123 0 0 0 OA 骨格筋と炎症

永富 良一
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.63, no.1, pp.15, 2014 (Released:2014-01-24)
佐藤 厚子 李 相潤 畠山 愛子 石田 和雄 面澤 和子 永富 良一
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.60, no.5, pp.483-492, 2011 (Released:2011-11-15)

Measuring the bioelectrical impedance (BI) is a simple and non-invasive method for estimating body fat or muscle mass. However, body impedance is affected by variations in the distribution of body fluid without reference to actual body fat or muscle mass. Twenty healthy college students (10 males, 10 females; mean age 21.0±2.3 years) participated in the study. Their mean body mass index was 20.7±2.6 kg/m2. Bipolar electrodes were place on all extremities, and InBody 3.0TM (Biospace Co., Ltd., Seoul, Korea) was used to measure bioelectrical impedance. Each subject remained in a supine position on a comfortable bed between 07:00 and 12:00 except for excretion and measurement of BI. BI was measured hourly using frequencies ranging from 5 to 500 kHz. The subjects refrained from eating, drinking and exercising between 07:00 and 12:00 during the first week of measurements, and drank 6.7 ml/kg of water at 07:00 after the first measurement of BI during a subsequent week of measurements. Bioelectrical impedance was higher in female subjects in all body segments and conditions (p<0.01). BI in the right arm was lower than that in the left in all participants (p<0.001). The difference between the highest and lowest BI among six measurements was largest in the upper extremities, followed by the lower extremities. Differences in the coefficient of variation CV values of the right arm of both females and males at 50, 250, and 500 kHz during fasting were significantly smaller than after drinking water. Hydration had no effect on the differences in the CV values of the body trunk and lower extremity BI or BI at lower frequencies. BI indicates the possibility of remarkable decrease in variation in the upper extremity BI at higher frequencies by taking 6.7 ml/kg of water at get up and enables minimizing the estimate error of body fat percentage.
中條 雅彦 牛 凱軍 門間 陽樹 小林 順敏 関 磊 佐藤 美加 郭 輝 大友 篤 崔 宇飛 只浦 寛子 斎藤 辰典 永富 良一
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
体力科学 (ISSN:0039906X)
vol.63, no.4, pp.383-389, 2014-08-01 (Released:2014-07-26)

Coffee administration has been shown to increase maximum voluntary contraction and muscular endurance. However, no study has addressed the association between daily consumption of coffee with muscular function. This cross sectional study aimed to investigate the association between frequency of coffee consumption (CC) in daily life and muscle strength among a population of working adult men. This cross sectional study included men (n = 516, mean age: 47.1) who participated in an annual health examination conducted in Sendai. The monthly frequency of coffee consumed was reported by a brief-type self-administered dietary history questionnaire. Leg extension power (LEP) was measured as an index of muscle strength. Subjects were divided into tertile levels according to CC. Analysis of covariance was used to examine the relation between the tertile levels of CC and LEP. After adjustment for potential confounders (including all lifestyle factors), the adjusted means (95% confidence interval) of LEP across the tertiles of CC were 17.4 (16.6 - 18.1) for the lowest tertile, 17.9 (17.4 - 18.5) for the mid tertile, and 18.9 (18.3 - 19.5) for the highest tertile (p for trend = 0.007). Higher frequency of monthly coffee consumption was associated with higher muscle strength.
山田 綾 門間 陽樹 龍田 希 仲井 邦彦 有馬 隆博 八重樫 伸生 永富 良一 エコチル調査宮城ユニットセンター
運動疫学研究 (ISSN:13475827)
pp.2020, (Released:2021-01-13)

目的:日本人女性を対象に,妊娠前および妊娠中,産後1.5年と3.5年の身体活動レベルの経時変化を記述することを主たる目的とし,さらに,産後1.5年と3.5年で低い身体活動レベルを維持してしまう要因について探索的に検討することを目的とした。 方法:子供の健康と環境に関する全国調査(エコチル調査)の宮城ユニットセンター独自の調査に参加同意した女性1,874名を対象とした。身体活動はIPAQ短縮版を用いて,妊娠前,妊娠中,産後1.5年および3.5年に測定し,低身体活動と中高身体活動の2カテゴリーにそれぞれ分類した。さらに,育児期の産後1.5年と3.5年で低い身体活動レベルを維持してしまう要因については,出産時年齢,婚姻状況,学歴,就労状況,出産歴,再妊娠有無,非妊娠時BMI,過去の運動経験の有無,妊娠前および妊娠中の身体活動レベルを説明変数とし,ポアソン回帰分析を実施した。 結果:低身体活動に該当する女性の割合は,妊娠前で51.7%,妊娠中で64.5%,産後1.5年で92.0%となり,産後3.5年では65.3%であった(妊娠前の割合と比較してすべての時点でP < 0.001)。産後1.5年と3.5年で低身体活動を維持してしまう要因は,出産時年齢が高いこと,高学歴,産後の仕事の継続,休止および未就労,過去の運動経験なし,妊娠前と妊娠中の低身体活動レベルであった(P < 0.05)。 結論:妊娠~育児期における女性は低い身体活動レベルに該当する者が多く,産後1.5年で最も高い値を示した。育児期に低身体活動を維持してしまう要因は,高年齢,高学歴,産後の就労継続,未就労および休止,過去の運動経験なし,妊娠前および妊娠中の低身体活動レベルであった。
鈴木 明宏 茂庭 優貴 石井 賢治 藤原 誠助 永富 良一
一般社団法人 日本機械学会
日本機械学会論文集 (ISSN:21879761)
vol.83, no.849, pp.16-00450-16-00450, 2017 (Released:2017-05-25)

