松瀬 憲司
熊本大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:21881871)
vol.65, pp.65-72, 2016-12-19

In English there are pairs of semantically related words in which the one has gone through both palatalization and assibilation (Palatal Softening), while the other has not: for example, speech vs. speak, Old English giefan vs. give, etc. Among the conditions that trigger both sound changes, the existence of front vowel(s) before or/and after the /k/ or /ɡ/ sound involved and what we call i-Umlaut are very crucial. In addition, the reason why the palatalized and assibilated /ɡ/ in Old English giefan has been replaced by the original /ɡ/ in Present-Day English give cannot be accounted for by a sound change theory, but by a sociolinguistic point of view; give, a word borrowed from Old Norse, has been adopted into the standard variety of English instead of the native word giefan.And we also find tush, which has changed the original /sk/ sound of Proto-Germanic tunþskaz, as a dialectal variant in tandem with tusk, which has not and was taken into the standard English. This fact suggests that it just happened in the history of English that the former is regarded as a vernacular form and the latter a standard one; it just depends upon our selection whether they become a standard variety or not.
松永 拓己
熊本大学教育学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Kumamoto University (ISSN:21881871)
no.64, pp.213-220, 2015

熊本県の阿蘇は魅力的な観光地であり、特色ある風物の宝庫である. 全国から多くの観光客が訪れている. 阿蘇内牧地区の活性化に取り組むことを求められ、芸術による取り組み(アートな街つくり)を考え2013年度より実施している. 2014年度においては、更なる取り組みを行う. また、阿蘇一の宮の宿泊施設「かんぽの宿」看板絵の制作を依頼された. この宿泊施設の新たな魅力づくりに絵画制作を行う取り組みである. 以上、2つの絵画制作の取り組みを立案、実践をもとに考察するものである.
山田 高誌
熊本大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:21881871)
vol.63, pp.235-248, 2014-12-12

松瀬 憲司
熊本大学教育学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Kumamoto University (ISSN:21881871)
no.66, pp.83-90, 2017

In Present-day Standard English (PSE) there are some lexical verbs which also have a peculiar negative construction, namely do-less negation, such as They know not what they do, in spite the fact that do negation is normally the rule for them, like They don't know what do. Diachronically speaking, these two negative constructions belong to what we call "Jespersen's cycle," the former of which is its stage III beginning in the early Modern English period and the latter, its stage I' (= IV and V in the original) which we are on now. The reality is, however, stranger: we have a verb that seems not to have completely been in the stage I' even in PSE, too. It is the verb hope, for we usually cannot use don't as the negative marker for its declarative sentences: *I don't hope it rains. This is a typical example of lexical diffusion seen in do negation as a syntactic change. Since the verb hope has a rather strong semantic content, i.e., "desire," it is semantically hard to negate in its declarative sentences, especially when they have I hope. Its negative side, then, seems to be propitiously taken by I'm afraid instead, so that I hope and I'm afraid can be complementarily distributed.
山梨 八重子
熊本大学教育学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Kumamoto University (ISSN:21881871)
no.64, pp.267-274, 2015

This purpose of this research is to clarify issues related to the establishment of theory on yogo teachers as professional. A variety of different research projects have been carried out through the present time with a view to establishing yogo teachers as professional in their fields. The majority of this research has been conducted based on the results of Manabu Ogura's research, which means that Ogura's research has garnered a certain level of respect as a body of work presenting yogo teachers as professional. This paper re-examines research conducted by Ogura on the specialized nature of yogo teachers, comparing this work with documents by M. Lieberman, on which Ogura's work was based.Our research shows that the specialized nature of yogo teachers described by Ogura is limited to differentiating yogo teachers from conventional teachers within the school organization; therefore Ogura's scope is limited. Further, it has also become clear to us that the viewpoint of yogo teacher profession from Japan's unique perspective on yogo teachers as conventional teachers lacks a solid foundation. If we are to emphasize Japan's special positioning of yogo teachers in the larger context of conventional teachers, we conclude that there is a need to examine the deep specialization from a broad perspective— including trends in teacher profession theory—in order to further establish theory on the profession of Yogo teacher.本論は、養護教諭の専門職論の先達である小倉の研究を検討し、専門職としての養護教諭論にせまる上での課題を明らかにすることを目的とする.
本田 優子 梶原 まどか 堀川 ひかり 森 恵美加 一期崎 直美
熊本大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:21881871)
vol.62, pp.239-251, 2013-12-12

