藤村 直樹 松本 賢治 小野 滋司 尾原 秀明 北川 雄光
特定非営利活動法人 日本血管外科学会
日本血管外科学会雑誌 (ISSN:09186778)
vol.18, no.4, pp.523-528, 2009-06-25 (Released:2009-07-15)

今回われわれは,椎骨動脈転位術を要した椎骨動脈狭窄症の 2 例を経験した.症例 1 は51歳,女性.主訴は視野障害で,精査にて両側の椎骨動脈起始部および左鎖骨下動脈に狭窄を認めた.症例 2 は66歳,女性.主訴は突発性の回転性めまいで,精査にて左椎骨動脈起始部および左鎖骨下動脈に狭窄を認めた.いずれも椎骨動脈転位術を施行し,良好な結果が得られたが,頸動脈や鎖骨下動脈と異なり,椎骨動脈狭窄症に対する治療の適応や治療法の選択については,いまだに確立されていない.一般的に椎骨動脈狭窄症に対する外科的治療の適応は,有症状の狭窄性病変とされているが,統一的見解は得られていない.また最近では血管内治療の有用性も報告されているが,それぞれを比較した報告は認めず,長期成績も不明である.今後低侵襲な血管内手術が第一選択となるであろうが,さらなる検討が望まれる.
松本 賢治
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.8, pp.1-23, 1968-12-20

By reading in the original we mean a lesson that uses texts written in any of European languages, the most current being the English. An essential reason of this practice is naturally in the universal character of learning, but we wish to add one more. That is the isolative one of our mother tongue. The latter means a formidable barrier to communication and a handicap for our culture and learning. This is why a reading in the original becomes an indispensable course to our colleges. Here is an example of such a lesson. The author gives it to sophomores majoring education, using a text (Moore's Modern Education in America), once a week through the year. At the outset of the new year, he explains his plan as follows-we will read 4 pages in substantial at a time; all participants will quite at random be asked to read and interprete several lines one by one; each and all should prepare the lesson, otherwise he will be wise (?) not to attend; a report of summary is requested for all to hand in two days after the lesson; and so on. So the lesson goes on. Immediately before the summer vacation, just at tenth lesson, the author asks all to write freely how they think and feel about this lesson. Answers are naturally miscellaneous but he discovers that students are all honest and have will to study. They say, this is severe, painful, burdensom and is their first experience, etc., but at the same time, they have a good luck to reflect on themselves about insufficiency of basic knowledge and of skill of foreign languages. They say, all depends upon how they do their best for the lesson, We firmly believe that the central job of college education is to cultivate thinking ability of students. All lectures should do so, and reading in the original can never be exceptional. According to Dewey, thinking develops step by step: thrown into difficulties or perplexities; collecting data; making assumptions; testing them; and conclusion. This is of course a pragmatic explanation and very instructing. Can this rule be applied to our lesson? We tried and found it valid. Anyhow, in the case of reading in the original, students' preparation is the secret of success, and reporting summary after lesson will make it secure. Why such a truism? An old saying tells us: easy to speak, not easy to do. Concerning texts, classics or standard works should be selected. The educational value of classics is beyond doubt. Standard works are of authoritative content and good style, written by reliable authors. We think also that a desirable text should be one which teacher have read and have a passion to read it again with students. Some professors change texts year by year, but we doubt whether it be wise or not.
松本 賢治
教育哲学研究 (ISSN:03873153)
vol.1971, no.23, pp.1-16, 1971-05-20 (Released:2009-09-04)

The importance of education is more discussed today than ever before. Nevertheless, the reform of the content of teachers' training, an integral part of education has not advanced at all. Engaged in both research and education in the field of pedagogy, the author has tried to examine critically the fundamental problems of pedagogy as such.Pedagogy as a science must first of all focus its attention on educational reality. It must obtain a firm hold on the object of educational reality and face it squarely. The same applies just as much to educational practice. However, practice a such in pedagogy must be included as an object, and this is the task of pedagogy. Otherwise, it ends up in mere literary study and loses its autonomy as an independent seience.Pedagogy must closely cooperate with educational practice-this is an essential condition for the progress and development of both. This is the author's point of view and he has tried to tackle the problem in a somewhat concrete fashion.
山本 明 安部 航 泉 康介 板崎 輝 大宮 英紀 折戸 玲子 熊沢 輝之 坂井 賢一 志風 義明 篠田 遼子 鈴木 純一 高杉 佳幸 竹内 一真 谷崎 圭裕 田中 賢一 谷口 敬 西村 純 野崎 光昭 灰野 禎一 長谷川 雅也 福家 英之 堀越 篤 槙田 康博 松川 陽介 松田 晋弥 松本 賢治 山上 隆正 大和 一洋 吉田 哲也 吉村 浩司 Mitchell John W. Hams Thomas Kim Ki-Chun Lee Moohyung Moiseev Alexander A. Myers Zachary D. Ormes Jonathan F. Sasaki Makoto Seo Eun-Suk Streitmatter Robert E. Thakur Neeharika
宇宙航空研究開発機構研究開発報告 (ISSN:13491113)
vol.7, pp.81-96, 2008-02

