藤江 善一郎
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.29, pp.203-208, 1989-10-31

The urine examination is a important thing for the health service to students. By means of the urinalysis we can get many informations that which are not only diseases but also health condition of students. The urine examination have been carried out in the swimming camp since several years ago. The results of the urianalysis obtained in the swimming camp from 1985 to 1988 were studied on specific gravity of urine, pH, and protainuria. The results of this study are as follows: 1. It was observed that the specific gravity of urine dropped after swimming training compared with after rising. 2. The acid reaction of urine showed pH 5.0 to 8.0 during the swimming camp. 3. The positive percentage of the protainuria after the swimming training were 10.8% on male students and 10.1% on female students.
渋川 祥子 鈴木 洋子
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.19, pp.106-119, 1979-11-30

佐野 裕
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.22, pp.149-163, 1982-10-30

Nowadays, there are two sport theories, so-called the compensation theory is rather widespread in the western sociology of sport, which is said the principal and function of modern sport lies in compensating hypodinamics (insufficient motor activity). And the other theory asserts that sport is a neutral zone for politically. Adherents of these theories ignor the fact that sport largely depends upon concrete historical socio-economic conditions. Accidentally, the boycott Moscow olympic game in 1980 presented us a actual problems about the relation of sport and politics. This suggest that sport is definitely not political, nor is politics free of sport. In above mentioned, this report aims to consider the relation of sport and politics by through the analysis of the sport ideology in the USSR.
林部 英雄
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.26, pp.195-203, 1986-12-10
久木 幸男 山田 大平
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.29, pp.1-27, 1989-10-31
西沢 昭男
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
no.12, pp.110-123, 1972-10

The purpose of this article is to treat, from different points of view, the revolutionary style of Debussy, and to show what place he occupies in the history of modern music. The writer of this aritcle wishes, firstly, to classify the characteristic aspects of Debussy's method of harmony and through his method of harmony, to reveal one of the techniques which enabled him to produce such sensitive and colorful musical effects. Secondly, the writer tries to explain how the classical, traditional theory of cadence had found a way of servival despite the great upheavals which had taken place in the world of modern music. Also how in the modern mothod of harmony, the control of the tune has become of secondary importance, while the principle of the overtone has still functioned. Lastly, the witer wishes, through an examination of the way in which Debussy solves the tune problem in his composition, to define the position of Debussy in the transitional stage between classical and modern music.
岡田 守弘 大草 正信 高安 睦美
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.37, pp.37-63, 1997-11-28 (Released:2016-09-15)

近年の中学生・高校生の1対1の男女交際・性意識・性行動の実態とその背後にある要因との関連を明らかにすることを本研究の目的として,横浜市内公立中学校22校,横浜地域の高等学校11校に在籍する中学生・高校生を対象に質問紙調査を実施した。実施時期は1995年11月,回収数は8420部,特定の学校による分布の偏りを避けるために5038人を抽出して分析した。結果は,次の通りである。(1)1対1男女交際の経験率は学年を追って高くなり,高校3年女子では30%を超える。キス経験率は中学3年女子で2割を超え,性交経験率は高校2年女子で2割を超え,女子の性に関する経験率が男子を上回っている。(2)性的衝動には「心理愛情的」と「心理生理的」の次元があり,若者文化許容には「制止」と「風潮」の次元があり,性的衝動の高さと若者文化許容度の高さが男女交際・性行動を積極的にする。(3)中学生・高校生は同世代の愛し合っている者同士のキスや性交に対する容認率は高く,1対1の男女交際や性経験が中学生・高校生にとって「あたりまえ化」し,「日常化」しているが,一部の突出した部分に幻惑されずに彼らのけじめ感覚を理解することが大切である。 This study was aimed at investigation about datings and sexual behaviors of recent junior high school and high school students, and exploration into the relation between their behaviors and the factors hidden behind. The survey was conducted through questionaires in 22 public junior high schools in Yokohama City, and 11 high schools around Yokohama City. 8420 students answered the questionaires in November 1995. 5038 questionares were sampled for analysis. Results are as follows; 1) Dating rate increases as the grade goes up. Dating rate of the third year female students is over 30%. The number of students who have experienced kissing is over 20% in the third year female students of junior high schools. The number of female students who have experienced sexual intercourse surpassed 20% in the second grade in high school. In every grade female students 'sex experiencing rate is higher than boys'. 2) Two dimentions were found in sexual urge. They are 'psycho-affectional' and 'psycho-psysiological' dementions. And permissiveness toward youth culture included dimentions of 'inhibition' and 'fashion'. The ones who showed high sexual urge and high permissiveness are comparatively active in datings and sexual behaviors. 3) Junior high school and high school students tend to think it's natural to kiss or have sex, if they love each other. Dating and having sex have become a part of every day life and nothing special for junior high and high school students. And it's important to understand that most of them have their own standards of behaviors. The number of students who show excessive behaviors are quite limited.
久木 幸男
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.12, pp.1-22, 1972-10-02

