ルッデ マルコ Rudde Marco
人間社会環境研究 = Human and socio-environmental studies (ISSN:18815545)
no.40, pp.63-81, 2020-09

The following article deals with the concept of modernity in the humanities. The term "modernity" is commonly used but its associations can cause some difficulties in understanding historical processes. In this article, the activities of the pedagogue and bureaucrat Izawa Shuji and the Music Study Committee on the Introduction of Western Music in Meiji-Era Japan will be examined to illuminate these problems. The focus is placed on two aspects of the modernization narrative: first, the tendency to interpret processes and changes within a society from a generalized perspective, which often leads to overlooking conflicts or antagonisms within a society, and, second, the fact that modernization is generally understood as a process of rationalization, which is insufficient to explain certain processes.
廣田 篤
金沢大学大学院人間社会環境研究科 = Graduate School of Human and Socio-Enviromental Studies Kanazawa University
人間社会環境研究 = Human and socio-environmental studies (ISSN:18815545)
no.30, pp.23-29, 2015-09-28

In this paper, we will investigate in detail the nature of the No more A than B construction. First, we will see this construction classified into several categories based on the formal differences among them, and then, those corresponding semantic differences will be explored. In particular, we will focus consistently on than-phrases of No more A than B construction, which will turn out to be characterized through the actual usage of several sentences as objects or processes with an extreme property (i.e., they can be schematically stipulated as such). Next, it will be proposed that the essential function of this construction lies in the intersubjective coordination of a proposition between interlocutors, in terms of their interaction, and of a pragmatic perspective that will be newly introduced here. Finally, the whale-construction will be presented as a topic sentence that shows intersubjective coordination concerning a common conceptual ground between the speaker and the hearer. In other words, the interlocutors will negotiate how a whale should be categorized based on two different types of categorizations, which are distinct in the cognition of the speaker.
笠井 純一 笠井 津加佐 KASAI Junichi KASAI Tsukasa
人間社会環境研究 = Human and socio-environmental studies (ISSN:18815545)
no.40, pp.135-151, 2020-09

This paper is a study of the Nanchi-Yamatoya family and Kuni Sato's family, who influenced the performances given at Osaka kagai, as well as the organic development of jiuta and jiutamai from the end of the Meiji era to the early Shyowa era, and is based on surveys of historical materials and interviews. The following inferences is considered from the above mentioned result. Based on this investigation, it can be seen that, from the beginning of the Taisho era, the names of jiutamai choreographers did not appear in the leaflets of the haru-no-odori of the kagai of Osaka except Nanchi. However, geiko kept training jiuta and jiutamai. It was confirmed that jiuta and jiutamai were taught as basic elements of art at the Naichi-Yamatoya Geiko Training Center. In addition, Han Takehara, Chiho Hida, and En Kanzaki, make the performance of jiutamai spread in Tokyo, and became well-known. Kuni Sato, also went to Tokyo to teach jiutamai. In addition, the performances of kamigatamai-taikai was maintained by the relationship of Yoshitaro Nanki and Komajiro Sato. In 1937, the name of the jiuta player Kotoji Kikuhara appeared in the leaflet of hokuyo-naniwa-odori. It seemed that jiuta has returned to the haru-no-odori performed in kagai. Unfortunately, the performance of haru-no-odori was interrupted by the war between Japan and China. The following inferences is considered from the above mentioned result. Geiko at Osaka kagais was taking various dances with customer's demand and their own quest. They also made an effort for practice of jiuta and jiutamai which originated in Osaka. The posture of such geiko projected her sentiment as well as dignity as an entertainer.
高島 彬
金沢大学大学院人間社会環境研究科 = Graduate School of Human and Socio-Enviromental Studies Kanazawa University
人間社会環境研究 = Human and socio-environmental studies (ISSN:18815545)
no.30, pp.77-89, 2015-09-28

