大塚 攻 田中 隼人
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.48, pp.49-62, 2020-02-29 (Released:2020-03-13)

One of the major crustacean groups, Maxillopoda had accommodated Mystacocarida, Copepoda, Thecostraca, Tantulocarida, Ostracoda, Branchiura, Pentastomida, and some fossil taxa, and was generally defined by some combinations of the following characters: body tagma composed of 5 cephalic, 6 (or 7) thoracic and 5 (or 4) abdominal somites; male gonopore (s) located on the first abdominal somite; uniramous antennules; naupliar eyes with tapetal cells, and so on. However, the monophyly of maxillopodans is totally rejected by a number of genetic analyses, while palaeontological and morphological approaches still recognize not only maxillopodans but also entomostracans as valid taxa. Since this issue is not well documented in Japan, the present paper briefly introduces modern phylogenetic studies on maxillopodan crustaceans, in particular Copepoda and Ostracoda.
大塚 攻 宮川 千裕 平野 勝士 近藤 裕介
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.45, pp.48-60, 2018-08-31 (Released:2018-08-31)

Ecto- and meso-parasitic copepod basibionts harbor a wide variety of epibionts. The basibionts belong to the families Caligidae, Pandaridae, Trebiidae, Pennellidae, Sphyriidae, Bomolochidae, Ergasilidae, and Lernaeidae. Epibionts consist of bacteria, suctorian and peritrich ciliates, hydrozoan polyps, udonellid monogeneans, stalked barnacles, and algae. Udonellids and hydrozoan polyps seem to correspond to hyperparasitism, while attachment of some algae is regarded as accidental phoresy. These fish parasites provide unique substrates for epibionts, due to (1) no molting in the adults, (2) provision of relatively long-live and stable attachment sites, and (3) protection from fish immune responses, in addition to advantages of high mobility and dispersal of primary host fish.
大塚 攻 長谷川 和範 木村 妙子 三宅 裕志 近藤 裕介 飯田 健 Honorio Pagliwan Ephrime Metillo
The Malacological Society of Japan
Venus (Journal of the Malacological Society of Japan) (ISSN:13482955)
vol.75, no.1-4, pp.93-98, 2017-11-27 (Released:2018-01-11)

ウロコガイ科二枚貝ベッコウマメアゲマキScintilla philippinensis Deshayes, 1856の生体がフィリピン・パラワン島で採集されたが,外套膜とその膜上の突起,足を用いてウミウシ類及びカニ類に擬態と考えられる行動が観察された。ウミウシ類型の場合,外套膜を変形させて形態を似せる。カニ類型の場合には形態的類似性だけでなく足も用いて行動も真似る。ウロコガイ上科は他の動物に共生することで知られるが,擬態に関する知見は少ないので,今後のより詳細な研究が待たれる。
斉藤 英俊 大塚 攻 河合 幸一郎

1)スジエビ類および寄生種の遺伝属性: エビノコバンは、これまで沖縄県から山形県までの15県でエビノコバンを採集し、ミトコンドリア DNAの配列情報を明らかにして中国産エビノコバンのデータ(NCBLより引用)を加えて分子系統樹作成を行った。その結果、エビノコバンの分子系統樹は、本州~九州、沖縄および中国の3つのクレードに区分された。愛媛県のエビノコバン(宿主:チュウゴクスジエビ)は中国産個体に近い遺伝的属性を示したことから、チュウゴクスジエビの輸入にともないエビノコバンも中国から侵入している可能性が示唆された。2)寄生種がスジエビ類に及ぼす生態的影響:スジエビ類に対するエビノコバンの奇生生態の地域差を比較するため、前年度に引き続き野外調査をおこなった。その結果、宿主への寄生は東京都(利根川水系水路)では2018年7月(体長2mm)から2019年5月(体長12mm)までみられた。これに対して滋賀県(琵琶湖周辺河川) では2018年8月から2019年6月までみられた。また、エビノコバンの体長が比較的小型の時期にはスジエビ類よりも体サイズの小さいカワリヌマエビ類にも寄生する事例がみられた。なお、エビノコバンの室内飼育実験を試みたが、長期的なエビノコバンのエビ類への寄生状態を維持できなかった。これについては、次年度以降、野外調査データを利用してエビノコバンの寄生の有無と宿主であるエビ類の成長や肥満度の関係を解析することで明らかにできると考えている。3)スジエビ類および寄生種の流通状況:大阪府の釣具店において、スジエビ類を調査したところ、令和元年度はすべてスジエビであり、チュウゴクスジエビは流通していなかった。また、琵琶湖産スジエビに付随するエビノコバンを確認した。
大塚 攻 西田 周平 Susumu Ohtsuka Shuhei Nishida 広島大学生物生産学部附属水産実験所 東京大学海洋研究所 Fisheries Laboratory Hiroshima University Ocean Research Institute University of Tokyo
海の研究 = Umi no Kenkyu (Oceanography in Japan) (ISSN:21863105)
vol.6, no.5, pp.299-320, 1997-10-05

