柴田 直弥 錦澤 滋雄 村山 武彦 長澤 康弘
一般社団法人 環境情報科学センター
環境情報科学論文集 Vol.37(2023年度 環境情報科学研究発表大会)
pp.8-13, 2023-12-08 (Released:2023-12-08)

2013 年から導入が本格化したソーラーシェアリング(営農型太陽光発電)は,導入推進にあたり様々な課題が発生している一方,耕作放棄地の解消手段としても期待されている。本稿では,耕作放棄地を再生させ,地域と共生した小田原市の事例に着目し,周辺住民へのアンケート調査からソーラーシェアリングの地域共生に関する住民意識との関係性を考察した。その結果,住民属性である移住経験・居住年数が,地域課題である耕作放棄地の認識と相関を持ち,最終的なソーラーシェアリング事業への賛否・参画意欲の形成と相関があった。今後は,地域課題低減などの地域便益創出による再生可能エネルギーの地域共生手法の研究や支援策の拡充が必要と考えられる。
近藤 靖史 長澤 康弘 藤本 哲夫 田坂 太一
日本建築学会環境系論文集 (ISSN:13480685)
vol.73, no.634, pp.1361-1368, 2008-12-30 (Released:2009-10-28)
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The insulation materials are used to improve thermal performance of buildings and their performance should be kept in required value during building life time, however long term change of thermal conductivity is observed for most of insulation materials. It is well known that the thermal conductivity of insulation foams increases with time due to the emission of the blowing agents from the insulation foams and the transfer of the air into them. In this paper, the aging of thermal conductivity in various insulation foams is discussed with measured data and numerical analysis. Two kinds of accelerated test are conducted and the aging characteristics of various foams are examined. The estimation equations of thermal conductivity change of insulation foams are shown and applied to the measured materials. The effective diffusion coefficient of the blowing agents is obtained by comparing the simulation results and the measured value.
長澤 康弘 近藤 靖史
一般社団法人 日本建築学会
日本建築学会技術報告集 (ISSN:13419463)
vol.29, no.71, pp.239-244, 2023-02-20 (Released:2023-02-20)

It is known that the thermal conductivity of insulation foams increases with time due to the emission of the blowing agents from foams and the transfer of the air into them. In this paper, the aging of thermal conductivity in phenolic foam is discussed with measured data and numerical analysis. Measurement of specimens with different thicknesses and surface material conditions are conducted and the aging characteristics are examined. Using the estimation equations of thermal conductivity change, the effective diffusion coefficient and mass transfer coefficient of the blowing agents is obtained by comparing the simulation results and the measured value.
近藤 靖史 長澤 康弘 張本 和芳 守屋 賢志
日本建築学会計画系論文集 (ISSN:13404210)
vol.67, no.557, pp.65-72, 2002
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Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) is one of the most useful techniques to predict the air distribution in air-conditioned and ventilated rooms. The supply airflow such as free jet, wall jet and combined flow of these jets has a great influence on the air distribution in rooms. Most of supply air diffusers have complex geometry, however, the shape of diffuser is usually oversimplified in CFD with coarse grids system. The results of such simulation may give incorrect prediction due to the poor modeling of diffusers. Even if the complex geometry of air diffuser can be described in detail, huge computer capacity and very long calculation time were required. In this paper, several modeling methods to simplify the boundary condition around air diffusers, such as BOX Method (P.V. Nielsen; 1976,1992) and P.V. Method (Prescribed Velocity Method, P.V. Nielsen et al.; 1980), are compared. These modelings require the distribution of air velocity, turbulence properties, temperature and concentrations around the diffuser beforehand. These data as the boundary condition for CFD with coarse grids can be obtained from the experimental measurement or the unstructured CFD simulation with fine meshes. In this paper, the full scale experiment was carried out at isothermal condition, and the airflow data around complex air diffuser installed at ceiling was obtained. With the basis of the flow data around the diffuser by the measurement, BOX Method and P.V. Method were applied to the air diffuser. The results of coarse grids CFD showed the good agreement not only around diffusers but in other part of rooms with the measurement.