中井 実 斎藤 省三 岡林 邦夫
公益社団法人 日本鋳造工学会
鋳物 (ISSN:00214396)
vol.32, no.11, pp.765-772, 1960-11-25 (Released:2012-10-30)

Not a small amount is spent on the brake shoes in the expenditures of railway maintenance. And great efforts have been made to cut down this expense.   As a result of adapting High Phosphorus Cast Iron Brake Shoes, Kinki Nippon Railway Company has succeeded in cutting down much of the cost, by prolonging its life more than 45% in the year 1959 as compared with that of 1951. This reprot shows the following two points which prove the superiority of High Phosphorus Brake Shoes.   These results were obtained both by actual car tests and by laboratorial test. 1. It is possible to say that High Phosporus Cast Iron Brake Shoes of Kinki Nippon Railway Co. specification of about H.B.250 wear almost 20% less than most widely used Low Phosphorus Brake Shoes of about H.B.220. 2. When the effect on the wear of tire wheels is considered, it is also possible to say that when Low Phosphorus Cast Iron Brake Shoes are used, the degree of wear runs parallel with the hardness of the material. But when High Phosphorus Cast Iron Brake Shoes are used no tendency as mentioned above can be found, and it is also made clear that the use of High Phosphorus Cast Iron Brake Shoes is good for both wheels and Brake Shoes.
堀山 健治 田中 豊穂 中川 武夫 林 邦夫 伊保 清次
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.33, no.3, pp.175-183, 1988

This study was planned to to compare the hearing level of Kendo-Players with that of non-Kendo-Players to make clear whether or not long term practice of Kendo causes hearing loss. Pure-tone audiometry by air conduction was applied to 172 Kendo-Players and 76 non-Kendo-Players with an audiometer (Audiometer AA-69, Audiogram Recorder RE-05, Soundproof Room AT-45, Rion, Japan). Among them, the following cases were excluded from the analysis. 1) Cases who have had medication against tuberculosis. 2) Cases with perforation in the tympanic membranes. 3) Cases with occupational experience of more than a year in noise nuisance. 4) Cases with experience of head phone listening for more than one hour a day, twice a week for at least one year. The thresholds of hearing between 149 Kendo-Players (cases, age: 19-76) and 44 non Kendo-Players (controls' age: 20_78) were analysed to compare mean hearing thresholds between the age groups, and to examine covariance adjusted with age. The dose-response relationship was examined by the partial correlation coefficients controlled by age between the thresholds of hearing and the length of Kendo experience (year) or the total experience hours of Kendo (hour). The rusults showed that the hearing loss of Kendo-players was greater than non-Kendo players, especially at the frequency of 4000 and 8000 Hz in the age group of 30-59 years old. It is supposed that long term practice of Kendo may cause hearing loss. Further study, however, will be needed to re-examine the dose-response relactionship with more carefully selected samples for the epidemiological survey in the future.
堀山 健治 田中 豊穂 中川 武夫 林 邦夫 伊保 清次
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
体育学研究 (ISSN:04846710)
vol.33, no.3, pp.175-183, 1988-12-01 (Released:2017-09-27)

This study was planned to to compare the hearing level of Kendo-Players with that of non-Kendo-Players to make clear whether or not long term practice of Kendo causes hearing loss. Pure-tone audiometry by air conduction was applied to 172 Kendo-Players and 76 non-Kendo-Players with an audiometer (Audiometer AA-69, Audiogram Recorder RE-05, Soundproof Room AT-45, Rion, Japan). Among them, the following cases were excluded from the analysis. 1) Cases who have had medication against tuberculosis. 2) Cases with perforation in the tympanic membranes. 3) Cases with occupational experience of more than a year in noise nuisance. 4) Cases with experience of head phone listening for more than one hour a day, twice a week for at least one year. The thresholds of hearing between 149 Kendo-Players (cases, age: 19-76) and 44 non Kendo-Players (controls' age: 20_78) were analysed to compare mean hearing thresholds between the age groups, and to examine covariance adjusted with age. The dose-response relationship was examined by the partial correlation coefficients controlled by age between the thresholds of hearing and the length of Kendo experience (year) or the total experience hours of Kendo (hour). The rusults showed that the hearing loss of Kendo-players was greater than non-Kendo players, especially at the frequency of 4000 and 8000 Hz in the age group of 30-59 years old. It is supposed that long term practice of Kendo may cause hearing loss. Further study, however, will be needed to re-examine the dose-response relactionship with more carefully selected samples for the epidemiological survey in the future.
小林 邦夫
人文科学 (ISSN:09117210)
no.25, pp.295-324, 2010

ゲーテの「ファウスト」において,「宝」という言葉がどのように用いられているかを調べてみると,作品中の多くの箇所に現れ,様々な意味合いをもって用いられていることが判明した。本稿では,この「宝」という言葉の用い方を多少整理した形で示してみようと思う。そのことによって,この言葉が作品中においてどのようなな役割を果たしているかが明らかとなってくるであろう。尚,「宝」を表現する言葉はドイツ語ではSchatzであるが,その他にも,金銀財宝,地所,貨幣,宝石,その他貴重な物,大切なこと,大切な人等を表現する言葉,あるいは事柄も,この「宝」の中に含めることとした。第一章. メフィストと宝第二章. 幸福論と宝第三章. 美と宝第四章. 自己と宝
香川 昌平 野村 早苗 小林 邦夫 四宮 由美子 津村 洋子 伊勢 久代 松岡 瑛
一般社団法人 日本糖尿病学会
糖尿病 (ISSN:0021437X)
vol.20, no.2, pp.135-145, 1977

