後藤 将之
コミュニケーション紀要 (ISSN:02887843)
vol.26, pp.71-86, 2015-03

The author, a nearly 30-year long educator having taught at various universities and research institutions, discusses problems of classroom attendance and students' psychology of class taking, mainly from a specific type of students' mind-set, which is here called as "GPA perspective," in this Part 1 of a series of intended research reports. GPA perspective is a concept used by sociologist H. S. Becker and collaborates in 1968, a concept that refers to an attitude of students who are only interested in grade-getting and nothing other. Since a GPA perspective-oriented student is motivated to nothing but to acquire the best possible GPA while paying the least possible effort, some untraditional behaviors in classrooms are frequently enacted and observed. The author, a specialist of symbolic interactionism sociology, describes many concrete instances of GPA perspective-oriented students' not-before-seen behaviors in classroom, their attitudes and opinions explicit and implied in classroom interactions, particularly focusing on one but many faceted aspect of educational process: classroom attendance.The author, a nearly 30-year long educator having taught at various universities and research institutions, discusses problems of classroom attendance and students' psychology of class taking, mainly from a specific type of students' mind-set, which is here called as "GPA perspective," in this Part 1 of a series of intended research reports. GPA perspective is a concept used by sociologist H. S. Becker and collaborates in 1968, a concept that refers to an attitude of students who are only interested in grade-getting and nothing other. Since a GPA perspective-oriented student is motivated to nothing but to acquire the best possible GPA while paying the least possible effort, some untraditional behaviors in classrooms are frequently enacted and observed. The author, a specialist of symbolic interactionism sociology, describes many concrete instances of GPA perspective-oriented students' not-before-seen behaviors in classroom, their attitudes and opinions explicit and implied in classroom interactions, particularly focusing on one but many faceted aspect of educational process: classroom attendance.
新倉 貴仁
コミュニケーション紀要 (ISSN:02887843)
vol.27, pp.1-11, 2016-03

Benedict Anderson's Imagined Communities (1983)has been considered to be one of the mostsignificant pieces of literature on the relationship between nationalism and media. However, it has been often overlooked that Anderson's concept of nationalism is heavily influenced by Marshall McLuhan's arguments on printing media in The Gutenberg Galaxy(1962).The aim of this article is to reframe the relationship between nationalism and media by revisiting McLuhan's arguments on industrial society.Firstly, The Gutenberg Galaxy is reframed as an outstanding theoretical work on nationalism. It sheds light on the history of mechanical reproduction, which catalyzed the formation and spread of nationalism.Secondly, The Mechanical Bride(1952), which underlies The Gutenberg Galaxy as well as The Understanding Media(1964), is reconsidered as an outstanding attempt to scrutinize contemporary society in the context of the huge transformation resulting from the progress of industrial technologies.In conclusion, McLuhan's work, focusing on nationalism in the context of the industrial society, provides us with an effective viewpoint from which to rethink the problem of nationalism even in the context of contemporary globalization and the advent of information society.
森 暢平
コミュニケーション紀要 (ISSN:02887843)
vol.26, pp.99-115, 2015-03
古田 尚輝
vol.18, pp.23-80, 2006-03 (Released:2012-08-06)
南 保輔
コミュニケーション紀要 (ISSN:02887843)
vol.27, pp.31-67, 2016-03

