飯島 慈裕 会田 健太郎 浅沼 順 石川 守 岩崎 博之 太田 岳史 小谷 亜由美 佐藤 友徳 篠田 雅人 杉浦 幸之助 朴 昊澤 檜山 哲哉 平沢 尚彦 金子 有紀 堀 雅裕 GOMBOLUUDEV Purevjav OYUNBAATAR Dambaravjaa IIJIMA Yoshihiro AIDA Kentaro ASANUMA Jun ISHIKAWA Mamoru IWASAKI Hiroyuki OHTA Takeshi KOTANI Ayumi SATO Tomonori SHINODA Masato SUGIURA Konosuke PARK Hotaek HIYAMA Tetsuya HIRASAWA Naohiko KANEKO Yuki HORI Masahiro
no.43, pp.15-25, 2017-09

宇宙航空研究開発機構によって2014年2月に打ち上げられた全球降水観測計画(GPM: Global Precipitation Measurement)の主衛星は高緯度地域の降水量が新規に得られる。このデータの検証は,今後の寒冷圏陸域の水循環・水資源研究等への利用促進に向けた観測精度の向上を図るうえで必要不可欠である。本研究プロジェクトでは,観測研究を実施してきた国内外の機関が協働して,北東ユーラシア(主としてモンゴル・東シベリア)で既設の観測システムを改良し,他の衛星データ解析と合わせて,夏季降水(降雨),冬季降水(降積雪)およびそれらの空間分布に関する地上検証を行う。また,今後の応用研究に向けて,陸面モデル・分布型河川流出モデル,メソ気象モデルを利用した,地域規模のGPM観測データの利用可能性を検討する。
KUJI Makoto MURASAKI Atsumi HORI Masahiro SHIOBARA Masataka
Meteorological Society of Japan
気象集誌. 第2輯 (ISSN:00261165)
pp.2018-025, (Released:2018-02-05)

Cloud fractions were observed during research cruises onboard the research vessel (R/V) Shirase between Japan and Antarctica using a whole-sky camera and a ceilometer. The cruises, Japanese Antarctic Research Expeditions (JARE) 55 and 56, took place from November 2013 to April 2014 and November 2014 to April 2015, respectively. Cloud fractions were estimated from the whole-sky camera based on the sky brightness and spectral characteristics, while the ceilometer recorded the cloud occurrence frequency. According to the comparison of daily-averaged cloud fractions from the whole-sky camera with the ceilometer observations over the open ocean between Japan and Antarctica, the correlation coefficients were 0.87 and 0.93 for JARE 55 and 56, respectively. Overall, the results from both observation methods were consistent over the open ocean. Nevertheless, it was necessary to take surface conditions into consideration, particularly for the estimated cloud fractions from the whole-sky camera, because the contrast in brightness and spectral properties between cloudy and clear skies was lower over the sea ice region, owing to the higher surface albedo. Hence, the classification parameter was expressed as a function of sun elevation over the sea ice region in this study. This parameter was determined from part of the data over the sea ice region during JARE 55 and then applied to JARE 56 as well as to remaining data from JARE 55. As a result, the daily-averaged cloud fractions over the sea ice region were approximately 84% and 57% from JARE 55 and 56, respectively. The daily-averaged cloud fractions estimated from the whole-sky camera were also consistent with the ceilometer observations where the correlation coefficients with the sea ice region were 0.93 and 0.96 for JARE 55 and 56, respectively.