高田 直樹
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
vol.45, pp.54-66, 2020 (Released:2021-09-01)

This paper aims to investigate the effect of deviant inventors on producing novel invention. So far, many studies have suggested the existence and merits of research and development activities without formal organizational support. However, with a few exceptions, the antecedent factors and effects of deviant behavior have not been sufficiently distinguished. Using data of patents applied by Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation (NTT) we investigated the relationship between inventors “degree of deviation” and “novelty of invention”. As a result, we showed the inverted U-shape relation between inventors “degree of deviation” and “novelty of invention”. That is, outputs of inventors with moderate deviation are likely to be more novel than those of inventors with low/high deviations. On the other hand, inventors with a high degree of deviation are prone to produce rather incremental invention. This result can be interpreted as the problem of resource availability, which means that deviant inventors cannot enjoy the advantage which is able to gain in official projects. This finding contributes to the research stream on inventor’s deviance from two perspectives. The first is that this research indicates the importance of focusing on “the degree of deviation”. As suggested by previous studies, we should grasp various types of deviance behavior. Second is that this study may update our knowledge about the impact of inventor’s deviance. Although previous studies expect deviant inventors to be the source of technological breakthroughs, this study suggests the limitation on such arguments.
谷口 諒 高田 直樹 村瀬 俊朗
日本経営学会誌 (ISSN:18820271)
vol.51, pp.32-46, 2022-12-20 (Released:2023-12-23)

Innovation starts with creative ideas. While creativity and innovation have been separately studied, a growing body of work examines the process of creativity leading to innovation. There are a variety of problems in that process. One of them is the selection of creative ideas. Some experimental studies have shown that idea selection is a difficult task due to the cognitive tendency of individuals. This difficulty is exacerbated for managers since their cognitive resources are limited. If managers fail to correctly perceive and select highly creative ideas among many alternatives, creativity does not lead to innovations. Thus, as prior literature does, idea selection by managers is worth examining. However, idea selection by idea generators matters as well. Since the pool of ideas that managers evaluate consists of ones that idea generators propose, organizations cannot enjoy their employees' creativity if idea generators fail to select highly creative ideas among those they generate. Although this possibility has been mentioned in existing studies, little attention has been paid to idea selection by idea generators, in particular teams, that generated those ideas. In this paper, we develop a theoretical model of team idea selection, focusing on the diversity of members, psychological safety, and psychological ownership. While the former two concepts have been shown to contribute to idea generation (creativity), we argue that those can impede effective idea selection. Moreover, psychological ownership can lead teams away from proper evaluation and selection of creative ideas. Our model implies the potential difficulties and paradoxes in selecting ideas that idea generator teams can face.
山本 肇 佐藤 愛実 齋川 健志 彌勒 清可 関本 正泰 二本栁 洋志 石幡 哲也 高田 直樹
一般社団法人 日本臨床衛生検査技師会
医学検査 (ISSN:09158669)
vol.71, no.2, pp.335-341, 2022-04-25 (Released:2022-04-25)

新型コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)検査として汎用される抗原定性検査は,簡便かつ安価に検査可能であることから広く用いられる一方,核酸増幅検査との不一致例も報告されるが頻度や症例に関する詳細な報告が少ない。検査法による診断性能の違いを明らかにするため,SARS-CoV-2抗原定性検査キット「クイックナビTM-COVID19 Ag」と核酸増幅検査の結果を後ろ向きに比較検討した。同時提出された2,721件を対象に,両者を比較したところ,全体一致率99.3%が得られた。抗原定性検査陰性,核酸増幅検査陽性となった症例を13例認めた。多くの症例でCt値が高い傾向を示しており,ウイルス量が少ないことで抗原定性検査の検出感度を下回り,核酸増幅検査との結果が一致しなかった可能性が考えられる。一方,抗原定性検査陽性,核酸増幅検査陰性となった症例を7例認めた。いずれも,COVID-19は否定され,抗原定性検査偽陽性の判断であったが,全症例で偽陽性の原因の特定に至らなかった。以上のことから,「クイックナビTM-COVID19 Ag」はSARS-CoV-2抗原定性検査として十分な性能を有していることが明らかとなった。一方でイムノクロマト法として偽陰性や偽陽性を避けることはできないため,利用者は検査法の特性について十分に留意したうえで使用することが求められる。
松嶋 一成 青島 矢一 高田 直樹
研究 技術 計画 (ISSN:09147020)
vol.34, no.4, pp.423-439, 2019-12-27 (Released:2020-01-29)

This paper explored the factors leading to the success of publicly-funded private R&D projects by analyzing survey data obtained from 506 projects supported by NEDO (New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization). We particularly examined how involvement of both the funded firm and the funding organization in the project affects the project's commercialization performance.Our analyses showed that the project with higher strategic importance and stronger executive's involvement tended to be successful since it enabled the project to effectively leverage company's internal resources. On the other hand, funding organization's involvement had positive effects on performance only when the company showed low commitment to and weak involvement of the project; it had no or rather negative effect on performance with higher commitment and involvement in the company side.Our findings suggest that the success or failure of the publicly-funded private R&D is greatly related to the strategic position of the project within the company. This implies that the assessing the company's in-house factors besides potentials of the technologies is important in selecting funding projects, and that the funding organization should find an appropriately way of managin g the project depending on project's strategic position.
高田 直樹
The Academic Association for Organizational Science
組織学会大会論文集 (ISSN:21868530)
vol.7, no.2, pp.44-49, 2018 (Released:2018-12-27)

This study investigates the factor that promotes technological breakthrough by the established firm, focusing on the individual behavior of inventors. Especially, I hypothesize the effect of “deviant behavior” of inventors on the radicalness of technologies invented by those inventors. Using patent data of Nippon Telegraph and Telephone Corporation, I show the effect of deviant behavior depends on the reference point of the newness of technologies. This study highlights the role of deviant inventors as a source of technological exploration for the focal firm, not technological breakthrough which has high impact to other firms.