This article examines the grammaticalization of 'te-aru' constructions in Japanese. In Japanese, 'te­aru' constructions can be divided into two subtypes, exemplified in (l-2). The first type (1) is the construction where the patient is encoded by the nominative maker ga. The second type (2) is the one where the patient is encoded by the accusative marker wo. (l) 'X-ga te-aru' construction (2) 'X-wo te-aru' construction Many linguists pointed out that the difference between ga and wo in the constructions affects not only the syntactic aspect but also the semantic one. There are two types of analysis of the different cases in 'te-aru' constructions. In the first type, the constructions are considered to be passive-like sentences (cf. Soejima 2007, Suda 2010). In the second type, constructions are considered to be causative alternations (i.e., the opposition between the intransitive construction is 'X-ga te-aru' and the transitive one is 'X-wo te-aru' ). I will take the latter position one step further and show that it can be analyzed as a matter of grammatical development. In this paper, I will analyze differences in these constructional types as grammatical development from the 'X-ga te-aru' construction into the 'X-wo te-aru' construction. The framework I use to tackle this problem is "specification," which Kuteva (2001) showed as a mechanism of semantic change in grammaticalization. I conclude that specifying the information ( especially, the information of the agent in the event) led to the grammatical development of 'te-aru' constructions.
金沢大学大学院人間社会環境研究科 = Graduate School of Human and Socio-Enviromental Studies Kanazawa University
人間社会環境研究 = Human and socio-environmental studies (ISSN:18815545)
no.33, pp.1-14, 2017-03-28

The paper focuses on the marriage, family, and kinship among Tibetans based on the previous studies and fieldwork_ Marriages in Tibet are generally monogamous. However, some cases of polygamous marriages also exist due to economic reasons. Research indicates that getting married via a blind date with someone in the same village was common in Tibetan. However, with the establishment of the market economy and the economic development in recent years, there have been an in in marriages for love and beyond the geographical boundaries. The paper begins by analyzing previous studies about marriage and the family system in Tibet, and then describes the types of marriage and "bone and blood," a traditional concept among Tibetans. The second part of the paper deals with case studies from the S village, and describes the marriage, family, and kinship among Amdo Tibetans. Finally, the paper discusses the impact of recent social changes on the Tibetan marriage system; such as the Economic Development Plan on the western areas and the movement of young people to big cities for wage labor.
深川 美也子
金沢大学大学院人間社会環境研究科 = Graduate School of Human and Socio-Enviromental Studies Kanazawa University
人間社会環境研究 = Human and socio-environmental studies (ISSN:18815545)
no.33, pp.59-69, 2017-03-28

The purpose of this study was to analyze the relationship between the phonological awareness (PA) and the reading of hiragana, by conducting a PVT-R test and PA test, and having each participant read all 46 Hiragana letters, one at a time. Each study participant was of average intelligence. Unlike previous studies,this study only prompted Segmentation, Abstract, Deletion, and Reversal PA tasks in the PA test. The first three PA tasks included words with three to four mora, and the Reversal task words with two to four mora. The results indicated the following three points: 1) The PVT-R test and the Reading of Hiragana are not related. 2) the relationship shown between PA development and reading of Hiragana is statistically weak, and 3) the difference in the number ofmora in words has a strong influence on the reading of Hiragana. There appears to be a relationship between the ability to read one letter at a time in Hiragana and PA development. However, the influence of PA development on the number of letters that can be read does not appear to be strong. As this study only investigated the relationship between PA development and the reading of Hiragana one letter at a time, further studies need to examine this relationship with respect to word-level reading. Additionally in the context of PA development, further studies need to take into consideration not only the four PA tasks mentioned here, but also the number of mora in the words used in the study.
Maharani Dian Permanasari マハラニ デイアン ペルマナサリ
人間社会環境研究 = Human and socio-environmental studies (ISSN:18815545)
no.34, pp.41-63, 2017-09-29 (Released:2017-12-19)

