山角 博
千葉医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00093459)
vol.45, no.3, pp.423-440, 1969

竹内 竜雄
千葉医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00093459)
vol.45, no.5, pp.584-588, 1970-03

神経症〜境界例レベルの離人症患者15名を対象としてロールシャッハ・テストを行なった。形式分析では反応領域でDm%が高いこと,内向的体験型が大部分を占めていること,運動反応中mの割合が高いこと,形態水準が低いこと,FCに比べCF+Cが多いことなどが特徴的であった。内容分析では主題分析で口愛期的傾向,超自我葛藤および同一化葛藤がめだち,Barrier ScoreとPenetration Scoreでは後者が著しく多く,防衛解釈では分離退行,知性化および合理化の機制がめだった。以上を検討した結果,離人症の精神力動の特徴として,強い口愛期的依存傾向,併存する懲罰的超自我,同一化葛藤および自我分裂,これらをめぐって対象関係の発達の障害に基づく知覚と認識の機能の病態化,ことにその基盤であるself-feelingの不安定さなどが認められ,これらの基本的な精神病理が離人症の症状形成をなしている経緯が明らかとなった。
横川 宗雄 吉村 裕之 金田 丞亮 鈴木 太郎 高相 豊太郎 吉田 貞利 門馬 良吉 酒井 章 寺畑 嘉朔 田崎 喜昭
千葉医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00093459)
vol.38, no.6, pp.516-522, 1963-03-28

The first case ; Male, 26 years old, employee. Shimizu city, Shizuoka prefecture. Chief complaints : stomachache, nausea, anorexia and slight fever since a few years ago. The general condition was rather good. The results of examinations of both urine and blood were almost normal. No helminth ova were found, but occult blood was positive in the fecal examination. Gastrectomy was carried out under the diagnosis of gastric ulcer. A cherry-sized and localized tumor was found at Pylorus of the stomach. Eosinophilic abscess surrounded with eosinophilic granulation in submucosa of the stomach, and two or three transverse sections of the parasite in the center of this abscess were observed histophathologically. The worm sections were examined morphologically. From the morphological characters of the cuticular spines, intestine and the other organs of this parasite, it was identified as the larva of 4-5 mm in length of Gnathostoma spinigerum Owen, 1836. The second case ; Male, 31 years old, employee. Kanazawa city, Ishikawa prefecture. The occult blood of gastric juice and feees were strong positive, but the results of examinetions of urine and pepipheral blood were normal and no helminth ova were found in feces. Gastrectomy was carried out under the diagnosis of gastric ulcer, like as the first case. A grapesized tumor was found in the ventral site of the greater curvature of the stomach. Histopathological finding was eosinophilic granulation with two transverse sections of the worm. Morphological observations of the cuticule, oesophagus, lateral lines, intestine on the transverse sections of the worm were carried out, and the worm was identified as the immature worm of 30〜35 mm in length of Ascaris lumbricoides.
太田 広三郎
千葉医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00093459)
vol.35, no.4, pp.1659-1669, 1959-11

The author investigated the clinical acts of young delinquents in Chiba Tuvenile Classification Centre from 1951 to 1955, and diagnosed them psychiatrically, and observed the corelations between their character and their environments. The results were; 1) The delinquents who were taken into the Chiba Tuvenile Classification Centre were at the maximum of their number in 1951, then generally decreased. But in 1954, they in creased temporarily because of the prevalence of "wake amine addict". 2) The accomodators became older and their delinquencies could not be distinguished from thoss of adults. 3) Despite the lacenies decreased gradually, the rudeness, the racy and the alcoholism increased. 4) The most of the accomodaters were the mental weakness, the character derrangemehts and the psychopaths in 1951-the post war confusing age. But in 1955, they became lesser. 5) The results of their intelligence quotience test were bad generally. 6) The almost of the girl delinquents were infected by veneral diseases. 7) The influences of "Brocken-home" to the delanquencies were much greater in 1955.
藤倉 静男
千葉医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00093459)
vol.27, no.2, pp.79-87, 1951-12

The author isolated B. beriberi of Matsumura from feces of many patients, who were suffering from beriberi. For the purpose of diagnosis of beriberi, he applied intracutaneous injection of the vaccine, which was made with the typical strain of B. beriberi of Matsumura. It reacted positive upon the majority of beriberi patients, but almost negative upon persons in good health. Furthermore the author found the therapeutic effects of vaccine upon patients of beriberi who were ill several years in spite of much vitamin B1 injection. Further he studied on effects of B. beriberi vaccine using pigeons and he observed therapeutic and preventive effects of the vaccine against polyneuritis of pigeons. The vaccine of B. coli communis had also analogous effects upon neuritis of pigeons, but its effects were far weaker than those of the vaccine of B. beriberi.
高橋 安雄
千葉医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00093459)
vol.29, no.4, pp.343-360, 1953-11-28

