1 0 0 0 OA 先駆

深井 一三
中京大学体育学論叢 = Research journal of physical education Chukyo University (ISSN:02887339)
vol.25, no.1・2, pp.49-51, 1984-03-01
小坂 光男 山根 基 松本 実 小粥 隆司 中野 匡隆 塚中 敦子 加藤 貴英 大西 範和 Mitsuo KOSAKA Motoi YAMANE Minoru MATSUMOTO Ryuji OGAI Masataka NAKANO Atsuko TSUKANAKA Takahide KATO Norikazu OHNISHI
中京大学体育学論叢 = Research journal of physical education Chukyo University (ISSN:02887339)
vol.46, no.1, pp.1-15, 2004-11-20

Biological responses due to thermal stimuli were categorized based on the areas of the human body as well as on the modalities of thermal stresses such as icing, cooling and heating applications. These biological responses reported in previous papers were analyzed based on the concepts of Selective Brain Cooling (SBC) and long-term fever range (FR)-mild hyperthermia. Although no thermophysiological problems occurred in the case reports of biological responses induced by SBC, the effects of those induced by cooling of the body trunk and extremities were not so thoroughly evaluated. On the other hand, the idea of long-term fever range (FR)-mild hyperthermia (39.5-41.0℃) proved to be helpful in therapies enhancing the immune defenses against virulent bacterial diseases through the proliferation of Langerhans cells (LCs) and, under these conditions, it might even be beneficially combined with Selective Brain Cooling (SBC) and body heating to enhance human health and physical performance.
中山 光子 中山 彰規 Mitsuko Nakayama Akinori Nakayama
中京大学体育学論叢 = Research journal of physical education Chukyo University (ISSN:02887339)
vol.33, no.1, pp.1-10, 1991-09-30

By comparing the performance between World Top Gymnasts and Japanese gymnasts, the following were revealed: 1) BOGVINSKAIA and SLIVAS getting 10.00 points seemed to deserve to be champion, because BOGVINSKAIA had her own characteristic movements and high guality balanced performance of series. SILVAS, on the other hand, had high degree of rythmical movements. 2) Amang the Japanese gymnasts, SHINODA got 9.837 and her performance seemed to give a good example with regard to getting a high score for Japanese gymnasts in the future. 3) Prize winners executed much more D technigue than Japanese gymnasts and they got as a result much more additional points. 4) Many Japanese gymnasts had mistaken at landing stage and this made their points very lower. 5) To execute the most difficult movements does not mean necessarily to be able to get a higher point. When a gymnast show a good mixture of movements, she will have a good evaluation.
高木 斗希夫 湯浅 景元 Tokio TAKAGI Kagemoto YUASA
中京大学体育学論叢 = Research journal of physical education Chukyo University (ISSN:02887339)
vol.44, no.1, pp.47-51, 2002-11-08

野球のバッティングにおける腰の回転と下肢の長軸回りの回転の様子を明らかにするため、鉛直上方より右打者において打撃動作中の腰角度および長軸回りの右脚角度を求めた。また、独自の器具を打者の右腰および右膝に装着させ、打撃動作に伴う腰の動きと右脚の動きの関連性について調べた。その結果、以下の結果が得られた。1) バットのヘッドスピードの速い打者はスイング前半から腰の回転が右脚の内旋よりも先行して行われていた。また、L (右側腸骨外側延長点から右膝外側延長線まで延ばした垂線の距離) の値は打撃動作に伴い減少し、打撃動作の比較的早い段階で0に達していた。2) バットのヘッドスピードの遅い打者はスイング前半から腰の回転に比べ右脚の内旋が先行して行われていた。また、Lの値は-192msecから増加傾向を示し、インパクト直前で0に達していた。
小坂 光男 山根 基 加藤 貴英 小粥 隆司 松本 実 塚中 敦子 大西 範和 Mitsuo KOSAKA Motoi YAMANE Takahide KATO Ryuji OGAI Minoru MATSUMOTO Atsuko TSUKANAKA Norikazu OHNISHI
中京大学体育学論叢 = Research journal of physical education Chukyo University (ISSN:02887339)
vol.45, no.2, pp.77-90, 2004-03-31