Amount of daily physical activity is strongly associated with the prevalence of lifestyle-associated diseases, and thus maintaining a certain level of physical activity is recommended. Amount of physical activity, namely energy expenditure, is commonly estimated from linear regression analysis of oxygen uptake during steady-state exercise of different intensities. Short-duration exercise, mainly walking lasting less than 3 minutes, has been reported to account for over 90% of the daily energy expenditure of healthy adults. The estimation of energy expenditure by ACSM Metabolic Equations used well, however, is based on steady-state exercise of more than 5 minutes, and energy consumption of shorter duration exercise is not commonly considered. Oxygen consumption remains elevated for some period of time after exercise. Then, the estimation of energy expenditure for short duration exercise must include excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (EPOC). The amount of EPOC change in duration exercise. Therefore, we attempted to elucidate the energy expenditure for VO2 kinetics. Ten healthy participants aged 19-54 y walked and ran for 1, 3 and 5 minutes on a treadmill at constant speed. Oxygen consumption during and post-exercise was measured using a portable gas analyzer in breath-by-breath mode. A best-fit exponential equation to estimate oxygen consumption from exercise duration and walking speed was generated. The root mean square (RMS) of estimate equations was calculated using Leave-one-out cross validation. The RMS(1.44~2.14 ml/kg/min) was lower, and the results of the Bland-Altman analysis revealed neither fixed nor proportional bias with the exception of the decent walking and running. An equation for the estimation of oxygen consumption at shorter durations of exercise was successfully generated. Accumulation of additional data may further improve the equation.
八島 建樹 高木 敏行 出江 紳 一 永富 良一 浅尾 章彦 森 仁 阿部 利彦
バイオメカニズム学会誌 (ISSN:02850885)
vol.40, no.2, pp.103-109, 2016 (Released:2017-01-15)
4 5

著者らが開発した末梢神経を刺激することを目的とした磁気刺激装置を用いて,健常者の橈側手根伸筋を刺激し,これ によって誘発される手関節の背屈運動と刺激条件との関係を調べた.磁気刺激の条件として,磁場強度を3 段階,刺激周波数を10 ~ 50 Hz の5 段階,刺激時間を0.5 ~ 2.0 s の4 段階に変化させ,前腕を刺激した.この時に誘発される手関節の運動角度を電子角度計を用いて計測した.刺激条件に応じて,手関節の背屈角度はごくわずかな動きから100 度を超える大きな動きまで誘発できることが明らかになった.
鶴岡 典子 河野 隆宏 松永 忠雄 永富 良一 芳賀 洋一
公益社団法人 日本生体医工学会
生体医工学 (ISSN:1347443X)
vol.54, no.5, pp.207-217, 2016-10-10 (Released:2017-01-14)

Quantitative measurement of sweating rate is a useful indicator of the state of autonomic nerves and related factors such as stress response or body temperature regulation. Specifically, it is known that mental stress increases mental sweating, and deep body temperature and dehydration increase thermal sweating. Therefore, continuous sweat measurement with a small sweating rate meter is expected to be useful for the management of mental stress as well as the prevention of heat stroke. In this study, two small sweating rate meters, one having high resolution and the other having a large dynamic range, were developed and used to measure mental sweating and thermal sweating. These devices determine the sweating rate by the conventional method, which measures the humidity difference between ambient air and air moistened by sweat. Measurement resolution and dynamic range can be adjusted by controlling the air flow rate. The device for measuring mental sweating rate consists of a main body, which has an air pump and two humidity sensors, and a capsule connected to the main body by tubes in which air flows. The device for measuring thermal sweating rate has a pump and two humidity sensors, an aperture instead of a capsule, and a flow channel on a flexible substrate. The mental sweating rates during arithmetic and speech tasks were measured on the plantar aspect of the big toe using the mental sweating rate meter. The present study on part of the sole showed two sweating types ; a reaction type and a low-reaction type. During the mental stress tasks, sweating rate increased by 0.43 mg/min/cm2 compared to that at rest in reaction type subjects, but by less than 0.1 mg/min/cm2 in low-reaction type subjects, showing very low responses to stimulations. The thermal sweating rate during immersion of the lower legs in warm water was measured using the thermal sweating meter worn on the forearm. Sweating rate increased by approximately 0.4 mg/min/cm2 on average due to thermal stress, and was also successfully measured. These results show that the small sweating rate meters developed in this study can be used for measuring mental and thermal sweating rates.
永富 良一 鈴木 克彦 矢野 博巳 鈴井 正敏 和久 貴洋

大瀧 保明 鈴木 明宏 張 秀敏 佐川 貢一 永富 良一 猪岡 光
vol.2005, pp.341-344, 2005-03-21

Main objective of this study is to evaluate physical activity by means of a portable device utilizing accelerometers and a barometer. A simple and effective algorithm was proposed to classify physical activities including vertical movements such as stair climbing, and estimates its exercise intensities. The propose method performed successful classifications and feasible estimation of the energy consumption in the experimental study comparing with the measured values of the expiratory gas monitoring system. The result suggested that the correct evaluation of vertical movements made an improvement in the estimation of energy consumptions, which provides better assessment in physical therapies.
中山 英久 角田 裕 太田 耕平 鈴木 明宏 西山 大樹 永富 良一 橋本 和夫 和泉 勇治 キニ グレン マンスフィールド 根元 義章 加藤 寧
電子情報通信学会技術研究報告. CS, 通信方式 (ISSN:09135685)
vol.109, no.4, pp.1-6, 2009-04-09
