常脇 恒一郎 JENKINS B. Charles
The Genetics Society of Japan
遺伝学雑誌 (ISSN:0021504X)
vol.36, no.11, pp.428-443, 1961

Genetic control of growth habit and awnedness in common wheat was studied by the aneuploid and the conventional methods of analysis. Using the 21 monosomic lines of the spring variety, Chinese Spring, as female parents, crosses were made with seven varieties. In addition, diallel crosses were made among the seven varieties and Chinese Spring.<br>Growth habit was found to be controlled by genes belonging to three allelic series <i>Sg<sub>1</sub>, Sg<sub>2</sub></i> and <i>Sg</i><sub>3</sub>, located on chromosomes XVIII, IX and XIII, respectively. The <i>Sg</i><sub>1</sub> and <i>Sg</i><sub>2</sub> series appeared to have three alleles and the <i>Sg</i><sub>3</sub> series had two alleles; the alleles being <i>Sg<sub>1</sub>, Sg<sub>1</sub><sup>c</sup></i> and <i>sg<sub>1</sub>, Sg<sub>2</sub>, Sg<sub>2</sub><sup>c</sup></i> and <i>sg</i><sub>2</sub> and <i>Sg</i><sub>3</sub> and <i>sg</i><sub>3</sub> in order of dominance for each series.<br>Genotypes of the eight varieties are proposed, namely, <i>sg<sub>1</sub> sg<sub>2</sub> Sg</i><sub>3</sub> for Elgin, Kharkov and Jones Fife, <i>Sg<sub>1</sub><sup>c</sup> Sg<sub>2</sub><sup>c</sup> Sg</i><sub>3</sub> for Chinese Spring, <i>Sg<sub>1</sub><sup>c</sup> Sg<sub>2</sub> Sg<sub>3</sub></i> for Red Egyptian, <i>Sg<sub>1</sub> Sg<sub>2</sub><sup>c</sup> Sg</i><sub>3</sub> for S-615 and <i>Sg<sub>1</sub> Sg<sub>2</sub> sg<sub>3</sub></i> for Prelude and Red Bobs.<br>All winter varieties studied carried the typical winter habit genes, <i>sg</i><sub>1</sub> and <i>sg</i><sub>2</sub>. The gene <i>sg</i><sub>1</sub> was much more effective than <i>sg</i><sub>2</sub> in delaying heading. Spring varieties carried some of the less effective spring habit genes, <i>Sg<sub>1</sub><sup>c</sup>, Sg<sub>2</sub><sup>c</sup></i> or <i>sg</i><sub>3</sub> instead of the typical spring habit genes, <i>Sg<sub>1</sub>, Sg</i><sub>2</sub> or <i>Sg</i><sub>3</sub>.<br>Concerning awnedess, monosomic analysis revealed that awnlessness of Chinese Spring is ascribed to two inhibitors <i>Hd</i> and <i>B</i><sub>2</sub> on chromosomes VIII and X, respectively while that of Red Bobs to the presence of inhibitors <i>B</i><sub>1</sub> on chromosome IX and <i>B</i><sub>2</sub> and the absence of the <i>a</i><sub>1</sub> promotor on chromosome II; awnlettedness of Elgin and Jones Fife is controlled by the <i>B</i><sub>1</sub> gene; and awnedness of Prelude, Kharkov, S-615 and Red Egyptian is due to absence of all inhibitors. Conventional analysis confirmed the results obtained by monosomic analysis and indicated that an inhibitor on chromosome XVI of Chinese Spring affected F<sub>2</sub> segregation of awnedness when crosses were made between Chinese Spring and other varieties.
遺伝学雑誌 (ISSN:0021504X)
vol.37, no.4, pp.310-313, 1962 (Released:2007-05-21)
13 32