Current interest is attracted to the problem on the correlation between physical exercise and heat shock induced protein (HSP 70), especially on the enhanced postischemic myocardial recovery following exercise induction of HSP 70. From the recent papers, the inducible isoform of the 70kDa heat shock protein (HSP) family, HSP 70kDa has been confirmed to protect cells from protein-damaging stressors and has been associated with not only myocardial protection but also recovery of several tissue damages. In the present review article, therefore, the related papers to exercise induced body hyperthermia, muscular damage and HSP 70 family, and their protection and/or recovery mechanism were collected and analyzed from the view-points of biological functions of stress protein HSP 70 family as well as of Granyl-Granyl Acetone (GGA) the HSP inducer.
木村 吉次
中京大学体育学論叢 (ISSN:02887339)
vol.38, no.1, pp.1-12, 1996-10-31

The purpose of this study was to clarify the developmental process of 'Athletic Sports' from the 1874 meeting of the Imperial Naval College to the 1883 meeting of Tokyo University. Official documents of the government in the National Archives and articles of the Japan Weekly Mail were analyzed. Results of this study were as follows : 1) It was ascertained that the Imperial Naval College held 'Athletic Sports' on April 7, 1876. 2) Although most of the events were the same as those in 1874, Japanese officials of the college also joined the committee for the meeting and Japanese Fencing was added to the program. Thus the meeting was somewhat "Japanized" this time. Moreover, it must be noted that events including casualness and uncertainty, such as a blindfold race, a flat race with a bucket of water on the head, and a flat race to pick up 20 eggs, were not adopted in 1876. 3) The same site was used for 'Athletic Sports' by foreigners' athletic organizations, i.e., the Tokyo Amateur Athletic Association in 1876 and the Tokio Athletic Club in 1877 and 1878. The Parade Ground being at the disposal of the athletic organizations by the Naval Department, the attendance of the band of the Imperial Japanese Marines, and the participation of the cadets of the Imperial Naval College suggest that there was a close relationship and that the organizations were supported by the Naval Department and the Imperial Naval College. 4) F. W. Strange who taught English at Tokyo English College, later the Preparatory Course of Tokyo University, was an active member of those organizations. He also participated in the various meetings and matches held by foreigners' sports organizations in Yokohama. With his rich experiences in administration and participation, he worked for the introduction of 'Athletic Sports' at Tokyo University. From the viewpoint of sports history he was in fact a mediator between 'Athletic Sports' of the Imperial Naval College and that of Tokyo University. 5) Before the meeting of Tokyo University, F. W. Strange published a booklet, the title of which was "OUTDOOR GAMES". It aimed to give some information on the outdoor games to Japanese students to induce them to keep their health. The program of 'Athletic Sports' was composed of the same events as those cited in the booklet except for the three-legged race. It showed the exclusion of the events including casualness and uncertainty while the later Gymnastics Exhibition included some of those events, which became indispensable items for school undokai.
小坂 光男 山根 基 松本 実 小粥 隆司 中野 匡隆 塚中 敦子 加藤 貴英 大西 範和
中京大学体育学論叢 (ISSN:02887339)
vol.46, no.1, pp.1-15, 2004-11-20

Biological responses due to thermal stimuli were categorized based on the areas of the human body as well as on the modalities of thermal stresses such as icing, cooling and heating applications. These biological responses reported in previous papers were analyzed based on the concepts of Selective Brain Cooling (SBC) and long-term fever range (FR)-mild hyperthermia. Although no thermophysiological problems occurred in the case reports of biological responses induced by SBC, the effects of those induced by cooling of the body trunk and extremities were not so thoroughly evaluated. On the other hand, the idea of long-term fever range (FR)-mild hyperthermia (39.5-41.0℃) proved to be helpful in therapies enhancing the immune defenses against virulent bacterial diseases through the proliferation of Langerhans cells (LCs) and, under these conditions, it might even be beneficially combined with Selective Brain Cooling (SBC) and body heating to enhance human health and physical performance.
吉井 泉
中京大学体育学論叢 (ISSN:02887339)
vol.33, no.2, pp.39-46, 1992-03-15

