木村 吉次 Kichiji KIMURA
中京大学体育学論叢 = Research journal of physical education Chukyo University (ISSN:02887339)
vol.37, no.2, pp.1-11, 1996-03-19

The purpose of this study was to investigate the characteristics of medical books found in the Library of Taiso-Denshujo (the National Normal School of Gymnastics). Those books had been relocated to the library at the University of Tsukuba. Results of this study are as follows : 1) As the conception and the method of physical education should have been introduced into Japan from America and European countries at the beginning of the modernization of Japan, the school under the direction of Leland, G. A. tried to purchase the western books of medicine as well as those of physical education. 2) Taiso-Denshujyo changed the curriculam from the education which depended much on the western books to that using Japanese translation in 1871. This change urged the library of the school to get many books of translation. 3) The medical books of Japanese translation began to increase since 1878 and it met the demand of the changing education in the school. 4) The library collected two kinds of western medical books for the student. The one was an academic type of thick book and the other was a popular type of handy book. 5) As regards the western books of medicine used for the text book or reference one, the library had the books published in 1880. It was the early period of the school that the library bought many western medical books. 6) Among the western medical books, E. A. Parkes' A Manual of Practical Hygiene had an important meaning for the making of physical education. Because the book greatly influenced upon the G. A. Leland's lectures of physical education, particularly on the effect of exercise.
川端 昭夫 木村 吉次
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
日本体育学会大会予稿集 第68回(2017) (ISSN:24241946)
pp.69_1, 2017 (Released:2018-02-15)

木村 吉次
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.67, pp.91_1, 2016

<p> 学校運動会の歴史的変遷を明らかにする上において学校運動会がアジア・太平洋戦争の戦前と戦後においてどのような変容を遂げたのかということがひとつの重要な関心事である。運動会は昭和の15年戦争の敗戦を境にして日本の政治的経済的社会的変化と教育体制の再編を経験する中で一時的には中断したこともあるが種々の課題をかかえながらも生きのびて今日にいたっている。本研究は、愛知県南設楽郡千郷(ちさと)尋常高等小学校の昭和6(1931)年から同30(1955)年までの運動会について考察した事例研究である。学校運動会の歴史は学校により地域によりさまざまな差異をもって展開しているので、これを単純に概括して把握することはできない。ここに事例研究をつかさねなければならない理由がある。本研究では千郷尋常高等小学校が「大運動会記録」綴に残した資料を分析し、それをさきに研究した愛知県大野尋常高等小学校や茨城県菅間小学校の事例と比較しながら小学校運動会の戦前と戦後の変容を考察した結果を報告する。</p>
川端 昭夫 木村 吉次
一般社団法人 日本体育学会
vol.68, pp.69_1, 2017

<p> 本研究の目的は、大正11年から昭和3年まで陸軍戸山学校教官であった大井浩を取りあげ、その欧州体育・スポーツ視察並びに体育論を検討し、また、大正・昭和初期の日本の社会体育促進との関わりについて考察する。主な資料は、「体育と武道」、「研究彙報」、「皆行社記事」、「陸軍大日誌」に収録された論文論説、また陸軍戸山学校関連書籍並びに朝日新聞を調査した。得られた結果を以下に示す。1)大井浩は、欧州諸国の視察の結果、軍隊体育、体育・スポーツ事情について度々報告した。軍隊体育における運動競技(スポーツ)の日本に適した様式による導入、日本における武道精神を含めた武道の普及、国民の軍事予備教育を意図した国民体育、特に青年体育の推進を奨励した。2)欧州諸国の視察報告を通して、日本の社会体育の普及の必要性を提言した。3)欧州諸国における女子体育・スポーツの隆盛を報告して、日本でのその普及を期待した。4)欧州諸国の新しい体操の趨勢や集団体操(マスゲーム)の隆盛を報告し、実際に第2回明治神宮競技大会のマスゲームの部の創設や戸山学校生による集団体操の演技参加を行い、日本で初めての公的なマスゲームの大会を実現した。</p>
木村 吉次 Kichiji KIMURA
中京大学体育学論叢 = Research journal of physical education Chukyo University (ISSN:02887339)
vol.38, no.1, pp.1-12, 1996-10-31