The frequencies of haploids in nucleus-substitution lines of T. vulgare var. erythrospermum and Taylor's Triticale having the cytoplasm of Aegilops caudata, were investigated and compared with those found in the ordinary strains.The haploid frequency of the former was 1.7%, while it amounted to 53% in the latter. No haploids were found in the respective controls. The differences are significant in both cases.This result indicates that an alien cytoplasm will increase the tendency of a species to develop parthenogenetically haploid embryos. The difference between T. vulgare var. erythrospermum and Taylor's Triticale indicates that different genotypes respond differently to the same alien cytoplasm.The use of an alien cytoplasm provides a new means for artificial production of haploids.
山浦 篤
The Genetics Society of Japan
遺伝学雑誌 (ISSN:0021504X)
vol.17, no.3, pp.117-121, 1941

私は東京市の中央, 牛込區の本籍簿229册全部を調査して, 男の子のみ, 女の子のみの家庭數が蓋然律から期待される數より甚だ多いと云ふ, 古屋芳雄氏の研究と同樣の結果を得た。<br>然しそれに對する見解は, 古屋氏が「男腹」「女腹」存在の, 或は社會心理學的な大發見とするに反し, 私は全く生物學的意義を認めず, 男女出産比率は蓋然律に從ふもので, 大都會では, 除籍と本籍移轉の人爲的影響からこの樣な喰違ひを生じたことを, 又田舍では調査結果と蓋然律からの期待數とよく一致する理由を證明した。
遺伝学雑誌 (ISSN:0021504X)
vol.66, no.1, pp.27-40, 1991 (Released:2005-11-01)
17 18

Somatic pink mutation frequencies in the stamen hairs of Tradescantia BNL 02 clone grown for 76 days in two soil samples taken from the Bikini Island (where a hydrogen bomb explosion test had been conducted in 1954) were investigated. A significantly high mutation frequency (2.58±0.17 pink mutant events per 103 hairs or 1.34±0.09 pink mutant events per 104 hair-cell divisions) was observed for the plant grown in one of the two Bikini soil samples, as compared to the control plants (1.70±0.14 or 0.88±0.07, respectively) grown in the field soil of Saitama University. The soil sample which caused the significant increase in mutation frequency contained 6,880±330 mBq/g 137Cs, 62.5±4.4 mBq/g 60Co, and some other nuclides; a 150 μR/hr exposure rate being measured on the surface of the soil sample. The effective cumulative external exposures measured for the inflorescences of the plant grown in this soil sample averaged at most 60.8 mR, being too small to explain the significant elevation in mutation frequency observed. On the other hand, internal exposure due to uptake of radioactive nuclides was estimated to be 125 mrad (1.25 mGy) as an accumulated effective dose, mainly based on a gamma-spectrometrical analysis. However, it seemed highly likely that this value of internal exposure was a considerable underestimate, and the internal exposure was considered to be more significant than the external exposure.
芳賀 〓
遺伝学雑誌 (ISSN:0021504X)
vol.15, no.4, pp.235-240, 1939 (Released:2007-05-21)
2 2

コジマエンレイサウの花瓣はしばしば雄蕋へ變化します。變化の程度は種々で, 最も著しいものは雄蕋と同じ形をとります。變化した花瓣の大部分は, その葯に相當する部分に正常な花粉を作ります。總計136個の花の内の55 (40.4%) はこの變化を示しました。双生花莖に着く花(56.0%) は, 單生花莖に着く花 (31.4%) に較て約2倍の異常花を示します。花瓣の變化は花の大さに無關係に起り, また同一個體でも年により違つた花を開きます。即ち變化の形や程度は遺傳的形質と認められませんが, 變化に對する内的性質はこの植物の遺傳子型に屬するものと考へられます。この植物 (n=15) の染色體組は, 花瓣の無いエンレイサウ (n=10) と花瓣を具へてゐるオホバナノエンレイサウ (n=5) との間の六倍雜種であることを暗示して居ます(未發表)。このことば花瓣の變化と關聯して甚だ興味深い事柄と考へられます。
遺伝学雑誌 (ISSN:0021504X)
vol.48, no.1, pp.35-40, 1973 (Released:2007-05-21)
11 8