This investigation was conducted in order to clarify relation of the conforming behavior in a junior high school student, and anthropophobia mentality, and it obtained the following conclusions. The tendency of conforming behavior was high in the woman or the second grader also in the junior high school student. Moreover, the tendency to take the conforming behavior mended externally on the whole was high. In the boy, the second grader, or the student that thinks "it is not good in the atmosphere of a class", the tendency was high. Also in anthropophobia mentality, the tendency for him to be superfluously conscious of especially himself and others was high. The boy's tendency which fears a look was higher than the woman, and the second grader woman was difficult to speak in public. The student who thinks that the atmosphere of its class is good was superfluously conscious of himself or others, and the student who thinks that atmosphere of its class is not good thought that he was weak-willed. Anthropophobia mentality was as high as the student it is easy to take conforming behavior. Especially the student with high anthropophobia mentality was not the student that aligns positively but a student who aligns externally.
仁野平 智明
熊本大学教育学部紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Education, Kumamoto University (ISSN:21881871)
no.65, pp.7-15, 2016

藤井 美保 孫 恩惠
熊本大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:21881871)
vol.64, pp.105-112, 2015-12-18

The purpose of this research is to clarify the modes of understanding and attitude of classroom teachers who are put in charge of foreign students in Japanese elementary schools. In areas where there are few foreign children, the ways of accepting and guiding them as newcomers in the elementary schools are left to the classroom teachers. In many cases, these teachers have to struggle with the new types of challenges brought by foreign students without useful help and support. At the same time, adaptation of foreign students to Japanese school life depends on the classroom teachers' attitude and behaviors. The interviews of teachers and the observation of the school life of foreign students bring us the findings as follows: 1) classroom teachers recognized foreign children as a new type of student that they have not experienced and they have to struggle with acceptance and guidance of these students without suitable preparation, 2) the "barrier of language" is understood to be the source of most difficulties by classroom teachers and this understanding seems to make them ignore the other problems of foreign students, 3) classroom teachers have trouble with the conflict between cultural context and personal context when they face problems regarding the behavior of foreign students, 4) understanding of the support necessary for the learning of foreign students differs slightly among classroom teachers, so the support provided to these students is, in fact, not consistent, 5) classroom teachers need and demand support services and advisers which can help to resolve their problems in acceptance and guidance of foreign students.本研究では、外国人散在地域U市において実施した現地調査の結果から、小学校の学級担任教師のニューカマー児童に対する認識と態度を捉えようと試みた. 学校現場でニューカマー児童の受け入れと指導に苦慮している学級担任教師に共感しつつ、受け入れの過程でどのような困難や課題に直面するのか、また、それらの困難や課題にどのように対処しているのかを明らかにし、散在地域の学校現場における多文化教育の課題と今後のあり方を探る一助としたい.
中原 雅彦 志民 一成
熊本大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:21881871)
vol.63, pp.213-219, 2014-12-12

飯野 直子 金柿 主税
熊本大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:21881871)
vol.64, pp.343-348, 2015-12-18

In order to visualize the environmental radiation dose rate level, we carried out the car-borne survey of gamma-ray dose rates in Kyushu. The obtained data was illustrated on the topographic and geological maps in Kyushu along the run routes as teaching materials. It was found that the characteristics of the environmental-radiation-level in Kyushu Island are as follows: (1) lower tendency of the level is shown in northern Kyushu, (2) high-level tendency is shown at the Kyushu Mountains area and (3) middle-level tendency is shown in southern Kyushu. In addition, we established a website to provide these results for science education and energy-and-environmental education.教材として九州における平時の環境放射線レベルを可視化するために、各県の主に一般道を走行サーベイして得られたγ線線量率データを前報の環境放射線レベル分布図に追加し、九州における環境放射線のレベル分布について概観した.また、本研究で得られた結果やこれまでにモニタリングポスト近傍や航空機内などさまざまな場所で簡易測定器を用いて測定した結果をエネルギ環境教育や理科教育のための素材・教材として提供するためのウェブサイトを開設したので報告する.
山田 高誌
熊本大学教育学部紀要 (ISSN:21881871)
vol.63, pp.235-248, 2014-12-12