Chikazono-village in Nasu-district of Tochigi-prefecture is a pure rural village with 812 houses and 5316 inhabitants (census 1950). Over 70 27777656000f the houses were equipped with Koseisho'privies in 1941-1942. At that time 41 27777670260f the villagers held eggs of parasites (ascaris 30.4 %, ancylostoma 10.8 %). But in recent years, only 17〜18 15332264103f the villagers hold eggs of ascaris and a few ancylostoma. Pupils of elementary and middle schools near the village hold ascaris at the rate of 50〜70 %, whereas the pupils of this village hold the eggs at the rate of only 17〜24 %.0 From this fact it is presumed that the reformed privy is extremely effective for prevention of parasitic worms. Showing the holding rate of ascaris-eggs low, it is a remarkable fact that the eggs are mostly not fertilized. In a microscopic examination of feces, it was found that 32 in 42 pupils of A-class, 6th grade of the elementary school of this village held eggs of ascaris. Pursuing the cause of the sudden rise of the holding rate of ascaris-eggs, the author found out that it was due to a mass-infection during a day-trip of the class. Next the author selected 12 persons and subjected them to the experiment of the infection with ascaris-eggs (50〜200). The ascaris-eggs used in the experiment are as follows. For 1stgroup of subjects : ascaris-eggs separated frme the feces of one of the pupils m ass-infected by the day-trip. For 2nd group : eggs separated from a man holding the eggs for a long time in the village. For 3rd group : eggs of pig-ascaris. On the 2nd group the symptoms are most serious, on 1st group comparatively slighter and on 3rd group slightest. The main feature in symptoms is cough, which is paroximal with difficulty of breathing as asthma, but not attended with sputa. The persons, whose symptoms were serious, had high fever, but the fever lasted only 3 or 4 days and not as long as usual with pneumonia and penicillin was not effective to the fever. The period from the infection to excretion eggs was 65〜7Through the treatment, on each subject of the 2 former groups 30〜92 worms were got out, but on the examples infected with pig-ascaris-eggs, 1 in 3 men got out only one worm.
川本 勉
千葉医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00093459)
vol.31, no.4, 1955-11

嶋田 博
千葉医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00093459)
vol.31, no.5, pp.621-628, 1956-01

Part I. The left lung of matured rabbits are extirpated, and the residual right lung are histopathologically examined at the first to nineteenth week revealing the following results: In the early stage, physiological emphysema and engorgement appear predominant in the morphologic picture of the residual lungs, however, after the nineth week engorgement becomes gradually go away and develop into proliferation of elastic, argyrophile and collagen fibre in some of the alveolar septa. In the cases killed after the twelfth week new growth rather than dilatation of alveolum is markedly observed. The other group of the rabbits thus (left side, totally) pneumonektomized are also given intravenously by a saline solution suspended with one mg of tubercle bacilli (high virulent, human type) per one cc and one kg body weight in dose from immediately after this operation to the twelfth week. The animals are killed four weeks after this single injection. Histopathological examination reveals that there are rather few tuberculous lesions in the residual lung and spleen, but often plenty in liver. Part II. The rabbits are killed four to twenty weeks after splenectomy and autopsied. In this series liver cells often appear swollen and lucid like vegetable cells, and lymphocytic infiltration and duplication of bile ducts of mild grade is also proved in the Glisson's sheath. Beyond the auther's expection, however, the Kupffer's stellate cells never show hypertrophy or proliferation but even regressive degressive degeneration in some cases. The rabbits get a single, intravenous injection of a solution suspended with the same dose oftubercle bacilli three days to twelve weeks after splenectomy and then four weeks later they are killed. In this series the tuberculous lesions in liver show more marked than those in lungs, or on the contrary there are not so much the specific tuberculous lesions in liver although duplication of bile ducts and infiltration of lymphocytes is so prominent. Part III The rabbits are killed at the different stby only the remained part, and also develop the morphologic and functionologic changes in the other certain organs.
西堀 乙彦
千葉医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00093459)
vol.29, no.1, pp.15-21, 1953-05-28

酒井 一夫
千葉医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00093459)
vol.33, no.3, pp.548-554, 1957-09

