黒木 亮
経済学史研究 (ISSN:18803164)
vol.53, no.1, pp.21-43, 2011 (Released:2019-08-21)

One of the most distinguished features of Frank Knightʼs liberal thought seems to be his eco-nomic, political, and ethical criticisms both of the case for and against the free-enterprise com-petitive system. Through this multi-level, poly-angular analysis and on a resignation that the system appears as the best or “least worst” as possible human beings build on earth, Knight continued to identify many defects in the sys-tem, and disclose many absurdities in the way of thinking on which we rest unwittingly. For “menʼs errors,” he believed, “mostly lie in their premises, not in bad logic.” In this paper, I select the following five top-ics through which Knight repeatedly discussed our premises: (1) uneconomic aspect of compe-tition, (2) normative and conservative character of positive economics, (3) imaginary nature othe idea of natural rights, (4) self-deconstructive tendency of business and the power game, and (5) plural meanings of love in liberal society.This paper proposes that Knightʼs radical yet constructive criticisms aimed to refine, rather than advocate, the free-enterprise competitive system and warn against the fallacy of “absolut-ism: holding that a statement must be either true or false and that, if false, antithesis must be true.” So this essay not only destructs the image of Knight as a neo-classical economist, but also clarifies the differences and similarities between him and later Chicagoans. That is, it illuminates the contrary directions of their perspectives and the identical iconoclastic propensity for disclos-ing implicit postulates. JEL classification numbers: B 19, B 31, B 41.
谷山 茂人 相良 剛史 西尾 幸郎 黒木 亮一 浅川 学 野口 玉雄 山崎 脩平 高谷 智裕 荒川 修
食品衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00156426)
vol.50, no.5, pp.270-277, 2009

1990年~2008年に,長崎県,宮崎県,三重県および鹿児島県でハコフグ類の喫食による食中毒が9件発生し,13 名が中毒, うち 1 名が死亡した. このうち 2 件の原因魚種は,中毒検体の形態からハコフグ<i>Ostracion immaculatus</i> と断定された.患者は共通して横紋筋融解症を呈するなど,本中毒の症状や発症/回復/致死時間はアオブダイ中毒に酷似していた.一方,西日本沿岸で採取したハコフグ129個体とウミスズメ<i>Lactoria diaphana</i> 18個体につき,マウス試験で毒性を調べたところ,いずれも約4割の個体が急性もしくは遅延性の致死活性(0.5~2.0 MU/g)を示した.有毒個体の出現率は,両種ともに肝臓を除く内臓で最も高く,次いで筋肉,肝臓の順であった.
谷山 茂人 相良 剛史 西尾 幸郎 黒木 亮一 浅川 学 野口 玉雄 山崎 脩平 高谷 智裕 荒川 修
公益社団法人 日本食品衛生学会
食品衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00156426)
vol.50, no.5, pp.270-277, 2009-10-25 (Released:2009-11-07)
7 16

1990年~2008年に,長崎県,宮崎県,三重県および鹿児島県でハコフグ類の喫食による食中毒が9件発生し,13 名が中毒, うち 1 名が死亡した. このうち 2 件の原因魚種は,中毒検体の形態からハコフグOstracion immaculatus と断定された.患者は共通して横紋筋融解症を呈するなど,本中毒の症状や発症/回復/致死時間はアオブダイ中毒に酷似していた.一方,西日本沿岸で採取したハコフグ129個体とウミスズメLactoria diaphana 18個体につき,マウス試験で毒性を調べたところ,いずれも約4割の個体が急性もしくは遅延性の致死活性(0.5~2.0 MU/g)を示した.有毒個体の出現率は,両種ともに肝臓を除く内臓で最も高く,次いで筋肉,肝臓の順であった.
黒木 亮
日経マネー (ISSN:09119361)
no.350, pp.122-124, 2012-01

国際金融を舞台としたビジネス小説で金融業界にもファンが多い作家・黒木亮さん。都市銀行、証券会社などで23年間働いた現場経験と、現在住まいのある英国・ロンドンを拠点に年の4分の1は世界を旅して行う取材をベースに、金融業界の熾烈な競争をリアルにかつ綿密に描く。 最新作『赤い三日月』の副題は小説ソブリン(国債)債務。まさに今、注目のテーマだ。
黒木 亮
The Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史学会年報 (ISSN:04534786)
vol.42, no.42, pp.71-83, 2002 (Released:2010-08-05)

