大塚 攻 西田 周平 Susumu Ohtsuka Shuhei Nishida 広島大学生物生産学部附属水産実験所 東京大学海洋研究所 Fisheries Laboratory Hiroshima University Ocean Research Institute University of Tokyo
海の研究 = Umi no Kenkyu (Oceanography in Japan) (ISSN:21863105)
vol.6, no.5, pp.299-320, 1997-10-05

The feeding ecology of marine pelagic copepods has been intensively studied since the 1910's. Recently, many new techniques, such as high-speed cinematography, deep-sea ROV, and SCUBA, have been introduced for direct observatios of their feeding behavior. These have clearly revealed that particle-feeders employ suspension feeding but not filter-feeding and that appendicularian houses are important food items for some pelagic calanoid, harpacticoid, and poecilostomatoid copepods. Particle-feeders commonly utilize microzooplankton such as ciliates and copepod nauplii and fecal pellets. Detritivory, strict selective predation, and gorging have been found exclusively in oceanic copepods. Five calanoid families Diaixidae, Parkiidae, Phaennidae, Scolecitrichidae, and Tharybidae with special sensory setae on the mouthparts and the poecilostomatoid Oncaea are considered to be adapted for feeding on detrital matter such as appendicularian houses. Some heterorhabdids probably inject a venom or anesthetic into prey animals to capture them. In the laboratory, predation on fish eggs and larvae by copepods, rejection of some dinoflagellates by calanoids, developmental inhibition of copepod eggs by feeding on some diatoms, and copepods' reactions to fecal pellets were demonstrated. Pelagic copepods constitute an assemblage of evolutionarily different groups. Among the 10 orders, calanoids supposedly first colonized the marine pelagic realm, and, at present, are most successfully adapted of any order to this environment by a wide variety of feeding mechanisms. They have developed a wide variety of feeding mechanisms. On the other hand, poecilostomatoids have secondarily become adapted to pelagic environments and are loosely associated with fish larvae and pelagic invertebrates, such as salps and appendicularians, for feeding. The calanoid family Heterorhabdidae consists of 2 particle-feeding, 3 carnivorous, and 2 intermediate genera. A phylogenetic analysis showed that the carnivores could have originated from the particle-feeders through the intermediate conditions, and that the mouthpart elements of the carnivores could be derived from those of the particle-feeders with modifications of the original elements and no addition of novel structures. Recent studies demonstrate that some copepods such as scolecitrichids and Oncaea can efficiently feed on nanoplankton trapped in appendicularian houses, and also suggest that suspension-feeders may transport diatom resting spores into the sea-bottom in the epipelagic zone and metals in the deep-sea bottoms through their feeding behavior, and that epipelagic carnivores may compete with fish larvae for copepod nauplii and dinoflagellates.
諏訪 僚太 中村 崇 井口 亮 中村 雅子 守田 昌哉 加藤 亜記 藤田 和彦 井上 麻夕里 酒井 一彦 鈴木 淳 小池 勲夫 白山 義久 野尻 幸宏 Ryota Suwa Takashi Nakamura Akira Iguchi Masako Nakamura Masaya Morita Aki Kato Kazuhiko Fujita Mayuri Inoue Kazuhiko Sakai Atsushi Suzuki Isao Koike Yoshihisa Sirayama Yukihiro Nojiri 京都大学フィールド科学教育研究センター瀬戸臨海実験所 九州大学付属天草臨海実験所 琉球大学熱帯生物圏研究センター瀬底研究施設 琉球大学熱帯生物圏研究センター瀬底研究施設 琉球大学熱帯生物圏研究センター瀬底研究施設 琉球大学大学院理工学研究科 琉球大学大学院理工学研究科 東京大学海洋研究所 琉球大学熱帯生物圏研究センター瀬底研究施設 産業技術総合研究所 琉球大学 京都大学フィールド科学教育研究センター瀬戸臨海実験所 国立環境研究所地球環境研究センター Seto Marine Biological Laboratory Field Science Education and Research Center Kyoto University Amakusa Marine Laboratory Kyusyu University Sesoko Station Tropical Biosphere Research Center University of the Ryukyus Sesoko Station Tropical Biosphere Research Center University of the Ryukyus Sesoko Station Tropical Biosphere Research Center University of the Ryukyus Graduate School of Engineering and Science University of the Ryukyus Graduate School of Engineering and Science University of the Ryukyus Ocean Research Institute The University of Tokyo Sesoko Station Tropical Biosphere Research Center University of the Ryukyus Geological Survey of Japan National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology(AIST) University of the Ryukyus Seto Marine Biological Laboratory Field Science Education and Research Center Kyoto University Center for Global Environmental Research National Institute for Environmental Studies
海の研究 (ISSN:09168362)
vol.19, no.1, pp.21-40, 2010-01-05

