小森 浩二 山崎 裕己 古前 竜平 玉登 まき 福田 洋 板橋 司 菊田 真穂 高田 雅弘 宮﨑 珠美 中野 祥子 三田村 しのぶ 首藤 誠 山本 淑子 塙 由美子
医療薬学 (ISSN:1346342X)
vol.40, no.3, pp.186-192, 2014-03-10 (Released:2015-03-10)

Loxoprofen (Loxonin®) is a widely administered non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) in Japan, with annual sales exceeding 50 billion Japanese yen. Although it is a very versatile drug and is often administered to breastfeeding women, the information available regarding its mammary gland transfer is inadequate.Therefore, in this study, we analyzed loxoprofen levels in the blood and milk of four breastfeeding women who received the drug for pain relief. These women visited the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of Hanwa Sumiyoshi General Hospital for consultation or a cesarean section.One tablet of Loxonin® (loxoprofen 60 mg) was orally administered to each of the four women, and blood and milk samples were collected 0, 30, 90, 150 and 330 min after drug administration. Twenty microliters of ethanol was added to the blood and milk samples (10 μL), and the mixture was centrifuged at 12000 g for 15 min. The supernatant was analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC).Loxoprofen levels in blood peaked 90 min after its oral administration in all four patients, with the highest level being 4.5 μg/mL in patient II, whereas loxoprofen level in milk was below the detection limit (0.1 μg/mL) at all time points. Taken together, the data suggest low mammary gland transfer of loxoprofen, and thereby a low lactation risk.
首藤 誠 正岡 光智子 武智 晶子

【背景】日常の診療において、観血的動脈圧が非観血的動脈圧と明らかに異なることはよく経験する。その原因の一つは、圧モニタリングキットが有する周波数特性と動脈血圧波形そのものが持つ周波数特性との関係によって共振現象が生じることと考えられている。またその要因として、耐圧チューブの長さやサンプリングシステムの挿入、体液量の変化や麻酔覚醒時の交感神経活性化状態などが考えられている。その共振現象を抑える制動素子としてはROSE(Argon Medical Devices, TX、 USA)ダンピングデバイスが市販されているが生体での有効性については報告が少ない。【目的】今回、麻酔覚醒時(吸入麻酔の中止から抜管までの段階)に観血的動脈圧と非観血的動脈圧の間に明らかな差が生じている場合、ROSEの回路内挿入によってその差が補正されるかどうかを調べた。【方法】最近3か月間に、麻酔覚醒時の観血的動脈圧が非観血的動脈圧よりも明らかに高かったがん根治術症例19例において、ROSEが観血的動脈圧の波形及び値を補正できるかを調べた。記録はROSEの観血的動脈圧測定キットへの挿入直前と直後にマンシェットによる非観血的動脈圧測定を行い、モニタの表示画像(数値及び波形)を保存して解析に用いた。ROSE挿入前後の観血的(Invasive)動脈圧の収縮期圧、拡張期圧、平均圧をそれぞれpre SIとpost SI、pre DIとpost DI、pre MIとpost MIとし、対応する非観血的(Non-invasive)動脈圧をそれぞれpre SNとpost SN、pre DNとpost DN、 pre DIとpost DIとした。観血的と非観血的動脈圧の差及びROSE挿入前後の動脈圧の変化についてpaired T testによる統計学的検討を行った。【結果】ROSE挿入直前の収縮期血圧はpre SN=125±28(mean±SD)mmHg、pre SI=154±31mmHgで観血的動脈圧が有意(p<0.01)に高かった。またROSE挿入直後の観血的動脈圧はpost SI=125±27mmHgで挿入直前に比べて有意に(p<0.01)低下し、非観血的動脈圧post SN=122±27mmHgとの差は認められなかった。ROSE挿入前にみられた観血的動脈圧波形のオーバーシュートは挿入後明らかに減少した。【結論】麻酔覚醒時の交感神経亢進やシバリングによって観血的動脈圧波形がオーバーシュートし、特に収縮期血圧が非観血的動脈圧よりも高く測定されることはよく経験される。今回の研究で少なくともダンピングデバイスROSEの挿入によってその差が是正されることが確認できた。
小森 浩二 塙 由美子 山本 淑子 古前 竜平 山崎 裕己 中野 祥子 三田村 しのぶ 宮﨑 珠美 菊田 真穂 高田 雅弘 首藤 誠
公益社団法人 日本薬学会
藥學雜誌 (ISSN:00316903)
vol.133, no.8, pp.905-911, 2013

&nbsp;&nbsp;Loxoprofen (Loxonin<sup>&reg;</sup>), an antipyretic painkiller, was approved as an over-the-counter (OTC) drug (Loxonin<sup>&reg;</sup>-S) in January 2011. With regard to self-medication using OTC drugs, the information that pharmacists provide to consumers is very important. Although loxoprofen is a very versatile drug and can be used during breastfeeding, information regarding its mammary gland transfer is inadequate. In this study, we established a simple method to evaluate mammary transfer of drugs, and compared loxoprofen's mammary gland transfer with that of aspirin. Loxoprofen 12 mg/kg and aspirin 132 mg/kg was orally administered to mother mice (ddY), and blood and milk samples were collected. Twenty microliters of ethanol was added to the blood and milk samples (10 &mu;L), and the mixture was centrifuged for 15 min (12000 <i>g</i>); the supernatant was analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography. Since aspirin was immediately metabolized, we analyzed salicylic acid concentrations. Maximum concentration of loxoprofen was observed at around 15 min after its oral administration, with the concentrations in the blood and milk being 2.9 and 0.5 &mu;g/mL, respectively. The drug was metabolized promptly thereafter. In contrast, maximum concentration of salicylic acid was observed at 30 min after aspirin administration, with the concentrations in the blood and milk being 187.2 and 64.4 &mu;g/mL, respectively. These concentrations remained constant from 60 to 120 min. Salicylic acid could be detected 240 min after aspirin administration. Thus, mammary gland transfer of loxoprofen is lower than that of aspirin, suggesting that loxoprofen does not accumulate in milk.<br>
高田 雅弘 中野 祥子 三田村 しのぶ 宮﨑 珠美 菊田 真穂 小森 浩二 首藤 誠 七山(田中) 知佳 森谷 利香 吉村 公一 石橋 文枝 塙 由美子 山本 淑子
社会薬学 (ISSN:09110585)
vol.34, no.2, pp.116-127, 2015-12-10 (Released:2015-12-25)

With regard to proper drug use in home care, the failure of approximately half of all elderly patients to comply with their doctor’s medication instructions and many other issues have been reported. However, pharmacists’ involvement in home care support remains inadequate, as highlighted by a Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare report which noted the lack of full utilization of pharmacists in community medicine as well as the fact that home nurses often have to manage their patients’ medications. The Setsunan University Faculty of Nursing was established in 2012, and the university’s Faculties of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Nursing collaborate in their educational activities. To increase pharmacists’ involvement in home care support, we launched a project to create a home care support model in which pharmacists and nurses work in collaboration, utilizing their respective faculty resources. In this study, we conducted a questionnaire survey of pharmacies and visiting nurse stations in Osaka Prefecture regarding the present status of and problems related to pharmacists’ participation in the home care system and visiting nurses’ current involvement in medication management, as well as what is expected of pharmacists. Based on these results, we are constructing a model in which Faculties of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Nursing collaboratively support the home care system with the aim of establishing the role that universities should play in a comprehensive regional care program.