和泉 眞喜子 高屋 むつ子 長澤 孝志
一般社団法人 日本調理科学会
日本調理科学会誌 (ISSN:13411535)
vol.38, no.4, pp.343-349, 2005-08-05 (Released:2013-04-26)

The optimum amount of water suitable for boiling spinach was evaluated by investigating changes in the color and tenderness, and the decrease in oxalic acid and potassium contents by increasing amounts of boiling water. The result of a sensory evaluation showed that the flavor and overall evaluation of the cooked spinach tended to decrease as the amount of boiling water was increased. There was no difference in the color tone, while the tenderness of the cooked spinach increased with increasing amount of boiling water. The oxalic acid content of spinach boiled in 5 times the amount of water decreased to about 61 % of the value for raw spinach harvested in the spring, and decreased to 45% of this value in 20 times the amount of boiling water. The change in potassium content was similar to that of the oxalic acid content. Although the content of free oxalic acid differed by 100 mg between 5 times and 20 times the amount of boiling water, there was no difference in the sensory evaluation. These results suggest that about 5 times the amount of boiling water is the optimum for boiling spinach.
長澤 孝志
Japan Society of Nutrition and Food Science
日本栄養・食糧学会誌 (ISSN:02873516)
vol.71, no.1, pp.3-10, 2018 (Released:2018-03-01)

食品成分による筋萎縮抑制機構を明らかにするためには, 合成や分解に関わる因子の活性を測定するだけではなく, 合成・分解速度を直接測定することが重要である。骨格筋 (筋原線維) タンパク質の分解速度を測定するために, 3-メチルヒスチジンを用いた方法を尿だけではなく血中, 動静脈差, 後肢筋灌流, 単離筋肉切片, 培養筋細胞においても応用し, 正確かつ短期間の骨格筋タンパク質の分解速度を評価する方法を確立した。この方法を用いて, ラットにおいてロイシンやリシンの摂取により骨格筋タンパク質の分解を抑制できることが示され, その機構としてAktを介したオートファジー形成のダウンレギュレーションであることが明らかになった。リシンの筋萎縮抑制効果は, 加齢に伴う筋肉量の減少 (サルコペニア) のモデルであるSAMP8マウスにおいても認められた。このように, アミノ酸の摂取は骨格筋タンパク質の合成だけでなく, 分解も調節することで, 低栄養, 加齢, 疾病時の筋萎縮を抑制できることが期待される。
和泉 眞喜子 高屋 むつ子 長澤 孝志
日本調理科学会誌 (ISSN:13411535)
vol.38, no.4, pp.343-349, 2005-08-05

The optimum amount of water suitable for boiling spinach was evaluated by investigating changes in the color and tenderness, and the decrease in oxalic acid and potassium contents by increasing amounts of boiling water. The result of a sensory evaluation showed that the flavor and overall evaluation of the cooked spinach tended to decrease as the amount of boiling water was increased. There was no difference in the color tone, while the tenderness of the cooked spinach increased with increasing amount of boiling water. The oxalic acid content of spinach boiled in 5 times the amount of water decreased to about 61% of the value for raw spinach harvested in the spring, and decreased to 45% of this value in 20 times the amount of boiling water. The change in potassium content was similar to that of the oxalic acid content. Although the content of free oxalic acid differed by 100mg between 5 times and 20 times the amount of boiling water, there was no difference in the sensory evaluation. These results suggest that about 5 times the amount of boiling water is the optimum for boiling spinach.