ラット膵灌流法をもちい, 種々のイオン環算下でのglucose刺激によるインスリン分泌動態を検討し, インスリン分泌機構の解明を試みた.<BR>[実験成績]<BR>I.K+, Li+-free液, 6.2mMK+, Rb+, Li+液による灌流: Glucose-freeの場合, K+, Li+-free, 6.2mMLi+液は後期相のインスリン分泌を惹起するが, 6.2mMK+, Rb+液はインスリン分泌を誘起しなかった.10mM theophyllineを含むK+, Li+-free液は対照の3倍量のインスリンを分泌するが, 6.2mM Li+液はtheophyllineによる影響はうけなかった.Hill plotの解析から, K+, Li+-free液, 6.2mMK+, Rb+液のglucose刺激によるKm値は, それぞれ, 6.5, 8.9, 8.7mMであった.<BR>II. 24.8mM, K+, R+, Li+液による灌流: Glucose freeの場合, 24.8mMK+, Rb+液は一過性のインスリン分泌を惹起するが, 24.8mM Li+液はインスリン分泌を誘起しなかった.また, 12.4mM Li++6.2mMK+液の前灌流により, 24.8mMK+液のインスリン分泌は対照に比し低下した.<BR>III. 6.2mMK+液から6.2mM K+, Rb+, Li+液に変換した際のα-およびβ-D-glucose刺激によるインスリン分泌: 16.7mM濃度で, 6.2mM K+液では, 両anomer刺激によるインスリン分泌は同等であるが, 6.2mM Li+液では, βanomerに優位なインスリン分泌がみられ, 6.2mM Rb+液では, ともにインスリン分泌は抑制された.<BR>以上より, Li+はK+, Li+-free条件に比して, インスリン分泌を低下させるが, receptorの親和性を増大させ, βanomer刺激に優位なreceptor conformationへ変化させる可能性が示された.
今井 欣一 丸本 龍二 小林 邦夫 吉岡 義夫 戸田 準 本庄 美喜男
The Pharmaceutical Society of Japan
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Bulletin (ISSN:00092363)
vol.19, no.3, pp.576-586, 1971-03-25 (Released:2008-03-31)
11 19

Ring closure of 5-amino-1-β-D-ribofuranosylimidazole-4-carboxamide (AICA-riboside) with phenyl isothiocyanate afforded 2-mercaptoinosine (I) in good yield. Similarly, the ring closure of AICA-riboside 5'-phosphate (AICAR) led to the formation of 2-mercaptoinosine 5'-phosphate (II). Various 2-substituted inosine 5'-phosphates were prepared from I and II or starting with AICA-riboside. It was found that 2-furfuryl-thioinosine 5'-phosphate possessed a flavor enhancing activity of about 17-times that of inosine 5'-phosphate. The chemical structure-flavor enhancing activity relationship was presented.
黨 康夫 小川 忠平 大友 守 荒井 康男 佐野 靖之 田代 裕二 古田 一裕 若林 邦夫 伊藤 幸治
一般社団法人 日本アレルギー学会
アレルギー (ISSN:00214884)
vol.48, no.1, pp.50-55, 1999

症例は30歳女性. 1997年5月中旬頃よりの腹痛, 腹部膨満感で当院救急外来を受診. 腹部X線写真にてイレウスを疑われ, 緊急入院となった. 白血球数の増加(12300/μl)及び好酸球比率の上昇(42.5%)を認めたが, CRPは陰性であった. 腹部CTにて大量の腹水貯留及び回腸から上行結腸にかけて広範囲に腸管壁肥厚が認められた. 腹水中細胞のほとんどは好酸球であった. さらに末梢血及び腹水中IL-5が著明高値を呈した. 消化管粘膜生検では好酸球浸潤は証明されなかった. 6月3日よりプレドニゾロン50mg/日の経口投与を開始し漸減. 症状は著明に改善し末梢血好酸球数, IL-5も正常化した. これらの所見から漿膜下優位型の好酸球性胃腸炎と診断した. 鑑別には腹水中好酸球増加の確認が有用で, かつIL-5が疾患活動性の指標となりうる可能性が示唆された.
小林 邦夫
慶応義塾大学日吉紀要 ドイツ語学・文学 (ISSN:09117202)
no.47, pp.217-248, 2011

小林邦夫教授 退職記念号 = Sonderheft für Prof. Kunio KOBAYASHI第一章 一切皆苦第二章 煩悩と精進第三章 輪廻転生第四章 因縁生起第五章 禅思想第六章 唯識思想第七章 浄土思想
鳴川 英生 堀山 健治 林 邦夫
中京大学体育学論叢 (ISSN:02887339)
vol.26, no.1, pp.15-25, 1985-01-18

This study was designed to clarify the stroke control in tennis. Fifteen subjects participated in this study. Nine of them were skilled tennis players and the others were unskilled subjects. They stroked at the targets which areas were 1, 4 and 9 m^2 in forehand strokes and volleys. Stroking accuracy performance and grip strength were used as indices of stroke control. Stroke accuracy was determined by balls which was put accurately at the target. Grip strength was determined by using the special grip tensiometer. The results obtained in this study were summarized as follows ; 1) The higher accuracy were observed in the skilled subjects than in the unskilled in all strokes, forehand strokes and volleys. 2) The grip strength applied to the tennis racket grip was recorded in forehand and backhand volleys. For the skilled, grip strength was continued on increasing for a while after the moment of ball impact. The unskilled subjects, however, were showedd that grip strength was decreased immediately after the ball impact.