高橋 弘彦 鈴木 省三 宮城 進 熊坂 繁太郎 佐藤 佑
仙台大学紀要 (ISSN:03893073)
vol.27, pp.43-51, 1996-03

Concerning the change of body temperature during long distance swimming, comparison is made between the case of wearing wet suit and the case of without it. Moreover, the effect of sea environment condition is investigated. Main results of this study can be summarized as follows : 1) The body temperature tends to decrease faster in case of swimmers with lower body fat percentage, especially in lower water temperature. However, even among swimmers with about the same body fat percentage, the individual differences are observed. 2) Although the physical intensity is kept at relatively low level during the long distance swimming, the swimmer's subjective response shows increasing difficulties as time elapses. This may be because of the continued motion, the decrease of body temperature and resultant increase of metabolism. 3) Before carrying out the long distance swimming, every swimmer's body composition must be examined. Especially for the swimmers with lower body fat percentage, the instructor should observe carefully their responses. It must be noted that wearing the wet suit, which does not fit well the swimmer's physique, is not necessarily effective for the purpose of keeping the body temperature. 4) Human reaction is remarkably influenced by not only the water temperature but also velocity and direction of the tidal current. Therefore, before making decision whether or not carry out long distance swimming, the instructor should investigate sufficiently those sea environment conditions.
鈴木 省三
仙台大学紀要 (ISSN:03893073)
vol.20, pp.37-44, 1988-10

The heart rate of 7bobsleigh players were measured during the official training runs on the OWANI super slider course. It is physiological and/or psychological stress factors and the characteristics of super slider were examined. The results werse summarised as follows: 1) During the super slider run the heart rate does not increase at lower speed of 20km/h speed, but the heart rate at maximum speed (60km/h) increases as high as during the normal bobsleigh run. 2) The Anticipatory heart rate of driver during the super slider run was 139 beats/min. It was same as the bobsleigh run. 3) Percent heart rate during the super slider run was 68±9%. It was lower level than during the bobsleigh run. 4) The above research data shows that the super slider training is preferable instead of the bobsleigh training.
鈴木 省三 佐藤 佑
仙台大学紀要 (ISSN:03893073)
vol.18, pp.39-48, 1986-10

The heart rate of 5 bobsleigh players were measured during 7 races of Teine bob course. Heart rate, plasma catecholamines and white blood cell of 7 bobsleigh players were determined morning, pre-, post-exercise and evening. The results were summarised as follows: 1) The fine technique and high degree of muscle coordination of pilots were influenced by the anticipatory heart rate. The best anticipatory heart rate of pilots would like to be from 125 beats/min to 140 beats/min. 2) Plasma adrenaline increase of 5 times as much as the normal value was found in the pilot group after bobsleigh race. Seven bobsleigh players increased plasma noradrenaline just before the competition. 3) In Teine course, the mental stress of pilots was higher than the brakers and the physiological stress of brakers was lower than the foreign bob courses and Sapporo Olympic Winter Games.
丸山 富雄
仙台大学紀要 (ISSN:03893073)
vol.16, pp.19-27, 1984-10

The purpose of this study was to clarify a mechanism of sport participation of preschool children. Three items composed of parents' social achieved status, parents' interest in sport and parents' educational eagerness were investigated. Data were collected from 271 parents whose children attended kindergarten at Tokyo (sport-school participants 129, non-participants 142). As the results, participants' group was higher than non-participants' at all three items. Thus, it seems that sport participation of preschool children is influenced by both parents' interest in sport and parents' educational eagerness, associated with parents' socio-economic background. At the same time, mother's role as a general socializing agent was closed up. In future, a longitudinal study including the details of parents' interest in their children in sport may be necessary.
丸山 富雄
仙台大学紀要 (ISSN:03893073)
vol.14, pp.121-132, 1982-10

The purpose of this study was to investigate the regional tendency of preschool children's participation in sport-school through parents influence variables. For this purpose, (i) parents' interest in sport, (ii) the rate of sport-school participation of preschool children, and (iii) parents' educational eagerness, were measured. The survey was conducted by questionnaire method to parents (father 589, mother 593) of three kindergartens at Tokyo (Akabane) , Saitama (Omiya) , Miyagi (Sendai). The results were as follows: (1) The degrees of sport-school participation of children and their parents' educational investment were higher in proportion to its region size. (2) The parents' interest in sport was not explained by the regional differences except for cognitive involvement in sport. (3) Between both sexes, there were significant differences at all items except for affective involvement. From the above results, it seems that sport participation of preschool children was more related to the degree of the parents' (especially mother's) educational eagerness than that of their interest in sport.
宍戸 勇
仙台大学紀要 (ISSN:03893073)
vol.10, pp.15-21, 1978-10

1. 1978年5月25日,宮城県亘理郡山元町字花釜地内の砂浜で,潮間帯生物の採集をおこなった。2. 採集には2種類の方形枠(20cm×20cm, 10cm×10cm)を用いたが,方形枠の違いによる採集個体数の密度には,有意差はなかった。3. 出現した種類は,シキシマフクロアミA. kokuboi,ヒメスナホリムシE. japonica,とヒゲナガハマトビムシT. britoの3種類であった。4. シキシマフクロアミは低潮帯のもっとも汀線に近い地点にのみ分布し,ヒゲナガハマトビムシは高潮帯に分布していた。ヒメスナホリムシは低潮帯から高潮帯にかけて広く分布するが,中潮帯でもっとも分布密度が大きかった。5. 20cm×20cm方形枠で得られたヒメスナホリムシの標本について,出現個体数から1δ-指標にもとずいて分布様式を調べると,潮間帯全域では中潮帯に偏よる集中分布の型を示した。潮間帯の高低別にみると,中潮帯および高潮帯では機会的分布を示した。6. 中潮帯の深度別採集の結果,ヒメスナホリムシは表層から5cmまでの深さに高密度に分布し, 5cm以深にはほとんど分布しないことがわかった。7. ヒメスナホリムシの多く分布する中潮帯では,粒度250μ〜500μの砂粒の占める割合が60%を越える。
鈴木 省三
仙台大学紀要 (ISSN:03893073)
vol.24, pp.51-62, 1993-03

To investigate the influence of carefully defined increase in total training volume on performance, CPK and plasma hormone concentrations in experienced Bobsleighers during 6-weeks of training. Six subjects (four Bobsleighers and two control groups) participated in this study. During 6-weeks of training, Bobsleighers plasma testosterone, cortisol, serum SHBG, CPK and control test were monitored and results obtained in each case. The following results were obtained to design training program for Bobsleighers. 1) CRS was good index for control of training intensity, volume and frequency. 2) Serum CPK was changed to react to training volume rather than training intensity. 3) Secretion of plasma testosterone, cortisol and serum free testosterone varied with amount of physiological and/or psychological stress. 4) Practical experience with the plasma testosterone/SHBG ratio revealed that the tests are very useful not only to monitor training program but also to monitor the volume of training. 5) During the Reduced training periods, repeated and selected plasma hormone analyses seem to be needed to evaluate more thoroughly the actual trainability status of an individual athlete. The practical results obtained with these tests suggest that training monitored in this way can lead to better training program and results.
中川 功哉
仙台大学紀要 (ISSN:03893073)
vol.2, pp.89-95, 1970-07