In The Theory of Business Enterprise (1904), T. B. Veblen pointed out that the modern entrepreneurs had not performed the classical role of coordinator in allocating resources, nor were they innovators, but had became Captains of Industry by conducting endless mergers and acquisitions in order to increase the value of their concern's capital. This new entrepreneurial activity, however, has essentially a “confidence game” character, it is not always connected with industrial serviceability. Even if he wins in “pecuniary” competition by superior marketing strategy, it doesn't necessarily follow “real” success. Conversely, he may sabotage the improvement of productivity by price-production control or collusion with the others, in case their asset value decrease. This is the reason why Veblen called them “parasites” of industrial society, and extended the theory of “chronic depression” that businessmen who lamented a desirable situation that social welfare in real-terms was rapidly growing looked as if they had suffered “a malady of the affection.” Veblen therefore expected that such entrepreneurs and their functions would fade way, and would finally be replaced by a “technocracy” in the far future.In Risk, Uncertainty and Profit (1921), F. H. Knight insisted that an entrepreneur was the core of system of Big Business that had made possible not only the centralization of control, but also the diffusion of investment. In such a highly organized society, “moral hazard” or the principal-agent problem might not have been avoidable, so his special role was the selection of men: selecting some agents among specialists, assuring their fixed salary, and taking responsibility regardless of their results. To such decision-making and risk-taking activity Knight imputed profits, and concluded that the average profit was probably minus, or that the net result of the whole business activity might suffer loss. Nevertheless he also observed that business game would be continued by bold entrepreneurs having “confidence” in their ability or “luck, ” so that free enterprise should never fade way.In sum, Veblen emphasized the scheme of so called Business vs. Industry and an entrepreneur's parasitic position. While Knight made allowance for the irrational character of the business game as Veblen, he also shed light on the humane aspect of entrepreneurship and its universality. In other words, their points of view were very close, and both revealed the crucial defects of the Big Business society, although their predictions for the future were divergent. Veblen and Knight stand back to back with each other.
黒木 亮
The Japanese Society for the History of Economic Thought
経済学史学会年報 (ISSN:04534786)
vol.40, no.40, pp.43-55, 2001 (Released:2010-08-05)

The thrust of this paper is to ascertain the theoretical base of Knight's critical writings in social science, and to search out fundamentals of his pluralistic thought, by reconstructing his theory of profit in Risk.The point of Risk is comprised in three statements: (1) Suggestions by advocates of laissez-faire policy on the market price theory require the implicit assumption of perfect knowledge; (2) Estimates made by those who have only imperfect knowledge produce some significant effects on a real and uncertain world; (3) Profits accrue to the entrepreneur who makes the responsible estimate from its margin of error, real uncertainty.The intention of Knight in developing his theory was to placard the unrealities of postulates of theoretical economics for the purpose of making clear the limitations of economics, and for establishing its dignity as an exact science. He therefore proceeded to insist on the necessity of rapprochement between economics and the other social sciences, especially ethics, in order to debate the desirable social order or social betterment.Thus, Risk not only formed the solid ground of Knight's methodological discussion about social philosophy, but also laid the foundation of modern American economics.
黒木 亮 Ryo Kurogi 獨協大学経済学部
経済学史研究 = The history of economic thought (ISSN:18803164)
vol.53, no.1, pp.21-43, 2011-07-25

One of the most distinguished features of Frank Knight's liberal thought seems to be his economic, political, and ethical criticisms both of the case for and against the free-enterprise competitive system. Through this multi-level, polyangular analysis and on a resignation that the system appears as the best or "least worst" as possible human beings build on earth, Knight continued to identify many defects in the system, and disclose many absurdities in the way of thinking on which we rest unwittingly. For "men's errors," he believed, "mostly lie in their premises, not in bad logic." In this paper, I select the following five topics through which Knight repeatedly discussed our premises: (1) uneconomic aspect of competition, (2) normative and conservative character of positive economics, (3) imaginary nature of the idea of natural rights, (4) self-deconstructive tendency of business and the power game, and (5) plural meanings of love in liberal society. This paper proposes that Knight's radical yet constructive criticisms aimed to refine, rather than advocate, the free-enterprise competitive system and warn against the fallacy of "absolutism: holding that a statement must be either true or false and that, if false, antithesis must be true." So this essay not only destructs the image of Knight as a neo-classical economist, but also clarifies the differences and similarities between him and later Chicagoans. That is, it illuminates the contrary directions of their perspectives and the identical iconoclastic propensity for disclosing implicit postulates.