Potted plants of Tradescantia ohiensis KU 7 clone (heterozygous for flower color) were exposed to 60Co gamma rays and/or scattering radiation in the gamma field of the National Institute of Radiation Breeding. Somatic mutation rates were scored in the stamen hairs for 16 days, and the genetic effects of direct gamma rays and scattering radiation were compared. Scattering radiation was proved to be about 27 or 25% more efficient in inducing somatic mutations than the direct gamma rays from 60Co source.
谷村 雅子 宮村 紀久子 武田 直和
The Genetics Society of Japan
遺伝学雑誌 (ISSN:0021504X)
vol.60, no.2, pp.137-150, 1985

With the aim of elucidating the origin and the route of transmission of enterovirus 70 (EV70), we constructed a phylogenetic tree using the base sequence variation deduced from the oligonucleotide map of the virus genomes of 16 strains isolated between 1971 and 1981 in different parts of the world. For this purpose, we estimated the evolutionary rate of EV70, taking advantage of the fact that the dates of isolation of the strains are precisely known. Furthermore, the divergence times between viruses were estimated using base sequence variation, the evolutionary rate and the sampling times of the strains. The phylogenetic tree and the divergence times between the branches were estimated simultaneously by UPGMA. The phylogenetic tree constructed is in good agreement with epidemiological evidences of EV70, indicating the valid estimation of the tree. It is also shown that the evolutionary rate of EV70 is extremely rapid and constant.
遺伝学雑誌 (ISSN:0021504X)
vol.60, no.2, pp.137-150, 1985 (Released:2006-07-25)
9 17

With the aim of elucidating the origin and the route of transmission of enterovirus 70 (EV70), we constructed a phylogenetic tree using the base sequence variation deduced from the oligonucleotide map of the virus genomes of 16 strains isolated between 1971 and 1981 in different parts of the world. For this purpose, we estimated the evolutionary rate of EV70, taking advantage of the fact that the dates of isolation of the strains are precisely known. Furthermore, the divergence times between viruses were estimated using base sequence variation, the evolutionary rate and the sampling times of the strains. The phylogenetic tree and the divergence times between the branches were estimated simultaneously by UPGMA. The phylogenetic tree constructed is in good agreement with epidemiological evidences of EV70, indicating the valid estimation of the tree. It is also shown that the evolutionary rate of EV70 is extremely rapid and constant.
執行 正義 田代 洋丞 宮崎 貞巳
Genetics Society of Japan
The Japanese journal of genetics (ISSN:0021504X)
vol.69, no.4, pp.417-424, 1994-08-25
14 21

The chromosomal locations of glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase gene loci in Japanese bunching onion (<i>Allium fistulosum</i> L., 2<i>n</i>=2X= 16, FF) and shallot (<i>A. cepa</i> L. Aggregatum group, 2<i>n</i>=2X = l6, AA) were investigated using alien monosomic addition lines (2<i>n</i>=2X+1=17, FF+nA, AA+nF) and hypoallotriploid lines (2<i>n</i>=3X-1=23, AFF-nA, AAF-nF) between these two species. The gene locus <i>Got-2</i> was located on the homoeologous sub-telocentric chromosomes, 6F in <i>A. fistulosum</i> and 6A in <i>A. cepa</i> Aggregatum group. The gene locus <i>Got-1</i> was on the other chromosomes. The present results indicate that chromosomal locations of these gene loci, at least <i>Got-2</i>, were conservative both in <i>A. fistulosum</i> and <i>A. cepa</i> Aggregatum group during speciation and subsequent evolution.<br>
執行 正義 田代 洋丞 宮崎 貞巳
The Japanese journal of genetics (ISSN:0021504X)
vol.69, no.4, pp.417-424, 1994-08-25
14 21