本論は,覚せい剤からの断薬意志を,約1年にわたる少年院生活においてある女子少年がどのように確立していったかを,多角的なデータを提示しながら記述するものである. B少年は,覚せい剤使用で逮捕されてX女子少年院で矯正教育プログラム(薬物非行)を受講した.3か月にわたるプログラムの開始にあたって,B少年はやめたい気持ちが 10%で,やめる自信は5%だと述べた.なかなか「やめる」と言えないでいたが,プログラムが終わるときに「やめたい」と言えばいいのだと助言された.この助言は一見すると適切で効果的なものであり,B少年の回復は大きく進むかと思われたが,そうはいかなかった.かつて再使用することで裏切った母親の信頼を取り戻したいのだが,「やめる」と「やめたい」の違いが母親から理解されなかったからだ. 出院直前の回顧的自己評定によると,この助言があった直後に気持ちは大きく落ち込んでいた.母親との関係改善,とくに母親の信頼を得るという課題がまったく進まなかったからだ.家族関係はほとんどの少年の事例において,少年院での指導の重点となる.B少年の場合はプログラムがあったために,その終了後までこの点への取り組みが先延ばしされた.プログラム中心の調査において,母親との関係に大きな問題を抱えているということは可視化されず,助言の威力を過大評価することになった. 回復が進むにつれて,課題が変わっていくという側面も見られた.プログラムを通じて対処法を学んだからこそ,薬物をやめられるかもしれないとB少年は感じるようになった.そうなったときに,「一生やめる」と宣言することはできないとしても,「今日一日やめる」と考え,そう言えるようになっていた. 本論では,授業場面の録画とインタヴュー,そしてインタヴュー時に作成してもらったグラフを主要データとする.そのデータが記述している現象と経験の範囲や性質という側面からの検討を補助的な軸とする.This paper describes the process a girl goes through, over a period of one year, to build up the will to quit using drugs, while being institutionalized at a female juvenile training school.A Japanese girl, called B, was arrested for using illegal drugs. She participated in "The Corrective Education Program on Drug-Related Delinquency" at a female juvenile training school in Japan. At the beginning of the 3-month program, she estimated her willingness to quit drugs to be at the level of 10% out of 100%, and her confidence to quit drugs to be at the level of 5% out of 100%. An expert psychologist advised that at the end of the program Girl B should say "I want to quit" instead of "I can quit." Although this advice appeared to be powerful and effective, it was actually not the case, since Girl B's mother did not understand the difference between the two statements.In a research interview, Girl B was asked to make a graphical representation of her change in feelings concerning drugs during the one year at the juvenile training school(self-evaluation). The graph showed that Girl B's feelings had two big low points: at the beginning of the program and just after the end of the program. After the end of the program, Girl B started writing to her mother for support and to ask to start living with her mother. Girl B's mother did not understand the nature of drug addiction and demanded that Girl B declare "I'm going to quit using drugs." Girl B felt really bad that her mother did not understand her.This was the second time Girl B was held in youth custody. The first time Girl B was released from the juvenile training school her self-esteem was low, and she tried to quit drugs for the sake of her mother, which eventually failed. In preparation for leaving the school for the second time, Girl B started thinking of quitting drugs for the sake of herself. She also thought of quitting "just for today"instead of quitting for life. Finally, just before leaving the training school, Girl B's confidence level concerning drugs reached the level of 60%.The study collected video recordings of group work meetings and audio recordings of interviews (self-report). While interaction analysis of group work utterances showed which advice was received as convincing by the participants, its long-term effects and consequences are found to be articulated and identified with interview data.
南 保輔 古川 良治 都築 幸恵 新垣 紀子 中村 國則
コミュニケーション紀要 (ISSN:02887843)
vol.26, pp.87-98, 2015-03

Teaching critical thinking skills is among the top priorities for higher education in Japan and the United States. Ennis (1987) divides critical thinking skills into two types: dispositions and abilities. In Japan, Hirayama and Kusumi (2004) have developed a Japanese measurement called the Critical Thinking Dispositions Inventory (CTDI). This measurement consists of four subscales with 33 items. The responses are made using a five-point Likert scale. In four studies at a small private university in the Japanese metropolitan area, the CTDI was administered to more than 400 undergraduate students. Among the four subscales, the average highest rating was the score for "inquiry-mind" and the lowest score was for "self-confidence for logical thinking." These results hold true for the four studies, while the order of the other two subscales of "objectiveness" and "evidence-based judgment" varied among the four studies. In one study, about 50 students worked on the Wason selection task. Their performance was poor when the content of the task was purely logical and abstract, but the performance was much better when it was an everyday and pragmatic task, as argued by D'Andrade (1995). Those who successfully solved the everyday, real task rated themselves higher on the CTDI and higher on the subscale for "self-confidence for logical thinking." This constitutes a basis for the measurement validity of the CTDI.Teaching critical thinking skills is among the top priorities for higher education in Japan and the United States. Ennis (1987) divides critical thinking skills into two types: dispositions and abilities. In Japan, Hirayama and Kusumi (2004) have developed a Japanese measurement called the Critical Thinking Dispositions Inventory (CTDI). This measurement consists of four subscales with 33 items. The responses are made using a five-point Likert scale. In four studies at a small private university in the Japanese metropolitan area, the CTDI was administered to more than 400 undergraduate students. Among the four subscales, the average highest rating was the score for "inquiry-mind" and the lowest score was for "self-confidence for logical thinking." These results hold true for the four studies, while the order of the other two subscales of "objectiveness" and "evidence-based judgment" varied among the four studies. In one study, about 50 students worked on the Wason selection task. Their performance was poor when the content of the task was purely logical and abstract, but the performance was much better when it was an everyday and pragmatic task, as argued by D'Andrade (1995). Those who successfully solved the everyday, real task rated themselves higher on the CTDI and higher on the subscale for "self-confidence for logical thinking." This constitutes a basis for the measurement validity of the CTDI.