Shinbukkyoto Doshikai (New Buddhists Fellowship), founded by Koyo Sakaino et al. in 1899, was one of the unique Buddhist groups in the 20th century. Standing on their ground of Buddhist pantheism, free studies in religions, rationalism, and realistic idealism, New Buddhists aimed at the reformation of old Buddhism which had yielded under the pressure of Tenno System. They also advocated social improvement, argued the social problems, and criticized radically the educational affairs of their times, namely -"Tetsugakukan College" Affair, the Bribery Scandal Concerning Textbook Adoption (1902~03), "The Instructions about Students Morals" issued by Minister of Education (1906), and The Revision of The Japanese History Textbook (1911). Through the radical criticism, they could bring light to the defects and contradictions of the educational structure of Tenno System, because those educational affairs mentioned above were nothing but the disclosures of the contradictions of Tenno System. But their criticism was mainly focussed upon absolutism, or the older side of Tenno System, the new, capitalistic, and imperialistic side of which was beyond the scope of their criticism. After all, New Buddhists were no more than the conscientious critics of the educational structure of Tenno System.
川口 貢
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.13, pp.88-102, 1973-10-31

1.都市中学生のcentral life interestをみると,勉強に重点をおいて生活しているといえる。そのため彼等の日常生活において活発な身体活動は貧弱である。これを満たすものが学校における運動部活動であると考えられる。運動部活動をしない生徒は,その時間をすべて勉強に使うというわけではなく,家の内外の遊びが身体活動の代償となっていると思われる。進学などと関連する塾やけいこごとは,彼等の運動部活動の障害にはなっていないように思われる。また,地域における各種スポーツ教室とか民間のサークルや団体の提供する活動への参加は,現在のところ低い。2.中学生においては,クラブ活動や遊びを通して親友を得たり友人関係を結ぶことが多い。運動部員は選手層と同好会的部員と名目部員にわかれる。運動部では,選手はやや勝つことに傾き,同好会的部員は楽しみと訓練をめざし,名目部員は楽しみを求めている。女子にくらべて男子の方がやや勝敗志向が強く,活動に対しても積極的である。運動部に対する希望や悩みとしては,施設や運営や指導の仕方に関するものを多くあげる。同好会的部員は楽しく仲よくやてていきたいと希望するのに対し,名目部員は全般的に多岐にわたる不満や悩みをあげる。換言すれば,これが彼等を名目部員にしている原因とも考えられる。3.好きなスポーツや遊びについては,アレア,イリンクス,ミミクリー的なものや,パイディア的なものより,アゴーンへの志向が強い。そして実際にやってみたい活動としては,サッカー,バスケットボール,バレーボールなどのアゴーン的な要素が強く,しかも集団で行うものを強く望んでいる。また,スポーツの試合で大切な点として,正々堂々とまじめに行うことや,苦しさに負けずにがんばることなどを高く評価している。彼等中学生は,スポーツや遊びに対して旺盛な興味と健全な意識をもっているとみうけられる。
関戸 英紀
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.36, pp.235-247, 0000

福田 周 小川 捷之
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.28, pp.21-39, 1988-10-31

