森 慶子
読書科学 (ISSN:0387284X)
vol.56, no.2, pp.89-100, 2015-01-31 (Released:2017-02-08)

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the effects of picture-book storytelling in terms of brain science. The adopted method is to measure the brain activities associated with reading picture books silently, reading them aloud, and listening to them read by others, by means of near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), and compare and analyze them with reference to previous studies. The measured point is the bilateral prefrontal cortex. The prefrontal cortex has the management function of doing things rationally. The task of reading a picture book aloud increased blood flow, while the task of listening to reading of a picture book decreased it. From the results and independent reports that listening to a picture book reading has a relaxing effect, and looking at pleasant pictures reduces blood flow, it is considered that while passively listening to a picture book reading, one feels “comfort”. That is, brain-scientifically, picture-book storytelling has been found to have the potential for “healing”.
平山 祐一郎
読書科学 (ISSN:0387284X)
vol.56, no.2, pp.55-64, 2015-01-31 (Released:2017-02-08)
田中 麻巳
読書科学 (ISSN:0387284X)
vol.58, no.2, pp.74-86, 2016-08-12 (Released:2016-11-04)

This article attempts to clarify the effects of illustrations of novels on reading. A number of studies have focused on the effects of illustrations on “children's” reading activities. Not much is available on the effects on “adults'” reading activities, so the focus of this study is what effects illustrations have when adults read novels.Thirty people were recruited and divided into two groups. The subjects in one group read a novel with illustrations, and the other read the same novel without illustrations. Next, the subjects were asked questions concerning the reading: 1)their understanding of the content, 2)imagination 3)the degree of interest. The answers of the two groups were then compared.In conclusion, it was revealed that illustrations of novels did not affect the understanding of the content and the degree of interest; however, illustrations did have an impact on imagination. This indicates that illustrations have influence in case authors want to give readers common images and express their images more faithfully.

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森田 愛子
読書科学 (ISSN:0387284X)
vol.56, no.3-4, pp.113-123, 2015-03-31 (Released:2017-01-28)
小河 妙子 藤田 知加子
読書科学 (ISSN:0387284X)
vol.60, no.4, pp.241-253, 2018-11-27 (Released:2019-01-10)

The purpose of this study is to extract an exhaustive list of words from the sentences printed in Japanese language textbooks used in elementary schools in Japan,and to investigate the number and frequency of occurrence of these words in Japanese language education. Morphological analysis software was used to extract the words. As a result,13,341kinds of words written in hiragana, katakana, and/or kanji were extracted from the printed letters published in elementary school textbooks. We counted the number of nouns, verbs, adjectives, formal verbs, and adverbs, and reported their frequencies in each part of speech. The accuracy of our morpheme analysis was lowest in the first-grade textbook,which was written in hiragana for the most part,due to the small number of kyoiku kanji. Comparison between this research and previous research showed that the proportion of common words in verbs and adjectives was as high as 70%or more,while it was relatively low in nouns. We have also discussed the problems related to the accuracy of morpheme analysis for sentences in elementary school language textbooks,the properties of the extracted words,and the differences from the words reported in previous studies.
矢口 幸康
読書科学 (ISSN:0387284X)
vol.56, no.1, pp.37-44, 2014-03-28 (Released:2017-02-08)

The purpose of this study was to examine effects of orthography on word recognition process of onomatopeic words. Effect of orthography was examined by comparison between Hiragana and Katakana. Participants were requested to read 11 onomatopeic words that were presented by different orthography and to evaluate familiarity for orthography of onomatopoeic word. In reading task, We measured naming latency under two conditions (Immediate and Delayed), and compared it between Hiragana and Katakana. The results indicated, reading latency of Katakana was longer than it of Hiragana. On the other hand, familiarity for orthography showed no deviation between Hiragana and Katakana. That is, difference of orthography in onomatopeic words is not necessarily based on bias of familiarity. Effects of orthography in onomatopeic words may differ from the effects in the noun that has been previously reported. So, The effect of visual properties of orthography needs to be further examined.
石田 喜美
読書科学 (ISSN:0387284X)
vol.55, no.3, pp.90-101, 2013

<p>Recently, <i>participatory culture</i> has become a key term for media literacy research. Henry Jenkins pointed to new media literacies within contemporary societies, which are closely related to participatory culture according to Jenkins. The present study seeks to elucidate how youth-orientated media literacy learning should be supported within Japan. To that aim, the paper focuses on peer-group workshops and proposes a means of facilitating new media literacies.</p><p>The study was conducted at a photography workshop program for high-school student members of photography clubs (shashin-bu) organized at the Contemporary Art Gallery, Art Tower Mito, Ibaraki Prefecture, Japan. The program participants took photographs and discussed them. With the ultimate objective of holding a photo exhibition in Mito, the program consisted of six peer-review workshops and exhibition preparations.</p><p>The participant in the present study was a 16-year-old male member of the photograph club at X high school. The participant joined a group that consisted of a professional photographer, some amateur-photographer volunteers and some other high-school students. The participant made comments about both his own photographs and those of the other group members. The researcher made field notes of the interactions for subsequent analysis.</p><p>The objective of the conducted analysis was to describe the learning processes within the program. The analysis revealed the following three important stages:</p><p>Stage 1: Verbalization</p><p>Stage 2: Construction of a collective gaze</p><p>Stage 3: Discovery/creation of one's own gaze</p><p>In Stage 1, the participant was able to verbalize his values and perspectives through peer support. In Stage 2, he was able to share his experiences, perspectives, and sense of values as a member of the community and, thus, construct a collective gaze. Finally, in Stage 3, assisted by the collective gaze, the participant was also able to discover/create his own gaze. These findings suggest that peer-group workshops can help students learn and acquire the skills of a collective intelligence, which are core skills for media literacy within participatory culture.</p>
長田 友紀
読書科学 (ISSN:0387284X)
vol.58, no.3, pp.122-132, 2016-10-31 (Released:2016-12-07)

