落合 のり子 山下 一也 阪本 功 濵村 美和子 福澤 陽一郎 橋本 由里 松岡 文子 恩田 晴夫 Noriko OCHIAI Kazuya YAMASHITA Isao SAKAMOTO Miwako HAMAMURA Yoichiro FUKUZAWA Yuri HASHIMOTO Ayako MATSUOKA Haruo ONDA
島根県立大学短期大学部出雲キャンパス研究紀要 (ISSN:18824382)
vol.4, pp.39-45, 2010-09-30

Junichiro Irie Emi Inagaki Masataka Fujita Hideaki Nakaya Masanori Mitsuishi Shintaro Yamaguchi Kazuya Yamashita Shuhei Shigaki Takashi Ono Hideo Yukioka Hideyuki Okano Yo-ichi Nabeshima Shin-ichiro Imai Masato Yasui Kazuo Tsubota Hiroshi Itoh
The Japan Endocrine Society
Endocrine Journal (ISSN:09188959)
pp.EJ19-0313, (Released:2019-11-02)
8 115

Recent studies have revealed that decline in cellular nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) levels causes aging-related disorders and therapeutic approaches increasing cellular NAD+ prevent these disorders in animal models. The administration of nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) has been shown to mitigate aging-related dysfunctions. However, the safety of NMN in humans have remained unclear. We, therefore, conducted a clinical trial to investigate the safety of single NMN administration in 10 healthy men. A single-arm non-randomized intervention was conducted by single oral administration of 100, 250, and 500 mg NMN. Clinical findings and parameters, and the pharmacokinetics of NMN metabolites were investigated for 5 h after each intervention. Ophthalmic examination and sleep quality assessment were also conducted before and after the intervention. The single oral administrations of NMN did not cause any significant clinical symptoms or changes in heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and body temperature. Laboratory analysis results did not show significant changes, except for increases in serum bilirubin levels and decreases in serum creatinine, chloride, and blood glucose levels within the normal ranges, independent of the dose of NMN. Results of ophthalmic examination and sleep quality score showed no differences before and after the intervention. Plasma concentrations of N-methyl-2-pyridone-5-carboxamide and N-methyl-4-pyridone-5-carboxamide were significantly increased dose-dependently by NMN administration. The single oral administration of NMN was safe and effectively metabolized in healthy men without causing any significant deleterious effects. Thus, the oral administration of NMN was found to be feasible, implicating a potential therapeutic strategy to mitigate aging-related disorders in humans.
Akihiko Shimpo Kazuto Takemura Shunya Wakamatsu Hiroki Togawa Yasushi Mochizuki Motoaki Takekawa Shotaro Tanaka Kazuya Yamashita Shuhei Maeda Ryuta Kurora Hirokazu Murai Naoko Kitabatake Hiroshige Tsuguti Hitoshi Mukougawa Toshiki Iwasaki Ryuichi Kawamura Masahide Kimoto Izuru Takayabu Yukari N. Takayabu Youichi Tanimoto Toshihiko Hirooka Yukio Masumoto Masahiro Watanabe Kazuhisa Tsuboki Hisashi Nakamura
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.15A, pp.13-18, 2019 (Released:2019-06-15)

An extreme rainfall event occurred over western Japan and the adjacent Tokai region mainly in early July, named “the Heavy Rain Event of July 2018”, which caused widespread havoc. It was followed by heat wave that persisted in many regions over Japan in setting the highest temperature on record since 1946 over eastern Japan as the July and summertime means. The rain event was attributable to two extremely moist airflows of tropical origins confluent persistently into western Japan and large-scale ascent along the stationary Baiu front. The heat wave was attributable to the enhanced surface North Pacific Subtropical High and upper-tropospheric Tibetan High, with a prominent barotropic anticyclonic anomaly around the Korean Peninsula. The consecutive occurrence of these extreme events was related to persistent meandering of the upper-level subtropical jet, indicating remote influence from the upstream. The heat wave can also be influenced by enhanced summertime convective activity around the Philippines and possibly by extremely anomalous warmth over the Northern Hemisphere midlatitude in July 2018. The global warming can also influence not only the heat wave but also the rain event, consistent with a long-term increasing trend in intensity of extreme precipitation observed over Japan.
Junichiro Irie Emi Inagaki Masataka Fujita Hideaki Nakaya Masanori Mitsuishi Shintaro Yamaguchi Kazuya Yamashita Shuhei Shigaki Takashi Ono Hideo Yukioka Hideyuki Okano Yo-ichi Nabeshima Shin-ichiro Imai Masato Yasui Kazuo Tsubota Hiroshi Itoh
The Japan Endocrine Society
Endocrine Journal (ISSN:09188959)
vol.67, no.2, pp.153-160, 2020 (Released:2020-02-28)
22 115

