苅田 香苗 坂本 峰至 吉田 稔 龍田 希 仲井 邦彦 岩井 美幸 岩田 豊人 前田 恵理 柳沼 梢 佐藤 洋 村田 勝敬
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.71, no.3, pp.236-251, 2016 (Released:2016-09-30)

More than sixty years has passed since the outbreak of Minamata disease, and high-level methylmercury contaminations now seem nonexistent in Japan. However, mercury has been continuously discharged from natural sources and industrial activities, and the health effects on children susceptible to methylmercury exposure at low levels, in addition to mercury contamination from mercury or gold mining areas in developing countries, become a worldwide concern. In this article, we provide a recent overview of epidemiological studies regarding methylmercury and mercury. The following findings were obtained. (1) Many papers on exposure assessment of methylmercury/mercury have been published since the Minamata Convention on Mercury was adopted in 2013. (2) The most crucial problem is child developmental neurotoxicity resulting from prenatal exposure to methylmercury, but its precise assessment seems to be difficult because most of such effects are neither severe nor specific. (3) Several problems raised in birth cohort studies (e.g., whether IQ deficits due to prenatal methylmercury exposure remain when the children become adults, or whether the postnatal exposure at low levels also causes such adverse effects in children) remain unsolved. (4) Concurrent exposure models of methylmercury, lead, polychlorinated biphenyls, aresenic, and organochlorine pesticides, as well as possible antagonists such as polyunsaturated fatty acids and selenium, should be considered in the study design because the exposure levels of methylmercury are extremely low in developed countries. (5) Further animal experiments and molecular biological studies, in addition to human studies, are required to clarify the mechanism of methylmercury toxicity.
山田 綾 門間 陽樹 龍田 希 仲井 邦彦 有馬 隆博 八重樫 伸生 永富 良一 エコチル調査宮城ユニットセンター
運動疫学研究 (ISSN:13475827)
pp.2020, (Released:2021-01-13)

目的:日本人女性を対象に,妊娠前および妊娠中,産後1.5年と3.5年の身体活動レベルの経時変化を記述することを主たる目的とし,さらに,産後1.5年と3.5年で低い身体活動レベルを維持してしまう要因について探索的に検討することを目的とした。 方法:子供の健康と環境に関する全国調査(エコチル調査)の宮城ユニットセンター独自の調査に参加同意した女性1,874名を対象とした。身体活動はIPAQ短縮版を用いて,妊娠前,妊娠中,産後1.5年および3.5年に測定し,低身体活動と中高身体活動の2カテゴリーにそれぞれ分類した。さらに,育児期の産後1.5年と3.5年で低い身体活動レベルを維持してしまう要因については,出産時年齢,婚姻状況,学歴,就労状況,出産歴,再妊娠有無,非妊娠時BMI,過去の運動経験の有無,妊娠前および妊娠中の身体活動レベルを説明変数とし,ポアソン回帰分析を実施した。 結果:低身体活動に該当する女性の割合は,妊娠前で51.7%,妊娠中で64.5%,産後1.5年で92.0%となり,産後3.5年では65.3%であった(妊娠前の割合と比較してすべての時点でP < 0.001)。産後1.5年と3.5年で低身体活動を維持してしまう要因は,出産時年齢が高いこと,高学歴,産後の仕事の継続,休止および未就労,過去の運動経験なし,妊娠前と妊娠中の低身体活動レベルであった(P < 0.05)。 結論:妊娠~育児期における女性は低い身体活動レベルに該当する者が多く,産後1.5年で最も高い値を示した。育児期に低身体活動を維持してしまう要因は,高年齢,高学歴,産後の就労継続,未就労および休止,過去の運動経験なし,妊娠前および妊娠中の低身体活動レベルであった。
龍田 希 仲井 邦彦 鈴木 恵太 黒川 修行 細川 徹 佐藤 洋
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.68, no.3, pp.189-196, 2013 (Released:2013-09-28)
1 1

Objectives: The Boston Naming Test (BNT) has been used to assess the language development of children in many epidemiology studies, and its usefulness is confirmed. The BNT consists of 60 black and white line drawings of objects and animals. There are no normative data available for this test for Japanese children. The purpose of this study was to collect normative information in Japan and to examine the correlation between the score of the BNT and Intelligence Quotient (IQ) of the Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children third edition (WISC-III). Methods: The BNT was translated into Japanese and administered in children registered to the birth cohort of the Tohoku Study of Child Development at the age of 84 months. The participants for analysis in this study were 449 children (237 boys, 212 girls). Results: There were four items with percentage scores below 1%; Igloo, Knocker, Muzzle, and Yoke. Many Japanese children could answer ‘abacus’ and ‘compass’, which are difficult for US children. Although the score of the BNT correlated with IQ of the WISC-III (p<0.001), as compared with the previous studies, the correlation coefficient was low. Conclusions: The BNT is quick and easy to use and valuable for researchers in evaluating language ability in children. Since the BNT was developed in the United States, the cultural values of that country are reflected in the BNT score. This implies that the BNT should be modified to fit Japanese population.
龍田 希 仲井 邦彦 鈴木 恵太 黒川 修行 島田 美幸 柳沼 梢 佐藤 洋 細川 徹
日本衛生学雑誌 (ISSN:00215082)
vol.65, no.4, pp.516-523, 2010 (Released:2010-09-25)

Objectives: To evaluate child development, social competence, like intellectual ability, is an important aspect. The social competence of a child is prescribed by behaviors suitable for the society (adaptive behaviors) and behaviors not suitable for the society (maladaptive behaviors). The Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (VABS) have been widely administered to children in a semi-structural interview to evaluate social competence. The Social Competence test (S-M test) widely used in Japan is a translated version of the Vineland Social Maturity Scale for adaptive behaviors. Since only the region of adaptive behaviors was translated into Japanese, we attempted to develop a Maladaptive Behavior Scale in Japanese based on the VABS to evaluate the social competence of children. Methods: The Maladaptive Behavior Scale of the VABS was translated into Japanese and back-translated to ensure appropriate translation. It was administered to children belonging to the birth cohort of the Tohoku Study of Child Development at the age of 66 months. The subjects for analysis in this study were 451 children (230 boys, 221 girls). Results: To assess internal consistency, we used the standardized Cronbach alpha coefficient and the result was 0.81. The correlation coefficient between the scores of the S-M test and those of the Maladaptive Behavior Scale was −0.15. The correlation coefficient between the scores of the Child Behavior Checklist at 30 months and those of the Maladaptive Behavior Scale was 0.44. Conclusion: These results suggest that the Maladaptive Behavior Scale may be a reliable instrument for assessing maladaptive behavior in Japanese children.