The purpose of this study is to examine, based on a case study in Myanmar, the challenges to be addressed in exporting Japanese first-language education to countries overseas. The author visits Myanmar for around 30 days every year as an adviser on first-language education for the Japan International Cooperation Agency's (JICA) “Project for Curriculum Reform at Primary Level of Basic Education in Myanmar”. Through these visits, the following strengths of first-language education in Japan have been identified: the first-language education system is well established; there is an accumulation of expertise; and the Japanese language has a unique nature. On the other hand, the following challenges need to be addressed in order to transfer the first-language education of Japan to overseas countries: translation of literature into English; construction of research databases; opportunities for international meetings and discussions; multilingual and multicultural research; and human resource development in the field of international contributions.
新居 池津子
読書科学 (ISSN:0387284X)
vol.64, no.3-4, pp.194-207, 2023-10-20 (Released:2024-02-29)

宮澤 優弥
読書科学 (ISSN:0387284X)
vol.58, no.4, pp.212-226, 2016-10-31 (Released:2017-02-17)

There has been considerable discussion about read-aloud activities in Japanese schools. However, few studies have attempted to investigate extracurricular read-aloud activities. The present study discusses how readers attach meaning to such activities, and, in particular, focuses on a theory of read-aloud activities concerned with how various readers attach meaning.The research was conducted at N elementary school located in the city of Tsuchiura. The school sponsors such activities and has a group of volunteers. There were seven participants consisting of three volunteers, two teachers, and two junior high school students.The research was conducted as follows. First, the researcher conducted semi-structured interviews with the participants. They were asked the following two questions: (1) What is the purpose of read-aloud activities in school? and (2) What is the meaning of read-aloud activities? Next, the researcher made transcripts of all the interviews. Finally, the researcher and a master's student analyzed the transcripts using the SCAT (Steps for Coding and Theorization) method.From this analysis, we identified 45 different meanings that make up “N elementary school's theory”. Up until now, people have undertaken read-aloud activities because they believe that such activities are good for the children being read to. In contrast, the results of this analysis indicate that these activities are good not only for the children as listeners, but also for the junior high school students, volunteers, and teachers as readers. In addition, these activities are good for both the school and the community to which the readers and listeners belong.
寺田 正嗣
読書科学 (ISSN:0387284X)
vol.63, no.3-4, pp.139-152, 2022-09-26 (Released:2022-10-07)

In this study, to encourage university students to read, we adopted a reading method called Focused Reading (FR) and provided them with three days of reading instruction and two weeks of reading practice support for books with uncomplicated content (e.g., self-help books). FR is a method of reading in which skimming and the Preview, Question, Read, Summarize (PQRS) learning strategy are both applied. Thirty-six undergraduates participated in the study, and the final results from thirty-three students were used to verify the effectiveness of the reading instruction. In this study, we did not prepare a control group but used a technique called “the constructive method” to examine the effects. The participants were divided into two groups based on the amount of reading they had done in the preceding year, and the between-group differences in the effects of reading instruction were examined. Results showed the amount of reading of general books increased significantly over the following three months of the semester as compared to pre-intervention. In addition, the average amount of reading of university textbooks and other academic books, which were not the subject of instruction, also increased significantly, although there were seven students who did not read at all. In the case of the low-reading group, although there were some areas for which the instruction did not have a clear effect, results suggest it helped increase the amount of reading and engaging in reading behavior for most of the students.
齋藤 玲 新国 佳祐 和田 裕一 邑本 俊亮
読書科学 (ISSN:0387284X)
vol.62, no.1, pp.1-11, 2020-08-07 (Released:2020-09-26)

While it has been claimed that retrieval practice (RP) is much more advantageous than other learning strategies, the effects of RP on the re-studying phase are still not well understood. In the present eye-tracking experiment, participants in the Non-RP (NRP) group simply read the text twice. On the other hand, the RP group read the text twice with a free-recall task between the first and the second reading. The results showed that while the NRP group showed significantly less reading time, fewer fixations, and less fixation duration in the second reading than in the first reading, the RP group showed the same reading time, fixation count, and fixation duration in the second reading as in the first reading. These findings suggest that RP modulates the cognitive processes in the second reading and this function may facilitate memory consolidation.
藤木 大介 山本 真愛 中條 和光
読書科学 (ISSN:0387284X)
vol.63, no.2, pp.53-63, 2022-06-13 (Released:2022-07-02)

Reviewing notes is known to be an effective way to enhance learning, and to this end, one purpose of teachers' plan for board and instruction of note-taking is organization of students thought and review of class. However, few studies on note-taking among elementary school students have been conducted, and their actual note-taking ability in particular is not clear. This study investigated how well the students were able to recreate their arithmetic class board contents in their notes, and how often they reviewed these notes. The results showed that the reproducibility of the board contents was high in the sections regarding to aim and summary, but low in the sections relating to equations and figures. Further, it was found that the sixth-grade students' notes were more semantically coherent than fourth-grade students. Both grades reviewed their notes from once a month to once a week, with no difference in the frequency of review across the two grades. Additionally, the results of interviews with some of the children suggested that the children who intended to use their notes for memory purposes were not be able to make coherent notes, while the children who took notes mainly for review purposes were able to review them more frequently and thus make more coherent notes.