大塚 攻 西田 周平 Susumu Ohtsuka Shuhei Nishida 広島大学生物生産学部附属水産実験所 東京大学海洋研究所 Fisheries Laboratory Hiroshima University Ocean Research Institute University of Tokyo
海の研究 = Umi no Kenkyu (Oceanography in Japan) (ISSN:21863105)
vol.6, no.5, pp.299-320, 1997-10-05

The feeding ecology of marine pelagic copepods has been intensively studied since the 1910's. Recently, many new techniques, such as high-speed cinematography, deep-sea ROV, and SCUBA, have been introduced for direct observatios of their feeding behavior. These have clearly revealed that particle-feeders employ suspension feeding but not filter-feeding and that appendicularian houses are important food items for some pelagic calanoid, harpacticoid, and poecilostomatoid copepods. Particle-feeders commonly utilize microzooplankton such as ciliates and copepod nauplii and fecal pellets. Detritivory, strict selective predation, and gorging have been found exclusively in oceanic copepods. Five calanoid families Diaixidae, Parkiidae, Phaennidae, Scolecitrichidae, and Tharybidae with special sensory setae on the mouthparts and the poecilostomatoid Oncaea are considered to be adapted for feeding on detrital matter such as appendicularian houses. Some heterorhabdids probably inject a venom or anesthetic into prey animals to capture them. In the laboratory, predation on fish eggs and larvae by copepods, rejection of some dinoflagellates by calanoids, developmental inhibition of copepod eggs by feeding on some diatoms, and copepods' reactions to fecal pellets were demonstrated. Pelagic copepods constitute an assemblage of evolutionarily different groups. Among the 10 orders, calanoids supposedly first colonized the marine pelagic realm, and, at present, are most successfully adapted of any order to this environment by a wide variety of feeding mechanisms. They have developed a wide variety of feeding mechanisms. On the other hand, poecilostomatoids have secondarily become adapted to pelagic environments and are loosely associated with fish larvae and pelagic invertebrates, such as salps and appendicularians, for feeding. The calanoid family Heterorhabdidae consists of 2 particle-feeding, 3 carnivorous, and 2 intermediate genera. A phylogenetic analysis showed that the carnivores could have originated from the particle-feeders through the intermediate conditions, and that the mouthpart elements of the carnivores could be derived from those of the particle-feeders with modifications of the original elements and no addition of novel structures. Recent studies demonstrate that some copepods such as scolecitrichids and Oncaea can efficiently feed on nanoplankton trapped in appendicularian houses, and also suggest that suspension-feeders may transport diatom resting spores into the sea-bottom in the epipelagic zone and metals in the deep-sea bottoms through their feeding behavior, and that epipelagic carnivores may compete with fish larvae for copepod nauplii and dinoflagellates.
石田 洋 古澤 一思 牧野 高志 石坂 丞二 渡邉 豊 Hiroshi Ishida Kazusi Furusawa Takashi Makino Joji Ishizaka Yutaka W. Watanabe 株式会社環境総合テクノス 株式会社日本海洋生物研究所 株式会社ケーズブレインズ 名古屋大学宇宙地球環境研究所 北海道大学大学院地球環境科学研究院 The General Environmental Technos Co. Ltd. Marine Biological Research Institute of Japan Co. Ltd. K's Brains Co. Ltd. Institute for Space-Earth Environmental Research (ISEE) Nagoya University Faculty of Environmental Earth Science Hokkaido University
海の研究 = Umi no Kenkyu (Oceanography in Japan) (ISSN:21863105)
vol.25, no.2, pp.17-41, 2016-03-15

