Kosuke Ito Hiroyuki Yamada Munehiko Yamaguchi Tetsuo Nakazawa Norio Nagahama Kensaku Shimizu Tadayasu Ohigashi Taro Shinoda Kazuhisa Tsuboki
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.14, pp.105-110, 2018 (Released:2018-07-28)
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The inner core of Tropical Cyclone Lan was observed on 21-22 October 2017 by GPS dropsondes during the first aircraft missions of the Tropical Cyclones-Pacific Asian Research Campaign for the Improvement of Intensity Estimations/Forecasts (T-PARCII). To evaluate the impact of dropsondes on forecast skill, 12 36-h forecasts were conducted using a Japan Meteorological Agency non-hydrostatic model (JMA-NHM) with a JMA-NHM-based mesoscale four-dimensional data assimilation (DA) system. Track forecast skill improved over all forecast times with the assimilation of the dropsonde data. The improvement rate was 8-16% for 27-36-h forecasts. Minimum sea level pressure (Pmin) forecasts were generally degenerated (improved) for relatively short-term (long-term) forecasts by adding the dropsonde data, and maximum wind speed (Vmax) forecasts were degenerated. Some of the changes in the track and Vmax forecasts were statistically significant at the 95% confidence level. It is notable that the dropsonde-derived estimate of Pmin was closer to the real-time analysis by the Regional Specialized Meteorological Center (RSMC) Tokyo than the RSMC Tokyo best track analysis. The degeneration in intensity forecast skill due to uncertainties in the best track data is discussed.
Akihiko Shimpo Kazuto Takemura Shunya Wakamatsu Hiroki Togawa Yasushi Mochizuki Motoaki Takekawa Shotaro Tanaka Kazuya Yamashita Shuhei Maeda Ryuta Kurora Hirokazu Murai Naoko Kitabatake Hiroshige Tsuguti Hitoshi Mukougawa Toshiki Iwasaki Ryuichi Kawamura Masahide Kimoto Izuru Takayabu Yukari N. Takayabu Youichi Tanimoto Toshihiko Hirooka Yukio Masumoto Masahiro Watanabe Kazuhisa Tsuboki Hisashi Nakamura
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.15A, pp.13-18, 2019 (Released:2019-06-15)

An extreme rainfall event occurred over western Japan and the adjacent Tokai region mainly in early July, named “the Heavy Rain Event of July 2018”, which caused widespread havoc. It was followed by heat wave that persisted in many regions over Japan in setting the highest temperature on record since 1946 over eastern Japan as the July and summertime means. The rain event was attributable to two extremely moist airflows of tropical origins confluent persistently into western Japan and large-scale ascent along the stationary Baiu front. The heat wave was attributable to the enhanced surface North Pacific Subtropical High and upper-tropospheric Tibetan High, with a prominent barotropic anticyclonic anomaly around the Korean Peninsula. The consecutive occurrence of these extreme events was related to persistent meandering of the upper-level subtropical jet, indicating remote influence from the upstream. The heat wave can also be influenced by enhanced summertime convective activity around the Philippines and possibly by extremely anomalous warmth over the Northern Hemisphere midlatitude in July 2018. The global warming can also influence not only the heat wave but also the rain event, consistent with a long-term increasing trend in intensity of extreme precipitation observed over Japan.
Yukie Moroda Kazuhisa Tsuboki Shinsuke Satoh Katsuhiro Nakagawa Tomoo Ushio Hiroshi Kikuchi
公益社団法人 日本気象学会
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.18, pp.110-115, 2022 (Released:2022-06-08)

A rapid rise of the lightning activity center in the upper part of a cloud is called a lightning bubble (LB). It remains unclear how LBs occur in thunderstorm clouds. Recently, high-spatiotemporal resolution data obtained by a phased array weather radar enabled observation of temporal changes in the three-dimensional structure of precipitation cores in a precipitation cell. To understand the mechanism by which LBs occur, we examined the relationship between the time-evolution of precipitation cores and the flash initiation points. After a precipitation core developed in an isolated thundercloud, the top height of the core reached its highest altitude and then started to descend. Meanwhile, the echo tops above the core continued to rise, which is termed an upward reflectivity pulse (URP). Over an hour, nine URPs were successively observed in the thundercloud. The average tracking period of the URPs was 3.9 minutes. Flash initiation points appeared near the highest points of the URPs and continued to rise with time. These observational results suggest that URPs cause LBs by enhancing the electric field, via the separation of graupel and ice crystals near the highest points of ascending URPs.
Yukie Moroda Kazuhisa Tsuboki Shinsuke Satoh Katsuhiro Nakagawa Tomoo Ushio Hiroshi Kikuchi
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
pp.2022-018, (Released:2022-04-15)

