鈴木 円 Madoka SUZUKI 昭和女子大学初等教育学科
學苑 = GAKUEN (ISSN:13480103)
vol.892, pp.83-95, 2015-02-01

The term Spartan education, translated into Japanese as "Suparuta kyoiku" is widely used nowadays to mean "severe education." This paper reviews 12 Japanese books or articles on Spartan education published from the 1870s to the 1970s and examines how the authors have understood Spartan education and in what context they have used the term. The above materials, published from the early Meiji to post-war period, suggest that Japanese learned about the education system of ancient Sparta from Western academic sources. However, after the influential bestseller, Shintaro Ishihara's Suparuta Kyoiku(Spartan Education; A book for raising tough kids), was published, leading Japanese educators seem to have begun using the term "Suparuta kyoiku" to mean Japanese militaristic education. Historically, Western classical scholars have acknowledged the value of Spartan public education in contrast to Athenian individualistic education. However, Japanese educators seem to have failed to understand the value of Spartan education because of the change in the understanding of the term "Suparuta kyoiku." The author concludes that educators ought to have used that term with that original sense in mind.
鈴木 円 田中 章夫 菊池 建太郎 草間 薫 鈴木 正二 坂下 英明
小児口腔外科 (ISSN:09175261)
vol.20, no.1, pp.54-57, 2010-06-25 (Released:2014-07-18)

Cat-scratch disease (CSD) is a zoonosis characterized by lymphadenopathy in a patient with a history of cat contact. CSD is caused by Bartonella henselae infection and is a common cause of regional lymphadenopathy. The manifestations include erythema or papules at the site of injury and regional lymphadenitis in the initial stage of infection.   We report the case of a seven-year-old boy who presented with swelling of the buccal. CT showed extensive lymphadenopathy in multiple lymph nodes in the buccal and submandiblar regions. He had a history of contact with cats. Serologic examinations for IgG and IgM titers to Bartonella henselae were performed by an indirect fluorescence assay. This assay revealed positive serum antibody titers for Bartonella henselae.   On the basis of these results, CSD was diagnosed, and the patient was given an antibiotic for 14 days. After that, the patient recovered, with no recurrence.
鈴木 円 Madoka SUZUKI
學苑 = GAKUEN (ISSN:13480103)
vol.892, pp.83-95, 2015-02-01

The term Spartan education, translated into Japanese as "Suparuta kyoiku" is widely used nowadays to mean "severe education." This paper reviews 12 Japanese books or articles on Spartan education published from the 1870s to the 1970s and examines how the authors have understood Spartan education and in what context they have used the term. The above materials, published from the early Meiji to post-war period, suggest that Japanese learned about the education system of ancient Sparta from Western academic sources. However, after the influential bestseller, Shintaro Ishihara's Suparuta Kyoiku(Spartan Education; A book for raising tough kids), was published, leading Japanese educators seem to have begun using the term "Suparuta kyoiku" to mean Japanese militaristic education. Historically, Western classical scholars have acknowledged the value of Spartan public education in contrast to Athenian individualistic education. However, Japanese educators seem to have failed to understand the value of Spartan education because of the change in the understanding of the term "Suparuta kyoiku." The author concludes that educators ought to have used that term with that original sense in mind.
江田 哲 鈴木 円 重松 久夫 馬越 誠之 浜尾 綾 須賀 則幸 鈴木 正二 坂下 英明
一般社団法人 日本有病者歯科医療学会
有病者歯科医療 (ISSN:09188150)
vol.13, no.2, pp.89-94, 2004

習慣性顎関節脱臼に対する外科的治療法にはさまざまな方法がある. 患者・家族・担当医らの要望, 年齢, 全身状態などを配慮して, 最適な治療法が選択されるべきである. 今回われわれは, 超高齢者の両側習慣性顎関節脱臼に対して観血的治療を行ったので報告する. 患者は91歳, 男性. 閉口不能を主訴に東邦病院歯科口腔外科を受診した. 両側顎関節前方脱臼の臨床診断にてHippocrates法による整復を行ったが, その後も脱臼をくり返した. そのため局所麻酔下にBuckley-Terry法に準じた両側顎関節前方障害形成術を施行した. 術後1か月間再発はみられなかったが, 老衰のために死去した.
高山 泰男 鈴木 円 白野 隆史 山野井 弘充 堀 稔 田中 博 草間 薫 茂呂 周
The Journal of Nihon University School of Dentistry (ISSN:00290432)
vol.32, no.3, pp.151-158, 1990

We treated a case of adenoid cystic carcinoma that occurred in the right parotid gland of a 51-year-old woman. Although the tumor, including part of the parotid gland, was resected based on a clinical diagnosis of pleomorphic adenoma, it was later diagnosed as adenoid cystic carcinoma of mixed cribriform-solid type by histopathological examination after resection. Therefore, postoperative irradiation with a dose of 51 Gy was performed.<BR>Immunohistological examination of the resected specimen showed that the profiles of carbohydrate antigens were Lewis (a<SUP>-</SUP>, b<SUP>+</SUP>) in both the tumor and surrounding normal parotid tissue. NCC-SG-007 antigen was observed in the tumor tissue but not in the normal parotid gland, suggesting that this antigen was associated with the tumor.
鈴木 円 Madoka Suzuki
学苑 (ISSN:13480103)
no.800, pp.50-62, 2007-06

In 1972, the Japan Private High School Federation received a request from the Education Ministry to do research on the consistency of the secondary school education system. In response to this request, the Federation founded the Research Council of a Unified Lower and Upper Secondary Education System of Private Schools in 1972, and the Council submitted a report in 1973. This report was the vanguard of this kind of research, because this report brought out essential points in this kind of education system. According to the report, private schools endeavored to maintain their own specific education philosophy and the consistency of secondary education that secondary schools under the old system of education had. Therefore, private schools can enjoy the educational benefits brought about by their school ethos. It will be necessary to learn from these characteristics of private schools in order that newly established public unified secondary education schools may develop further.
鈴木 円 Madoka Suzuki
学苑 (ISSN:13480103)
no.920, pp.2-16, 2017-06

In December 2016, the Central Council for Education produced a report detailing the revisions to be made in the next Course of Study Guidelines. The report insists on "subjective, interactive, and deep learning" by means of "active learning." In this paper, the author examines how subjective, interactive, and deep learning in elementary school social studies should be promoted in the next Course of Study Guidelines. In Japan, "active learning" has a different meaning than that in the United States. In Japan, it implies that there will be no traditional lectures. However, elementary and secondary school classes in Japan have always been "active," and therefore, purely passive, lecture-style classes have seldom existed. Thus, the author believes that subjective, interactive, and deep learning, in elementary and secondary education, do not entail a shift to active learning per se, but to competency-based learning methods rather than content-based ones. Therefore, under the next Course of Study Guidelines, teachers will need to prepare a two-dimensional table of learning contents and competency according to the students' developmental stage. The author provides an example of such a table for elementary school social studies.