mixed together. Second, by the analysis on the correspondent articles of the newspaper, The Japan Times, in the summer of 1930, we could understand that their summer activities having been started from a series of Chirstian missionaries meetings and the annual meeting of the Federation of Chiristian Missions, that were followed by the Karuizawa Summer Residents' Accociation tennis tournament, its community concerts, and ended with farewell social gatherings. In addition, all of these activities seems to be well structured in order to entertain both foreign and Japanese occupants.
花里 俊廣
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.672, pp.247-256, 2012-02-29 (Released:2012-03-07)
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This paper illustrates the status of the ownership and the occupancy by foreigners at the summer retreat areas in pre-war period Karuizawa. The study endeavours to investigate House Directory, Karuizawa Summer Residents' Association Handbook 1930. About eighty percent of the foreign poeple who have owned and occupied villas in Karuizawa are the missions and delegates to the annual meeting of the Federation of Christian Missions, which had been held from 1894. This intensity of missionaries also atracted secular foreigners and the upper class Japanese. Most of the foreigners have lived aggregatedly in the original residential area such as Atago, Sakuranosawa and Kamanosawa which have been developed until the end of Meiji Era, although the vast areas around them had been developped by the Japanese people lately. We find that the foreigners' dominant inter-personal environment is characteristic of the core area.
デグズマン マリア カリナ 花里 俊廣 冨江 伸治
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.66, no.545, pp.107-114, 2001
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フィリピンにおける集合住宅開発の歴史はまだ浅く,フィリピン特有の生活様式にあった住戸空間の形成に向けた研究は,まだ不十分な段階にある。本研究の目的は、こうした状況を踏まえて、フィリピンのマニラ首都圏に政府によって建設された2つの集合住宅を対象として住まい方調査を行い、異なる所得層のために計画された住戸空間の間に存在する共通性、類似性、および相違点を明らかにし、フィリピンにおける集合住宅計画の糸口を得ようとするものである。具体的な調査対象は、ケゾン市バランガイ・コモンウェルスのMRB住宅(Quezon City Baranggay Commonwealth Housing Project)1996年完成/フィリピンにおける公共集合住宅の最近の事例)と、同市ディリマン(Diliman)のサン・ヴィセンテ・グリス住宅(San Vicente Bliss Housing Project), 1980年完成/フィリピンにおける公共集合住宅の初期の事例)である。前者の入居対象は低所得層、後者は準低所得層が想定され、各住戸ユニットの床面積は、前者が19.50m^2、後者が54.00m^2と、規模に差がある。また、両住宅ともオーブン・プラン方式を採用しており、入居時点で、電気、水道関連設備以外、間仕切り、仕上げ等は入居者が自由に行うことになっている。フィリピンにおける公共住宅開発においては、このような方式が一般的である。したがって、調査対象2例の場合も、入居者が各ユニット内の空間構成を決定、デザインしたものである。研究の方法は、各々の住戸ユニット内での住まい方を調査したうえで、空間構成をスペース・シンタックス(Space Syntax)手法を用いて空間構成を解釈し、両者を比較して類似点、相違点を示す。MRB住宅については、調査した50戸の住戸ユニットの一戸あたりの平均居住者数は4.62人であり、空間構成は居間を玄関に直接隣接して配置し、食堂・台所、寝室への導入空間として位置付けるという一定のハターンが見出された。また、狭い住戸面積のため寝室では2段式ベットを使用する場合が多く、居間を寝室として兼用するケースも見られた。寝室空間および収納スペースを確保するために、屋根裏・ロフトを設けることも一般化していることが分かった。サン・ヴィセンテ・ブリス住宅で調査した30ユニットについては、平均居住者数は5.85人であった。空間構成では居間が玄関に直結する傾向を示し、その点でMRB住宅の事例と類似している。ここでも食堂・台所がその他の部屋への移動の中心的経由空間としての役割を有していることが確認された。この住宅は、各住戸ユニットが比較的広い床面積を有していることから、寝室空間が食堂・台所に隣接する形で十分確保さわていた。また2室以上の寝室を有するケースでは、1部屋が居間に隣接する形で設けられていた。以上のような調査から、フィリピンの公共集合住宅の住戸ユニット内の空間構成について以下のようにまとめることができる。1)ジャステイファイド・グラフ(Justified Access Graph)では、2事例の住宅ともに当然ながら共通して、居間が住戸ユニット内と住戸外空間とを結び付ける空間的役割を担っていることが示された。さらに、住戸ユニット内の殆どの部屋が食堂・台所と隣接する形で配置されており、食堂・台所が住戸ユニット内で空間的な中心的機能を果していることが確認された。2)居間および食堂・台所の奥行(Relative Assymetry)算定値は低く、雨空間か居住者の日常生活において最も頻繁に使用されていることを示している。このことは、ジャスティファイド・グラフが視覚的、図式的に示した住戸内の空間の相互の連関状況を裏付けるものであり、両空間が各住戸内で営まれる生活において極めて高い統制機能を有することを実証している。同様のことは、空間統制値(Controlvalue)の算定数値によっても確認することができた。結果として、フィリピンの公共集合住宅では、住戸の規模の大小に関わらず、居住者の使い方を反映した空間の構成・配置において一定の構成をなしていることを明らかにした。ただし、詳細にみると床面積規模が各室の住まい方に影響を与えており、サン・ヴィセンテ・ブリス住宅では各室とも特定の機能、目的に応じて使い分けられているのに対して、MRB住宅では限られた床面積の影響から各室が複数の機能を担っており、たとえば居間は寝室、子供の学習空間、さらには食堂を兼ねているケースがある等の状況を示した。
花里 俊廣
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.77, no.676, pp.1283-1292, 2012-06-30 (Released:2012-07-27)

This paper aims to clarify the social activities by the foreign people of Karuizawa in the summer of 1930. First, we investigate several archival data of the years 1911, 1919, 1930 and 1939 in order to situate the summer retreat area in Karuizawa around the year 1930. Through the investigation of these data, we would be able to find out that, while substantial number of villas owned by forigners have been existed, the ones owned by Japanese have increased rapidly and have started to mixed together. Second, by the analysis on the correspondent articles of the newspaper, The Japan Times, in the summer of 1930, we could understand that their summer activities having been started from a series of Chirstian missionaries meetings and the annual meeting of the Federation of Chiristian Missions, that were followed by the Karuizawa Summer Residents' Accociation tennis tournament, its community concerts, and ended with farewell social gatherings. In addition, all of these activities seems to be well structured in order to entertain both foreign and Japanese occupants.
花里 俊廣 平野 雄介 佐々木 誠
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.70, no.591, pp.9-16, 2005-05-30 (Released:2017-02-11)
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This study aims to discuss the spatial configuration of the large-sized condominium units currently supplied in the Tokyo Metropolitan Area analyzed by adjacency graphs of the Space Syntax Theory. The analysis has been carried out on four controlled groups as to the floor area from approximately 70 to 125 square meters. The result turns out that the larger a floor area is, the more varieties of adjacency graphs we can observe. We also obtain another finding according to the classification of adjacency graphs by means of Relative Asymmetry Value (RA) that there is a tendency to the private-room-aggregation type prevails rather than the more hierarchically ordered living-room-centered type.