A rapid rise of the lightning activity center in the upper part of a cloud is called a lightning bubble (LB). It remains unclear how LBs occur in thunderstorm clouds. Recently, high-spatiotemporal resolution data obtained by a phased array weather radar enabled observation of temporal changes in the three-dimensional structure of precipitation cores in a precipitation cell. To understand the mechanism by which LBs occur, we examined the relationship between the time-evolution of precipitation cores and the flash initiation points.After a precipitation core developed in an isolated thundercloud, the top height of the core reached its highest altitude and then started to descend. Meanwhile, the echo tops above the core continued to rise, which is termed an upward reflectivity pulse (URP). Over an hour, nine URPs were successively observed in the thundercloud. The average tracking period of the URPs was 3.9 minutes. Flash initiation points appeared near the highest points of the URPs and continued to rise with time. These observational results suggest that URPs cause LBs by enhancing the electric field, via the separation of graupel and ice crystals near the highest points of ascending URPs.
Sachie Kanada Hidenori Aiki Kazuhisa Tsuboki
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.17A, no.Special_Edition, pp.38-44, 2021 (Released:2021-07-27)

Torrential rain associated with Typhoon Hagibis (2019) caused extensive destruction across Japan. To project future changes of the record-breaking rainfall, numerical experiments using a regional 1-km-mesh three-dimensional atmosphere–ocean coupled model were conducted in current (CNTL) and pseudo-global warming (PGW) climates. The water vapor mixing ratio in the lower troposphere increased by 23% in response to a 3.34 K increase in sea surface temperature (SST) in the PGW climate. The abundant moisture supply by the westward winds of the typhoon caused strong precipitation from its rainbands for a long period, resulting in 90% increase in total precipitation in eastern Japan before landfall. However, the strong PGW typhoon caused high SST-cooling. Mean precipitation in eastern Japan during the typhoon passage increased by 22% when the SST-cooling east of Kanto was strengthened from 0.11 K to 0.72 K from the CNTL to PGW simulations; the increase was above 29% when the SST-cooling was lowered. Since Typhoon Hagibis accelerated as it traveled northward, the magnitude of the SST-cooling and weakening of the typhoon were suppressed. Consequently, strong precipitation in the inner-core of the strong PGW typhoon caused 30% increase in precipitation in the areas on the Pacific side of northern Japan.
Sachie Kanada Hidenori Aiki Kazuhisa Tsuboki
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
pp.17A-007, (Released:2021-06-22)

Torrential rain associated with Typhoon Hagibis (2019) caused extensive destruction across Japan. To project future changes of the record-breaking rainfall, numerical experiments using a regional 1-km-mesh three-dimensional atmosphere–ocean coupled model were conducted in current (CNTL) and pseudo-global warming (PGW) climates. The water vapor mixing ratio in the lower troposphere increased by 23% in response to a 3.34 K increase in sea surface temperature (SST) in the PGW climate. The abundant moisture supply by the westward winds of the typhoon caused strong precipitation from its rainbands for a long period, resulting in 90% increase in total precipitation in eastern Japan before landfall. However, the strong PGW typhoon caused high SST-cooling. Mean precipitation in eastern Japan during the typhoon passage increased by 22% when the SST-cooling east of Kanto was strengthened from 0.11 K to 0.72 K from the CNTL to PGW simulations; the increase was above 29% when the SST-cooling was lowered. Since Typhoon Hagibis accelerated as it traveled northward, the magnitude of the SST-cooling and weakening of the typhoon were suppressed. Consequently, strong precipitation in the inner-core of the strong PGW typhoon caused 30% increase in precipitation in the areas on the Pacific side of northern Japan.
Sachie Kanada Hidenori Aiki Kazuhisa Tsuboki Izuru Takayabu
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
pp.17A-003, (Released:2020-12-16)