The purpose of the present study was to clarify the psychological trait of long distance runners by using TSMI (Taikyo Sport Motivation Inventory) and MPI (Maudsley Personality Inven-tory). The subjects were 19 male long distance (EKIDEN) runners who belonged to the track & field team of Industrial and Commercial. The runners showed higher competitive motivation than top athletes in term of the standerd scores of TSMI. Their scores of E and N scales of MPI were almost same as nonathletes'. The correlations TSMI with MPI are shown as follows. (1) E-scale of MPI significantly correlated with TS-2 (r=.496, p<.05), TS-8 (r=.489, p<.05), and TS-9 (r=.560, p<.05). Overall, the E-scale positively correlated with positive factors of TSMI, and negatively correlated to negative factors of TSMI, although all correlations weren't significant. (2) N-scale of MPI significantly correlated with TS-5 (r=-.471, p<.05), TS-6 (r=-.476, p<.05), TS-8 (r=-.524, p<.05), TS-9 (r=-.508, p<.05), TS-15 (r=.579, p<.01), and TS-16 (r=.552, p<.05). Overall, the N-scale negatively correlated to positive factors of TSMI, and positively correlated to negative factors of TSMI, although all correlations weren't significant. These results suggest that the athletes who have high competitive motivation tend to show strong extraversion and low neurotic.
李 真 仲野 隆士 金子 守男 守能 信次 江橋 慎四郎
中京大学体育学論叢 (ISSN:02887339)
vol.30, no.2, pp.1-10, 1989-03-15

本研究では, 20歳代の人は地域スポーツクラブへの加入率が低く, 参加頻度も低い, ということが明らかにされた。次にこうした傾向をもたらす原因を, 調査結果に基づき考察を進めた。以下に示す3つが, その考察の結果である。1. 年齢が低ければ低いほど, 地域に対する共通の愛着感, 統一感, 永住意識などといった帰属意識が低くなる。2. さらに, 年齢が低ければ低いほど, チームへの帰属意識も低くなる。3. ほかの角度からみると, ニュースポーツ, あるいは流行のスポーツや趣味・娯楽といった余暇活動を行う人は中高年の人よりも20代の人が多い。このことから, 20代の人は活動範囲が広く, 特定の地域スポーツクラブの以外の余暇空間を占めているのではないかと考えられる (図2参照)。また, T市では, 若い人は技術・勝利志向のほうが強いこと, そして技術・勝利志向の人は参加頻度が高いということは, 「若い年齢層」(A) と「技術・勝利志向」(B) と「参加頻度」(C) の積事象, すなわち, A∩B∩Cの式で表すことができる。そして, 若い人は地域スポーツへの参加頻度が低いということは, (A∪B∪C)-(A∩B∩C) の式で示され, しかも, そのうちの一部分であると考えられる (図3)。T市の地域スポーツ活動の現状は, 若い人たちは中高年の人々より, よくスポーツ活動を行うが, 地域スポーツクラブに加入する人が少なく, チームのスポーツ活動への参加頻度が低くなっているという傾向にあるのではなかろうか。そして, T市の地域スポーツクラブの個々のチームは年齢構成の点から次にのべるように, 大きく二つに分かれている。一つは, 若い層のチームで, 技術・勝利志向が強いというチームであり, もう一つは, 中高年層のチームで, ゲームを楽しむ, あるいは健康のためにスポーツをするといった志向のチームの二つである。このことは, 参加者間の親睦や交流を図ることにチーム活動の目的を置くと, 地域スポーツ活動への若者の参加が減り, 反対に競技パフォーマンス・レベルの向上にチーム活動の目的を置くと, 中高年者の参加が減っていくという傾向を示唆している。自由回答 (資料a〜d) は, こうした傾向を述べた典型例であるが, 特に, T市ではチーム構成員が中・高年齢層に傾斜しつつあることを反映している。こうしたことから, より多くの若者を地域スポーツ活動へ参与させていくため, そして地域スポーツ活動に参加する人々の活動欲求を充足させていくために, クラブの組織構成や運営方法, あるいは施設管理にまで至るソフト・ハード面をいかして充実させ, 発揮させていくか, ということが今後の地域スポーツに課せられた主要な課題であると考えられる。
川端 昭夫 大島 林子 野村 良江 吉田 育子 藤松 博 春山 国広
中京大学体育学論叢 (ISSN:02887339)
vol.33, no.2, pp.1-38, 1992-03-15