Indonesia, with its diverse cultural resources and sustainable materials, holds a significant role in revitalizing and preserving traditional crafts. Until recently, there has been an increase in the utilization of banana plants as a sustainable material that is less known as compared to bamboo or rattan. Consequently, the small craft industry using banana bark is now thriving in East Java. In the Javanese traditional culture, banana plants have been used extensively both in daily life and in rituals. Its familiarity is one of the reasons for the insufficient records on the meanings of banana plants in the Javanese tradition. This study aimed to understand the continuity and changes in the usage and functions of banana plants among the Javanese people. The paper presents the general information about the banana plant, including its origin and botanical description, and the varieties of the plant and their use in Java. The paper then presents and discusses the growth of the banana bark craft industry in the research area of East Java. Data on the development of the local craft industry and on the process of harnessing the potential of banana plants in Bojonegoro East Java, the largest banana producer according to Indonesian Bureau of Statistics, were gathered since 2009. Thus, the present study aimed to uncover the hidden potential of banana plants, to record and to provide information for understanding the traditional knowledge on banana plants in the Javanese culture. 多様な文化資源と持続可能な原材料を擁するインドネシアは. 伝統工芸の保存と復興において重要な役割を負っている。 持続可能材としてのバナナの木の活用に関しては, 竹やラタン材の知名度と比して近年まであまり知られていなかった。 しかし, 現在東ジャワではバナナの樹皮を用いた小規模な手工芸産業が典盛している。伝統的なジャワの文化では, 生誕から死に至るまでの様々な場面で, 日常と俄礼とを問わずバナナの木が寄り添っている。 あまりにも近い存在であるため, このバナナの木が持つ意味に関する記録はジャワの伝統にあまり残されていない。本研究はジャワ人の間におけるバナナの活用と機能の変遷を理解することを目的とする。 まずバナナの生物学的概要と栽培起源を概略したあと, ジャワにおける栽培バナナの種類と用法を概観する。そして近年東ジャワで盛んになりつつあるバナナ樹皮工芸産業の一例を紹介し, その成立発展の経緯と活動内容について考察する。 東ジャワのボジョネゴロにおける地域の手工芸産業の発展 およびバナナの木の可能性を産業へと結びつける試みに関するデー タは, 2009年以来の調査によるものである。本研究は, バナナの木のさらなる可能性を明らかにし, ジャワの文化に受け継がれるバナナの木に関する伝統的知識を理解するための情報を記録,提供するものである。
笠井 津加佐 笠井 純一 KASAI Tsukasa KASAI Junichi
人間社会環境研究 = Human and socio-environmental studies (ISSN:18815545)
no.34, pp.187-198, 2017-09-29

江戸時代に起源をもつ大阪花街は,曾根崎新地(北新地),南地,新町,堀江の四地域を中心とし, それぞれ特色を持つ花街として存在していた。 しかし, それらの沿革や芸能史上の特色を追究した研究は少ない。本稿では, 明治期の史料をもとに各花街の概況を分析した上, 北区大火 (1909) 並びに南区大火(1912)によって, 北新地および南地にどのような変化が生じたか, 新聞記事を用いて跡付けた。 続いて「大阪春の踊」 (1920) の興行成績を分析して北新地・南地の優位性を指摘し, それが明治末年の花街改革の結果であろうと論じた。さらに本稿では, 北新地が伝統芸能を媒介として社会に開かれた空間となったのも 明治末年の花街改革以降であろうと推測した。Osaka Kagai originated in the Edo period. It included four areas: Sonezakishinchi (Kita-no-shinchi), Nanchi, Shinmachi, and Horie. Each area had different characteristics. A few studies have investigated their past and characteristics in the history of entertainment. This study analyzed the general situation of each Kagai, based on historical documents of the Meiji period. Moreover, changes in Kita-no-shinchi and Nanchi caused by the Great Fire of Kita-ku ( 1909) and the Great Fire of Minami-ku ( 1912) were examined using newspaper articles. Subsequently, box-office records of "Osaka Haru-no-Odort' were analyzed, which indicated the superiority of Kita-no-shinchi and Nanchi indicated. It is considered that this superiority resulted from reform of Kagai carried out in the end of the Meiji period. Furthermore, after the Kagai reform at the end of Meiji period, Kita-no-shinchi supposedly became an open space to society, mediated by traditional performing arts.