本研究は,南極周回超伝導スペクトロメータによる宇宙線観測(BESS-Polar 実験)を通して,『宇宙起源反粒子,反物質の精密探査』を目的としている.地球磁極領域に降り注ぐ低エネルギー宇宙線に注目し,反陽子スペクトルを精密に測定して,衝突(二次)起源反陽子流束の理解を深めるとともに,『原始ブラックホール(PBH)の蒸発』,『超対称性粒子・ニュートラリーノの対消滅』等,初期宇宙における素粒子現象の痕跡となる『宇宙(一次)起源反粒子』を精密探査する.反ヘリウムの直接探査を通して,宇宙における物質・反物質の存在の非対称性を検証する.同時に陽子,ヘリウム流束を精密に観測し,これまでのカナダでの観測(BESS実験,1993-2002)の結果と合わせて,太陽活動変調とその電荷依存性について系統的に観測し,宇宙線の伝播,相互作用に関する基礎データを提供する.本研究では,これまでのBESS 実験で培われた超伝導スペクトロメータによる宇宙線観測の経験をもとに,低エネルギー領域での観測感度を高め,南極周回長時間飛翔を可能とする超伝導スペクトロメータを新たに開発した.2004年12月13日,南極(米国,マクマード基地)での観測気球打ち上げ,高度37km での9日間に及ぶ南極周回飛翔に成功し,9億イベントの宇宙線観測データを収集した.運動エネルギー0.1〜1.3GeV の範囲に於いて,これまでの約4倍の統計量でエネルギースペクトルを決定した.結果は,衝突(二次)起源モデルとよく整合し,一次起源反陽子の兆候は観測されていない.太陽活動が極小期にむけた過渡期にあたる2004年の観測として予想に沿った結果を得た.反ヘリウム探索は,これまでのヘリウム観測の総統計量を2倍以上に高め,反ヘリウム/ヘリウム比の上限値を2.7×10^<-7>にまで押し下げた.本報告では,BESS-Polar(2004年)の成果を纏め,次期太陽活動極小期(2007年)における第二回南極周回気球実験計画を述べる.
松本 賢治
横浜国立大学教育紀要 (ISSN:05135656)
vol.5, pp.41-67, 1965-11-30

Long since our educationists have chiefly concerned themselves with the primary or secondary education but not the higher one. There may have truely been certain justifiable causes. Now, however, most of them are college staffs and their institutions have so many difficulties as others, so they should not be negative nor indifferent to their own problems. When their contributions may somewhat be limited, still their sincere endeavour must be useful or suggestive to the college problems. This thesis consists of four chapters. I The first chapter tries to clarify the objectives of University training. Though we have a good definition of them in the School Education Act of 1947, it may be said too formal to be realized by all. For example, professors adhere to their conviction that a University should give students theoretical interest, while students only wish to get better employment after graduation. Each objective may be all right except one point; in other words, the former can't be fruitful but for the latter, the latter may have no connection with University education except for the former. Now, the author confesses here what he learned in his old days by his training in a foreign language (the English). He analyzes it and finds several valuable by-products. The one is a European rationalistic spirit, and the other a comprehension of a few general principles. We Japanese have the Japanese language and this has its own grammar. Also we have the Japanese way of thinking and this has its own logic. Both the grammar and the logic are the same-rooted, so learning a foreign language should mean learning its best way of thinking or living. Our students should study more and more what a rationalistic spirit and so on mean and make them their own. II The second chapter argues about the role and the character of educational science in teacher education. Whether it be necessary or not has been a theme of long debate. When necessary and useful, then there should be some considerations. The one is of its intermediate character; i. e. its role as an intermediary between theory and practice. The second is of its current tendency to become an ideology, full of abstract or inert ideas in observations and explanations. The third is of an idea of "meta-pedagogics". This concept means a deep insight into the Urphenomena of education where no educational science can reach. Therefore it is no more an educational science than philosophy, not in the modern academic sense, but in the classical one. The meta-pedagogics is the alpha and the omega of education, both in theory and practice. This term the author owes to Aristotle's meta-physica and a recent study on meta-science. III The third chapter criticizes an educational science curriculum. The whole shall be devided into three parts. a) The practice teaching should be the core. All others should be given their role or significance in relation to it. This is the first part. b) Educational psychology, sociology, history and philosophy constitute the second part. They have a common role of preparing the theoretical bases to practice teaching. Each of them has its own parent discipline, and training in this seems us to be an indispensable one to a future professor of education. c) The third part is so-called method courses including those of subjectmatter teaching. They say that these are the most dreary and unpopular among the students. Why? Several reasons may be mentioned in reply. The one comes from who the professor is. He generally is no specialist of education nor excellent scholar of any academic field. Few professors are, strange to say, majoring in these areas. The second comes from the lecture itself. It is little more than an incomplete mixture of educational psychology and relevant subject-matter elements of lower grades. Can such a course be charming to young students? The third comes from our current praxis lecturing on it separated from practice teaching. Students can't apprehend yet a delicate and interesting process of teaching, so these courses appeal them very little. Therefore Dr. Conant's idea of a clinical professor deserves our sincere consideration. IV The fourth chapter is our conclusion. The author believes it very important that the criticized objectives above be realized in our curriculum. Among many obstacles which resist to this, those out of a University are more difficult to be overcome. Full conscious of them, the author hopes that the present system of 6-3-3 would be revised into 4-4-4, and the business world recognize what a University or college should do and cooperate with it.