BMFH Press
Bioscience of Microbiota, Food and Health (ISSN:21863342)
vol.42, no.2, pp.114-123, 2023 (Released:2023-04-01)

Dietary calcium supplementation has been shown to be an effective adjunct therapy in an inflammatory bowel disease model. Soluble dietary fiber reduces intestinal pH and is known to enhance calcium absorption. Although many circadian clock regulations of nutrient absorption in the intestinal tract have been reported, the effects of clock regulation on calcium absorption have yet to be understood. In this study, we investigated the timing of efficient calcium intake by measuring urinary calcium excretion in mice. The diurnal variations in channel-forming tight junctions (claudins) were detected in both the jejunum and ileum. Following 2 days of feeding with a Ca2+-free diet, Ca2+-containing diets with or without soluble fiber (inulin) were fed at specific timings, and urine was subsequently examined every 4 hr. There was an evident increase in urinary calcium concentration when the inulin diet was fed at the beginning of the resting period. The Claudin 2 (Cldn2) expression level also showed a significant day-night change, which seemed to be a mechanism for the increased calcium excretion after inulin intake. This diurnal rhythm and enhanced Cldn2 expression were abolished by disruption of the suprachiasmatic nucleus, the central clock in the hypothalamus. This study suggests that intestinal calcium absorption might be modulated by the circadian clock and that the intake of inulin is more effective at the beginning of the resting period in mice.
Akindele Abimibayo Adeoya Hiroyuki Sasaki Mikiko Fuda Tomoko Okamoto Shinichi Egawa
Tohoku University Medical Press
The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine (ISSN:00408727)
vol.256, no.2, pp.103-118, 2022 (Released:2022-02-15)

Disaster endangers the nutritional health of children with resulting effects on their mental, physical, and social well-being. Adequate infant and young child feeding (IYCF) in disaster prevents malnutrition and save lives. Although much progress has been made in nutritional support in disaster, malnutrition among children is still evident. This scoping review study was conducted to identify gaps in child nutrition in disaster. Published articles (1946-2020) in PubMed were sought primarily and were assessed with some additional relevant articles. Overall, 103 articles were included in the scope of this review. Increased morbidity and mortality from malnutrition (macro- and micro-nutrient deficiencies), communicable diseases and mental health issues are nutritional effects of disaster. Pre-disaster malnutrition, food insecurity, living environments in shelters, poor breast-feeding practices, sociocultural factors, and organizational and administrative challenges strongly affect child nutrition in disaster. The efforts and collaboration of relief agencies resulted in the development of standardized guidelines and codes represented as the Sphere Project and Operational Guideline for IYCF in Emergency. This study recommends a well-coordinated and explicit approach that includes preparedness, advocacy, development/updating of policies, and education of children, family and relief aid workers on nutrition. Periodic nutritional assessment of children and nutritional support in disaster by designated IYCF authority are necessary. Education and participation of the general population are also important. Future assessments must examine food allergies in children and nutrition effects on child mental health in disaster.
Tomomi Suda Aya Murakami Yayoi Nakamura Hiroyuki Sasaki Ichiro Tsuji Yumi Sugawara Kazuaki Hatsugai Masafumi Nishizawa Shinichi Egawa
Tohoku University Medical Press
The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine (ISSN:00408727)
vol.248, no.2, pp.73-86, 2019 (Released:2019-06-08)
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The medical records of service in disaster provided at a place other than a medical facility are defined as disaster medical records (DMRs). In this epidemiological study, to clarify medical need characteristics and trends after disaster, we analyzed the all anonymized DMRs of Minamisanriku Town that lost medical facilities in 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake and its consequent tsunami. After screening of duplicated or irrelevant documents, there were 10,464 DMRs with 18,532 diagnoses from March 11 through May 13. From 34 diagnostic groups according to International Classification of Diseases (ICD)-10, we integrated diagnostic groups into five modules that might require treatment concepts of different types: non-communicable disease (NCD), infectious disease, mental health issue, trauma, and maternal and child health (MCH). Age and sex distributions of the patients were similar to those of population before the disaster. The largest diagnostic module was NCD (68%), followed by infectious disease (21%), mental health issues (6%), trauma (4%), and MCH (0.2%). The age-specific rate of NCD exhibited a similar or suppressed level from that of nationwide survey, with higher rate of pollinosis among young population. Infectious disease increased in most age groups but there was no apparent outbreak because of early interventions. Sleep deprivation was twice as frequent in middle-aged women, compared with men. Trauma and MCH were less frequent, but each exhibited a unique time trend. Trauma onset was continuously recorded, while MCH visits were concentrated on a specific day. The medical need after disaster dynamically changes, and appropriate anticipatory countermeasures are necessary.
倉知 徹 川北 健雄 相良 二朗 佐々木 宏幸 谷口 文保 Tohru KURACHI Takeo KAWAKITA Jiro SAGARA Hiroyuki SASAKI Fumiyasu TANIGUCHI

兵庫県播磨町では、2007 年以降住民主体のまちづくり組織、旧播磨北小学校施設運営協議会(以下協議会)が中心となった地域づくり活動が行なわれている。2009 年度に兵庫県立東はりま特別支援学校が開校し、公立学校とまちづくり組織の協働による取り組みが開始された。本報告は、2009 年度に取り組まれた協議会が中心となった協働によるアートワークショップについてのプロセスデザインの報告である。アートワークショップでは、県立播磨南高校芸術類型の生徒と県立東はりま特別支援学校の生徒が作業を分担し、協力して絵を描いた。描かれた絵は、多くの人に見てもらうためにギャラリーでの展示が行なわれた。また、成果を参加した人に配布することと、より多くの人に配布するために別の媒体に加工することとした。描かれた絵の一部を取り出し、ポストカードとクリアファイルに加工し、地元住民等に配布された。このアートワークショップのプロセスを通じ、それまで交わることのなかった人同士が協力し、協力して創作活動を行うことができた。また、このプロセスを通じ、多主体が協働する際のきっかけと内容を明らかにすることができた。The community building activity led by the Machizukuri organization called ex-Harima North Elementary school Facilities Management Conference (NE-FMC)) has been implemented in Harima town, Hyogo prefecture since 2007. In 2009, Hyogo prefectural East Harima Special Needs Education School (EHSNES) was founded, and the collaborations of community building activities began. This paper reports the process design of the art workshop thorough the collaborations implemented in 2009.In the artwork shop, four paintings were drawn through the collaboration by students of the Harima South high school and students of EHSNES. The paintings were processed to postcards and clear files, and distributed to a lot of people. Through the collaboration, student could interact each other, and the process clarified the chances and the contents of collaborations between multi-groups.