西部北太平洋亜熱帯海域の定点(北緯22.5度,東経131.8度)で,2004年から2006年の各年の夏季に,調査地点の500km以内に台風が通過した後の10日以内におこなわれた植物プランクトン群集組成の調査結果を解析した。2006年の台風はEWINIARとBILISで,最接近時の移動速度がそれぞれ2.8と4ms^<-1>であり,2004年のKOMPUS(6.5ms^<-1>)と2005年のHAITANG(7.9ms^<-1>)に比べて遅かった。人工衛星による観測では,2006年のこれらの台風が通過した後,海表面水温が低下し,クロロフィルaが調査地点を含む広範囲において増加していた。また,植物プランクトンが増加しており,優占種はPlanktoniella solで,細胞数は4×10^<7> cells m^<-2>であり,2004年(1×10^5 cells m^<-2>)と2005年(5×10^4 cells m^<-2>)に比べて2-3桁高かった。さらに,シアノバクテリアおよびバクテリアの炭素態現存量も,2004年と2005年に比べ約2倍高かった。同じ地点で2002年12月から2005年7月まで実施したセジメントトラップによる沈降粒子観測では,台風の影響と考えられる変動はみられなかった。Phytoplankton communities and carbon biomass were investigated at 22.5°N, 131.8°E in the western North Pacific subtropical region between 2004 and 2006 within 10 days of a typhoon passing within 500km of the survey point. The typhoons of 2006 were EWINIAR and BILIS. The translation speeds of these typhoons at the nearest area from the survey point were 2.8 and 4 m s^<-1>, respectively slower than that of 2004's typhoon KOMPUS (6.5 m s^<-1>) and 2005's typhoon HITANG (7.9 m s^<-1>). After the 2006 typhoons, the sea surface water temperature decreased, and the chlorophyll-a increased over a wide area, including the investigation point. The number of diatoms in 2006 increased, and the carbon biomass was 5-10 times higher compared with 2004 and 2005. The dominant species of diatom was Planktoniella sol with 4×10^7 cells m^<-2> which was considerably higher than the cell density 2004 (1×10^5 cells m^<-2>) and 2005 (5×10^4 cells m^<-2>). 2006 carbon biomass of the cyanobacteria and bacteria was twice as high as that of other years. The settling particle flux after a specific typhoon was not increased, in contrast with the hypothesis we derived from the increasing biomass data.
海の研究 = Umi no Kenkyu (Oceanography in Japan) (ISSN:21863105)
vol.16, no.1, 2007-01-05 (Released:2017-03-10)
日本海洋学会海洋環境問題委員会 日本海洋学会
海の研究 = Umi no Kenkyu (Oceanography in Japan) (ISSN:21863105)
vol.11, no.6, pp.631-636, 2002-11-05
8 3

菅 夏海 柴沼 成一郎 山田 俊郎 檜垣 直幸 門谷 茂 Natsumi Suga Seiichiro Shibanuma Toshiro Yamada Naoyuki Higaki Shigeru Montani 北海道大学大学院環境科学院 北海道大学大学院環境科学院 株式会社西村組研究開発室 北海道立総合研究機構地質研究所 北海道大学大学院環境科学院 Graduate School of Environmental Science Hokkaido University Graduate School of Environmental Science Hokkaido University Nishimuragumi Co. Ltd. Geological Survey of Hokkaido Graduate School of Environmental Science Hokkaido University
海の研究 = Umi no Kenkyu (Oceanography in Japan) (ISSN:21863105)
vol.20, no.1, pp.19-36, 2011-01-05

