長谷川 敬
西洋古典學研究 (ISSN:04479114)
vol.56, pp.65-76, 2008-03-05

In this paper, I examine the cases of the water commerce between inland Gaul (e.g. Lugdunensis, Aquitania, Belgica, two provinces of Germany, and northern Narbonensis) and Italy. As evidenced by the inscriptions CIL XIII 1942 and VI 29722, two traders engaged in river and marine transportation. It is said that in the first and second century A. D., the nature of the economy of inland Gaul was different from that of the Mediterranean region: indeed, the networks of traders appear to have been divided between those two areas. On the other hand, scholars have often discussed the marine transporters of southern Gaul who were active in the Mediterranean region, some of whom maintained relationships with officers supervising the supply of food in Rome, i.e., the annona. In this case, it should be pointed out that in outlining the plan of the Roman economy, the foregoing studies pay less attention to individual cases. Further, although there is a lack of reliable and detailed evidence, scholars facilely tend to assume that the marine transporters of southern Gaul operated in Italy. Therefore, I focus on the two abovementioned traders who have recorded their own activities in inland Gaul and Italy. CIL XIII 1942 clarifies the fact that the deceased became augustalis both in Lyon and Pozzuoli, having found favor with other augustales, who mainly comprised those engaged in commerce or industry. Further, he had no dealings with the annona or its officials. This allows us to envisage that he had built and developed relationships with a variety of merchants and artisans in both cities by crossing the borders of two different economic blocs. On the other hand, CIL VI 29722 indicates that the deceased participated in commercial activities as a member of a family enterprise based in Lyon and Rome, which had been managed since the generation of his grandfather-a man who had left his mark on both cities. Moreover, it is remarkable that he not only joined more than one trade association based in Lyon or Rome as a member but was also assigned to important posts in the associations. This indicates that using the family enterprise as the first step, he succeeded in building wide human networks beyond associations and regions. In this case too, it is not proved that the deceased had any dealings with the annona. Based on the facts demonstrated above, I conclude that the two traders had wide networks with a variety of merchants or transporters in both inland Gaul and Italy. Further, these traders relied on people of the same social section rather than those from higher sections, such as officers of the state. Moreover, as an aspect of this study, I suggest that the existence of wide-ranging human relationships between the two regions might provide a new perspective on economical structures in the foregoing discussion.
長谷川 敬子
日経ビジネス (ISSN:00290491)
no.1159, pp.151-154, 2002-09-23

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征矢 智美 野村 美佳 林 照次 長谷川 敬
日本化粧品技術者会誌 (ISSN:03875253)
vol.38, no.2, pp.115-124, 2004-06-20 (Released:2010-08-06)
1 4

「肌の透明感」は女性の肌状態, 肌意識に関するアンケート調査や化粧品使用前後の指標に多く使用される重要なキーワードであるが, 「透明感」が具体的に肌のどのような状態を指すかについては明確ではない。そこで, 本研究では最初に若年層と中高年層を対象に「透明感のある肌」に対する重要度調査と他の肌表現語との関連度調査を行った。その結果, 「透明感のある肌」の重要度は, 若年層では最高位であるのに対し中高年層では肌荒れしていない等の肌悩みの方が重要視されていた。反面, 「透明感のある肌」は, 肌のキメや色, うるおいなどの三つの要素を基本要件とする複合概念であるという点で両年代に差異はなかった。次に, 両年代の評定者が同じ若年モデルを観察したときの「透明感」の主観判断とモデルの実際の皮膚生理的特性との関係を調べた。その結果, 若年層では肌色におけるbの色ムラ (標準偏差), 角層水分量, 皮膚表面形態 (皮溝深さ, 皮溝量), 中高年層では, 肌色におけるLおよびaの色ムラ (標準偏差) について有意な関係が認められた。これらの結果から, 「透明感」の言語的構造に年代差はないが, 判断の手がかりである皮膚の生理特性は異なると考えられた。
緒方 正名 長谷川 敬彦 高越 良明 竹久 亨 長尾 逸子 寺谷 巌 大隈 義文 人見 硬 長尾 寛 粟屋 研吾 高橋 武夫
岡山医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00301558)
vol.78, no.1supplement, pp.1-29, 1966-01-30 (Released:2009-08-24)

