石川 徹
香川大学教育学部研究報告. 第I部 (ISSN:04549309)
vol.125, pp.33-41, 2006

This paper is a sequel to the paper, "Thomas Reid's Philosophy of Mind (4)". We also consider his principles of action, especially rational principles of action. Reid lists two principles of this kind: the good on the whole and the duty. Reid explains what the good on the whole is in two ways. In one sense, the good on the whole is the agent's benefit in the long run. In the other sense, the good on the whole is the highest good like Epicurean's Ataraxia or Stoic Apatia. We find it difficult these two mean the same. Reid thinks the duty is a nobler and more important than the good on the whole, because people admire the actions from the duty and often we cannot act directly from the good on the whole. These explications seem to be defective, because the former cannot show it is a genuine independent principles of action, and the latter shows its rationality only insufficiently. Reid thinks these two principles are effectively the same. This is the reason he looks upon them as rational principles of action. We find he is too optimistic.
石川 徹
香川大学教育学部研究報告. 第I部 (ISSN:04549309)
vol.125, pp.17-31, 2006

In this paper, we examine Reid's theory of principles of action., especially, mechanical principles and animal principles. And from these we will try to construct his ideas about what human being is. Mechanical principles are divided into instinct and habit. They may operate without exertion of will and reason. There are three kinds of animal principles, i.e. appetites, desires, and affections. Appetites are grounded on physical conditions of man and their object is to help man to survive. Desires are of social character. They drive man to be social. Affections are the principles of action whose object is other person. We may think they correspond to what out modern usage of the words "emotion" or "passion" mean. It seems obvious that the latter two are peculiar to human being. Why they are called "animal principles"? We can best understand its meaning in contrast to rational principles of action. And we find Reid's thoughts about what man is, especially, about his affection has very much in common with Hume's thoughts, in spite of their theoretical differences. We can see the deep influence of Hume on Reid.
石川 徹
香川大学教育学部研究報告. 第I部 (ISSN:04549309)
vol.123, pp.27-38, 2005

In this paper, we examine Thomas Reid's concept of "will". His concept of "will" is very important because it plays a crucial role both in his theory of causation and in his theory of morals. In the prolonged controversy about free will, Reid shows some sympathy with Locke's position. It may be awkward because Locke denies free will and the liberty of indifference. We think, however, that this means he thinks it is important to examine many aspects about the faculty of will as they are, it shows neither his inconsistency nor misunderstanding. Then we will follow the points Reid observed, and find he thinks the faculty of will is the faculty of choice and for this reason he avoids a difficulty in the concept of free will. Finally we will discuss about some modes of the volition and observe Reid's treatment of them contributes to extend the concept of voluntary action and it may influence his theory of morals.
青山 夕夏
香川大学教育学部研究報告. 第I部 (ISSN:04549309)
vol.126, pp.17-32, 2006

In this article I discuss some modern Japanese works for flute composed mainly from the 1920s to the 1930s including Koscak Yamada's pieces. These works were created under the influence of interrelationship between many artists of various fields. For example, when a female Japanese poet Sumako Fukao was staying in Paris, she was given flute lessons by a virtuoso Marcel Moyse who got interested in Japanese music through meetings with her. Their cross-cultural exchange further influenced some Japanese composers who started on creating new pieces for flute. This article focuses on such complicated human relationships that encouraged the creation of several pieces of Japanese modem flute music. This article is a greatly enlarged and revised edition of a program note of the concert entitled the Beginning of Flute Music by Modern Japanese Composers, where I performed these pieces at Kanazawa Phonograph Museum as a part of the concert series Music Live Circuit '06 in Kanazawa.
田村 道美
香川大学教育学部研究報告. 第I部 (ISSN:04549309)
vol.123, pp.A1-A15, 2005

Wakai Musuko (The Young Son), one of the masterpieces of Yaeko Nogami's novels written before World War II, deals with the relationship between an intellectual and conscientious young man and socialism. As Sumiko Watanabe points out, Keiji Kudo, the hero of Wakai Musuko, is the male version of Machiko, the heroine of Machiko. The two novels have another thing in common. This is the fact that Wakai Musuko is written based on a European literary work, just as Machiko is based on Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. The literary work is Frank Wedekind's Fruhlings Erwachen. In this paper, the characters, plots and themes in Wakai Musuko and Fruhlings Erwachen are compared and it is demonstrated that the former is an adaptation of the latter : Yaeko Nogami changed the theme of Fruhlings Erwachen - conflict between the young people's sexuality and the school authorities trying to suppress this natural sexual desire - into the conflict between young intellectuals awakening to socialism and the school authorities ruthlessly oppressing the socialist movement. By the adaptation she is successful in depicting effectively the internal and external struggles of intellectual young people with a strong sense of justice in the early Showa era.
内原 香織 竹森 元彦
香川大学教育学部研究報告 第1部 (ISSN:04549309)
no.128, pp.77-96, 2007