北海道道東に位置する火散布沼(ひちりっぷぬま)はラムサール条約登録湿地の一部でありながらも, 沼内ではアサリをはじめとする様々な漁業生産活動が行われている非常に特異な汽水域である。本研究ではこの火散布沼にて, 潮位, 流速などの物理環境を調査するとともに, 水温, 塩分, 栄養塩, クロロフィルα濃度の時空間分布を詳しく示し, 火散布沼の水理構造と, その生物過程の基盤となる栄養塩の起源について考察した。一日に供給される淡水量は沼容積の0.9~8.0%であったのに対し, 一潮汐周期にて沼に流入する外海水は沼容積の34~59%であったことから, 火散布沼は淡水供給よりも潮汐による外海水の流出入の方が卓越した系であることが確認できた。また, 試料中の窒素/リン(N/P)比, ケイ素/窒素(Si/N)比は, 火散布沼はNが制限的に作用しやすい環境であることを示していた。塩分と栄養塩類の相関関係, および潮汐による栄養塩類の流出入フラックスから, 火散布沼への無機態Nの供給源として外海水及び沼内生物による再生産の重要性が示唆された。河川(淡水)からの栄養塩供給が汽水域の基礎生産を支えるという報告例が多いが, 淡水供給量が小さい火散布沼のような汽水域においては, その基礎生産は外海水や再生産によって供給される栄養塩に支えられており, 本稿は火散布沼を淡水から供給される栄養塩に支配されない汽水生態系システムの典型例として報告する。Monthly field observations and a 36-hour survey were conducted in the brackish lagoon of Hichirippu in the eastern part of Hokkaido, Japan (43°02'N, 145°00'E). The lagoon covers an area of 3.58km^2 and has a mean water depth of ca. 70cm. It is inhabited by many animals and benthic plants (e.g. short-necked clam, swan, and the Japanese red-crowned crane), and is designated as a wetland under the Ramsar Convention. The rich natural environment of the lagoon, with a catch yield of fish, shellfish and seaweeds of about 90ton/yr, should therefore be preserved as a fishery area. In Hichirippu lagoon, we investigated the spatial and temporal distribution of nutrients and physical properties. The daily volume of freshwater input was 0.9~8.0% of total volume of the lagoon, while the volume of water entering the lagoon on the rising tide per half tidal day was 34~59%. The N : P and Si : N ratios were nearly below 16 and higher than 1, respectively, indicating nitrogen limitation. Plots of nutrients vs. salinity suggested nitrate+nitrite supply from the adjacent sea (Pacific Ocean), while the origin of ammonium was neither the adjacent sea nor freshwater. The results of the 36-hour survey showed that tidal nitrate+nitrite influx and outflux was 4.3 and 3.1kmol/half tidal day, respectively. It implicates 1.2kmol/half tidal day was supplied to the lagoon. Tidal ammonium flux values are nearly conserved. This suggests that ammonium is mainly regenerated by clam excretion in summer. Previous studies generally have shown that the freshwater input plays an important role in controlling estuarine primary production. Our results suggest that in Hichirippu lagoon both the nutrient import from the adjacent sea and the processes of nutrient regeneration within the estuary have an important effect on the primary production rather than the freshwater input.
石坂 丞一 田島 清史 岸野 元彰 Joji Ishizaka Kiyofumi Tashima Motoaki Kishino 長崎大学水産学部 長崎大学大学院生産科学研究科 理化学研究所 Faculty of Fisheries Nagasaki University Department of Science and Technology Nagasaki University The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research
海の研究 = Umi no Kenkyu (Oceanography in Japan) (ISSN:21863105)
vol.11, no.2, pp.235-241, 2002-03-05

典型的内湾である大村湾で,衛星海色データおよびその水中アルゴリズムが適応できるかどうかの検証を行った。OCTSバージョン4およびSeaWiFSバージョン2は,いずれも大村湾のクロロフィルa濃度を約10倍程度過大評価した。水中分光放射計のデータから計算した海表面射出輝度にSeaWiFS OC2水中アルゴリズムを適応して推定したクロロフィルa濃度は,現場クロロフィルa濃度が3μgl^<-1>以下で過大評価,3μgl^<-1>以上で過小評価した。その誤差は衛星データと比較すると小さかったことから,大気補正にも問題があることが明らかとなった。大村湾の海面射出輝度スペクトルは,外洋域のスペクトルと比較すると,短波長側で小さく,有色溶存有機物の存在によって,外洋用の水中アルゴリズムが適応できなくなることを示唆した。また,長波長側の輝度は大きく,これまでの大気補正での仮定が成り立たないことを示した.沿岸域で利用の可能な海色アルゴリズムを早急に開発する必要がある。Satellite ocean color remote sensing data and an in-water algorithm for the data were verified in a typical semi-closed bay, Omura, Bay. Chlorophyll a data of OCTS version 4 and SeaWiFS version 2 overestimated chlorophyll a concentrations from the middle part of Omura Bay by about a factor of ten. Chlorophyll a concentrations were estimated by SeaWiFS OC2 algorithm with water leaving radiances calculated from underwater spectral radiometer data. The optically derived concentrations were overestimated for concentration of below 3μgl^<-1> and underestimated for above the value. The smaller error of optically derived concentration compared with satellite data was indicating that the atmospheric correction algorithm was also a problem. Water leaving radiance at the shorter wavelength for Omura Bay was lower than the value for the outer ocean, indicating that the colored dissolved organic materials affect the in-water algorithm. The higher value at the longer wavelength conflicted with the assumption of the present atmospheric correction algorithm. It is required to develop specific ocean color algorithms for coastal waters.
岩淵 義郎 Yoshio Iwabuchi 日本水路協会 Japan Hydrographic Association
海の研究 = Umi no Kenkyu (Oceanography in Japan) (ISSN:21863105)
vol.4, no.6, pp.509-523, 1995-12-30