Numerical experiments on Typhoon Trami (2018) using a regional 1-km-mesh three-dimensional atmosphere–ocean coupled model in current and pseudo-global warming (PGW) climates were conducted to investigate future changes of a slow-moving intense typhoon under the warming climate. Over the warmer sea in the PGW climate, the maximum near-surface wind speed rapidly increased around the large eye of the simulated Trami. The stronger winds in the PGW simulation versus the current simulation caused a 1.5-fold larger decrease of sea surface temperature (SST) in the storm core-region. In the PGW climate, near-surface air temperature increased by 3.1°C. A large SST decrease due to ocean upwelling caused downward heat fluxes from the atmosphere to the ocean. The magnitude of the SST decrease depended strongly on initial ocean conditions. Consideration of the SST decrease induced by an intense typhoon, and a slow-moving storm in particular, indicated that such a typhoon would not always become more intense under the warmer climate conditions. An atmosphere–ocean coupled model should facilitate making more reliable projections of typhoon intensities in a warming climate.
Sachie Kanada Kazuhisa Tsuboki Izuru Takayabu
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.16, pp.57-63, 2020 (Released:2020-04-09)

To understand the impacts of global warming on tropical cyclones (TCs) in midlatitude regions, dynamical downscaling experiments were performed using a 4-km-mesh regional model with a one-dimensional slab ocean model. Around 100 downscaling experiments for midlatitude TCs that traveled over the sea east of Japan were forced by large-ensemble climate change simulations of both current and warming climates. Mean central pressure and radius of maximum wind speed of simulated current-climate TCs increased as the TCs moved northward into a baroclinic environment with decreasing sea surface temperature (SST). In the warming-climate simulations, the mean central pressure of TCs in the analysis regions decreased from 958 hPa to 948 hPa: 12% of the warming-climate TCs were of an unusual central pressure lower than 925 hPa. In the warming climate, atmospheric conditions were strongly stabilized, however, the warming-climate TCs could develope, because the storms developed taller and stronger eyewall updrafts owing to higher SSTs and larger amounts of near-surface water vapor. When mean SST and near-surface water vapor were significantly higher and baroclinicity was significantly smaller, unusual intense TCs with extreme wind speeds and large amounts of precipitation around a small eye, could develop in midlatitude regions, retaining the axisymetric TC structures.
Sachie Kanada Kazuhisa Tsuboki Izuru Takayabu
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
pp.2020-010, (Released:2020-03-03)

To understand the impacts of global warming on tropical cyclones (TCs) in midlatitude regions, dynamical downscaling experiments were performed using a 4-km-mesh regional model with a one-dimensional slab ocean model. Around 100 downscaling experiments for midlatitude TCs that traveled over the sea east of Japan were forced by large-ensemble climate change simulations of both current and warming climates. Mean central pressure and radius of maximum wind speed of simulated current-climate TCs increased as the TCs moved northward into a baroclinic environment with decreasing sea surface temperature (SST). In the warming-climate simulations, the mean central pressure of TCs in the analysis regions decreased from 958 hPa to 948 hPa: 12% of the warming-climate TCs were of an unusual central pressure lower than 925 hPa. In the warming climate, atmospheric conditions were strongly stabilized, however, the warming-climate TCs could develope, because the storms developed taller and stronger eyewall updrafts owing to higher SSTs and larger amounts of near-surface water vapor. When mean SST and near-surface water vapor were significantly higher and baroclinicity was significantly smaller, unusual intense TCs with extreme wind speeds and large amounts of precipitation around a small eye, could develop in midlatitude regions, retaining the axisymetric TC structures.
Sachie Kanada Hidenori Aiki Kazuhisa Tsuboki Izuru Takayabu
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.15, pp.244-249, 2019 (Released:2019-12-05)

From 16 to 23 August 2016, typhoons T1607, T1609, and T1611 hit eastern Hokkaido in northern Japan and caused heavy rainfall that resulted in severe disasters. To understand future changes in typhoon-related precipitation (TRP) in midlatitude regions, climate change experiments on these three typhoons were conducted using a high-resolution three-dimensional atmosphere–ocean coupled regional model in current and pseudo-global warming (PGW) climates. All PGW simulations projected decreases in precipitation frequency with an increased frequency of strong TRP and decreased frequency of weak TRP in eastern Hokkaido. In the current climate, snow-dominant precipitation systems start to cause precipitation in eastern Hokkaido about 24 hours before landfall. In the PGW climate, increases in convective available potential energy (CAPE) developed tall and intense updrafts and the snow-dominant precipitation systems turned to have more convective property with less snow mixing ratio (QS). Decreased QS reduced precipitation area, although strong precipitation increased or remained almost the same. Only TRP of T1607 increased the amounts before landfall. In contrast, all typhoons projected to increase TRP amount associated with landfall, because in addition to increased CAPE, the PGW typhoon and thereby its circulations intensified, and a large amount of rain was produced in the core region.
Akihiko Shimpo Kazuto Takemura Shunya Wakamatsu Hiroki Togawa Yasushi Mochizuki Motoaki Takekawa Shotaro Tanaka Kazuya Yamashita Shuhei Maeda Ryuta Kurora Hirokazu Murai Naoko Kitabatake Hiroshige Tsuguti Hitoshi Mukougawa Toshiki Iwasaki Ryuichi Kawamura Masahide Kimoto Izuru Takayabu Yukari N. Takayabu Youichi Tanimoto Toshihiko Hirooka Yukio Masumoto Masahiro Watanabe Kazuhisa Tsuboki Hisashi Nakamura
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
pp.15A-003, (Released:2019-05-17)