The feeding ecology of marine pelagic copepods has been intensively studied since the 1910's. Recently, many new techniques, such as high-speed cinematography, deep-sea ROV, and SCUBA, have been introduced for direct observatios of their feeding behavior. These have clearly revealed that particle-feeders employ suspension feeding but not filter-feeding and that appendicularian houses are important food items for some pelagic calanoid, harpacticoid, and poecilostomatoid copepods. Particle-feeders commonly utilize microzooplankton such as ciliates and copepod nauplii and fecal pellets. Detritivory, strict selective predation, and gorging have been found exclusively in oceanic copepods. Five calanoid families Diaixidae, Parkiidae, Phaennidae, Scolecitrichidae, and Tharybidae with special sensory setae on the mouthparts and the poecilostomatoid Oncaea are considered to be adapted for feeding on detrital matter such as appendicularian houses. Some heterorhabdids probably inject a venom or anesthetic into prey animals to capture them. In the laboratory, predation on fish eggs and larvae by copepods, rejection of some dinoflagellates by calanoids, developmental inhibition of copepod eggs by feeding on some diatoms, and copepods' reactions to fecal pellets were demonstrated. Pelagic copepods constitute an assemblage of evolutionarily different groups. Among the 10 orders, calanoids supposedly first colonized the marine pelagic realm, and, at present, are most successfully adapted of any order to this environment by a wide variety of feeding mechanisms. They have developed a wide variety of feeding mechanisms. On the other hand, poecilostomatoids have secondarily become adapted to pelagic environments and are loosely associated with fish larvae and pelagic invertebrates, such as salps and appendicularians, for feeding. The calanoid family Heterorhabdidae consists of 2 particle-feeding, 3 carnivorous, and 2 intermediate genera. A phylogenetic analysis showed that the carnivores could have originated from the particle-feeders through the intermediate conditions, and that the mouthpart elements of the carnivores could be derived from those of the particle-feeders with modifications of the original elements and no addition of novel structures. Recent studies demonstrate that some copepods such as scolecitrichids and Oncaea can efficiently feed on nanoplankton trapped in appendicularian houses, and also suggest that suspension-feeders may transport diatom resting spores into the sea-bottom in the epipelagic zone and metals in the deep-sea bottoms through their feeding behavior, and that epipelagic carnivores may compete with fish larvae for copepod nauplii and dinoflagellates.
山内 健生 大塚 攻 仲達 宣人
広島大学大学院生物圏科学研究科瀬戸内圏フィールド科学教育研究センター報告 (ISSN:21899436)
no.1, pp.1-9, 2004

Four cymothoid isopods including Anilocra clupei Williams and Williams, 1986, Elthusa sacciger (Richardson, 1909), Rhexanella verrucosa (Schioedte and Meinert, 1883), Mothocya sajori Bruce, 1986, and two unidentified species belonging to Mothocya, that are parasitic on fish, have so far been recorded from the Seto Inland Sea, western Japan (until 2003).
大塚 攻
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.21, pp.1-12, 2006-08-20 (Released:2018-03-30)

