近藤 雅雄 藤田 昌彦
Japanese Society for Food Hygiene and Safety
食品衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00156426)
vol.26, no.6, pp.624-629_1, 1985-12-05 (Released:2009-12-11)

緑青(塩基性炭酸銅) を0, 70, 220, 670, 2000ppm, それぞれ飼料中に混ぜ, 3, 6, 12か月間飼育したラットの骨髄及び末梢血液中のヘム生合成系諸酵素活性を測定した. その結果, 雄の12か月間, 670及び2000ppmを投与した群で明らかにヘム合成系の酵素障害が確認され, その程度は2,000ppm投与群でより強いことがわかった. しかしながら, 雌においてはほとんど影響がなく, 性差があることがわかった.
川本 智章 井戸 健一 人見 規文 磯田 憲夫 大谷 雅彦 木村 健 望月 真 広田 紀男 近藤 雅雄
一般社団法人 日本肝臓学会
肝臓 (ISSN:04514203)
vol.30, no.2, pp.241-246, 1989-02-25 (Released:2009-07-09)
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症例は49歳,男性.昭和58年,肝機能障害を指摘された.昭和62年4月,当科を受診し,多発性の高エコー病変を指摘され入院.既往歴として25歳時,輸血歴がある.39歳より糖尿病を指摘され,Glibenclamideを内服している.飲酒歴はビール1本/日,30年間.入院時,皮膚症状はなく,軽度の肝機能障害を認めた.腹腔鏡検査では軽度の白色紋理と小陥凹を認め,多数の円形~地図状の暗紫青色病変がみられた.超音波腹腔鏡にて同病変は高エコーに描出された.紫外線照射により,生検標本の暗紫青色部に,淡い赤色蛍光がみられた.生検組織像はchronic persistent hepatitisであり,暗紫青色部には脂肪変性を認めた.ポルフィリン体の分析では,尿中ウロポルフィリン,及び7-カルボキシルポルフィリンの増加を認め,皮膚症状を欠く晩発性皮膚ポルフィリン症と診断された.本症例の確定診断には,腹腔鏡検査,及び超音波腹腔鏡画像誘導下の狙撃生検法が極めて有効であった.
劉 雲宝 千葉 百子 稲葉 裕 近藤 雅雄
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.56, no.4, pp.641-648, 2002-01-15 (Released:2009-02-17)
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Objective: Keshan disease is an endemic cardiomyopathy found in Keshan, north-east China. The first patient was identified in 1935. This disease is characterized by a blood circulation disorder, endocardium abnormality and myocardium necrosis. Selenium (Se) deficiency is thought to be a major factor by Chinese scientists. However, the exact etiology has not been clarified up to now. The government decided to apply sodium selenite to growing crops, and the incidence of the disease decreased dramatically. However, a few cases still occur as chronic or latent types. This paper reviews Keshan disease from a historical aspect and also the present situation.Methods: We made a reference survey and summarised the etiology, pathological changes, clinical manifestation, and other views of Keshan disease.Result: So far, epidemiological surveys have shown that Keshan disease occurs in large areas in 14 provinces in China, mainly in the countryside. It has been confirmed by clinical and pathological studies that Keshan disease is an independent endemic myocardial disease caused by biological and geological factors. The largest prevalence age rates are boys under 15 years old and women of childbearing age. There are several hypotheses; acute carbon monoxide poisoning, virus infection, malnutrition, or selenium deficiency. The first is not currently believed to be the cause. The following was pointed out; studies on the relationship between diet and the endemic areas of Keshan disease in 1961, where the food custom of the local residents was relatively simple and a so-called “one-sided diet” (eating a limited variety of food) might be related to the incidence of Keshan disease. In 1973, large-scale investigations on the natural environments were performed in the endemic areas of Keshan disease in the whole country. As a result, it was reported that there was a relationship between the incidence of Keshan disease and the special natural environment in the endemic areas and the cause of Keshan disease was strongly supported by nutritional, biological, geological and chemical (selenium deficiency) factors. In 1981, on the other hand, it was found that the levels of antibodies against Coxsackie virus were higher in the serum of Keshan disease patients than of normal subjects. This fact supposed that the cause of Keshan disease was related to a virus infection. However, it is difficult to explain why the clinical and pathological manifestations of Keshan disease are similar to those of other diseases, e. g. idiopathic dilatational myocardial disease. Further research should be performed on Keshan disease to clarify the etiology.