佐藤 英夫 岩島 明 河辺 昌哲 中山 秀章 吉澤 弘久 下条 文武 鈴木 榮一
一般社団法人 日本呼吸ケア・リハビリテーション学会
日本呼吸ケア・リハビリテーション学会誌 (ISSN:18817319)
vol.14, no.3, pp.491-495, 2005-05-31 (Released:2017-11-10)

睡眠時無呼吸症候群(以下SAS)の胃食道逆流症(以下GERD)合併頻度を,QUEST問診票を用いて検討した.QUESTは4点以上をGERD合併ありと判断した.PSG(Polysomnography)検査を実施した84例中の73例にAHI(Apnea Hypopnea Index)≧5 (/hr) のSASを認めた.QUEST 4点以上が25例(34.2%)あり,GERD合併の有無で2群に分けたときAHI,脳波上の短時間覚醒指数(以下Arousal Index),BMIなどに有意差はなかった.AHI≧20かつQUEST≧4点の17例中,11例がCPAP治療を開始した.CPAP治療を開始した4週間後のQUEST得点は7例で無症状(0点)となった.残る4例はプロトンポンプ阻害薬(PPI)の内服を追加して,症状の消失が得られた.SASによる胸腔腹腔内圧較差開大をCPAP治療が改善して,胃酸逆流を抑制する機序が関与すると考える.SASには高頻度にGERDが合併することから積極的な問診と治療追加が望まれる.
山田 尚之 窪田 和幸 河上 麻美 中山 聡 鈴木 榮一郎
生物物理化学 (ISSN:00319082)
vol.52, no.2, pp.25-30, 2008 (Released:2009-12-04)

Genomics and proteomics have been useful in many different areas of medicine and health science as an aid to discover new biomarker for disease diagnosis or staging and as a tool to predict or monitor treatment response or toxicity. Human serum albumin (HSA) exists in both reduced and oxidized forms, and the percentage of oxidized albumin increases in several diseases. However, little is known regarding the pathological and physiological significance of oxidation due to poor characterization of the precise structural and functional properties of oxidized HSA. Here, we characterize both the structural and functional differences between reduced and oxidized HSA. Using LC-ESI TOF MS and FT MS analysis, we determined that the major structural change in oxidized HSA in healthy human plasma is a disulfide-bonded cysteine at the thiol of Cys34 of reduced HSA. Based on this structural information, we prepared standard samples of purified HSA, e.g. non-oxidized (intact purified HSA which mainly exists in reduced form), mildly oxidized and highly oxidized HSA. Using these standards, we demonstrated several differences in functional properties of HSA including protease susceptibility, ligand-binding affinity and antioxidant activity. From these observations, we conclude that an increased level of oxidized HSA may impair HSA function in a number of pathological conditions. In addition, we determined blood and plasma sampling conditions for the accurate measurement of the oxidized albumin ratio in plasma by using EST-TOF MS screening.