Free-living copepods are regarded as one of the most ecologically important animal groups in aquatic ecosystems, but systematic and phylogenetic surveys of these crustaceans are still incomplete. In recent years my colleagues and I have newly established five families, 11 genera, three subgenera, and 59 species of copepods. Our success in finding previously unknown forms is partly a result of our focus on collections from hitherto poorly sampled hyperbenthic layers. The peculiar swarming behavior, distinct vertical migrations, and unknown life cycles of many species also make their collection difficult. We were the first to discover copepods of the order Platycopioida in the Indo-Pacific region; based on a circumtropical distribution and has thus come to be understood as a Tethyan relict. Another example of biogeographical significance is a new cavernicolous species of the calanoid copepod genus Ridgewayia that we described from Palau, which shows a closer relationship to the Atlantic-Mediterranean species group of this genus than to the Indo-West Pacific species group. This suggests dispersal by the westward circumtropical current that existed from the late Jurassic to the Miocene. We have also described three families, three genera and four species of parasitic copepods that infect fishes, sea urchins, bivalves and mysids. In addition to copepods, four tantulocaridans, one ascothoracidan, and three peracaridans were newly described as a result of collaboraive work with specialists on these groups. Copepods with a basic developmental pattern comprising six naupliar, and six copepodid stages, are a relatively easy group to tracehomologous features when compared to other crustaceans. This fact makes phylogenetic analyses of copepods feasible. Better understanding of the phylogeny of copepods not only leads to revisions of their classification system, but also allows us to make certain deductions concerning evolutionary patterns and processes that are related to, for example, their habitat exploitation, direction of dispersal, and switching of feeding mode or host. Our analyses have thus led us to infer that members of the calanoid superfamily Arietelloidea have exploited a wide range of habitats, both horizontally from coastal to oceanic regions and vertically from the surface to the deep hyperbenthic layers, with recolonization therefrom into the original, coastal benthic habitat. We have also been able to reconstruct a switch in feeding from suspension feeding to carnivory in the calanoid family Heterorhabdidae, a trend leading to carnivorous taxa that employ a venom-injecting system for capture of prey. This sophisticated feeding structure seems to have been constructed by modification of prototypes that were present in the suspension-feeding ancestor, resulting in a drastic functional change in feeding without much alternation of its form.
長澤 和也 山岡 耕作 大塚 攻 海野 徹也 奥田 昇 山内 健生

大塚 攻 堀口 健雄 Lopes R.M. Choi K.H. 岩崎 敬二
vol.51, no.2, pp.101-118, 2004 (Released:2011-07-08)
大塚 攻 田中 隼人
タクサ:日本動物分類学会誌 (ISSN:13422367)
vol.48, pp.49-62, 2020

<p>One of the major crustacean groups, Maxillopoda had accommodated Mystacocarida, Copepoda, Thecostraca, Tantulocarida, Ostracoda, Branchiura, Pentastomida, and some fossil taxa, and was generally defined by some combinations of the following characters: body tagma composed of 5 cephalic, 6 (or 7) thoracic and 5 (or 4) abdominal somites; male gonopore (s) located on the first abdominal somite; uniramous antennules; naupliar eyes with tapetal cells, and so on. However, the monophyly of maxillopodans is totally rejected by a number of genetic analyses, while palaeontological and morphological approaches still recognize not only maxillopodans but also entomostracans as valid taxa. Since this issue is not well documented in Japan, the present paper briefly introduces modern phylogenetic studies on maxillopodan crustaceans, in particular Copepoda and Ostracoda.</p>
坂井 陽一 越智 雄一郎 坪井 美由紀 門田 立 清水 則雄 小路 淳 松本 一範 馬渕 浩司 国吉 久人 大塚 攻 橋本 博明
生物圏科学 : 広島大学大学院生物圏科学研究科紀要 (ISSN:13481371)
vol.49, pp.7-20, 2010-12-24

