田尻 尚士 松本 熊市 原 和子 黄 波泉
近畿大学農学部紀要 (ISSN:04538889)
vol.8, pp.33-40, 1975-03-15

[Author abstract]"Bean-Curd" mixed in canned fruit salad became generally soft and melting therefore same technical treatment were necessary. Followings might be important points for making of canned fruit salad with "Bean-Curd". 1. Agar about 10% used for coagulating "Bean-Curd". It must be selected one which has high melting point. If some gelatin were mixed in it, the texture of the jelly would be improved. But in this case more than 0.5% of gelatin were not mixed, because more gelatin the "Bean-Curd" become weaker for heating. 2. As the mixing of milk, fresh milk, skim-milk, and evaporated milk could be used favorably, but powdered skim-milk was not suitable for this purpose. Quantity of these milk 10% of fresh milk, and 5% of evaporated milk were usable. If skim-milk could be supplied enough, it might be used as it was low in cost. 3. Percentage of sugar, 22.0% were desiable to get high quality of product, but usually 15.0% might be suitable. 4. As coloring material erythrosin was the best, bust natural color Sun-Red No. 1 also gave good color. 5. If pH control desired, just soak in 0.4% citric acid solution for 30 minutes. 6. Fruit salad with other subtropical fruit such as litchi longan papaya and pineapple could be made as the present experiment.[著者抄録]季節産業である農産缶詰の端境期のつなぎ操作として杏仁フルーツサラダ缶詰の製造法について研究した。1.杏仁豆腐ベースとしては、溶解点の高い寒天1.0%、良質のゼラチン0.5%を併用するのが食感的に最良であった。2.ミルクとしては、牛乳、脱脂乳を10%,無糖練乳5.0%が良好であった。3.糖度は製品糖度22%が好ましいが、杏仁豆腐としては15%前後が最適と考えた。4.着色料サンレッドNo.1も使用可能であるが、人工着色料エリスロシンが最良であった。5.pH調節法としては、必要あれば0.4%クエン酸液で30分処理すれば充分であった。6.トロピカル風のフルーツサラダの製造が可能であることが認められた。
黄 波 矢部 光保
九州大学大学院農学研究院学芸雑誌 (ISSN:13470159)
vol.65, no.1, pp.23-30, 2010-02

A set of measures were taken at the source area of the sandstorm aimed to mitigate the threat of sandstorm in Beijing and the nearby region where China government launched the Sandstorm Source Control Project in and around Beijing and Tianjin. Chinese National Forestry Bureau gave the project a high evaluation. However, the project did not seem so successful with respect to the annual incidence of the sandstorms. This article is based on the data collected and monitored by State Forestry Bureau for the pivot projects and reaches the conclusion that the implementation of the sand source treatment of Beijing and Tianjin project has improved the ecological status of the sand source area and enhanced the local economic developments as well as improved the living standard of local residents.
矢部 光保 荘林 幹太郎 田中 宗浩 西澤 栄一郎 林 岳 高橋 義文 陳 廷貴 黄 波 田村 啓二 辻林 英高

中国では畜産廃棄物が深刻な水質汚染をもたらしている。そこで、中国江蘇省にある出荷頭数 2.8 万頭の養豚場と近隣農家を対象に、ふん尿由来のメタン発酵消化液を液肥利用する試験を行い、その環境的・経済的効果を評価した。3 年間で液肥利用農地面積は、ゼロから 40ha に拡大し、農家は肥料代を大きく節減できた。また、消化液の投棄が防止され、有機性廃棄物循環、水質環境の改善、温室効果ガス削減に、液肥利用は貢献できることが実証された