森田 啓 荒牧 亜衣 植木 陽治 深澤 浩洋
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.64, no.1, pp.303-313, 2019

The purpose of this research is to consider ways to encourage critical thinking in Philosophy of Physical Education and Sports classes. Introductory classes for students specializing in sports education were observed. Students reviewed a specific example in which a batter was given an intentional walk five consecutive times and they aimed to consider the case critically.<br> Right after watching the case on screen, students noted whether they agreed with such a practice or not. Then, 3 points were explained and students noted their opinion again.<br> The 3 points were;<br> (1) position of activities of sports clubs<br> (2) regarding it as a competitive sport<br> (3) regarding it as part of education (Physical Education)<br> In 4 years, 8 classes were held and 1,020 students participated in them. 118 of them (11.5%) changed their opinion after listening to the explanation. It must prove that those students were able to analyse even their own initial judgement critically and perceive it differently.<br> Furthermore, the following became clear from comments written after the classes:<br> By watching and using a specific example on screen, there is a possibility to eliminate/reduce negative images some people hold towards sports(P.E.) philosophy or philosophy. It also increases the possibility to engage students positively by introducing active learning of actually thinking and writing down their opinions.
田原 淳子 嵯峨 寿 真田 久 建石 真公子 舛本 直文 三浦 裕 師岡 文男 來田 享子 荒牧 亜衣

人類にプラスになるレガシー(遺産)をもたらす持続可能なオリンピックについて調査・検討を行った結果、オリンピズムの現代的解釈のもとに、大会を含むオリンピックムーブメント全体の見直しが肝要であり、具体的には、人権保障の遵守、競技種目の実施形態の多様化、All for Sports for All概念に基づくスポーツの普及・推進、自然と人的・社会的環境への配慮、オリンピズムを核とした、国際教養としてのオリンピック教育の普及・推進と文化プログラムの展開、計画的なレガシー創造とその活用等を、グローバルにローカルを加えた「グローカル」な視点で展開することが求められるとの結論が導かれた。