田坂 さつき
湘南工科大学紀要 = Memoirs of Shonan Institute of Technology (ISSN:09192549)
vol.37, no.1, pp.103-115, 2003-03-18

In the first part of Theaetetus (151d7.187a8), Theaetetus tries to define knowledge as perception. In the first half of this part (151d7.160d4), Plato explains the interrelation between this definition and the two theses, which are 'Man is the measure of all things', and 'All things really are in a process of becoming as the result of movement and change'. And Plato argues that these two are based on the thesis 'Nothing is one thing just by itself'. In the second half of the first part, Plato provides 9 arguments against the definition and two theses severally, so the definition is refuted. This paper attempts to clarify the structure of the 9 arguments, in addition to identifying the Plato's aim in refuting the definition. In my view of this paper, Plato argues that knowledge cannot be based on the thesis 'Nothing is one thing just by itself', because our use of language is in direct conflict with this thesis.In the first part of Theaetetus (151d7.187a8), Theaetetus tries to define knowledge as perception. In the first half of this part (151d7.160d4), Plato explains the interrelation between this definition and the two theses, which are 'Man is the measure of all things', and 'All things really are in a process of becoming as the result of movement and change'. And Plato argues that these two are based on the thesis 'Nothing is one thing just by itself'. In the second half of the first part, Plato provides 9 arguments against the definition and two theses severally, so the definition is refuted. This paper attempts to clarify the structure of the 9 arguments, in addition to identifying the Plato's aim in refuting the definition. In my view of this paper, Plato argues that knowledge cannot be based on the thesis 'Nothing is one thing just by itself', because our use of language is in direct conflict with this thesis.
田坂 さつき
湘南工科大学紀要 = Memoirs of Shonan Institute of Technology (ISSN:09192549)
vol.38, no.1, pp.95-105, 2004-03-18

The problem of how it is possible for anyone to have false beliefs is introduced in the second part of the Theaetetus. The discussion on the false belief is divided into five sections. In this paper only the last section is discussed. Plato makes the last attempt to solve the problem with the Aviary Model here, but again he turns to be unsuccessful as well as in the previous four sections. The major task of this paper is to discuss what Plato's problem of the false belief is, and how this problem relates to the main topic `What is knowledge? '. Plato explains that man has a false belief when he recognizes an object with an expression which should not apply to the thing.The problem of how it is possible for anyone to have false beliefs is introduced in the second part of the Theaetetus. The discussion on the false belief is divided into five sections. In this paper only the last section is discussed. Plato makes the last attempt to solve the problem with the Aviary Model here, but again he turns to be unsuccessful as well as in the previous four sections. The major task of this paper is to discuss what Plato's problem of the false belief is, and how this problem relates to the main topic `What is knowledge? '. Plato explains that man has a false belief when he recognizes an object with an expression which should not apply to the thing.
市山 雅美
湘南工科大学紀要 = Memoirs of Shonan Institute of Technology (ISSN:09192549)
vol.40, no.1, pp.87-94, 2006-03-18

In this paper the notion of self-government ("jichi") in the Taisho era has been clarified by surveying how studentsand teachers in those days described self-government. By examining political thoughts on self-government, the notion ofself-government has been classified into two categories. In order to classify there are two important concepts, namely independenceand self-decision. The self-government by students without independence could be subdued by the school.In the self-government without independence, students could decide in themselves as far as the teachers permitted. Itcan be named "nominal self-government". The self-government by students without self-decision may have been independentof school but could be controlled by upper grade students. The control by upper grade students was often usedby teachers as a system to keep discipline. The self-government by students with independence and self-decision canhardly be recognized in this paper.
水谷 光
湘南工科大学紀要 = Memoirs of Shonan Institute of Technology (ISSN:09192549)
vol.39, no.1, pp.49-56, 2005-03-18

When we send the data or store the data, we can not avoid to be mixed the noise with the original data. But it seems that the analog error correcting method are not turn to practical use. In this paper, I present the analog data correcting method using modified BCH coding theory. Applying this method, we can send and store analog data with high reliability.
郡司 貴之
湘南工科大学紀要 = Memoirs of Shonan Institute of Technology (ISSN:09192549)
vol.42, no.1, pp.71-84, 2008-03-18