Topographies of the Japan Sea can be divided roughly into three parts; the continental borderland lying from Hokkaido to San'in Region, the Yamato Ridge and the Korea Plateau of the continental relic, and the deep-sea basin in the northern Japan Sea. The deepest part of the Japan Sea is about 3700m deep located near the eastern margin of the Japan Basin. The age of the Japan Sea is estimated to be younger than 30Ma. The recent topographic features of the Japan Sea have been built mainly by the large-scale deformation and reorganization of topography since late Pliocene. The continental borderland, east of the Toyama Trough, in the northeastern area has very complicated topographies with folding and faulting. In contrast to it, the continental borderland of southwestern area has been comparatively calm in structural activity since late Pliocene. Erosional terraces in late Pliocene to early Pleistocene are reserved around the summit of the Yamato and Oki Ridges and on the basement covered by Quaternary strata forming a marginal terrace. The eastern margin of the Japan Sea is structurally the most active zone, where the lithospheric convergence occurs by the strong compression. The main belt of convergence in the eastern margin of the Japan Sea can be traced by the distribution of epicenters and aftershock areas of great earthquakes of M7 class along the Okusiri Ridge, the Mogami Trough, and the valley of the Sinano River.
稲葉 栄生 安田 訓啓 川畑 広紀 勝間田 高明 Hideo Inaba Kuniaki Yasuda Koki Kawabata Takaaki Katsumata 東海大学海洋学部 東海大学海洋学部 東海大学海洋学部 東海大学海洋学部 School of marine science and technology Tokai University School of marine science and technology Tokai University School of marine science and technology Tokai University School of marine science and technology Tokai University
海の研究 = Umi no Kenkyu (Oceanography in Japan) (ISSN:21863105)
vol.12, no.1, pp.59-67, 2003-01-05

1992年3月上旬,駿河湾口東部および同湾奥西部沿岸の2係留観測地点で,約5.5日間に約5.5℃に及ぶ顕著な水温急上昇が観測された。この水温急上昇は同湾沖の黒潮系暖水の流入による影響であり,さらに流入した暖水は同湾沿岸を反時計回りに伝播することが分った。両係留観測地点の水温急上昇の時間差と距離から求めた暖水の伝播速度は0.79m s^-1である。この値は暖水の移動を沿岸密度流の先端部の速度(Kubokawa and Hanawa, 1984)と見なして計算した値0.93ms^-1におおむね等しい。同様な現象は相模湾でも発生することが知られていて,それは急潮と呼ばれていることから,今回観測した水温急上昇は駿河湾の急潮と呼ぶことが出来る。また,今回の急潮をもたらした黒潮系暖水の流入の原因は黒潮の接岸であり,それには石廊崎沖での黒潮の小さな蛇行の発生が関係している可能性が考えられる。なお,同湾内各地の水位変動には急潮に伴う水温急上昇の効果はほとんど現れなかった。In early March 1992, a steep temperature rise of about 5.5℃ for 5.5 days was observed in the eastern part of the mouth of Suruga Bay and the western part of the bay head. The warm water in the eastern part of the bay mouth was influenced by an intrusion of the Kuroshio warm water. The intruded warm water moved cyclonically along the bay coast. The propagation speed of the warm water estimated from the time lag of the steep temperature rise and the distance between two mooring stations is about 0.79 m s^-1. The estimated speed is similar to that of the coastal density current in a rotating fluid, 0.93 m s^-1, theoretically derived by the same method as Kubokawa and Hanawa (1984). As a similar event that previously occurred in Sagami Bay was called kyucho, the steep temperature rise in this case is also called kyucho. The intrusion of the Kuroshio warm water into Suruga Bay as kyucho is related to a northward shift of the Kuroshio path. This northward shift seems to be related to the occurrence of a small scale meander of the Kuroshio off Irosaki. The temperature change induced by kyucho, has a little effect on the sea level change in the bay.