The purpose of this study is to discuss the dependency and sex role in interpersonal relationships in female adolescents. Two questionnaires were administered to 123 female university students and 60 female technical college students. The first questionnaire asked Ss how dependent they were in what mode on 5 objects (father, mother, the most intimate friend of the same sex, the most intimate friend of the opposite sex, i.e., love object, the most intimate brother or sister). The second was a MHF scale composed by Ito (1978) asking Ss the view of sex role they had. The following 2 points were discussed:(1) The generally dependency structure on objects close to female adolescent.(2) The relation between the dependences and the view of sex role. The main results were as follows: There were differences in quality with objects in dependency structure.(2) Female adolescents depended on their fathers on the instrumental side.(3) Female adolescents depended on their mathers on the emotional side.(4) Dependency structure in them had each differents with every view of sex role.
佐野 裕
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.28, pp.161-174, 1988-10-31

松本 賢治
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.5, pp.41-67, 1965-11-30

Long since our educationists have chiefly concerned themselves with the primary or secondary education but not the higher one. There may have truely been certain justifiable causes. Now, however, most of them are college staffs and their institutions have so many difficulties as others, so they should not be negative nor indifferent to their own problems. When their contributions may somewhat be limited, still their sincere endeavour must be useful or suggestive to the college problems. This thesis consists of four chapters. I The first chapter tries to clarify the objectives of University training. Though we have a good definition of them in the School Education Act of 1947, it may be said too formal to be realized by all. For example, professors adhere to their conviction that a University should give students theoretical interest, while students only wish to get better employment after graduation. Each objective may be all right except one point; in other words, the former can't be fruitful but for the latter, the latter may have no connection with University education except for the former. Now, the author confesses here what he learned in his old days by his training in a foreign language (the English). He analyzes it and finds several valuable by-products. The one is a European rationalistic spirit, and the other a comprehension of a few general principles. We Japanese have the Japanese language and this has its own grammar. Also we have the Japanese way of thinking and this has its own logic. Both the grammar and the logic are the same-rooted, so learning a foreign language should mean learning its best way of thinking or living. Our students should study more and more what a rationalistic spirit and so on mean and make them their own. II The second chapter argues about the role and the character of educational science in teacher education. Whether it be necessary or not has been a theme of long debate. When necessary and useful, then there should be some considerations. The one is of its intermediate character; i. e. its role as an intermediary between theory and practice. The second is of its current tendency to become an ideology, full of abstract or inert ideas in observations and explanations. The third is of an idea of "meta-pedagogics". This concept means a deep insight into the Urphenomena of education where no educational science can reach. Therefore it is no more an educational science than philosophy, not in the modern academic sense, but in the classical one. The meta-pedagogics is the alpha and the omega of education, both in theory and practice. This term the author owes to Aristotle's meta-physica and a recent study on meta-science. III The third chapter criticizes an educational science curriculum. The whole shall be devided into three parts. a) The practice teaching should be the core. All others should be given their role or significance in relation to it. This is the first part. b) Educational psychology, sociology, history and philosophy constitute the second part. They have a common role of preparing the theoretical bases to practice teaching. Each of them has its own parent discipline, and training in this seems us to be an indispensable one to a future professor of education. c) The third part is so-called method courses including those of subjectmatter teaching. They say that these are the most dreary and unpopular among the students. Why? Several reasons may be mentioned in reply. The one comes from who the professor is. He generally is no specialist of education nor excellent scholar of any academic field. Few professors are, strange to say, majoring in these areas. The second comes from the lecture itself. It is little more than an incomplete mixture of educational psychology and relevant subject-matter elements of lower grades. Can such a course be charming to young students? The third comes from our current praxis lecturing on it separated from practice teaching. Students can't apprehend yet a delicate and interesting process of teaching, so these courses appeal them very little. Therefore Dr. Conant's idea of a clinical professor deserves our sincere consideration. IV The fourth chapter is our conclusion. The author believes it very important that the criticized objectives above be realized in our curriculum. Among many obstacles which resist to this, those out of a University are more difficult to be overcome. Full conscious of them, the author hopes that the present system of 6-3-3 would be revised into 4-4-4, and the business world recognize what a University or college should do and cooperate with it.

1 0 0 0 OA 大学寮覚書

久木 幸男
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.18, pp.102-118, 1978-11-30 (Released:2016-09-15)