An extreme rainfall event occurred over western Japan and the adjacent Tokai region mainly in early July, named “the Heavy Rain Event of July 2018”, which caused widespread havoc. It was followed by heat wave that persisted in many regions over Japan in setting the highest temperature on record since 1946 over eastern Japan as the July and summertime means. The rain event was attributable to two extremely moist airflows of tropical origins confluent persistently into western Japan and large-scale ascent along the stationary Baiu front. The heat wave was attributable to the enhanced surface North Pacific Subtropical High and upper-tropospheric Tibetan High, with a prominent barotropic anticyclonic anomaly around the Korean Peninsula. The consecutive occurrence of these extreme events was related to persistent meandering of the upper-level subtropical jet, indicating remote influence from the upstream. The heat wave can also be influenced by enhanced summertime convective activity around the Philippines and possibly by extremely anomalous warmth over the Northern Hemisphere midlatitude in July 2018. The global warming can also influence not only the heat wave but also the rain event, consistent with a long-term increasing trend in intensity of extreme precipitation observed over Japan.
Sachie Kanada Hidenori Aiki Kazuhisa Tsuboki Izuru Takayabu
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.17A, no.Special_Edition, pp.14-20, 2021 (Released:2021-01-28)

Numerical experiments on Typhoon Trami (2018) using a regional 1-km-mesh three-dimensional atmosphere–ocean coupled model in current and pseudo-global warming (PGW) climates were conducted to investigate future changes of a slow-moving intense typhoon under the warming climate. Over the warmer sea in the PGW climate, the maximum near-surface wind speed rapidly increased around the large eye of the simulated Trami. The stronger winds in the PGW simulation versus the current simulation caused a 1.5-fold larger decrease of sea surface temperature (SST) in the storm core-region. In the PGW climate, near-surface air temperature increased by 3.1°C. A large SST decrease due to ocean upwelling caused downward heat fluxes from the atmosphere to the ocean. The magnitude of the SST decrease depended strongly on initial ocean conditions. Consideration of the SST decrease induced by an intense typhoon, and a slow-moving storm in particular, indicated that such a typhoon would not always become more intense under the warmer climate conditions. An atmosphere–ocean coupled model should facilitate making more reliable projections of typhoon intensities in a warming climate.
Sachie Kanada Hidenori Aiki Kazuhisa Tsuboki Izuru Takayabu
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
pp.2019-044, (Released:2019-11-07)

From 16 to 23 August 2016, typhoons T1607, T1609, and T1611 hit eastern Hokkaido in northern Japan and caused heavy rainfall that resulted in severe disasters. To understand future changes in typhoon-related precipitation (TRP) in midlatitude regions, climate change experiments on these three typhoons were conducted using a high-resolution three-dimensional atmosphere–ocean coupled regional model in current and pseudo-global warming (PGW) climates. All PGW simulations projected decreases in precipitation frequency with an increased frequency of strong TRP and decreased frequency of weak TRP in eastern Hokkaido. In the current climate, snow-dominant precipitation systems start to cause precipitation in eastern Hokkaido about 24 hours before landfall. In the PGW climate, increases in convective available potential energy (CAPE) developed tall and intense updrafts and the snow-dominant precipitation systems turned to have more convective property with less snow mixing ratio (QS). Decreased QS reduced precipitation area, although strong precipitation increased or remained almost the same. Only TRP of T1607 increased the amounts before landfall. In contrast, all typhoons projected to increase TRP amount associated with landfall, because in addition to increased CAPE, the PGW typhoon and thereby its circulations intensified, and a large amount of rain was produced in the core region.