1) Data has been presented on the trend of Japanese B. Encephalitis from 1959 to 1965 in Okayama, Miyazaki, Kagawa, Tokushima, Kochi, Ehime, Hyogo and Aichi Prefectures, middle and western parts in Japan.2) The prevalence started from Miyazaki, most southern part in Japan, and progressed succesively to Kochi, Okayama, Tottori and Miyagi. The difference in date between Okayama and Miyazaki was 20 days, Okayama and Kochi was 10 days, Okayama and Tottori, adjacent to northern part in Okayama, was 2 days and also the difference in date between northern and southern part in Okayama was 7 days. We woulld like to call this phenomenon “Tendency towards northeast”.This tendency can be arranged in the order of its average atmospheric temperatures. However, there is no correlation between the date of incidence in each year and the temperature gradient.3) From 1950 to 1959, the incidence rate was higher in the southern district than in the northern district, and from 1960 to 1965 it became higher in the northern district than in the southern district of Okayama Prefecture.4) The incidence rate by age from 1960 to 1965 was higher in the old over 60 ages in northern district and in the child below 10 ages in the southern district of Okayama Prefectuve. A marked tendency to decrease the incidence rate in the child has been seen since 1959. This downward tendency would be caused by the J. B. E vaccination.5) There is some indication from the geographycal distribution that the prevalence spreaded from focus to other villages contiguously, except for the town.6) In past five years the district where the incidence rate exceeded over 10/100, 000 peoples three times or exceeded over 20 was shown by the following districts, Northern district in Okayama. PrefectureEastern and western district in Tottori. PrefectureNorthwest district in Hyogo. PrefectureEast and west parts in Kochi. PrefectureSouthern district in Miyagi. PrefectureIn general, the high incidence was observed in the plain near mountain or the basin but not in the town.7) There is a phenomenon that when the incidence rate was over 20 in the year, the incidence rate next year became low.
大田 久美子 足立 章子 松木 智美 長谷川 敬
日本色彩学会誌 (ISSN:03899357)
vol.19, no.1, pp.4-11, 1995-02-01

ファンデーションの主観的評価において, 他者評価(他人の化粧状態に対する評価)における要因分析と肌色の影響を調べるために実験を行った。実験は, 色白タイプ2名, 色黒タイプ2名の合計4名のモデルが16種のファンデーションで化粧した顔を, 色白タイプ11名, 色黒タイプ10名, 合計21名の評価者が45組の形容詞語対を用いて5段階評定尺度によって評価するもので, 以下の結果を得た。(1)他者評価において最も重要な要因は「自然な美しさ」である。(2)他人の化粧を評価するときは外見的な基準を重視していた。但し, 評価者の肌色タイプによって評価構造が違うことも判った。(3)色黒タイプと自認している人は自分でした化粧を評価するときと, 他人から評価されることを意識するときとでは, 評価の基準が大きく違う。(4)色白タイプの人の場合,自己評価における基準には「目立ち」という外見的な要因が含まれるが, 他者を評価するときは, より具体的な「なめらかさ」「透明感」という肌特性を重視している。これらの知見を総合的に考察した結果, 他人の化粧状態を評価する場合でも, 自分の肌色に対する意識が評価に大きく影響していることが明らかとなった。
長谷川 敬
日本色彩学会誌 (ISSN:03899357)
vol.11, no.3, pp.146-151, 1988-03-01

CRT上に8×15文字で呈示される色文字の可能性の評価(5段階法)を通して, 低コントラスト領域での文字対背景としての配色と輝度比の許容呈示条件を求めた。その結果, 輝度比では1.8〜0.7の範囲を避けるべきこと, 配色では白や暖色系の色を文字とし, 寒色系の色を背景とするのがよいことがわかった。また, 青背景のときは文字が背景より暗いことは不適当であること, 文字が寒色系のときは不適輝度比域が暖色系のときより高いレベルにあること, 評価の内容にかなりの個人差があることなどを示した。