横山 千鶴子 前田 雪恵 石川 幸枝 鈴木 司 小林 謙一 辻井 良政 髙野 克己 中川 徹 山本 祐司
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.28, no.2, pp.89-95, 2017 (Released:2017-10-31)

Serum cholesterol level reduction is an important factor for preventing lifestyle-related disease. Together, search for food materials which reduces serum cholesterol level have come to people' s attention. In this study, we carried out a large-scale and a long-term study to evaluate the effect of brown rice on serum cholesterol level. In brief, we conducted this study using a cross-over design with 90 days of consuming pregelatinized brown rice against non-brown rice. The following results were obtained.1) There was a low drop-out rate: 2.5% (3 of 120 subjects), and many participants replied that this program was easy to join, because the preparing of brown rice was very easy and the contents of the program were very simple.2) Brown rice intake increased bowel movement and improved the participant' s physical condition.3) Serum cholesterol levels were significantly decreased in the subjects starting with abnormal value of serum cholesterol (over 221 mg/dL) by brown rice intake.4) Brown rice intake decreased serum LDL cholesterol in the subjects with initial level of high serum LDL cholesterol (over 140 mg/dL).5) However, serum HDL cholesterol level of brown rice intake group did not change in the subjects of low serum HDL cholesterol levels (under 40 mg/dL). These large-scale studies suggested brown rice has serum cholesterol decreasing effect in people with high cholesterol level.
松本 雄宇 岩崎 優 細川 恵 鈴木 司 井上 順 重村 泰毅 高野 克己 山本 祐司
公益社団法人 日本食品科学工学会
日本食品科学工学会誌 (ISSN:1341027X)
pp.NSKKK-D-22-00090, (Released:2023-02-17)

腎臓病患者の治療食として使用されている低タンパク米の製造工程で生じるERPの脂質代謝改善効果を検討した. 高脂肪食を与えた肥満モデルマウスにERPを摂取させたところ, 体重および精巣周囲脂肪重量の増加が抑制された. また, ERP摂取により糞中TG量が増加した. さらに, 血中ALT活性と肝臓中脂質量の結果から, ERP摂取は高脂肪食に起因する肝障害を抑制することが示された. 興味深いことに, ERP摂取によりインスリン抵抗性に関連するCerS6の発現量低下も観察された. ERPは主にペプチドと遊離アミノ酸から構成されていること, また一部の血中遊離アミノ酸濃度と精巣周囲脂肪重量との間に負の相関関係が認められたことから, 本研究で観察された効果はペプチドと遊離アミノ酸のどちらかないし両方を介していると考えられる. これらの結果から, ERPは抗肥満食品として有用な素材であることが示唆された.
白井 智美 影山 洋平 佐藤 拓也 柳楽 大気 相澤 有美 志賀 孝宏 田所 忠弘 鈴木 司 小林 謙一 山本 祐司
日本食生活学会誌 (ISSN:13469770)
vol.27, no.1, pp.49-56, 2016 (Released:2016-07-28)

Numerous epidemiological surveys have shown that consuming coffee can prevent cancer development. Caffeine and chlorogenic acid are the most well known constituents which are included in coffee and prove to have an positive effect to prevent cancer. Although these constituents are known to directly act on anti cancer machineries, such as anti-oxidant effect. There are also studies showing that benefit of functional food is exhibited by metabolic changes. Therefore, we may anticipate that changing metabolic pathways may occur during coffee intake and further expect lowering the cancer risk. Thus, in this study, we analyzed the effect of administration of coffee to Eker rat which are a renal cancer and a metabolic syndrome model rat. By giving 1% coffee for 100 days, we found that renal cancer development was suppressed. We further analyzed the metabolic change by metabolomic analysis in liver and observed that the abnormal carbohydrate and ketone body production in Eker rats were restored by coffee consumption. We also confirmed that these effects were not due to the recovery of tumor suppression gene TSC2 expression. Thus, coffee may have a anti-cancer effect by changing the metabolic pathway and lower the risk factors which may lead to cancer development.