A system of multi variables polynomial equations arises in many fields of science and engineering. The polyhedralhomotopy continuation method is one of the methods for finding all isolated complex solutions of systems of polynomialequations. First, the method constructs the homotopy systems adding the parameter for the systems of polynomial equations.Next, it finds the solutions of starting systems of them. It traces the homotopy curves which can be defined as oneof the solution set of homotopy systems from the solutions of starting system. As a result of tracing, the method givesthe solutions of system of polynomial equations.We implemented the software PHoM (a Polyhedral HOmotopy continuation Method for polynomial systems) whichcan automatically enumerate all isolated solutions by polyhedral homotopy continuation method, including constructionof the homotopy systems, tracing the homotopy curve and verification of the obtained solutions. In numerical experiment,we show efficient of the software.A system of polynomial equations of increasing size have an increasing number of the homotopy curves. The softwareusing single CPU has been limited the size of problems. For solving large size problems, we consider parallel computationof the polyhedral homotopy continuation method. We implemented parallelization through all stages of themethod as PHoMpara (PARAllel implementation of the Polyhedral HOmotopy continuation Method for polynomial systems).The software PHoMpara uses Ninf-1 and PC cluster as parallel computer environment. Furthermore, we proposeimproving efficiency of parallelization. Specially, we indicate a weak point of existing parallel calculation of mixed volumeand we suggest improving calculation of it. In numerical experiments, we show effect of the proposed parallel techniques.And we present that can enumerate all isolated solutions of the problems that had not been solved.A system of multi variables polynomial equations arises in many fields of science and engineering. The polyhedralhomotopy continuation method is one of the methods for finding all isolated complex solutions of systems of polynomialequations. First, the method constructs the homotopy systems adding the parameter for the systems of polynomial equations.Next, it finds the solutions of starting systems of them. It traces the homotopy curves which can be defined as oneof the solution set of homotopy systems from the solutions of starting system. As a result of tracing, the method givesthe solutions of system of polynomial equations.We implemented the software PHoM (a Polyhedral HOmotopy continuation Method for polynomial systems) whichcan automatically enumerate all isolated solutions by polyhedral homotopy continuation method, including constructionof the homotopy systems, tracing the homotopy curve and verification of the obtained solutions. In numerical experiment,we show efficient of the software.A system of polynomial equations of increasing size have an increasing number of the homotopy curves. The softwareusing single CPU has been limited the size of problems. For solving large size problems, we consider parallel computationof the polyhedral homotopy continuation method. We implemented parallelization through all stages of themethod as PHoMpara (PARAllel implementation of the Polyhedral HOmotopy continuation Method for polynomial systems).The software PHoMpara uses Ninf-1 and PC cluster as parallel computer environment. Furthermore, we proposeimproving efficiency of parallelization. Specially, we indicate a weak point of existing parallel calculation of mixed volumeand we suggest improving calculation of it. In numerical experiments, we show effect of the proposed parallel techniques.And we present that can enumerate all isolated solutions of the problems that had not been solved.
渡部 英雄
湘南工科大学紀要 = Memoirs of Shonan Institute of Technology (ISSN:09192549)
vol.48, no.1, pp.69-83, 2014-03-31

In the second half of the 1990s, the analog technology changed to the digital technology in the creation of Japanese animation. In this research the Japanese animation directing techniques of image expression are examined, and how the animation directing techniques have changed is discussed. Around the end of the 1990s, many digital animation movies were born in the world. Many Japanese animation directors were inspired by them, and as a result, Japanese animation developed. In this paper along with the development of the animation directing techniques, the future prospect of the technology is also discussed.
佐藤 博之
湘南工科大学紀要 (ISSN:09192549)
vol.54, no.1, pp.17-26, 2020-03-31

本稿ではキャリア教育科目群の授業設計に関して,さらなる深化に向けた契機とすることを目的とし,特に“PBL”“インストラクショナルデザイン”をキーワードとした調査研究から,授業担当者が授業設計を考える際のティップス的価値について整理・考察を行う.The purpose of this report is to provide opportunities for further deepening the class design of career education subjects. In particular, through a research study using "PBL" and "instructional design" as keywords, we will organize teaching strategies that are useful for class staff in thinking about class design.
大西 章夫
湘南工科大学紀要 = Memoirs of Shonan Institute of Technology (ISSN:09192549)
vol.28, no.1, pp.147-152, 1994-03-25