Recent studies have revealed that decline in cellular nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) levels causes aging-related disorders and therapeutic approaches increasing cellular NAD+ prevent these disorders in animal models. The administration of nicotinamide mononucleotide (NMN) has been shown to mitigate aging-related dysfunctions. However, the safety of NMN in humans have remained unclear. We, therefore, conducted a clinical trial to investigate the safety of single NMN administration in 10 healthy men. A single-arm non-randomized intervention was conducted by single oral administration of 100, 250, and 500 mg NMN. Clinical findings and parameters, and the pharmacokinetics of NMN metabolites were investigated for 5 h after each intervention. Ophthalmic examination and sleep quality assessment were also conducted before and after the intervention. The single oral administrations of NMN did not cause any significant clinical symptoms or changes in heart rate, blood pressure, oxygen saturation, and body temperature. Laboratory analysis results did not show significant changes, except for increases in serum bilirubin levels and decreases in serum creatinine, chloride, and blood glucose levels within the normal ranges, independent of the dose of NMN. Results of ophthalmic examination and sleep quality score showed no differences before and after the intervention. Plasma concentrations of N-methyl-2-pyridone-5-carboxamide and N-methyl-4-pyridone-5-carboxamide were significantly increased dose-dependently by NMN administration. The single oral administration of NMN was safe and effectively metabolized in healthy men without causing any significant deleterious effects. Thus, the oral administration of NMN was found to be feasible, implicating a potential therapeutic strategy to mitigate aging-related disorders in humans.
Nobuyuki Kayaba Takashi Yamada Syugo Hayashi Kazutoshi Onogi Shinya Kobayashi Koichi Yoshimoto Kenji Kamiguchi Kazuya Yamashita
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
vol.12, pp.1-5, 2016 (Released:2016-01-20)

The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) completed its second global atmospheric reanalysis, the Japanese 55-year Reanalysis (JRA-55). However, the horizontal spatial resolution of JRA-55, TL319 (about 55 km), is insufficient for representing the hilly topography of the Japanese islands. Therefore, to reproduce extreme events caused by the hilly topography and their long-term climatological change in Japan, JMA has conducted a dynamical regional downscaling, called DSJRA-55, based on JMA's operational mesoscale model, which has a horizontal resolution of 5 km. DSJRA-55 receives its initial field and boundary conditions from the JRA-55 reanalysis. DSJRA-55 is historically the first products in the world that covers very long term for 55 years with very high resolution in 5 km. Furthermore, DSJRA-55 does not perform data assimilation; instead, initial field and boundary conditions are given at frequent intervals to the downscaled model and short-range forecasts are performed. Then, successive forecasts are connected continuously to create the DSJRA-55 product. In early evaluation results, DSJRA-55 was able to reproduce observed temperature and precipitation during 1958-2012. Although it showed a systematic temperature bias in some regions and seasons and it underestimated the frequencies of heavy-rain days and heavy-rain hours, DSJRA-55 reproduced the overall distribution of orographic precipitation well. DSJRA-55 is therefore expected to be useful for analyzing past extreme events and for statistical studies of long-term climate.
Akihiko Shimpo Kazuto Takemura Shunya Wakamatsu Hiroki Togawa Yasushi Mochizuki Motoaki Takekawa Shotaro Tanaka Kazuya Yamashita Shuhei Maeda Ryuta Kurora Hirokazu Murai Naoko Kitabatake Hiroshige Tsuguti Hitoshi Mukougawa Toshiki Iwasaki Ryuichi Kawamura Masahide Kimoto Izuru Takayabu Yukari N. Takayabu Youichi Tanimoto Toshihiko Hirooka Yukio Masumoto Masahiro Watanabe Kazuhisa Tsuboki Hisashi Nakamura
Meteorological Society of Japan
SOLA (ISSN:13496476)
pp.15A-003, (Released:2019-05-17)

An extreme rainfall event occurred over western Japan and the adjacent Tokai region mainly in early July, named “the Heavy Rain Event of July 2018”, which caused widespread havoc. It was followed by heat wave that persisted in many regions over Japan in setting the highest temperature on record since 1946 over eastern Japan as the July and summertime means. The rain event was attributable to two extremely moist airflows of tropical origins confluent persistently into western Japan and large-scale ascent along the stationary Baiu front. The heat wave was attributable to the enhanced surface North Pacific Subtropical High and upper-tropospheric Tibetan High, with a prominent barotropic anticyclonic anomaly around the Korean Peninsula. The consecutive occurrence of these extreme events was related to persistent meandering of the upper-level subtropical jet, indicating remote influence from the upstream. The heat wave can also be influenced by enhanced summertime convective activity around the Philippines and possibly by extremely anomalous warmth over the Northern Hemisphere midlatitude in July 2018. The global warming can also influence not only the heat wave but also the rain event, consistent with a long-term increasing trend in intensity of extreme precipitation observed over Japan.
伊藤 智子 加藤 真紀 佐藤 公子 山下 一也 Tomoko ITO Maki KATO Kimiko SATO Kazuya YAMASHITA
島根県立大学出雲キャンパス紀要 = Bulletin of the University of Shimane Izumo Campus (ISSN:2187199X)
vol.12, pp.11-17, 2017

