森田 信博 MORITA Nobuhiro
秋田大学教育学部研究紀要 教育科学 (ISSN:03870111)
no.48, pp.61-71, 1995-12-01

The porpose of this study was intended to investigate a formation of concept "physicaleducation" in the Meiji era.As the generalization of this study, I present foIlwing points.1) A first concept formes "gymnastics" in military training before the Meiji era.2) "Physical education" in intellectual, moral and physical education is interpreted as "education of physical through activites and hygiene". The Word "taiiku" was coined byMr. Kondo in 1876. "Taiiku" has been used formally after the establishment of the national institute of gymnastics.3) "Taiiku" formes "education through only activites", light gymnastics, military gymnastics and outdoor games.4) The traditonal "Jujutu" is included in teaching materials with gymnastic systematization and gradually develops into the independent education "Budo" (Japanese military arts).5) "Sport" and "athletic" are not different from "physical education". All Kinds of physical activites are generally called "Physical education".6) "Physical education" has been formed japanes comprehensive concept in school education.
桂 博章 KATSURA Hiroaki
秋田大学教育学部研究紀要 教育科学 (ISSN:03870111)
no.53, pp.17-24, 1998-03-01

In Japanese Folk Songs, minute ornamental tones named 'kobushi' (short tune) are used. And 'kobushi'were not used so often when Japanese Folk Songs were sung by unison.The principles of the usages of 'kobushi' in the melodies are as follows.1. It is used when specific tone in the melody has long duration.2. It repeats the part of the fundamental melody that appeared just before.3. Some part of the fundamental melody chages into 'kobushi'.4. It complicates the part of the fundamental melody.5. It can become the part of the fundamental melody.The role and the function of 'kobushi' are to give the unstableness and the strain both rhythmicallyand melodically so that the unstableness and the strain are resolved at the next tone that follows 'kobushi'.
後藤 恒允 GOTO Tsuneyoshi
秋田大学教育学部研究紀要 教育科学
秋田大学教育学部研究紀要 人文科学・社会科学 (ISSN:03870111)
no.48, pp.1-25, 1995-12-01

The aim of this paper is to clarify historical reviews of unit learning and to discuss teaching materials and methodologies of unit learning. In the first place new tripartite classification is introduced: "proto unit learning", "new unit learning", and "comprehensive unit learning". Secondly I will elucidate the main theme of this paper by discussing theories and practices in terms of its historical context. Lastly significance and some problems ofpresent-day unit learning are to be treated in details.
森田 信博
秋田大学教育学部研究紀要. 教育科学 (ISSN:03870111)
vol.53, pp.25-34, 1998-03

The porpose of this study was intended to investigate a establishment-process of Akita Amateur Sports Association and it's activities in the taisho era. The association was established in april 1923which had aims to spread and promot sports and gymnastics as private enterprise in Akita. The association had 10 sport sections (ski, skate, tennis, baseball, swimming, moutain-clumbing etc) andencoraged positively following kinds of sports and gymnastics.1. Akita olympic game.About 350 persons who attended from whole prefecture took part in a first game.2. A course meeting for gymnastics and sports.About 500 persons took part in a meeting that had the contents of theory and practice under the guidance of famous lecturers.3. A 10 days marathon between Tokyo and Akita.4. A movie tour and exhibition of sports meeting (ski, baseball)But all activities had more clumsiness than succes,especially a 10 days marathon. The association was criticized gradually loudly, so enterprise was extremely stagnant. The association started hastenan system and finance reform, but the result was not only insufficient but also caused necessity of a new reform on a lage scale.