King Lear has many versions of its text like many other plays written by William Shakespeare. Especially there are some differences between 'First Quarto' (Q_1) and 'First Folio' (F_1) that some Shakespeareans say they were considered as two separate plays in the dramatist's days. In this essay, I will examine the differences of images given to Cordelia's imagery between Q_1 and F_1. Cordelia in Q_1 is portrayed as a woman of independence with a strong personality. As a princess strictly separated from the world, she is too naive. Cordelia in F_1 is not only dignified but also tender-hearted, has no Pride and Rage, and is portrayed as a woman of patience like Job in the Old Testament, who was counted as a Christian hero in the Renaissance age.King Lear has many versions of its text like many other plays written by William Shakespeare. Especially there are some differences between 'First Quarto' (Q_1) and 'First Folio' (F_1) that some Shakespeareans say they were considered as two separate plays in the dramatist's days. In this essay, I will examine the differences of images given to Cordelia's imagery between Q_1 and F_1. Cordelia in Q_1 is portrayed as a woman of independence with a strong personality. As a princess strictly separated from the world, she is too naive. Cordelia in F_1 is not only dignified but also tender-hearted, has no Pride and Rage, and is portrayed as a woman of patience like Job in the Old Testament, who was counted as a Christian hero in the Renaissance age.
小谷 章夫
湘南工科大学紀要 = Memoirs of Shonan Institute of Technology (ISSN:09192549)
vol.45, no.1, pp.1-11, 2011-03-31

ユビキタス社会における情報流通の中で、最も重要な役割を担うものの1つが「文字情報」である。携帯電話やナビゲーションシステム、DTV などの電子ディスプレイには、日々膨大な文字情報が絶え間なく映し出されており、表示する文字の可読性がきわめて重要になっている。従来の紙媒体での文字情報は、改良を続け洗練された活字を使って印刷されているので可読性の高いものが多いが、電子ディスプレイ上に表示されるフォント開発の歴史は浅く、現在も可読性を向上させるために改良が続けられている。本論文では、可読性の高いフォントの開発において重要な指標の1つとなっている「文字重心」を定量化するために、文字輪郭を用いた文字重心位置評価手法を提案する。また、提案した文字重心位置評価手法をフォント開発へ応用することで、フォント開発コストの大幅な削減を可能にし、可読性と文字重心の関係を明らかにする。
三浦 康之
湘南工科大学紀要 = Memoirs of Shonan Institute of Technology (ISSN:09192549)
vol.46, no.1, pp.43-52, 2012-03-31

Non-photographed images such as cartoon image or illustration are often handled in PC. To reducethe number of bits of their compressed images, subtractive color are processed.However, because the conventional error diff usion method causes some error diff usion in fl at partsof image, it is not suitable for the combination with lossless compression. In this paper, we propose amethod of subtractive color process for non-photographed images and the performance of them are evaluated.
岡田 珠江
湘南工科大学紀要 (ISSN:09192549)
vol.49, no.1, pp.115-127, 2015-03-31

Recently support for post-adolescent suffering from developmental disorder has been shed light onthe institutions of tertiary education. The purpose of this paper is to summarize information about thesupport for university students developmental disorders, especially for Autism Spectrum Disorder and toconsider further prospects of support. Starting before enrollment, teachers have to deal for 4 years with thistask of supporting. Therefore, the cooperation of departments is essential and the entire university has todevelop an outline on how the support can be implemented. It is expected that by having various experiencesthrough their college life, students should be able to deepen their self-understanding with support. And it ishoped that their achieved psychological development will give them psychological energy after graduation.
井上 文宏
湘南工科大学紀要 (ISSN:09192549)
vol.48, no.1, pp.1-9, 2014-03-31

This paper describes a study of high accuracy and low cost position measurement system using laser range finder (LRF), and its appliction for construction foundation. In proposed system, the data obtained from LRF assuming the arc-shaped contours of the object, the center position was analyzed introducing the least square method and maximum likelihood estimation. The error bertween the analysis and the measurement was corresponds enough to the allowable accurate range. Applying this system to the construction work, the high accurate pile marking and the pile drive positioning were recognized. Since the position and direction of the worker was easily found, the high effcient and short term works were surely performed.This paper describes a study of high accuracy and low cost position measurement system using laser range finder (LRF), and its appliction for construction foundation. In proposed system, the data obtained from LRF assuming the arc-shaped contours of the object, the center position was analyzed introducing the least square method and maximum likelihood estimation. The error bertween the analysis and the measurement was corresponds enough to the allowable accurate range. Applying this system to the construction work, the high accurate pile marking and the pile drive positioning were recognized. Since the position and direction of the worker was easily found, the high effcient and short term works were surely performed.

