保田 琳 石田 喜美

石田 喜美
質的心理学研究 (ISSN:24357065)
vol.20, no.Special, pp.S9-S15, 2021 (Released:2021-12-15)

本稿では,変化しつつある現代日本の図書館と,司書・図書館関係者の姿について現場報告を行う。本稿では特に, アナログからデジタルへとその重点を移行させつつある世界的動向の中,図書館界において注目されている2つのキーワード─「ネットワーク」と「創造性」─に着目し,日本のローカリティにおけるこれらの現れを描出することをねらいとした。はじめに,日本十進分類法擬人化普及委員会や「としょけっと」を例に,公的なネットワークとは異なる場で生起しつつある,新たな草の根的ネットワークの存在を示した。次に,未知なる状況を創り出す「ゲーム」という媒体に着目し,それを調査ツールとして用いた実践での司書・図書館関係者のゲームプレイ上の会話の記述から,そこに見られる創造性の姿を記述した。最後に,司書・図書館関係者が彼らの草の根的ネットワークの中で行う創作活動とゲームプレイ中に見られた創造性とがグラデュエーション状に位置すること,そのどちらもが既存のリソースや環境への応答として生み出されていることを指摘した。その上で,エンゲストロームが提起した「菌根」の概念を援用し,司書・図書館関係者のネットワークや創造性が図書館内外に繁殖する「菌根」に根ざしたものであると考察した。
石田 喜美 名城 邦孝 関 敦央 宮崎 雅幸 寺島 哲平
認知科学 (ISSN:13417924)
vol.25, no.4, pp.375-391, 2018-12-01 (Released:2019-06-01)

In recent years, we have witnessed cases of “gamification” in various social fields,such as education, social welfare, and even ecological problem solving. Within the background of such cases, there seems to be a need for change in the reality of our daily lives. In fact, we can see some cases of gamification occurring in our actual lives. According to Suits (2005), to play game is to engage in “the voluntary attempt to overcome unnecessary obstacles.” In daily life, obstacles exist as things to avoid, but in a game context, such obstacles are necessary for our pleasure. Thus, using the method of gamification and introducing the game context, we can change the meaning of various obstacles, and construct alternative meaning to our reality. In this article, we focus on the process in which our reality is reconstructed through the conversation after playing a game-based educational program. Describing how they design their interactions and construct their realities, we aim at finding how games affect our realities. This field of research is RPG-based, and focuses on a user-education program implemented in an academic library, called “Libardry,” which is a combination of the word “library” and the title of a popular game, “Wizardry.” The program consists of two parts: an RPG-based education program and a group discussion (Flick, 2002). The participants were six university students, two females and four males. We focused on conversations in a group discussion and analyzed them to determine how the participants, staff members, and students, elicit meaning from difficulties when accessing library resources as artifacts. As a result, we determined how participants change their meaning collaboratively. In their conversations, they stated that difficulties are “unnecessary obstacles to overcome” for pleasure. Game context not only visualizes the existence of artifacts from the viewpoint of “pleasure,” it also opens up the field of meaning negotiation for people in various fields.
石田 喜美 名城 邦孝 関 敦央 宮崎 雅幸 寺島 哲平
認知科学=Cognitive studies : bulletin of the Japanese Cognitive Science Society (ISSN:13417924)
vol.25, no.4, pp.375-391, 2018-12

In recent years, we have witnessed cases of “gamification” in various social fields,such as education, social welfare, and even ecological problem solving. Within the background of such cases, there seems to be a need for change in the reality of our daily lives. In fact, we can see some cases of gamification occurring in our actual lives. According to Suits (2005), to play game is to engage in “the voluntary attempt to overcome unnecessary obstacles.” In daily life, obstacles exist as things to avoid, but in a game context, such obstacles are necessary for our pleasure. Thus, using the method of gamification and introducing the game context, we can change the meaning of various obstacles, and construct alternative meaning to our reality. In this article, we focus on the process in which our reality is reconstructed through the conversation after playing a game-based educational program. Describing how they design their interactions and construct their realities, we aim at finding how games affect our realities. This field of research is RPG-based, and focuses on a user-education program implemented in an academic library, called “Libardry,” which is a combination of the word “library” and the title of a popular game, “Wizardry.” The program consists of two parts: an RPG-based education program and a group discussion (Flick,2002). The participants were six university students, two females and four males. We focused on conversations in a group discussion and analyzed them to determine how the participants, staff members, and students, elicit meaning from difficulties when accessing library resources as artifacts. As a result, we determined how participants change their meaning collaboratively. In their conversations, they stated that difficulties are “unnecessary obstacles to overcome”for pleasure. Game context not only visualizes the existence of artifacts from the viewpoint of “pleasure,” it also opens up the field of meaning negotiation for people in various fields.
石田 喜美
国語科教育 (ISSN:02870479)
vol.73, pp.15-22, 2013-03-31

Recently, the media environment has transformed considerably; instead of "mass media," formation of public opinion is now influenced by "social media." Thus, we must consider instituting new media literacy education to correspond with the new media environment. From our perspective, the most important feature of any media literacy education should be its ethical aspects. First, we considered how ethical aspects are positioned in the discussion of media literacy and found the term "practical moral knowledge" to be worth our attention. Next, to apply practical moral knowledge to new media literacy, we investigated Our Space, finding it necessary to focus on the ethical strategies we use in our everyday lives-both online and offline. From the results, we concluded that introducing new media literacy is important for shifting the existing paradigm within Japanese language education.
石田 喜美

筑波大学博士 (教育学) 学位論文・平成20年3月25日授与 (甲第4723号)
石田 喜美
一般社団法人 情報科学技術協会
情報の科学と技術 (ISSN:09133801)
vol.66, no.10, pp.531-537, 2016-10-01 (Released:2016-10-01)

近年,大学図書館において積極的に,情報リテラシーに関わる教育活動が行われるようになってきた。一方,1990年代後半から,さまざまな「新しい能力」に関する概念が提案されてきており,情報リテラシーという概念もその拡張を余儀なくされている。本稿では,「新しい能力」の視点から,大学図書館において求められる情報リテラシー教育とはどうあるべきかを検討し,その展望を描きだすことを目的とした。具体的には,「つながる学習(Connected Learning)」の学習論に着目し,本学習論から導きだされる情報リテラシー学習のための学習原理および学習環境のデザイン原理について考察する。