中網 栄美子
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
vol.2005, no.55, pp.81-119,8, 2006-03-30 (Released:2011-04-13)

水林 彪々
Japan Legal History Association
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
vol.67, pp.201-209,en11, 2018-03-30 (Released:2023-11-30)

The Yamato Seiken(the Yamato Regime)existed from the 3rd to the 6th century typically known as the Keyhole-shaped-tumulus era. During this period, islands and regions of Japan were united as a nation/state for the first time. This symposium aimed to investigate the characteristics of the governmental system and gender in the Yamato Seiken by collaborating with archeologists and comparing the governmental systems of Yamato Seiken and other countries. As this was the first collaborative research between legal historians specializing in the study of national governmental systems, and archeologists, the symposium designed to develop a new image of history. Kazuo Hirose (Japanese Archeology) presented his conception of the “keyhole-shaped-tumulus nation” or the national governmental system of Yamato Seiken, which differs from the standard archeological view points and other existing writings on the topic. Akira Seike's (Japanese Archeology) talk, based on his latest archeological research on gender, discussed the prevalence of female rulers and empresses in the Yayoi/Tumulus era. By examining the works of Hirose and Seike, Takeshi Mizubayashi (Comparative Legal History) argued that the conventional understanding of the history of national governmental system and gender in the relevant era should be changed. Comments on the three presentations were made by the following four persons : Tetsuya Ohkubo (Japanese Archeology), Akiko Yoshie (Ancient Japanese History of Women), Akira Momiyama (Chinese Ancient History), Masaki Taguchi (German Legal History).
北野 かほる
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
vol.65, pp.1-51,en3, 2016-03-30 (Released:2022-03-05)

中世後期イングランドの刑事司法について、さきに解明した刑事侵害(軽罪)の手続過程を補完する位置づけで、重罪の手続過程をあきらかにした。イギリスでは現在も軽罪と重罪で刑事司法手続が分かれているが、近代初期まで、重罪にかかわる裁判開始手続は陪審起訴と重罪私訴が形式上併存していた。陪審起訴は中世以降の主要な刑事裁判開始手続で、従来の刑事司法過程分析は基本的にこれを焦点としてきた。他方重罪私訴は中世以降実質的な消失の過程をたどったといわれ、そのせいもあってこれまでほとんど専門的な調査分析が加えられてこなかった。しかしこれまで、陪審起訴による刑事司法過程についても中世段階の状況の専門的な分析研究はなく、かならずしも手続過程細部があきらかになっているわけではない。 本稿は、重罪犯有罪事例を主たる素材としながら、陪審起訴による司法過程と重罪私訴による司法過程を、典型的な形態にかぎらず、多岐にわたる例外措置をふくめて解明したものである。さきの軽罪の手続過程とあわせて、中世後期段階の刑事司法過程の全容をほぼあきらかにできたと考えている。とりわけ陪審起訴による手続過程について、多岐にわたる例外措置をあきらかにした結果、起訴―審理―審理陪審評決―有罪判決―死刑という理論的に典型的な過程をたどる事例が実態的にはかならずしも多くない状況を説明する手がかりが得られたと考える。また重罪私訴についても、王の制度としての陪審起訴による刑事司法過程(これ自体は重罪だけでなく軽罪にも妥当する)とは異なる、私人による訴としての一般の民事裁判とりわけ民事侵害訴訟(損害賠償請求訴訟)手続との親近性をあきらかにする手がかりが得られた。これら司法過程の全体像は、中世後期イングランド社会の法文化・法慣行とその所以の理解にも役立つと考えている。
瀧川 政次郎
Japan Legal History Association
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
vol.1952, no.2, pp.73-80,en4, 1953-03-31 (Released:2009-11-16)

The Taiko-Bitsuryo (_??__??__??__??_) of Japan is generally held to be an imitation of the Lü-ling (_??__??_) of T'ang (_??_), but the Ko (_??_) and the Shih (_??_) of T'ang also were consulted in making it. This essay makes it clear that the Gumboryo (_??__??__??_) of Japan was modelled after a certain passage on rocket in the Ping-pu-shih (_??__??__??_) of the Kai-yüan (_??__??_) period of T'ang quoted in the Wu-chin.y-tsung-yao (_??__??__??__??_) which is included in the Ssu-k'u-ch'üan-shun-chen pen (_??__??__??__??__??__??_), studies the difference between the rocket systems of the two countries, and considers the reason why that difference had come into existence.
新井 勉
Japan Legal History Association
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
vol.1978, no.28, pp.93-119,en8, 1979-03-15 (Released:2009-11-16)

The Governor-General of Korea promulgated the penal law of political crimes on April 15th 1919 against the independence movement of Korea that burst out on March 1st. The independence movement was never violent in general but excessively extensive, therefore the Government-General suppressed the movement without mercy by force, on the other hand enacted the law afresh to punish disorderly acts. The Governor-General exercised his legislative power without the interference of the Diet at home, and that law was not one of former police regulations but one of criminal laws to cope with the movement. The characteristics and the functions of the political penal law were as follows. 1 That law had the ambiguous provision, that is breach of public peace and order; it caught hold of most acts of the movement widely. 2 That law had the severe punishment, that is imprisonment with or without labor that might extend to 10 years; it menaced the people effectively. And it aggravated the punishments of former regulations all togather, so that any of them became invalid. 3 That law punished preparatory and conspiratorial acts; it prevented the movement previously. For its provision had the same legal composition as that of the high treason in the Japanese Penal Code of those days. 4 That law punished seditious acts; it magnified its force abnormally. 5 That law took the principle of personal jurisdiction; it prevented the infiltration of the movement from abroad.The political penal law that deviated from the criminal laws system in those days put pressure upon the independence movement of Korea, and then remained in effect to the destruction of the Government-General.
水戸部 正男
Japan Legal History Association
法制史研究 (ISSN:04412508)
vol.1965, no.15, pp.1-30,I, 1965-10-10 (Released:2009-11-16)

In 1903, Dr. Y. Hagino declared that the Kenmu-shikimoku was nothing but a political opinion, so he could not recognize it as a promalgated law.Ever since not only historians but also legal historians have supported his opinion. Recently Mr. Sato, professor of Tokyo University examined the contents of the Kenmu-shikimoku and recognized it as a law of the Muromachi Shogunate.I examined the contents which were quoted in Shodanchiyo (_??__??__??__??_) by Kanera Ichijo (_??__??__??__??_) and supplemented Mr. Sato's opinion. I compared the contents of the law with the political and social conditions of Nanboku-cho age. I also compared the supplemental laws of the Kamakura Shogunate with those of the Muromachi Shogunate. I have come to the conclusion that the Kenmu-shi-kimoku was the report itself of Zeen Nikaido (_??__??__??__??__??_) and others presented to Shogun Takauji Ashikaga (_??__??__??__??_) at the request of the latter.