谷口 勇一
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.59, no.2, pp.559-576, 2014 (Released:2014-12-20)
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With the enforcement of various sport policies with a focus on strategic and comprehensive community sport clubs promotion, debate over the management form of extracurricular activities in Japan has been more focused on the trend of relationship-building both inside and outside of school. In this study, we discuss the validity of the club management form that is centered on activities inside the school, in an attempt to critically consider relationship-building trends. For this, we examine cases where a relationship has been initially formed, but then dissolved, by means of an interview survey with some teachers involved.   The relationships formed in comprehensive community sport clubs and extracurricular activities were achieved through the aggressive behavior of a single health and physical education teacher. Many school teachers in Japan feel responsible for the day-to-day club guidance. Therefore, cooperation with school sport activities outside the school is also open to other teachers. However, with regard to relationships with out-of-school activities, the consciousness of teachers began to change. In this study I confirmed the occupational culture of teachers, which involved “complicated efforts to build up relationships with local residents”, “a sense of extracurricular activities in school education,” and “indifference to out-of-school activities”. In fact, building relationships between comprehensive community sport clubs and extracurricular activities ended in failure.   Thus study has highlighted a drawback of current sports policy content in Japan. Current sport aims at the creation of a sports environment in all regions, including schools. However, no consideration seems to be given to the viewpoint of teachers who have supported sport in school. As long as there is no form of club management where teachers are indispensable, the situation in Japan would appear to be difficult.
谷口 勇一
大分大学教育福祉科学部研究紀要 (ISSN:13450875)
vol.35, no.2, pp.137-151, 2013-10

わが国のスポーツ振興は,総合型地域スポーツクラブ育成を###中心として展開されている。学校,企業を中心としてきたこれまでのスポーツ振興の形態は限界を迎え,代わって,地域を中心としたスポーツ振興が叫ばれ始めている。以上のような,地域を中心としたスポーツ振興の動向の中で,学校部活動の存続形態も過渡期を迎えようとしている。すなわち,教師と生徒のみで実施されてきた学校部活動の運営形態は,地域住民との積極的な関係づくりが期待され始めている。###そこで本研究では,すでに,学校部活動と総合型地域スポーツクラブの関係を構築してきた先駆的な事例をもとに,両者の関係構築をめぐる課題と可能性について検討した。当該事例からみえてきた課題と可能性は以下に集約できる。1学校外地域とのスポーツ交流を促進するためには,積極的な交流意欲を有する教師の存在が不可欠であること,2しかしながら,学校全体としての交流意欲の高まりをみることは大変困難であること,3学校部活動と総合型地域スポーツクラブの関係構築にあたっては,学校単位ではなく,教育制度全般の見直しの中で検討されることが必要であること,等である。###A steady advance of sports in Japan has been made through centering on the promotion of comprehensive community sports clubs. The###traditional type of sports promotion which has centered on schools and enterprises has now almost reached the limit, and what is called for is the promotion of community sport. The fact is, the continuance of###extracurricular sports activities is now entering a transition period. The system of school sports clubs which hither to only teachers and students have joined is now expected to be also joined by community inhabitants.###The author has discussed the problems and possibilities of combining sports club activities with community sports club activities, reviewing the pioneering examples where school sports clubs and community clubs have been successfully combined.###The conclusion is as follows: (1) Teachers are needed who are aggressively eager to interact with community sports activities. (2)However, it is very difficult to obtain increasing enthusiasm for this kind of###interchange across schools as a whole. (3) It is necessary to review the whole educational system, not the system in individual schools, in order to build a promising relationship between school sports club activities and comprehensive community sports club activities.
谷口 勇一