瀬戸内海安芸灘に位置する大崎上島の沿岸魚類相について,餌釣りと潜水観察による調査を実施した。ガラモ場の存在する桟橋を中心に調査定点を島の南部北部それぞれに設定し,オキアミ類とゴカイ類を餌に約10名が1時間釣りを行う作業を2007年5月から2008年3月まで隔月で実施し,出現魚類の季節変化を検討した。また,2007年5月から7月にかけて,屋代島から竹原までの安芸灘広域に9ゾーン26調査点を設け,同様の調査を実施し,出現魚類の水域ゾーン間の相違を検討した。本調査により総計29科63魚種を記録した。そのうち高水温期にのみ出現する南方系魚種は4種のみであった。記録した魚種の76%(48種)は伊予灘で記録されているものであった。一方,宇和海での魚類相データとの魚種共通率は30%前後に留まり,安芸灘を含む伊予灘以北の水域が生物地理学的に中間温帯区(西村,1981)と定義されていることの妥当性が裏付けられた。大崎上島において周年および冬期を除き常時記録されたのは,カサゴ,メバル,ハオコゼ,クジメ,アサヒアナハゼ,マダイ,ウミタナゴ,スズメダイ,メジナ,コブダイ,ホシササノハベラ,キュウセン,ホンベラ,クラカケトラギス,ホシノハゼ,イトヒキハゼ,ヒガンフグ,コモンフグであった。これら18魚種の多くは安芸灘広域調査においても広く出現が認められ,安芸灘の浅海魚類群集の基本構成種と考えられた。ホシササノハベラは愛媛県中島周辺水域での出現頻度が極めて高く,同種の安芸灘における主要な個体群が安芸灘南西エリアに存在する可能性が示唆された。また,過去に瀬戸内海での記録のないホシノハゼが安芸灘広くに確認され,急速に分布拡大を進めていることが示唆された。We surveyed fish fauna at shallow waters of Aki Nada, Seto Inland Sea by the line fishing census, using small hooks attaching clamworms or krills as baits, during May 2007 - March 2008. We set up survey points at piers with Sargassum belt in Osaki-Kami Shima Island, and conducted the census (ca. 10 person x 60 min at each) bimonthly to analyze seasonal differences of fish fauna. In order to evaluate geographic variation of fish fauna, we also held the census at 26 survey points of nine zones situated a wide area in Aki Nada during May-July, 2007. A total of 63 species of 29 families were recorded. Of 63 species, 76 % were commonly recorded in Iyo Nada region. In contrast, the common species ratio fell to ca. 30% in comparison with data recorded in Uwa Sea region, which strongly supports the validity of the border of biogeographical regions between "Warm temperate region" including Uwa Sea and "intermediate temperate region" including Iyo Nada and Aki Nada (Nishimura, 1981). The almost year-round occurrences in the Osaki-Kami Shima were admitted in the following 18 species, Sebastiscus marmoratus, Sebastes inermis, Hypodytes rubripinnis, Hexagrammos agrammus, Pseudoblennius cottoides, Pagrus major, Ditrema temmincki, Chromis notata notata, Girella punctata, Semicossyphus reticulatus, Pseudolabrus sieboldi, Halichoeres poecilopterus, Halichoeres tenuispinnus, Parapercis sexfasciata, Istigobius hoshinonis, Cryptocentrus filifer, Takifugu pardalis, Takifugu poecilonotus. Most of these species commonly occurred in the survey zones in Aki Nada waters, suggesting that these are core components of fish fauna in shallow waters of Aki Nada.
大塚 攻 山口 篤 花村 幸生
日本プランクトン学会報 (ISSN:03878961)
vol.58, no.1, pp.87-93, 2011-02-26

