酒井 英樹
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.854, pp.17-00064-17-00064, 2017 (Released:2017-10-25)

This paper considers ways to increase stability of wheelset hunting. The aim of this study is to introduce formulas which represent the damped natural frequency and its damping. This has been done by analytical and not by numerical calculation. These formulas are functions of mass, creep coefficient and other wheelset parameters. These formulas are obtained with a 2 degree of freedom wheelset model whose radius of gyration of yaw equals to a half of gauge and whose creep coefficient is isotropic, in the first part of this paper. In the second part, based on one of these formulas, ways to increase damping of wheelset hunting are discussed. First, it is shown that a longer wavelength of geometrical hunting is effective in reducing hunting at all vehicle speeds. Secondly, it is shown that at speeds slower than a certain speed, the damping is increased when the ratio of the wheelset mass to the creep coefficient is larger. Further, a symbolic formula for this boundary speed is obtained. Thirdly, if it is assumed that the wheelset mass is proportional to the square of the wheel radius, then at speeds higher than a certain speed, the damping is increased when the wheel radius is larger. Moreover a symbolic formula for this boundary speed is also obtained.
酒井 英樹
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.854, pp.17-00043-17-00043, 2017 (Released:2017-10-25)

Sport riding performance on racing circuits and other locations is seen as an important element in the marketability of motorcycles. In sport riding, some riders start a turn while braking or start acceleration (driving) while turning. Furthermore, the braking aspect of sport riding performance is also critical to accident avoidance performance since it is similar to that of the braking during cornering performance. Consequently, in this paper a fundamental study was carried out to determine methods for improving the cornering limit performance during driving and braking. In the case of four-wheeled vehicles, the G-G diagram is used as a method to indicate the cornering limit performance. In the G-G diagram the longitudinal driving and lateral driving of the vehicle are set as the two axes. Therefore, the first part of this paper proposes a G-G diagram for motorcycles theoretically. In the latter part of this paper, this paper discusses the braking force distribution ratio of front wheel that would maximize the maximum lateral driving, the influence of the normal load distribution ratio of front wheel on the limit cornering property and the influence of the height of the center of gravity on it. From these result, this paper proposes methods for improving the cornering limit performance while braking.
小林 春奈 永村 一雄 酒井 英樹 井川 憲男
vol.19, no.2, pp.1063-1066, 2007-08-24

We practiced .thermal measurement outdoors using solar reflective materials that have the potential to suppress heat-island effect. Solar reflectance is calculated by heat balance in one case that samples are horizontal and the other case that samples are inclined so that the angle of incidence is almost normal incidence (about 7degree).We estimate that retroreflective components are 4 to 14 percent for bead-embedded type, 17 to 19 percent for capsule-lens type, and 23 to 30 percent for prism-array type.
渡邉 時夫 酒井 英樹 浦野 研
全国英語教育学会紀要 (ISSN:13448560)
vol.7, pp.101-110, 1996

The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the characteristics of teacher talk and the development of spontaneous production ability in the Japanese-speaking children learning English in a kindergarten immersion program. This was done by comparing the teacher talk of two different English-speaking teachers, L and R. These two classes were almost the same in terms of size, children's age, and curriculum. A comparison of the children's L2 development in the two classes revealed that the children in one class produced more creative English, whereas the children in the other used more set phrases. It was hypothesized that this difference may have been due to a difference in quality of L's and R's teacher talk. Analysis of their teacher talk confirmed this hypothesis.
酒井 英樹