The chromosomal locations of glutamate oxaloacetate transaminase gene loci in Japanese bunching onion (<i>Allium fistulosum</i> L., 2<i>n</i>=2X= 16, FF) and shallot (<i>A. cepa</i> L. Aggregatum group, 2<i>n</i>=2X = l6, AA) were investigated using alien monosomic addition lines (2<i>n</i>=2X+1=17, FF+nA, AA+nF) and hypoallotriploid lines (2<i>n</i>=3X-1=23, AFF-nA, AAF-nF) between these two species. The gene locus <i>Got-2</i> was located on the homoeologous sub-telocentric chromosomes, 6F in <i>A. fistulosum</i> and 6A in <i>A. cepa</i> Aggregatum group. The gene locus <i>Got-1</i> was on the other chromosomes. The present results indicate that chromosomal locations of these gene loci, at least <i>Got-2</i>, were conservative both in <i>A. fistulosum</i> and <i>A. cepa</i> Aggregatum group during speciation and subsequent evolution.<br>
木村 澄 OKUMURA Takashi NINAKI Osamu KIDWELL Margaret G. SUZUKI Koichi
Genetics Society of Japan
The Japanese journal of genetics (ISSN:0021504X)
vol.68, no.1, pp.63-71, 1993-02-25
8 6

As a first step in surveying transposable elements in silkworms and honeybees, hybridization analyses were carried out using 16 known families of <i>Drosophila</i> transposable elements as probes, <i>jockey</i> and <i>G</i> were the only transposable elements that hybridized with genomic DNA of either honeybees or silkworms under the conditions of this study, <i>jockey</i> hybridized with genomic DNA of both European honeybees (<i>Apis mellifera</i>) and silkworms (<i>Bombyx mori</i> and <i>Antheraea yamamai</i>) and showed significant bands in Southern blots. Banding patterns were highly polymorphic, <i>jockey</i> did not, however, hybridize with any strains of the Asian honeybee (<i>A. cerana</i>). <i>G</i> elements showed a faint signal with the Asian honeybee, but not with any other insects tested. The results suggest that, even though it has some limitations, this approach can be used in practice as a first preliminary step in surveys for the presence of transposable elements in organisms which do not have good genetic information.<br>
大西 近江
Genetics Society of Japan
vol.68, no.4, pp.303-316, 1993 (Released:2011-12-08)
梅田 正明 大坪 久子 大坪 栄一
Genetics Society of Japan
遺伝学雑誌 (ISSN:0021504X)
vol.66, no.5, pp.569-586, 1991
18 70

The <i>waxy</i> (<i>wx</i>) gene of <i>Oryza glaberrima</i> was cloned, and its nucleotide sequence was determined. A waxy mutant of <i>O. glaberrima</i> showing a glutinous phenotype was found to contain a substitution mutation generating a termination codon in the coding region of the <i>wx</i> gene. The <i>Wx</i> sequence of <i>O. glaberrima</i> was different from that of <i>Oryza sativa</i> by substitutions and insertions/deletions, among which only a few substitutions occurred in several exons not to severely alter the amino acid sequence of the <i>Wx</i> protein. The most striking difference observed in introns was a 139-bp deletion (or insertion) in intron 10 of <i>O. glaberrima</i> (or <i>O. sativa</i>). In <i>O. sativa</i>, 125bp of the 139-bp sequence was flanked by direct repeats of a 14-bp sequence. A sequence homologous to the 125-bp sequence was found in the region preceding exon 2; this sequence was also flanked by direct repeats of another 14-bp sequence. This result and the observation that the 125-bp sequence was interspersed in rice genomes indicate that they are SINEs (short interspersed elements) in the plant system. We also identified a DNA sequence with long terminal inverted repeats in intron 13 of both <i>O. glaberrima</i> and <i>O. sativa</i>. This sequence was present in multiple copies in rice genomes, suggesting that it is a transposable element. These results obtained suggest that mobile DNA elements have diversified the rice <i>Waxy</i> gene by inserting into introns, each of which may originally have a length of about 100 bp.<br>
古 庄敏行
The Genetics Society of Japan
遺伝学雑誌 (ISSN:0021504X)
vol.43, no.3, pp.211-238, 1968