The purpose of this study was to clarify the developmental process of 'Athletic Sports' from the 1874 meeting of the Imperial Naval College to the 1883 meeting of Tokyo University. Official documents of the government in the National Archives and articles of the Japan Weekly Mail were analyzed. Results of this study were as follows : 1) It was ascertained that the Imperial Naval College held 'Athletic Sports' on April 7, 1876. 2) Although most of the events were the same as those in 1874, Japanese officials of the college also joined the committee for the meeting and Japanese Fencing was added to the program. Thus the meeting was somewhat "Japanized" this time. Moreover, it must be noted that events including casualness and uncertainty, such as a blindfold race, a flat race with a bucket of water on the head, and a flat race to pick up 20 eggs, were not adopted in 1876. 3) The same site was used for 'Athletic Sports' by foreigners' athletic organizations, i.e., the Tokyo Amateur Athletic Association in 1876 and the Tokio Athletic Club in 1877 and 1878. The Parade Ground being at the disposal of the athletic organizations by the Naval Department, the attendance of the band of the Imperial Japanese Marines, and the participation of the cadets of the Imperial Naval College suggest that there was a close relationship and that the organizations were supported by the Naval Department and the Imperial Naval College. 4) F. W. Strange who taught English at Tokyo English College, later the Preparatory Course of Tokyo University, was an active member of those organizations. He also participated in the various meetings and matches held by foreigners' sports organizations in Yokohama. With his rich experiences in administration and participation, he worked for the introduction of 'Athletic Sports' at Tokyo University. From the viewpoint of sports history he was in fact a mediator between 'Athletic Sports' of the Imperial Naval College and that of Tokyo University. 5) Before the meeting of Tokyo University, F. W. Strange published a booklet, the title of which was "OUTDOOR GAMES". It aimed to give some information on the outdoor games to Japanese students to induce them to keep their health. The program of 'Athletic Sports' was composed of the same events as those cited in the booklet except for the three-legged race. It showed the exclusion of the events including casualness and uncertainty while the later Gymnastics Exhibition included some of those events, which became indispensable items for school undokai.
木村 吉次
中京大学体育学論叢 (ISSN:02887339)
vol.38, no.1, pp.1-12, 1996-10-31

The purpose of this study was to clarify the developmental process of 'Athletic Sports' from the 1874 meeting of the Imperial Naval College to the 1883 meeting of Tokyo University. Official documents of the government in the National Archives and articles of the Japan Weekly Mail were analyzed. Results of this study were as follows : 1) It was ascertained that the Imperial Naval College held 'Athletic Sports' on April 7, 1876. 2) Although most of the events were the same as those in 1874, Japanese officials of the college also joined the committee for the meeting and Japanese Fencing was added to the program. Thus the meeting was somewhat "Japanized" this time. Moreover, it must be noted that events including casualness and uncertainty, such as a blindfold race, a flat race with a bucket of water on the head, and a flat race to pick up 20 eggs, were not adopted in 1876. 3) The same site was used for 'Athletic Sports' by foreigners' athletic organizations, i.e., the Tokyo Amateur Athletic Association in 1876 and the Tokio Athletic Club in 1877 and 1878. The Parade Ground being at the disposal of the athletic organizations by the Naval Department, the attendance of the band of the Imperial Japanese Marines, and the participation of the cadets of the Imperial Naval College suggest that there was a close relationship and that the organizations were supported by the Naval Department and the Imperial Naval College. 4) F. W. Strange who taught English at Tokyo English College, later the Preparatory Course of Tokyo University, was an active member of those organizations. He also participated in the various meetings and matches held by foreigners' sports organizations in Yokohama. With his rich experiences in administration and participation, he worked for the introduction of 'Athletic Sports' at Tokyo University. From the viewpoint of sports history he was in fact a mediator between 'Athletic Sports' of the Imperial Naval College and that of Tokyo University. 5) Before the meeting of Tokyo University, F. W. Strange published a booklet, the title of which was "OUTDOOR GAMES". It aimed to give some information on the outdoor games to Japanese students to induce them to keep their health. The program of 'Athletic Sports' was composed of the same events as those cited in the booklet except for the three-legged race. It showed the exclusion of the events including casualness and uncertainty while the later Gymnastics Exhibition included some of those events, which became indispensable items for school undokai.