1 0 0 0 OA 聴秋閣試論

松村 耕
湘南工科大学紀要 = Memoirs of Shonan Institute of Technology (ISSN:09192549)
vol.52, no.1, pp.87-102, 2018-02-01

Fumizawa Motoo
湘南工科大学紀要 (ISSN:09192549)
vol.41, no.1, pp.1-8, 2007-03-18

This study presents an experimental method of porosity evaluation and a predictive thermal-hydraulic analysis withpacked spheres in a nuclear reactor core. The porosity experiments were carried out in both a fully shaken state with theclosest possible packing and in a state of non-vibration. The predictive analysis considering the fixed porosity value wasapplied as a design condition for an Ultra High Temperature Reactor Experiment (UHTREX). The thermal-hydrauliccomputer code was developed and identified as PEBTEMP. The highest outlet coolant temperature of 1316°C wasachieved in the case of an UHTREX at Los Alamos Scientific Laboratory, which was a small scale UHTR. In the presentstudy, the fuel was changed to a pebble type, a porous media. In order to compare the present pebble bed reactor andUHTREX, a calculation based on HTGR-GT300 was carried out in similar conditions with UHTREX; in other words,with an inlet coolant temperature of 871°C, system pressure of 3.45MPa and power density of 1.3 W/cm3. As a result, thefuel temperature in the present pebble bed reactor showed an extremely lower value compared to that of UHTREX.
市山 雅美
湘南工科大学紀要 = Memoirs of Shonan Institute of Technology (ISSN:09192549)
vol.52, no.1, pp.133-143, 2018-02-01

市山 雅美
湘南工科大学紀要 (ISSN:09192549)
vol.40, no.1, pp.87-94, 2006-03-18

In this paper the notion of self-government ("jichi") in the Taisho era has been clarified by surveying how studentsand teachers in those days described self-government. By examining political thoughts on self-government, the notion ofself-government has been classified into two categories. In order to classify there are two important concepts, namely independenceand self-decision. The self-government by students without independence could be subdued by the school.In the self-government without independence, students could decide in themselves as far as the teachers permitted. Itcan be named "nominal self-government". The self-government by students without self-decision may have been independentof school but could be controlled by upper grade students. The control by upper grade students was often usedby teachers as a system to keep discipline. The self-government by students with independence and self-decision canhardly be recognized in this paper.
芦原 正紀 斉藤 照夫 中村 光男 井野場 静代
湘南工科大学紀要 (ISSN:09192549)
vol.29, no.1, pp.71-76, 1995-03-25

本学の全国大学女子サッカー大会優勝チームの選手の中から11名選出し, 1年時と4年時の形態及び体力, 運動能力を比較した結果は, 以下のごとくまとめることができた。1.形態は, すべての項目においても1年時と4年時の両者の間には有意な差は認められなかった。2.背筋力は, 1年時よりも4年時のほうが約20kg増大しており, 有意な差が認められた。3. 50m走は, 1年時よりも4年時のほうが約0.5秒速くなり, 有意な差が認められた。4. 100m走は, 1年時よりも4年時のほうが約0.7秒速くなり, 有意な差が認められた。5.動作開始時間は, 1年時よりも4年時のほうが約0.03秒速くなり, 有意な差が認められた。6.筋収縮時間は, 1年時よりも4年時のほうが約0.03秒速くなり, 有意な差が認められた。7.全身反応時間には, 1年時よりも4年時のほうが約0.05秒速くなり, 有意な差が認められた。8.したがって, 女性の場合においても4年間のサッカーにより, 筋力や敏捷性を助長させる可能性が示唆された。
堀越 力
湘南工科大学紀要 (ISSN:09192549)
vol.49, no.1, pp.65-73, 2015-03-31

Google Glassの発表をきっかけに,近年,急速にウェアラブルデバイスへの期待が高まっている。ウェアラブルデバイスは,十年以上前から存在していたが,技術の進歩により,近年,漸く日常で使えるようなデバイスの可能性が見えてきた。本稿では,ウェアラブルデバイスの現状,各デバイスの特徴並びにその課題を述べ,今後の可能性について言及する。The announcement of Google Glass project has stimulated interest in a wearable device. Although the wearable device existed ten years or more before, they were far from "wearable." However, its possibility of the device can be seen by progress of current technologies, such as display device, wireless network, communication modules and so on. This paper describes the present condition of the wearable devices: the features of each device, and their subjects. And the future possibilities of the devices are discussed.
市山 雅美
湘南工科大学紀要 (ISSN:09192549)
vol.50, no.1, pp.97-107, 2016-03
