松井 奨吾 徳永 正浩 吉川 慎一 長谷川 千紘 近藤 篤史 西浦 伸子 井上 慎也 冨永 信彦 前田 哲生
一般社団法人 日本血液学会
臨床血液 (ISSN:04851439)
vol.63, no.11, pp.1513-1519, 2022 (Released:2022-12-08)

症例は34歳男性で,特記すべき医学的背景はなし。1回目のmRNA-1273 COVID-19ワクチン接種4日後に発熱が出現した。SARS-CoV-2 PCR検査は陰性で,抗生物質で改善を認めず。接種10日目に好中球・血小板減少および肝機能障害により紹介入院となった。フェリチンと可溶性IL-2レセプターの上昇も認めた。活動性ウイルス感染症は否定的で,CTでは感染巣はなく肝門部リンパ節腫脹と軽度の肝脾腫を認め,血液培養は陰性であった。骨髄検査で血球貪食像を認めたがリンパ腫細胞の浸潤はなし。血球貪食性リンパ組織球症と考えてmethylprednisolone(2 mg/kg)を入院当日に開始し,発熱は速やかに消失し,検査値異常も改善後に再燃を認めず。他の誘因がなく接種直後に発症したことからワクチンによる二次性血球貪食性リンパ組織球症と最終診断した。極めて稀ではあるがCOVID-19ワクチンの種類によらず報告されており,致命的となりうるため早急な診断と治療が重要と考える。
早川 吉彦 山下 拓慶 大粒来 孝 妙瀬田 泰隆 佐川 盛久 近藤 篤 辻 由美子 本田 明
医用画像情報学会雑誌 (ISSN:09101543)
vol.27, no.3, pp.50-54, 2010 (Released:2010-07-28)

The wavelength range of the near infrared (NIR) light is called `water window.' The superficial vascular imaging system using near infrared light sources was developed as those using both the reflected light and transmitted light. An NIR-sensitive CCD camera was surrounded by approximately sixty light emitting diodes (LEDs) , which have alternating wavelengths of 700 (visible light) , 760, 810 and 940nm, respectively. The camera detected the reflected NIR from superficial subcutaneous tissues at the palm and back of hands, and the wrist. Differences between wavelengths were significantly observed. Images taken at 940 nm the most clearly showed the vascular vessels at insides of these regions. As an application of the NIR imaging system, we examined whether the system was the beneficial tool for finding superficial subcutaneous foreign bodies or not. Twelve light sources of 940 nm LEDs were aligned for the transmission imaging. The alien substance examined was a mechanical pencil lead with 0.5 mm diameter. Chicken and pork meats (approx. 1 to 10 mm in thickness) were used instead of human skin. The thickness and fat contents were affected on the detection. As results, the NIR imaging was thought to be the beneficial tool for finding subcutaneous alien substances detection.
大野 恵一 村田 龍宣 近藤 篤 尾上 雅英 松本 公佑 渡邊 裕之 星田 唯史 眞下 惠次 平 大樹 角本 幹夫 菅野 清彦 本多 伸二
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.46, no.7, pp.367-372, 2020-07-10 (Released:2021-07-10)

Albumin-bound paclitaxel (Abraxane®) is a lyophilized preparation that takes time to dissolve. Previously, we used a metal needle for dissolving Abraxane®. We then transitioned to a side hole-type plastic needle to prevent accidental needle-stick injuries. There is no literature regarding the ideal needle type, according to the material it is made of, for dissolving Abraxane®, and the effect on the characteristics of Abraxane® after dissolving with each needle is unknown. Therefore, we investigated the efficacy of the plastic needle for dissolving Abraxane®. The formulation was dissolved in three ways: by injecting saline for 30 s with a metal needle (M30s), injecting saline for 15 s with a plastic needle (P15s), and injecting saline for 30 s with a plastic needle (P30s). Each group was kept at rest for 5 min after saline infusion, and then the dissolution time was estimated. The median dissolution time was 82.5 (15 - 210) s for M30s, 75 (30 - 135) s for P15s, and 45 (15 - 120) s for P30s. P30s had a significantly shorter dissolution time than M30s (P < 0.01) and P15s (P < 0.05). There was no significant difference in the dissolution time between M30s and P15s; however, P15s tended to have a shorter dissolution time than M30s. We measured the diameter of Abraxane® particles after dissolving with each needle and found that the diameter was almost the same. Therefore, a side hole-type plastic needle might reduce the dissolution time compared with a metal needle without affecting the characteristics of Abraxane®.
佐野木 茂 近藤 篤史
vol.50, pp.241-242, 1995-03-15