本稿では,動物プランク卜ンとして重要なカイアシ類,アミ類に共生する繊毛虫の生活史,生態,生態的機能について概説する。なお,「共生」に関する厳密な定義は困難である場合があるが(Bush et al. 2001), ここでは相利共生,片利共生,寄生,捕食寄生,便乗なども含む広義の意味で「共生」という言葉を使用し,宿主と共生生物との種間関係が明確でない場合も「共生」という言葉を使用する。通常,宿主が共生生物より体サイズが大きく,宿主と共生生物間に食関係か成立していて宿主になんらかの悪影響がある場合を「寄生」,宿主を確実に死に至らしめる場合を「捕食寄生」と呼ぶこととする。
大塚 攻 平野 勝士 宮川 千裕 近藤 裕介 菅谷 恵美 中井 敏博 高田 健太郎 福島 英登 大場 裕一 三本木 至宏 浅川 学 西川 淳
日本プランクトン学会報 (ISSN:03878961)
vol.66, no.2, pp.86-100, 2019-08-25 (Released:2019-09-03)

In marine ecosystems, bacterial interactions with zooplankters are highly complex, and much attention has recently been given to these interactions. Bacteria not only play the role of food and symbionts for zooplankters, but also function as decomposers for their carcasses, exuviae and feces. Free-living bacteria are involved as major producers in microbial loops, and form the diet of nanoplanktonic flagellates, ciliates, appendicularians and thaliaceans. Epibiotic and enteric bacteria use zooplankters as refuges to avoid predation and/or as food sources. However, aggregations of epibiotic bacteria or biofilms may function as “a second skin,” sensu Wahl et al. (2012), to modulate hosts metabolism and behaviors. Because they contain rich nutrients, low pH and low oxygen, copepod guts provide a unique environment for bacteria in which anaerobes can survive. Bacterial communities on copepods vary seasonally and among species, depending on the physiology of the host. The conveyor-belt hypothesis implies that bacteria vertically, and presumably horizontally, hitchhike in different water masses in accordance with the migrations of zooplankters. Bioluminescent bacteria are likely used as biomarkers of detrital foods for some planktonic copepods belonging to the Bradfordian families and as obligate symbionts for bioluminescent ichthyoplankters. Tetrodotoxin-producing bacteria are associated with chaetognaths that may use toxins to capture prey animals. Colonial cyanobacteria provide substrata for miraciid harpacticoid copepods. Hyrdomedusae play a role as vectors of pathogenic bacteria, causing lesions in farmed fish. Modern genetic analysis is a powerful tool that will be the first step in revealing the physiological and functional interactions between bacteria and zooplankton.
坂井 陽一 越智 雄一郎 坪井 美由紀 門田 立 清水 則雄 小路 淳 松本 一範 馬淵 浩司 国吉 久人 大塚 攻#橋本 博明
生物圏科学 (ISSN:13481371)
vol.49, pp.7-20, 2010

瀬戸内海安芸灘に位置する大崎上島の沿岸魚類相について,餌釣りと潜水観察による調査を実施した。ガラモ場の存在する桟橋を中心に調査定点を島の南部北部それぞれに設定し,オキアミ類とゴカイ類を餅に約10名が1時間釣りを行う作業を2007年5月から2008年3月まで隔月で実施し,出現魚類の季節変化を検討した。また,2007年5月から7月にかけて,屋代島から竹原までの安芸灘広域に9ゾーン26調査点を設け,同様の調査を実施し,出現魚類の水域ゾーン間の相違を検討した。本調査により総計29科63魚種を記録した。そのうち高水温期にのみ出現する南方系魚種は4種のみであった。記録した魚種の76%(48種)は伊予灘で記録されているものであった。一方,宇和海での魚類相データとの魚種共通率は30%前後に留まり, 安芸灘を含む伊予灘以北の水域が生物地理学的に中間温帯区(西村, 1981)と定義されていることの妥当性が裏付けられた。大崎上島において周年および冬期を除き常時記録されたのは,カサゴ,メバル,ハオコゼ,クジメ,アサヒアナハゼ,マダイ,ウミタナゴ,スズメダイ,メジナ,コブダイ,ホシササノハベラ,キュウセン,ホンベラ,クラカケトラギス,ホシノハゼ, イトヒキハゼ,ヒガンフグ,コモンフグであった。これら18魚種の多くは安芸灘広域調査においても広く出現が認められ,安芸灘の浅海魚類群集の基本構成種と考えられた。ホシササノハベラは愛媛県中島周辺水域での出現頻度が極めて高く,同様の安芸灘における主要な個体群が安芸灘南西エリアに存在する可能性が示唆された。また,過去に瀬戸内海での記録のないホシノハゼが安芸灘広くに確認され,急速に分布拡大を進めていることが示唆された。
大塚 攻 仲達 宣人 田中 克 上田 拓史
公益社団法人 日本水産学会
日本水産学会誌 (ISSN:00215392)
vol.73, no.4, pp.693-702, 2007 (Released:2007-08-08)
1 2