1) Malignant Tumors arising in the Lymphatic Tissue of the Tonsil and Nasopharynx There were no differences in radiosensitivity and prognosis of malignant tumors arising in the lymphoid tissue due to the differences in the anatomical sites in which the tumors occurred. A larger percentage of reticulosarcoma of syncytial type developed in the nasopharynx. 2) The Radiosensitivity and Prognosis of Tumors in Relation to their Histopathological Classification. Reticulosarcomas of syncytial type (undifferentiated types) were less radiosensitive, and their prognosis was worse than that of reticular type (differentiated type). Lymphosarcomas were more radiosensitive, and their prognosis was better than that of reticulosarcomas. 3) Tumor cells which divide themselves into larger numbers of daughter cells in mitosis were less radiosensitive than those which divide themselves into smaller numbers of daughter cells.
酒井 一夫
千葉医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00093459)
vol.33, no.3, pp.543-547, 1957-09

Roentgen diagnosis has been applied to cancer of the larynx for many years, but it has not become a routine procedure with all laryngologisits. For the diagnosis in cancer of the larynx, laryngoscopy is used, but there are regions of the larynx which are difficult to see by laryngoscopy, especially sub-glottic area. In such cases Roentgen examination may show good information about the endo-larynx. Since 1954 I have tried some radiographical methods in cancer of the larynx. This method should be used Tomography in frontal plane with lateral radiography. I believe that radiographical diagnosis in cancer of the larynx is a valuable method, but it should always be associated with laryngoscopy.
七辺 一三
千葉医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00093459)
vol.48, no.3, pp.141-147, 1972

1. 正常人の四肢に振動刺激を加えて得られる緊張性振動反射(Tonic vibration reflex, TVR)は,上位運動ニューロン障害,パーキンソニズム,小脳疾患の患者からはほとんど得ることはできなかった。TVRは主として筋紡錘の興奮によって生ずる。筋伸展に敏感で,容易に導出可能と考えられる痙縮筋,固縮筋にTVRを実際には見出し得ないということは,この反射が小脳,大脳基底核など上位中枢を含む多シナプス回路の影響を受けるためと思われる。2. 振動刺激を痙縮筋に加えると,しばしば随意収縮力が増加する。片麻痺患者における運動障害は上位中枢の器質的変化だけでなく,機能的抑制に由来するものと考えられる。3. 前腕伸筋に振動刺激を加えながら書字試験を行なうと,診断上興味ある現象を呈する。パーキンソニズムと同じく,小脳疾患々者においても小字症が現われ,眼を閉じると小字症は一層著明になる。この現象はgamma系の興奮によるものであろう。
仙波 恒雄 萩原 弥四郎 中村 征一郎 吉川 武彦 大塚 明彦
千葉医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00093459)
vol.45, no.2, pp.277-283, 1969

萩原 弥四郎 戸井 道夫 伯野 中彦 石原 真 伊藤 賢章 浦野 俊雄
千葉医学会雑誌 (ISSN:00093459)
vol.41, no.4, pp.384-397, 1965-11-28

Surface circulation of the body in cats and human materials was measured by a thermoelectric element. The element type is unique in that it uses a thermopile instead of a double thermocouple. The skin blood flow at the capillary level was measured with this element, uninterfered with the muscle blood flow and arteriovenous shunt in the precapillary region. 1) The blood flow of skin, in the resting stage, shows a slight undulation which is mostly independent of systemic blood pressure change. However, in some cases, the skin blood flow decreases when systemic blood pressure markedly falls. 2) The skin blood flow decreases after local intra-arterial injection or intravenous administration of epinephrine and norepinephrine. The blood flow decreasing action of epinephrine is diminished with pretreatment of phentolamine (regitine) and enhanced with dichloroisoproterenol (DCI). The action of norepinephrine is blocked with phentolamine but not influenced by DCI. 3) Constriction of blood vessels in the skin is probably due to adrenergic (α-type) control, while dilatation seemed only slightly adrenergic (β-type) and parasympathetic influenced, some secondary effects such as metabolic factors being possibly concerned. 4) In some experiments on the- human being, mental work immediately decreases the skin blood flow in many cases. 5) The following points were discussed in the present paper : merits and demerits of this method, factors which influence the blood flow change, method of setting the element on the skin, standard to calculate the blood flow value, influence of clamping the inflow vessel, mechanism of constriction and dilation of skin blood vessel, psychic influence on the skin blood flow and application of this method in clinical use.