一柳 俊夫
Japan Legal History Association
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
vol.1967, no.17, pp.169-190,v, 1967-10-20 (Released:2009-11-16)

Among the recent studies on the ancient Roman history in USSR the studies by Miss E. M. Staerman are prominent. This article summarizes her recent six articles.At the end of the Roman Republic (about B. C. 200-100) there were slave disturbances on a large scale, but slave proprietors and ideological leaders did not consider them as severe matters.On the contrary, there were even human concerns for slaves at the early Imperial period, but the confrontation of slaves against slave proprietors became acute at that period and they were forced to think of slavery system seriously, she persists. Her studies based on many materials, especially on the comparison of the thoughts of Cicero and Seneca, are very persuasive.
木下 憲治
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
vol.64, pp.97-141,en7, 2015

<p> 近年初期・中期中世国制史研究において、儀礼や象徴的コミュニケーションに関連した研究が多数なされている。その第一人者はG・アルトホフである。しかし、彼らのグループは、カロリング期のハルミスカラにはほとんど関心を示してこなかった。本論文は、カロリング期のハルミスカラの意義を解明するためにカロリング期のハルミスカラに関連するカピトゥラリアと先行研究が扱わなかった史料を分析したものである。J・M・メグランは、ハルミスカラと公的贖罪には関連性があると示唆していた。また、彼は公的贖罪とは神の復讐であるという仮説を提起しており、ハルミスカラにおいても公的贖罪においても被害者の復讐の側面を強調していた。最近のM・デヨングとC・M・ブッカーのルイ敬虔帝の贖罪と国王官職概念についての研究を参照することによって、八二九年のハルミスカラに対してはメグランの仮説の正当性を裏付けることができた。しかし、八五三年以降のハルミスカラは、その意味の重点を変えていった。すなわち、ハルミスカラは、「神の復讐」という側面を希薄にし、鞍運びという儀礼的な行為と引き替えに、非行を犯した者を国王支配へと再統合する側面があった。また、カロリング期のハルミスカラにおいては、国王支配へと再統合される人物は、貧しい自由人ではなく、政治指導層から従軍義務が「免除されない」階層にまで及んでいた。後期カロリング朝の国王は、ハルミスカラによって中間層までをも再統合によって再び王国の秩序に組み込む必要に迫られていたのである。本稿の結論は、M・イネスが明らかにしたような局地的エリートとの連携及び彼らとの互酬性によって王国を支配する必要に迫られたカロリング王権の姿と密接に関連している。</p>

1 0 0 0 秦漢刑政攷

堀 毅
Japan Legal History Association
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
vol.1983, no.33, pp.97-122,en6, 1984

Since the ch'in documents were discovered in Hupei, China, remarkable progress has been made in the field of Chinese history.<BR>This thesis aims to investigate some of the legal policies that were made during the Ch'in and Han Dynasties.<BR>SECTION I covers the rules on the "excuses and extenuations" from punishment for the youth and the aged during Ch'in Dynasty.<BR>We know that during the T'ang Era general rules of "excuses and extenuations" were integrated into their legal system.<BR>Through the examination of Ch'in documents we can trace back some of these general rules to the Ch'in-l&uuml; _??__??_.<BR>Namely, in trials for penal offences, allowances were made for the youth and the aged. But the definitions of the "youth" during the Ch'in Dynasty were different from the definitions of "youth" used during the Han Dynasty to the present.<BR>During Ch'in Dynasty "youth" and "adult" were. distinguished by one's height.<BR>The dividing line between "youth" and "adult" was set at 6 Ch'in feet (23.1cm&times;6=138cm).<BR>So, when a "youth" commits a crime, his punishment is commuted.<BR>In regard to the aged person, his rights were protected by a special provision, namely the provision of "pu hsia" _??__??_.<BR>SECTION II mainly covers the general rules of "excuses and extenuations" during the Han Dynasty. During the Han Dynasty, further provisions were made, such as<BR>1) Provisions for those under age fifteen, for youth under ten, eight and seven, various degrees of commutions were done.<BR>2) With Confucian influence, the policies of mercy for the aged, disabled and women were applied one after another, and the policies were completed in the T'ang-l&uuml; _??__??_.<BR>SECTION III covers the census-taking system.<BR>Through "Hou Han shu" _??__??__??_, we know that during the Han Dynasty the annual census-taking was held in Aug. of each year. Through my research of the Ch'in documents, I have proven that this Han system is traceable to the Ch'in Dynasty.<BR>SECTION IV covers the meaning of a passage in Han-chiu-i _??__??__??_.<BR>It includes the following provision: "nien wu shi liu mien" _??__??__??__??__??_.<BR>In 1941, Prof. Shigeo Kamata theorized that this passage shoud be a provision concerning the land tax and service duties.<BR>On the other hand, in 1957 Prof. Mitsuo Moriya theorized that this passage was a reference to a provision in the "excuses" for punishment. Prof. Kamata's viewpoints are probably closer to the truth.<BR>The ability of tax and service duties was determined by the person's "productive capacity". This "productive capacity" was determined by the person's medical status.<BR>In other words, person's ability was determined on medical grounds. During the Han Dynasty "Huang ti su wan ching" _??__??__??__??__??_ was widely read and accepted as the medical text. It reads as following: "at the age of fifty-six, man's liver, muscle and generative functions decline" (VOL, 1).<BR>The passage is the basis for the "nien wu shi liu mien "provision.