産業革命以降の二酸化炭素(CO_2)排出量の増加は,地球規模での様々な気候変動を引き起こし,夏季の異常高海水温は,サンゴ白化現象を引き起こすことでサンゴ礁生態系に悪影響を及ぼしたことが知られている。加えて,増加した大気中CO_2が海水に溶け込み,酸として働くことで生じる海洋酸性化もまた,サンゴ礁生態系にとって大きな脅威であることが認識されつつある。本総説では,海洋酸性化が起こる仕組みと共に,海洋酸性化がサンゴ礁域の石灰化生物に与える影響についてのこれまでの知見を概説する。特に,サンゴ礁の主要な石灰化生物である造礁サンゴや紅藻サンゴモ,有孔虫に関しては,その石灰化機構を解説すると共に,海洋酸性化が及ぼす影響について調べた様々な研究例を取り上げる。また,これまでの研究から見えてきた海洋酸性化の生物への影響評価実験を行う上で注意すべき事項,そして今後必要となる研究の方向性についても述べたい。The increase of the atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO_2) concentration after the industrial revolution caused global climate change. During the last several decades, coral reef ecosystems have been devastated by the mass-scale coral bleaching events caused by abnormally high seawater temperature in summer. In addition, increased atmospheric CO_2dissolves in the ocean, acts as an acid and finally decreases the pH level of seawater. This phenomenon, known as ocean acidification, is now being considered as a future threat to the calcifying organisms in coral reef ecosystems. In this review, we summarize basic backgrounds of ocean acidification as well as its potential impacts on coral reef calcifiers. Together with the distinctive mechanisms of calcification among specific groups, we review the impacts of ocean acidification on major reef-builders such as scleractinian corals, calcareous red algae and reef-dwelling foraminifera. Finally, we point out some recently-recognized problems in acidified seawater experiments as well as the future direction of this research field.
坪井 潤一 森田 健太郎 JUN-ICHI TSUBOI KENTARO MORITA 北海道大学大学院水産科学研究科:(現)山梨県水産技術センター 東京大学海洋研究所:(現)(独)水産総合研究センター北海道区水産研究所 Graduate School of Fisheries Sciences Hokkaido University:(Present address) Yamanashi Fisheries Technology Center Ocean Research Institute University of Tokyo:(Present address) Hokkaido National Fisheries Research Institute Fisheries Research Agency
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.70, no.3, pp.365-367, 2004-05-15

釣られやすさの種間差を明らかにすることは, 天然個体群保全や放流指針策定において重要である。本研究では, 野生化したニジマスと天然のイワナが生息する自然河川において餌釣りとフライフィッシングを行い, 釣られやすさの種間差を比較した。その結果, 餌釣りではイワナの方がニジマスよりも釣られやすかったが, 逆にフライフィッシングではニジマスの方がイワナよりも釣られやすかった。放流直後のニジマスは非常に釣られやすいと考えられてきたが, 自然水域に馴化した個体や再生産された個体では, 釣られにくくなることが示唆された。