The purpose of this study were to see the refresh effect from fatigue with the practice of limbering exercise called "RAKURAKU FURUTS gymnastics" by farmers of fruit culture, and evaluate the contents of this exercising program. Seven males and seventeens females were subject for this study voluntarily. The refresh effects were comparerd with two different ways, one was without exercise during working (90 minutes after working) and soon after the ending of fruite culture. Refresh effects were evaluated by questinairing the subjects their feeling of fatigue before and after work performance, the difference while with and without exercise. Program contents also checked the same way to see whether it were proper or not. (questionnaire use the form of japanese councile of individual fatigue 1970). In order to detect the intensity of work perfomance and gymnastics exercise, three male subjects were asked to put on a heart rate recording equipment called MEMORY MAC (VINE CO. LTD) Result from questionnaire concerning the fatigue feeling were compared between male and female, the relationship between work peformance. Heart rate recording during work and gymnastics were processed by computer to see the response of body, the differences from work contents and the effect of gymnastics limbering exercise performed by them. Some finding of this study could be summarised as following : 1) The questionnaire about subjective fatigue has thirty items. The items from 1 TO 10 (group-1) are category of "sleepness, langidness". The items are from 11 TO 20 (group-2) are categotry of "attensiveness disfacutly", The items from 21 TO 30 (group-3) are category of "partial physical unpleasant". Rate of complain of the subujective fatigue show that rate of group-1 and group-3 are highner than group-2. Level of rate are first is 1, second is 3, Third is 2. The trend showed the fatigue characteristic of physical labor. And on the inacreasing grad of rate before and after working group-1 and group-3 are higher than group-2. Comparerd with the rate in difference of kind of working, packing part are higher than selecting part and regarding on the rate of group-2. The latter is higher than the former the effect of gymnastics on rate of claim in mean with gymnastics trend to be higher than without gymnastics. 2. Regarding item of claim, a item of number of claim are", feeling still in one's schoulder", "legs langidness", "having a pain in one's hip". A item remarkably increased compared with before and after working is "leg langidness", "change of nunber of claim". The item, especially "leg langidness" showed decrease in number of claim and increasingly rate with gymnastics. 3. Regadiner on the subjective investigate on effect gymanstics, the majority of worker is aware of the effect of gymnastics. And the concretely physical effect are "relax", "feel slight", "feel satisfied". They are elementary "releasing". The mentary effect are "becoming refresh", "being refreshed, "being refreshed", being keen on working". They are element of "recreation" and "fullfilment". 4) Change of heart rate with gymnastics are in subject A from 59 TO 78 (beat/min.), in subject B from 96 TO 126 (beat/min.), in subject C from 99-128 (beat/min.), in subject C from 99 TO 128 (beat/min.). %VO2max caliculated on CALBONEN'S eqaul on the basis of heart rate are showed individual variation. Trend of heat are during gymnastics showed gradually increase. The first half of program and showed in the second half rapidly increase. After the time required to retrance one's step are in the sub. A about 3 min., in subject a about 3 min., in subject B about 4 min., in subject about 3 min., showed individual variation. 5 Regarding on the result of subjective investigation on gymnastics program in the point of intensity the majority showed "slightly intense", but in time and frequence are conscious an moderate extract in number of movement and effective movement are conscious an moderate extract, but in complexity is conscious "slight complex". We feel three is still room for further study about the intensity and complexity. After this for more effectiver vacant gymnastics, the gymnastics program in the intensity, time, times, number of movement, and efective movement, complexity. At the same time we are considerd a training for leader, surrunding, accompanyment music, an instroduction of effective handaparatus.
犬塚 秀幸 浅野 幹也 小山 哲央
中京大学体育学論叢 (ISSN:02887339)
vol.39, no.2, pp.51-67, 1998-03-17

The purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of the teams' tactics on the outcome of the games. The object of study consisted of all the games at the final tournament of the 1997 15th Men's World Handball Championship. The main results were as follows : (1) This championship maintained the standards of the previous 1995 Men's World Championships both in quality and game speed. (2) The proportion of scoring from the far-shooting zone in a set offense was about 50 percent. The effectiveness of shooting improved in the long-distance (9M shot) and post (6M shot) shooting. (3) The average amount shooting time per game differed among the 4 highest-ranked teams and the 4 lowest-ranked teams (P<0.05). The average time in offense per game differed between the 2 lowest-ranked teams (7-8 place) and the other groups (P<0.05). (4) Scoring by short-distance shooting accounted for over 50 percent in the first- and third-ranked groups. In effectiveness of shooting, the first-(1-2 place) and third-(5-6 place) ranked groups were different from the other groups (P<0.01). (5) The average amount of time in missed points per game was different between the 4 highest and lowest-ranked teams (P<0.01). In comparison among the 4 groups, the lowest ranked group took the largest amount of time in both missed points and scoring. (6) 70.2 percent of missed points in set offense occurred at a position of low effectiveness in the 4 highest-ranked teams (P<0.01). In comparison among the 4 groups, missed points of the first-ranked group in short-distance shooting was about 40 percent, against over 50 perecent among the other groups. Under 30 percent of the missed points occurred at an efficient position in the first-ranked group. The lower the team ranking, the more points missed in fast breaks.
滝 弘之 Hiroyuki TAKI
中京大学体育学論叢 (ISSN:02887339)
vol.38, no.1, pp.67-78, 1996

We have now entered the fourth year since the beginning of J-League Soccer. Although we counted eight Japanese managers in 10 J-League teams at first, now in 1996, we count only three in 16 teams. If we take account of more than 100 years of European and South-American professional soccer history, we cannot deny that Japanese leaders, who have been concerned in only amateur soccer, do not have enough experience in soccer coaching. However the successful Japanese soccer managers have something in common with each other in respect to having a clear policy toward team management and being able to explain this policy precisely to their players. Nagoya Grampus Eight which has had a poor record during two years, improved their image completely through the effort of a French manager, Arsen Bengel. The purpose of this study was to standardize the guiding principle of soccer team management, in reference to Arsen Bengal's experience.
鳴川 英生 堀山 健治 林 邦夫
中京大学体育学論叢 (ISSN:02887339)
vol.26, no.1, pp.15-25, 1985-01-18

This study was designed to clarify the stroke control in tennis. Fifteen subjects participated in this study. Nine of them were skilled tennis players and the others were unskilled subjects. They stroked at the targets which areas were 1, 4 and 9 m^2 in forehand strokes and volleys. Stroking accuracy performance and grip strength were used as indices of stroke control. Stroke accuracy was determined by balls which was put accurately at the target. Grip strength was determined by using the special grip tensiometer. The results obtained in this study were summarized as follows ; 1) The higher accuracy were observed in the skilled subjects than in the unskilled in all strokes, forehand strokes and volleys. 2) The grip strength applied to the tennis racket grip was recorded in forehand and backhand volleys. For the skilled, grip strength was continued on increasing for a while after the moment of ball impact. The unskilled subjects, however, were showedd that grip strength was decreased immediately after the ball impact.
瀧田 詔生
中京大学体育学論叢 (ISSN:02887339)
vol.34, no.2, pp.77-89, 1993-03-15