中田 薫
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
no.3, pp.1-111,en1, 1953

In this voluminous treatise Dr. Nakada intends to supply some points which were left untouched in his two recently published treatises:. " Opinions on, the old Japanese Law-including some views on Chinese legal History " .(in Vol. I of this Review) pp. 4-12, pp. 21-28, and. " Evolution of the Chinese Legal System " (Comparative Law Review, . Vol. I. No. 4.). The author makes efforts, as in the previous treatises, . to treat the subjects synthetically and in a wide prospect. Historical and constructive thinking, sharp and profound, of a great scholar runs through the whole pages. Indeed, we find in it the best description ever known of the general history of the Chinese legal system and philosophy from the beginning to the era of Tang dynasty. It is. almost impossible, to summarize its contents here. Only a brief mention shall be made of the subjects it discusses.<BR>The treatise is divided into two parts.<BR>Part 1. On the law of premium and penalty, before Chin Shihhuang-ti.<BR>The author grasps the general character of the law in ancient China-as the law of premium and penalty. He says that these two were the main means in the hands of feudal sovereigns by which they governed their states, penalty being the more important one ; laws, which were no other than declarations of the sovereign will, were enforced by penalty directly or indirectly. Next the author follows various trends. of legal philosophy one by one : that of the traditional Chinese orthodoxy, and those of Kuan-tzu (_??__??_), Chuang-tzu (_??__??_), Shen-tzu (_??__??_), Yin-wen-tzu Shen-pu-hai (_??__??__??_), Shang-tzu (_??__??_), and Han-fei-tzu (_??__??__??_). And summarizes points of each doctrine by clear words. He also picks up paragraphs of law which remains in the. lines of classics and classifies them according to their concerns.<BR>Part 2. On the origin and development of the <I>Lü-Linq</I> (_??__??_) Codes. from Han to Tang dynasty.<BR>The author endeavours above all to clear up questions about the legal system in Han dynasty. It has already been discussed in his late treatises that, in Han, <I> Lü</I> (_??_) was the fundamental code while <I>Ling</I> (_??_) was the supplimentary code consisting of occasional ordinances of Emperors, the distinction between the two not being penal and non-penal codes as is generally conceived, and the latter distinction beginning in Chin (_??_) dynasty. In the present treatise, he consolidates that opinion of his by solving, - with admirable -clarity, many questions in details, which have long puzzled Chinese and Japanese scholars and which have not been thoroughly solved in -the author's previous treatises. Furthermore, he refers to <I>K'o</I> (_??_) and <I>Pi</I> (_??_) :-<I>Pi</I> -meaned judicial precedents in general, some of which were authorized through a sort of law-making procedure and were called <I>K'o</I>. Therefore <I>K'o</I> was a sort of supplimentary laws to the<I> Lü-Ling</I> codes.<I> K'o</I>, which -dates from Han dynasty, became in Northern Wei (_??__??_) also called <I>Ko</I> (_??_). In Sui (_??_) dynasty Ko became a special kind of code which modified <I>Lü</I> and <I>Ling</I>, at the same time, <I>Shih</I> (_??_) or the code regulating details of bureaucratic business was compiled, and so was accomplished the well known system of four codes <I>Lü-Ling-Ko-Shih</I>. in Sui and Tang era. (Shuzo. Shiga)
辻村 亮彦
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
vol.60, pp.73-108,en6, 2011

<p>本稿では、明治民事訴訟法施行以前に行われた「敬慎願」と呼ばれる裁判手続について、フランス法の継受という観点から検討を行う。<br>フランス(旧)民事訴訟法典四八〇条以下のrequête civileは、現在の「再審」に相当する手続であり、これに箕作麟祥が「敬慎ノ願書」という訳語を当てた。「丁寧な」「礼儀正しい」を意味するこのcivileという語は、この手続がフランス古法以来の判決取消手続に由来することを示しており、箕作の「敬慎」という訳語もそれを踏まえたものであった。<br>控訴、上告の制度が整備された後も、救済の必要がありながらもこれらの手続によっては救済されない事案があることが明治前期の司法官たちに認知され、その解決策をrequête civilに求めた。このような模索の一つの結果が明治一一年司法省丁第三四号達であったが、この達は大審院からの伺に対する事例判断に止まり、敬慎願に関する要件と効果を定める規範ではなかった。その後も裁判所と司法省との間の伺指令等により、相手方が決め手となる証書を隠匿していた場合と証拠を偽造していた場合に、判決の取消が認められるようになっていく。<br>明治一七年に入り、テヒョーによる民事訴訟法の編纂が本格化するのと軌を一にして、ボワソナードが敬慎願の規則制定に関する意見書を提出し、司法省は「民事訴訟手続」を編纂して従来の手続の内容を整理し、司法統計上も「敬慎願」が項目化され、一定の「制度」としての位置を認められる。しかし、「再審」の規定を置く明治民事訴訟法の施行までは、明確な法的根拠のない「敬慎願」が裁判上の慣行として行われ続けることになった。<br>このように、フランスのrequête civileに起源をもつ「敬慎願」は、日本の実情に合わせた改変を受け、法令による裏付けのないまま裁判慣行として定着しており、明治前期の「法の継受」の一つのありようを見ることができる。</p>

1 0 0 0 OA 紫徴中臺考

瀧川 政次郎
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
vol.1954, no.4, pp.19-50,en1, 1954-07-31 (Released:2009-11-16)

In the first year of Tempyo-Shoho, with the ascension of the Emperor Koken to the. throne, the Empress Dowager Komyo established the office known as Shibi-chu-dai, composed of officers of the four ranks : Rei, Daisho-Hitsu, Daisho-chu, and Daisho-so. Besides these four high-ranking officers there were such officers as Shisei and Toneri whose duty it was to treat of general affairs.Officers above Hitsu took care of the ordinances of the Empress-dowager issued as Imperial Ordinances and those below Chu usually attended to the official duties in regard to the Empress-Dowager's office. The Empress-Dowager Komyo held the reins in her hand as mother of the Emperor, and Shibi-chu-dai from which her ordinances were issued had come to wield the greater authority than Da-jo-kan, being constantly backed up by the political tactics of Shibi-rei Fujiwara Nakamaro.Towards the end of the year Shoho, it had become known as the highest governmental office-like Chung-shn-sheng of Tang, after which it was named. In the second year of Tempyo-Hoji, when the Emperor Jyunnin stood at the helm of the state as the Emperor-the rule of the Empress Dowager was discontinued and Nakamaro was transferred and appointed as Taiho-(Udaijin). At the same time Shibi-chu-dai was, re-named as Konkyu-kan, the chief duty of which was to take charge of the general affairs concerning the Empress-dowager's office. In the fifth year of Ho-ji (one year after the death of the Empress Dowager) the once almighty Shibi-chu-dai ceased to exist.