【目的】認知症予防としての、脳トレの効果を検討するため、七田式いきいき脳開発プログラムの効果検証を試みた。【方法】65-90歳の健常高齢者70名を七田式脳トレ群、対照群の2群に分け、6ヶ月間実施した。介入前後に、MMSE、HDS-R、FAB、CADi、やる気指数、うつ指標の測定を行った。群別に各調査項目、介入前後の差を解析した。また介入前後の認知機能検査値とSDS、やる気指数の相関を解析した。【結果】脳トレ群の介入前後のFAB 得点において有意差が見られた。脳トレ群においてFAB とHDS-R 値がSDS 指数と正の相関があった。【考察】6ヶ月の七田式脳トレ継続による、前頭葉機能の活性化が示唆された。
吾郷 美奈恵 高橋 恵美子 岡安 誠子 小田 美紀子 小林 洋貴 山下 一也 Minae AGO Emiko TAKAHASHI Masako OKAYASU Mikiko ODA Hiroki KOBAYASHI Kazuya YAMASHITA
島根県立大学出雲キャンパス紀要 (ISSN:2187199X)
vol.15, pp.35-43, 2019-12-25

A大学では,大学IRコンソーシアムの正会員となり,ベンチマーク可能な標準調査として位置づけられた学生生活調査を全学生に行い,教学IR(Institutional Research)の取組を推進している。今回の目的は、学生の授業経験・学習態度や能力・知識の獲得状況からA大学における看護教育の現状を明らかにすることを目的とした。また,その結果をIRコンソーシアムの基礎集計結果と比較し,A大学の特徴について検討する。回答のあった307票(協力率91.4%)について分析した結果,A大学看護学科の現状や大学IRコンソーシアム結果の比較から,次のことが特徴と考えられた。■全ての学年で主体的に学び,看護に役立つ知識やスキルを学ぶ授業を経験している。■ TAやSAの活用は難しい現状にあるが,教員が添削やコメントなど丁寧な授業運営を行っている。■授業態度は悪くはないが,各学年に一定程度の欠席,遅刻,居眠りはある。■能力・知識の多くを学年進行に伴って獲得しているが,外国語や数理的な能力・知識は増えていない。■授業態度が良く,能力・知識が増えた者は成績順位上位者である。我が国においては,看護教育の質評価・質保証に必要な資源(人・設備・費用)等,これから体制整備がされていく状況にあるが,IR機能に着目し,教育の質を客観的に保証するとともに,更なる教育改善の方策を見出すことが重要である。
井上 千晶 長島 玲子 松本 亥智江 山下 一也 Chiaki INOUE Reiko NAGASHIMA Ichie MATSUMOTO Kazuya YAMASHITA
島根県立大学短期大学部出雲キャンパス研究紀要 (ISSN:18824382)
vol.4, pp.9-17, 2010

高橋 恵美子 山下 一也 阿川 啓子 小村 智子 渡部 真紀 森山 雪美 岡本 雄二 Emiko TAKAHASHI Kazuya YAMASHITA Keiko AGAWA Tomoko OMURA Maki WATANABE Yukimi MORIYAMA Yuji OKAMOTO
島根県立大学短期大学部出雲キャンパス研究紀要 (ISSN:18824382)
vol.5, pp.249-258, 2011

高橋 恵美子 山下 一也 阿川 啓子 小村 智子 Emiko TAKAHASHI Kazuya YAMASHITA Keiko AGAWA Tomoko OMURA
島根県立大学短期大学部出雲キャンパス研究紀要 (ISSN:18824382)
vol.4, pp.137-143, 2010-09-30

ADHDをもつ子どものための包括的治療としての夏期治療プログラム(Summer Treatment Program : STP)の意義について文献的考察をした。ADHDの原因については、多くの研究にも関わらず十分に解明されていないところが多い。ADHDの治療方法としては、薬物治療による効果が70~80%の子どもに見られるために、薬に頼りがちである。しかし、ADHDをもつ子どもが抱える併存障害の重症化を予防する観点から考えても、治療的エビデンスのある行動療法と中枢神経刺激薬を中心とした薬物療法を組み合わせた包括的治療が重要である。
長崎 雅子 松岡 文子 山下 一也 Masako NAGASAKI Ayako MATSUOKA Kazuya YAMASHITA
島根県立看護短期大学紀要 (ISSN:13419420)
vol.12, pp.9-17, 2006-12-25

祝原 あゆみ 井上 千晶 山下 一也 齋藤 茂子 伊藤 智子 松本 亥智江 加藤 真紀 松岡 文子 持田 和夫 福間 紀子 錦織 圭佑 Ayumi IWAIBARA Chiaki INOUE Kazuya YAMASHITA Shigeko SAITO Tomoko ITO Ichie MATSUMOTO Maki KATO Ayako MATSUOKA Kazuo MOCHIDA Noriko FUKUMA Keisuke NISHIKORI
島根県立大学短期大学部出雲キャンパス研究紀要 (ISSN:18824382)
vol.5, pp.65-75, 2011
