速水 敏彦 木野 和代 高木 邦子
感情心理学研究 (ISSN:18828817)
vol.12, no.2, pp.43-55, 2005-09-30 (Released:2009-04-07)
17 6

In response to recent social phenomenon of adolescents reporting increasingly higher levels of anger, a new construct "assumed-competence" is proposed in this study.The purpose of Study 1 is to formulate an instrument to measure individual differences in assumed-competence and to examine the construct validity of the scale by comparing it with self-esteem in relation to past experiences. Four scales designed to measure assumed-competence, past experiences, self-esteem, and narcissistic-competence were administered to 393 university students. The ACS (Assumed-Competence Scale) consisting of 11 items showed high reliability. The ACS showed no significant relationship to self-esteem, but was positively related to narcissistic-competence. Self-esteem was positively correlated with positive experiences and assumed-competence was also positively correlated with negative experiences.Study 2 aimed at investigating the relationship between assumed-competence and anger measured using Spielberger's STAXI. Results suggested that individuals with high assumed-competence had higher trait anger than those with low assumed-competence. However, self-esteem inhibited the expression of anger.
高木 邦子
実験社会心理学研究 (ISSN:03877973)
vol.43, no.1, pp.22-35, 2003 (Released:2004-02-17)
1 1

本研究は,否定的対人感情の形成における「認知経路」と「情動経路」の影響力を比較し,「認知経路」において否定的対人感情の形成に影響を及ぼす責任帰属要因を示すことを目的とする。 研究1では,クラスメイトとの葛藤状況を描写した3つの仮想場面を238名の高校生に提示し,各場面における不快情動,責任帰属,相手への否定的対人感情への評定を求めた。階層的重回帰分析の結果,否定的対人感情形成における「情動経路」と「認知経路」の両経路の存在が示唆され,特に,回避場面と支配場面において「認知経路」の影響力が強いことも示された。責任帰属の影響については「意図的―正当」と「無意図的―回避不能」への帰属が,「意図的―不当」と「無意図的―回避可能」への帰属よりも否定的対人感情の形成に促進的に影響を及ぼすことが示された。 研究2では,244名の高校生に,研究1で「認知経路」の影響力が強かった回避場面と支配場面を提示した。その後,「意図的―不当」「意図的―正当」「無意図的―回避可能」「無意図的―回避不能」から任意の帰属情報を提示し,否定的対人感情の評定を求めた。帰属群間での一元配置分散分析の結果,「意図的―正当」と「無意図的―回避不能」への帰属情報を与えた際に,形成される否定的対人感情が低いことが確認された。 以上の結果から,「認知経路」が否定的対人感情の形成に及ぼす影響が強い場合は,否定的対人感情の形成に「意図的―不当」と「無意図的―回避可能」への帰属が促進的に,また「意図的―正当」と「無意図的―回避不能」への帰属が抑制的に作用することが示唆された。
速水 敏彦 Hayamizu Toshihiko 木野 和代 Kino Kazuyo 高木 邦子 Takagi Kuniko
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 心理発達科学 (ISSN:13461729)
vol.51, pp.1-8, 2004-12-27

A new construct "Assumed-Competence based on undervaluing others (AC is short for the construct)" was proposed to explain adolescents' behaviors in these days. AC was defined as the habitual feeling of competence that would be followed by one's criticizing or undervaluing others regardless of how much he/she had directly positive or negative experiences. To measure the individual differences of AC, the assumed-competence scale (ACS is short for the scale) consisting of 11 items was constructed. The purpose of this study was to examine the construct validity of ACS by showing the relations with several psychological constructs which have logical associations with AC. In the meanwhile, self-esteem (SE is short for it) mean true competence based on really positive and negative experiences. That is, SE could be clearly discriminated from AC. Thus, to make clear discriminating validity of ACS, SE was measured as well as AC when the relations with other psychologicl constructs were investigated. Seven psychological constructs we used here as criteria of validity were (1)locus of control, (2)public and private self-awareness, (3)loneliness, (4)sympathy, (5)emotion of anger. (6)pleasure and displeasure experiences (during lately three months) and (7)life satisfaction. Participants were 124 junior college students, 258 university students and 11 graduate students. Correlation coefficients between AC,SE and seven psychological constructs were calculated. The results were interpreted by focusing only significant correlations. Concerning self, although SE was related positively to internal control, AC was not, whereas positive relation between ACS and private self-awareness was shown. Next, regarding with interpersonal relationship, AS had positive relations to loneliness, that is, the persons whose AS are high thought that human could not understand each other and they were strongly aware of individuality. Also negative correlation was presented between AC and sympathy. In the meantime, SE had no relation to the variables of interpersonal relationships. In tern, emotion as a criterion of validity was examined. AC was related positively with trait-anger, expression of anger and displeasure experiences in academic and friendship situations. Furthermore, AC had negative relation to life satisfaction. On the contrary, SE was correlated positively with pleasure experiences and life satisfaction. Based on the results mentioned above, we judged ACS to have construct validity to some extent. Finally we suggested the possibility of classification of AC in the relation with SE.
高木 邦子
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要 心理発達科学 (ISSN:13461729)
vol.51, pp.63-76, 2004

速水 敏彦 木野 和代 高木 邦子
名古屋大学大学院教育発達科学研究科紀要. 心理発達科学 (ISSN:13461729)
vol.51, pp.1-8, 2004-12-27

A new construct "Assumed-Competence based on undervaluing others (AC is short for the construct)" was proposed to explain adolescents' behaviors in these days. AC was defined as the habitual feeling of competence that would be followed by one's criticizing or undervaluing others regardless of how much he/she had directly positive or negative experiences. To measure the individual differences of AC, the assumed-competence scale (ACS is short for the scale) consisting of 11 items was constructed. The purpose of this study was to examine the construct validity of ACS by showing the relations with several psychological constructs which have logical associations with AC. In the meanwhile, self-esteem (SE is short for it) mean true competence based on really positive and negative experiences. That is, SE could be clearly discriminated from AC. Thus, to make clear discriminating validity of ACS, SE was measured as well as AC when the relations with other psychologicl constructs were investigated. Seven psychological constructs we used here as criteria of validity were (1)locus of control, (2)public and private self-awareness, (3)loneliness, (4)sympathy, (5)emotion of anger. (6)pleasure and displeasure experiences (during lately three months) and (7)life satisfaction. Participants were 124 junior college students, 258 university students and 11 graduate students. Correlation coefficients between AC,SE and seven psychological constructs were calculated. The results were interpreted by focusing only significant correlations. Concerning self, although SE was related positively to internal control, AC was not, whereas positive relation between ACS and private self-awareness was shown. Next, regarding with interpersonal relationship, AS had positive relations to loneliness, that is, the persons whose AS are high thought that human could not understand each other and they were strongly aware of individuality. Also negative correlation was presented between AC and sympathy. In the meantime, SE had no relation to the variables of interpersonal relationships. In tern, emotion as a criterion of validity was examined. AC was related positively with trait-anger, expression of anger and displeasure experiences in academic and friendship situations. Furthermore, AC had negative relation to life satisfaction. On the contrary, SE was correlated positively with pleasure experiences and life satisfaction. Based on the results mentioned above, we judged ACS to have construct validity to some extent. Finally we suggested the possibility of classification of AC in the relation with SE.国立情報学研究所で電子化したコンテンツを使用している。
高木 邦子