身長を支配する遺伝子型の発現をみるために, 同一個人の発育期から発育完了期までの逐年身長測定資料を用いて分析を試みた.<br>1. 発育完了期の年令と発育過程の各年令との間の身長の相関係数 r<sub>'i•j</sub> は概ね年令間の差が小さくなるにつれて高くなるが, 前思春期の年令に相当して一時的に相関が減じるため, r<sub>'i•j</sub>-curve の変動は相加的直線的でなく数次曲線に従う (Fig. 1, 2). r<sub>'i•j</sub>-curve は9つの samples を通じて非常によく類似した傾向を示した.<br>2. この r<sub>'i•j</sub> と年令別年間身長発育量の全国平均との間には強い逆相関 (r=-0.81~-0.97) がみられ, 発育の速かな年令期ほど r<sub>'i•j</sub> の小さいことがわかった.<br>3. Yoshida (1944) の子の年令別身長の親子相関と r<sub>'i•j</sub> との間に強い相関が存在することを知った (r=0.79~0.88). また, Takiguchi (1945) によって報告された発育完了期の兄と15~19才の弟との年令別身長相関も, 弟の14才以下の資料がないので完全に一致するか否かは確実ではないが, Fig. 1, 2の r<sub>'i•j</sub> (i=20, 21 in Data 2) に類似の傾向は示した.<br>4. このように年令によって親子相関や同胞相関の値が変動することが, 従来の報告においてこれら相関の値に大きな差の見られた原因の1つであると考えられる.<br>5. 発育完了期の身長と年間発育量との間の相関 (r<sub>'i•jp</sub>) を各年令別に求めたところ, 発育の最も速い年令期 (男•10~13才, 女•9~12才) において概ね逆相関を示した.<br>6. これらの事実により, 発育完了期の身長を支配する遺伝子型の発現は年令によって異なることと, この発現が前思春期には他の要因によって modify されることがわかる.<br>7. 同一年令で比較したときの双生児対偶者間の強い相関は1卵性双生児, 2卵性双生児とも年令とは殆んど関係がなく, ほぼ一定している. Otuki (1956) が報告した, 同一年令で比較した親子間の身長相関も, 年令による変動を示していない. このことは, 身長発育の pattern もまた遺伝子型の支配を受けることを示すもので, この遺伝子型は発育完了期の身長を支配する遺伝子型とは, かなり独立であると考えられる.<br>8. 従って, 身長に対する近親婚, 放射線などの遺伝的影響を研究するには, 発育の全過程を通じての観察にもとづくことが望ましい.
盛永 俊太郎 栗山 英雄 青木 政春
遺伝学雑誌 (ISSN:0021504X)
vol.18, no.6, pp.297-304, 1942 (Released:2007-04-04)
1 2

(1) Some clonal individuals of a haploid plant of Dekiyama produced, in 1933, several diploid tillers which were normal in every respects (1). In the self pollination progenies traced back to those diploid tillers, certain lines in 1936 segregated, besides the normal plants, very small and sterile individuals nearly in a monohybrid recessive ratio (Table 1). A majority of the normal plants also segregated the dwarf type next year in the same ratio.(2) At germination, most of the seeds which develop into the dwarf produce hairs very poorly on the epiblast and coleorhiza (Fig. 3). Though the dwarf is discriminated from the normal even in the first foliage stage, the distinction of the two types becomes very clear with the development of the second leaf on account of its short and narrow sheath and short and curved blade.(3) The upper epidermis of the young dwarf leaf is very characteristic for its far larger number of bulliform cells and the shortness of the ripple wall ones (Figs. 7 and 8).(4) The dwarf grows more slowly in length than the normal, though it tillers more quickly. The dwarf in maturity is smaller than the normal in every respects of the plant, and the height of the plant is only about 1/4 of that of the normal (Table 3). The development of the flower organs is poor, and no seeds are produced.(5) Micro- and megasporogenesis is carried through very regularly in the dwarf, but it can not produce any viable pollen-grains or embryo-sacs. Strange to say, a fairly large percent of ovaries contained two ovules (Fig. 16).(6) We can not tell at present whether this sterile and extremely dwarf mutant is caused by a simple factor mutation or by a loss of a small portion of a chromosome.