2000 年 6 月~2001 年 3 月の間に採集された有明海産スズキの鼻腔,口腔,鰓腔および鰓から 6 種の寄生性カイアシ類が発見され,Caligus tanago, Naricolax atypicus, Nothobomolochus lateolabracis の 3 種が優占した。大陸遺存種と考えられるものは出現しなかった。これらの寄生率,寄生数は宿主の繁殖期である 1~3 月に高くなる傾向があった。N. atypicus は鼻腔に寄生し,寄生率は夏季にも高く,宿主サイズと正の相関を示し た。
大塚 攻 西田 周平
海の研究 (ISSN:09168362)
vol.6, no.5, pp.299-320, 1997-10-05 (Released:2008-04-14)
11 24

The feeding ecology of marine pelagic copepods has been intensively studied since the 1910's. Recently, many new techniques, such as high-speed cinematography, deep-sea ROV, and SCUBA, have been introduced for direct observatios of their feeding behavior. These have clearly revealed that particle-feeders employ suspension feeding but not filter-feeding and that appendicularian houses are important food items for some pelagic calanoid, harpacticoid, and poecilostomatoid copepods. Particle-feeders commonly utilize microzooplankton such as ciliates and copepod nauplii and fecal pellets. Detritivory, strict selective predation, and gorging have been found exclusively in oceanic copepods. Five calanoid families Diaixidae, Parkiidae, Phaennidae, Scolecitrichidae, and Tharybidae with special sensory setae on the mouthparts and the poecilostomatoid Oncaea are considered to be adapted for feeding on detrital matter such as appendicularian houses. Some heterorhabdids probably inject a venom or anesthetic into prey animals to capture them. In the laboratory, predation on fish eggs and larvae by copepods, rejection of some dinoflagellates by calanoids, developmental inhibition of copepod eggs by feeding on some diatoms, and copepods' reactions to fecal pellets were demonstrated. Pelagic copepods constitute an assemblage of evolutionarily different groups. Among the 10 orders, calanoids supposedly first colonized the marine pelagic realm, and, at present, are most successfully adapted of any order to this environment by a wide variety of feeding mechanisms. They have developed a wide variety of feeding mechanisms. On the other hand, poecilostomatoids have secondarily become adapted to pelagic environments and are loosely associated with fish larvae and pelagic invertebrates, such as salps and appendicularians, for feeding. The calanoid family Heterorhabdidae consists of 2 particle-feeding, 3 carnivorous, and 2 intermediate genera. A phylogenetic analysis showed that the carnivores could have originated from the particle-feeders through the intermediate conditions, and that the mouthpart elements of the carnivores could be derived from those of the particle-feeders with modifications of the original elements and no addition of novel structures. Recent studies demonstrate that some copepods such as scolecitrichids and Oncaea can efficiently feed on nanoplankton trapped in appendicularian houses, and also suggest that suspension-feeders may transport diatom resting spores into the sea-bottom in the epipelagic zone and metals in the deep-sea bottoms through their feeding behavior, and that epipelagic carnivores may compete with fish larvae for copepod nauplii and dinoflagellates.